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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. bsg i hope Lunacy will have a damn love scene for their anny. that would be hot. please iic make it happen already.

    SERIOUSLY! I'm totally with you. Aw, I just watched the clips from this week. Man, JE knows how to bring in. When she caught herself as she told Luke he could move back in....broke my heart. We need some serious Luke groveling/Lunacy lovin. I hope he remembers her b-day this year. :)

    TL: Where are you, Mama?! I haven't seen you in forever! I hope everything is ok!

  2. I doubt Tracy's going to be killed off - I doubt she even flatlines. Wouldn't mind if she did though, so remos's scenario could happen.

    From SoapDish, so grain of salt and all that...

    Lots of John Ingle in the next two months and before anyone asks no Edward isn't being killed off.

    Monica will be seen a couple times in rehab but the remainder of the Q's, Tracy will have more airtime.

    Me: How sad that the remainder of the Q's (outside Edward and Monica) includes just one person? That said, I'll be happy if her airtime does increase.

    Hi missjane! Miss ya!

    What's the spoiler for Tracy on the 2nd? I forgot. :huh:

    Thanks for the scoop, Ms. Q. I have to say I've been loving everyone's speculative storylines from remos' Tracy flat lines and Luke rescues her to Lainey's Luke chooses to save Tracy over EWCBO when the Haunted Star goes down (I especially liked the thought of LuNacy having a big splashy re-commitment ceremony, wouldn't it be nice for EWCBO to walk in on that. Luke loves Tracy. They're not getting married, they've been married for 3 years. :P) If only you guys wrote for the show!! ;)

  3. *waves wildly to remos

    Thanks for the spoilers, remos!


    Guess who finally got her computer back from when it was taken away in November. The people at my school fear (and respect) me, I'm writing a play, and slowly but surely turning all of my friends into Tracy-fans! Life is good.

    Welcome back, angel2devil!

  4. ***Gasp!***

    Where does this come from?!? Is it reliable? (Comcast spoilers or Canadian TV Guide or something like that?)

    I was really hoping for a love scene tomorrow. Cr@p!

    I hope that means Luke has to work for it. Come on GH!!!! We need some LuNacy lovin!!!!

  5. Im planning on posting some more Tracy clips tonight, and I'll look and see if I have the clips you all have requested! Im also working on editing JE's Law and Order episodes and Im going to post them over on YT either tonight or tomorrow hopefully.


    Yay, Addie! You rock! Can't wait to see the clips! :)

  6. Hello all.

    Thanks for the link to the spoiler pictures. Am still waiting 'til Tracy ends up in the hospital one day - haha. Any chance Monica will be getting Tracy as a visitor? Maybe Tracy can blackmail her way into the mansion before coming through for Monica in a big way? Maybe, maybe, maybe...

    hooked, where are you going?!

    bsg, I feel like we haven't "seen" each other in forever!!!

    Timeless and funny, keep on writing. I realize I have been so HORRIBLE at keeping up and commenting, etc, but you two are both very talented.

    Yay for the HS reopening, but is it just me, or do we never know when it closes? It's opened, then closed, opened, then re-opened... Oy!!! Tracy better be involved, and she better get a nice gown. Nothing frumpy. Or frilly. I'm not too picky now, am I?

    Ms. Q! I know!!!! Miss you! Hope teaching is going well and your students aren't driving you too crazy.

  7. Some JE quotes in this article on GH's lame ass 45th...

    GH Celebrates it's 45th Anniversary

    By DERRIK J. LANG, AP Entertainment Writer 57 minutes ago

    It's been 45 years since "General Hospital" began dispensing heavy doses of drama to TV viewers.

    Since 1963, ABC's longest-running daytime series has documented the trials and tribulations of Port Charles' citizens, carving an unprecedented television niche with intrigue and illness — long before "ER," "House" and "Grey's Anatomy" graduated from medical school.

    "You don't get to 45 years just because you're lucky," executive producer Jill Farren Phelps told The Associated Press as the cast and crew celebrated GH's April 1 birthday with punch and cake on the show's hospital set at ABC's Prospect Studios.

    Leslie Charleson and Jane Elliot reminisced about playing feuding sisters-in-law Monica and Tracy Quartermaine for over 30 years. Since arriving in 1977, Charleson's cardiologist character has given up a child for adoption, become a hit woman, been held hostage and battled breast cancer.

    The actresses agree their characters have been through it all — usually more than once.

    "We have such history," Elliot said. "We have births, deaths, marriages, divorces, birthdays, birthdays and birthdays that we've shared. When we look at each other on camera, you sometimes can't tell if Monica and Tracy are responding to each other or if Jane and Leslie are responding to each other. It's not the characters but the history that's there."

    "The two of us had a fight scene the other day, and there was a gentleman who was there to serve us papers," said Charleson, who's been on the show continuously for 31 years. "He informed us as we were standing there that he had done exactly the same thing 17 years ago to the two of us. You don't get a history like that anywhere else."

    The article goes on...

    If anyone cares...Dylan Cash's contract is not being renewed and Michael will be injured and sent off screen. He is the male character who is getting off! Yay! It is not Edward!

    Awwwww! Thanks for sharing, hooked!

    Greetings from Utah! I'm on business. I gotta get a postcard and put some LuNacy love in the mail. ;)

    I miss all my late-night, mamas! Hope to chat with you guys soon!

