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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. Hope you're having a fabulous time in the city so far, hooked! The board quiet without you!

    Luke takes care of Tracy, while a storm rages outside. They’re not alone, though, because they’re trapped with Scott. Strange, compelling bedfellows.

    Luke says wonderful, honest, loving things to Tracy, things he wouldn’t normally say under any other circumstance.

    Sigh...so excited for next week. Go LuNacy!

    Can't wait for tomorrow TL and hooked!

  2. From SZ: Luke is on the cover of Soaps in Depth.

    Half of Daytime's most legendary couple may be history! When a Heart Attack fells Luke will he live long enough to reunite w/Laura?

    Um, isn't half of LnL already history? Mwahahhhahaha. And I hope she stays that way. :D

  3. Hooked and BSG, just 6 more days! :) Don't forget the brownies. heehee.

    CAN'T WAIT! And don't worry, I'll come armed with treats! Otherwise how would you know it's me? :D

    Also, per Canadian TV Guide and Neville of SZ:

    Lindze Letherman has been fired; Georgie is being killed off.


    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I would be so sad if that is true.

    Oh wait! I just now come up with a comeback.

    Sister: They have the most awkward sex.

    Me: Well, at least they're having sex. What's your JaSam doing? :P:ph34r:

    Oh, snap! :lol:

    About the spoiler:

    NOOOOO! THEY CAN NOT KILL OF GEORGIE! I guess the spoiler was right. G-Spin will be short lived. Oh my goodness. I can not handle this. So that is what I get of my g-spin addiction? A declaration of love before DEATH? Spinelli will be more messed up than he already is. I am depressed. He is taking stupid Nadine to the ball.

    Today: On a happy note. Hooray for Lunacy! In today's epi, Ric said (I can not remember how it was worded. wicked paraphrasing) that Luke was only prominent in the community because he is married to a Quartermaine. TRACY! Its about time her awesomeness was realized. lol. Also, Skye was choosing between Luke and Ric to partner with for the Evil Al Trading Port thing. Ric asked her to the ball, so it looks like it will be him. That gets her out of Lunacy's way, and I think they would make a really good couple. I am excited to see where that goes. Lastly, Luke almost told Logan what he found on him but Lulu interrupted. So that is definately coming.

    I am confident that the heart attack\love-pouring will be awesome. Overly-confident, possibly, but this is going to be worth the wait. I can feel it.

    I'm with you Colette. So looking forward to the heart-to-heart talk. And I'm happy that they are pairing Skye and Ric. I think they could make a good couple and it's good to keep her from Tracy's man. B)

  4. An insider from soapdish posted this (ABSS Ms Q) I like the sound of it! :)

    Couples who will come out stronger at the end of sweeps:

    Tracy and Luke

    Luke and Tracy will be declaring their deep love for each other, so there's one happy couple.

    Luke/Tracy have some very nice scenes together

    YAY! How long have we been waiting for this?! So excited.


    bsg, ya dig?

    WOOOT! So excited. And so proud of our boys!

    The cabs are supposed to have the TVs and the credit card machines.. but not all of them do. Only 'yahoos' try to use cards. Pay cash. From LGA to East Side will cost about $25.ish, give or take.

    Totally agree with Lainey. The cabs are supposed to have the credit card machines, but the drivers will tell you that they are broken (even if they aren't) because there is a service charge that cuts into their cut. Better to just have the cash rather than be stranded.

  5. *waves to Colette!!!!* What a game last night. Go Sox!!

    TL/BSG-One week from today I am heading North! :)

    Yay! Can't wait! I miss you guys! I've been traveling on business and my supposedly wi-fi enabled room wouldn't let me connect and the stupid business center computers wouldn't let me get into the BR. Grrr. Hope to be back online more next week.

  6. bsg, we totally RULED last night. The Red Sox are gonna do it!

    GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome last night. It was scary though--such a close game for a long time. Thank goodness for that 6 run 8th inning. Whew. I'm glad the series doesn't start until Wednesday, I need a few days rest!

    I remember a few when I was little. I didn't know what was really going on so I had fun when we had to evacuate to the basement. My family was all there b/c my mom was pregers (don't know if anyone's ever heard that before. she was pregnant) with my sister. My aunts and uncles were all over and I think my cousins from Jersey were here too. Then one a few years later I was stting at my grandma's window watching the storm outside, but the tornado itself was far enough away from us. I have had way too much fun in all kinds of storm, I feel horrible when other people suffer so much with all this and I have a high ol' time. But like I said, thereisn't too much desruction from them here.

    I remember a couple CT tornadoes when I was a kid. It was so eery because we got them so rarely. I remember one when I was really little that took down a tree in my great aunt's yard. When I was in Oklahoma on business earlier this year, they were under a tornado warning like the entire time I was there. Of course, I was freaked out and everyone else was like, "Oh, this is nothing."

    welcome back, hooked!

    Love the new banner, TL! :D

  7. but does anyone my age or with kids in their 20's remember the show Zoobalee Zoo?

    Zoobalee Zoo. Zoobalee Zoo. Magic and wonder are waiting for you...

    Totally remember that show. Was it on CPTV? I can't imagine my parents letting me watch it otherwise. Some of the characters were kind of freaky looking, but overall I remember enjoying watching it. Speaking of Zoobalee Zoo and other things I watched in my childhood...you can add GH to that (kind of funny since my mom wouldn't let me watch any of the cartoons of my generation, but I did watch Days, Another World and GH with her. She was more into Days and GH during most of the 80s. Anywhoo, that's when I first became a Tracy fan...even as a kid I thought she was awesome. I was also a big fan of Bobbie and the whole brownstone crew, in case you haven't guessed. :D My mom's interest in GH waned in the early 90s. I watched it a bit in the mid-90s and then as many of you know, I put myself on a self-imposed exile because of my frustration at a certain Mr. Corinthos hogging all the screen time. I've been back watching since Luke came back to Tracy in January (I was randomly home sick the day that he came back after going off the deep end post EWCBO relapse and Tracy hooked me in all over again).

    bsg, I saw that you were the last post and shouted, "BSG!!!" My sister, who was in the room, was all "Who?" And I was like, "It's BSG from the LoveFest!! I don't remember the last time she posted!"

    LOL! I miss you guys! Everything has just been crazy busy for me lately. I hope to be around more often next week. I have to say I've been loving LuNacy now that Luke is back. Awwwwwwwwwww.

    Colette: I am SO EXCITED for the game tonight. Go Sox!

  8. okay guys...don't know who this person is on soapdish, but some good news for us if it is true...


    will grow closer.

    LOVE IT!! Woooot! Maybe we will get that dance scene. :D

    Anthony Zacchara will find himself enamored by Lulu because she has similar characteristics to his wife. (my comment: gag me..can anyone else LOVE lulu???)

    I'm feeling a little queasy. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That is so nasty.

    Couples who will come together as a result of sweeps are Skye/Ric and Georgie/Spin. The latter will be short-lived.

    YES! Hands off Luke,

    Skye! Get your own man.


    I've been rooting for


    . I hope the whole

    The latter will be short-lived.

    doesn't mean that

    Georgie is not long for this world.


  9. TL--think that it means he will have some scenes with her alone all three days. Guess he will find out about Alan on Wednesday. But he goes to Sonny and Max--which means that might be the start of the mob deal. Sorry I missed you last night, I guess you were still up late!

    I am so late for the soccer game. Gotta run...I am just grateful we will hopefully get them or Tracy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If that is true!

    Sorry I missed you guys last night. I was up, but I didn't see anyone around and by 1:00 I was a total zombie. Hope to catch ya'll soon.

    hooked: I hope the rest of the weekend wedding extravaganza goes well. This is the fancy black tie wedding, right?

    nex: I forgot to thank you for posting the clips yesterday. Thanks so much!

    Colette: Go Sox! Hope tonight's game is like last night's. :)

    Wait, wait, wait...3 days of Tracy next week?! (*bsg faints*)

  10. hey ya'll! sorry I missed everyone last night, you must have had a rowdy part-ay in the breakroom after that episode. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it! This was classic LuNacy! This was what we were missing all summer.

    So many things to love! More kisses for TL's collection. Serious VLL with audible smooching. ;-) I loved how playful Luke and Tracy were with each other. Remember a few months back when we were still speculating, are they or aren't they? Well, it's pretty darn clear that they are and that Lukey was missing his wife all summer long as much as she was missing him. It was fun to see Papa jealous. B)

    I LOVED the Scott reveal. Too funny. Jane was really on. Her reactions and comedic timing couldn't have been better and I loved how she gave as good (if not better) than she got from Luke re: Lulu.

    On LuNacy cloud 9, sigh. :D

    PS. Loved the hair. The top could have been more flattering (then again, it could have been the turquoise monstrosity, so I am grateful for the small things).

  11. nex: you are the clips goddess! Thank you soooo much for posting them!

    RE: todays episode...

    I enjoyed the scenes with Alice and the Scott slap. Luke was giving Tracy a cute look at the end, but WTF, Ramon?! Ok, so Tracy and Luke have a nontraditional marriage and Ramon (and Luke for that matter) have been "out of town" or whatever. But seriously, I don't see Tracy as cheating on Luke. Nope. Don't see it. He's the freakin' love of her life, she went to jail for him. She went to the looney bin for him. She would not suck face with Ramon. Oy.

    TL/hooked are in the breakroom swaying my opinion about the kiss. LOL

    Saw this on soapzone this morning in their gossip section:

    Anthony Zacchara may just be kin to a major, established GH character. Wait, does that mean Lulu and Johnny are siblings?

    They don't mean Luke do they? Could it be a secret marriage to TQ after Gino--ha ha. That would be funny.


    Anthony Zacchara may be kin? Anthony is the dad right? So he's related to a GH character? What? Who? Does Edward have a mob brother or son? Does Mike have a secret brother?

    There's no follow up today though that's all we see of Luke.

    I didn't see the previews. Does anyone have a link to the preview?