  8. Finally, SD has something for us...


    Do you have anything at all for Tracy or should I just hang it up seeing her onscreen anymore for the next few weeks?

    Ok this is the last one. You guys always pull me back in.

    Claudia goes to see Luke. She knows a lot about him. Wants him to spill what he knows about Sonny for her. He declines. She is trying to flirt with Luke to get her way and Tracy arrives, starts bitching her out and calling her names and then tells Luke he will not have her cheat on her. Very funny stuff.

    Also Monica and Tracy forge a truce. Monica tells Tracy to move back in. Tracy offers her help and support.

    YAY! I CAN'T WAIT. Hope we can some LuNacy makeup smooching! ;)

  9. Since this has made it to soapdish, I guess I can repost here...

    Chat Up that was here yesterday and said that ABC had hired a new writer from the British soap Coronation Street to work at one of the ABC shows -- she was still trying to find out which one, and we are all thinking it may be as a co-HW for Guza because the other writers on AMC and OLTL are pretty new. Coronation Street supposedly focuses on families, romance and longer story arcs.

    Wouldn't that be good news...families, romance, longer story arcs vs. all mob all the time and the centering a show around four characters! Pray this is for GH!!!

    That would be great! I hope the new writer loves Tracy and the Qs as much as we do! :D

    How are the taxes going, hooked? I should totally start doing ours. Ugh. We always wait until the last minute.

  10. *waves to LadyA and hooked*

    Good afternoon all!

    Go check out Jane Elliot Online; it's being upgraded.


    Cool! Thanks for the link, Ms. Q! Hope you're doing well and that we can catch up soon! We keep missing each other in the BR.

    Thanks Ms. Q for the info on JE online. We should really post there more often!

    Soccer drama today--7 year old teams...our team getting creamed. Other team saying to our players "you suck". Coaches and parents on their team do NOTHING!!! Their kids were stepping on our kids shoes on the back to make them miss the ball. OY!!!! Our high school aged coach went and reported them to the league.

    People never cease to amaze me!

    Boo! That's horrible. Seriously, who are these kids parents?!

  11. Bumpnig the thread this morning. Still coughing, but slept all night last night. A little sleep can do wonders!

    Off to soccer game...check back later.

    Between me being sick and you being sick, I feel like we haven't chatted in FOREVER! Feel better, hooked! Hope to catch you later!

  12. *waves to everyone*

    Are you feeling better, hooked?

    Is it EVER going to end? I am just soooooo sick of it already. Spare me already with the freakin nonsense. I don't need to see that freakin house again. I'm sure since Luke's scene takes place in the house, there will be several pics I'd like to break in view. ugghhh! Since our girl isn't on tomorrow, I don't know if I am going to watch. oh wait I forgot, I am working tomorrow afternoon. Maybe there will be a rerun of Project Runway on I could watch instead. I guess if Lulu 'fesses up to what she knows, he'll be on the run again soon, in time for his next vacay perhaps.

    LOL. I was just going to respond a nice long rant to hooked's original post about EWCBO. Then I saw that TL said eveything I wanted to say already (of course! ;))

    File the who killed Rick Webber under the "pointless storylines that GH writers occasionally remember and for some stupid reason think that viewers care about." Note to writers: we don't care. This is a story you could drop and NO ONE would complain. Seriously, who the freak cares who killed Rick Webber? That story has been rewritten so many times. No one cared the first time. She's (and ya'll know who I'm talking about when I say "she") is not coming back. Leave dead stories about dead characters DEAD.

    Thank you.

  13. I have a horrible burning cough in my chest...strange cause I am not congested at all....

    Awww. Hope you feel better, hooked! I'm sorry I missed you guys in the BR last night. Hope to catch you tonight!

    GEE Thanks I get left out again and I get no response from my PM's I sent you...i feel like im not in the "in" crowd just cuz i came to college and had my BR rights taken away which sucks so much. I gotta go get it figured out in between papers and work. I promise i will eventually. I miss ya'll desperately and I feel so lost and left out.

    hey a&m! I hope school is going well!! We miss you!

    This is my first post in this thread and i have a few reasons for it, lol.

    1. I love you all. I know i have never discussed anything with you but i love reading this thread all night long when i am at work, and you all seem like amaziong people, and i love the respect you all have to other posters.

    2. Jane Elliot's new hair is FIERCE. and i love it. it makes me love her - and tracy even more.

    3. I am watching 80's/90's youtube stuff of GH and am in love with tracy

    4. i have a question - who is dillion's dad and what was that storyline?

    5. my boyfriends dad use to take pictures of stars in the 80's and has an amazing picture of JE. I am trying to talk him into letting me scan it and share with you all. I hope he says yes, but i dont know.

    hi JackPeyton! Welcome to the lovefest! Glad you posted. We do have a good time here, so don't be a stranger! :D

  14. Evening, all..

    We've had a crazy Sunday here, but now the kids are in bed and I'm on my second very large glass of wine. Seems nothing here is different:

    - still complaining about the hair

    - still complaining about that black jacket

    - still complaining about the lack of spoilers

    - still complaining about the lack of LuNacy

    - still assuming Jane plays on whichever 'team' we're on

    - still awaiting Lainey's fic

    Did I miss anything? :P

    LOL. That pretty much sums it up, remos.

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