  12. BSG, I have TMJ, too! It SUCKS. I have had it screwed up for a whole year, and it has never gone back. I have to have controlled yawns because my jaw will stick if I don't guide it right. <_<

    Oh, man, I'm sorry to hear that (you, too, remos)! :( We're in the BR talking about how TMJ is the syndrome of TQ fans everywhere. LOL. We figure Tracy probably has it too, from all those years of gritting her teeth at ELQ board meetings. :P

  13. bsg, what's a TMJ? What ever it is, I'm sorry that it's acting up. Luke's return is set for Wednesday. I don't think he's appearing until the end of the episode though. But apparently, Tracy will be having scenes with Logan, Alice, Alan, and Scott before that (if I am remembering correctly), so that's good.

    TMJ is a disorder (or syndrome, whatever) involving the temporomandibular joint. I developed mine from a car accident I was in back in high school. It was fairly dormant for awhile, but this past year has been a bit trying. But, hey, I know it could be a lot worse. :)

    *waves to hooked!* We missed ya! Breakroom?

  14. I for one don't care if and when he goes on vacations just why do they have to be soooooo long and can't they pre-tape some episodes like they do when Steve or Maurice go on vacation?? It does not seem fair. ;) As for him going away again during the holiday's I just want him to be there for Christmas and New Year's, I want Lacy celebrating together, is that too much to ask for?!?!?!? Let him disappear for a couple of weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas just as long as Luke gives Tracy a gift on Christmas and is there to kiss her at midnight on New Year's!

    I totally agree with you nex! Seriously...can't they just pre-tape some scenes. I mean, how many more random adventures can he have...

    I kinda wish the writers would have fun with his frequent absences...instead of being out of the country, he can be at Kelly's or in the shower, or Tracy: "Oh, sorry, Lulu, honey, you just missed him, he just left for the Haunted Star."

    Ms. Q: Sorry about your teeth troubles. :( I can totally relate. My stupid TMJ is acting up again.

    Colette: BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooooo! I've been singing Tessie all weekend. :)

    hooked: hope you had a FABULOUS time in Mexico! Did you bring me and TL back some margaritas?

    MinervaFan: Sorry you had such a bummer of a day at work. Hope that the rest of the week is better.

    remos: Happy Thanksgiving!

    So wait...I thought Luke was supposed to be back today...when does he actually return?

  15. I don't think Tony Geary will go vacation before Christmas/New Year, because he had a very long vacation in the summer (17 weeks), the whole January ( 4 weeks) and 2 weeks in the spring.

    He is working/on screen for 30 weeks a year and has 22 weeks off. So he has no vacation left for 2007. Let's hope that translate into lots of Tracy air time for the rest of the year!

    *waves to Lainey*

    Oh, I hope it's true that he won't take another vacay before year's end. Wow, can you imagine having his work schedule?

  16. Also from her News section:

    Alan is not Port Charles’ friendly, neighborhood ghost; he is Tracy’s conscience, and as such, he may very well spread out and comfort other loved ones he left behind when he died. This baffling sneak preview, as well as two others, was provided by head writer Bob Guza Jr. in Soap Opera Digest’s October 9th issue, under “GH’s Burning Questions.” Apparently Tracy’s conscience, in the form of the deceased Alan, will take on more qualities of Alan, and then may go off searching for Jason, Emily and Monica to “haunt.”

    ME: OK, now that makes a little more sense. I couldn't understand what Guza meant by Alan not being a ghost, but yet he will be haunting people. If "Alan" haunting people is really Tracy's concscience, then she has to be in all those scenes, right?

    ETA: Check out the Tracy Love going on in this thread on SC!

    If the link doesn't work, it's the thread about which vet would you like to see more of?


    Umm...I still kind of don't get it. If it means more scenes for Tracy, then ok...I hope it's done well (ha!) but seriously, what the heck? Are they making him not a ghost because they don't want to go all Passions supernatural or because it's eventually going to be revealed that Alan isn't actually dead?

    PS. If Tracy is really going to be involved in this story, she really is going to look like she's gone off her rocker if she starts seeking out Jason, Emily and Monica and being (gulp) nice to them.

  17. I'm all for that! Luke needs to be kicked down a few pegs. I am hoping that if Luke freaks on Lulu, and complains about Tracy, then she can defend her. Because I remember Tracy's last words to her at Jason's was something like "If you decide to come home, I promise you no one will say 'I told you so.'" I thought that was really sweet. I need more maternal Tracy!

    I loved that line, too! You can tell that Tracy sees a lot of herself in Lulu and she's trying to save her the life of heartache she's had.

    I would love to see Jealous!Luke, but as much as I want Tracy/Zucchini to interact, I don't want any romance there. I wouldn't mind them interacting based on her past relations to the mob, though. And if Luke interprets it all wrong...Well, then, that's his fault. :D

    Agreed...I don't want Tracy getting romantic with Zacchara, but it would be nice if they had a past and Papa Zaccahara showed interest, to remind Luke how good he has it! ;)

  18. We all know that when Luke is around TRacy has no life not involving him, but here is what I am hoping for... (and this is only in the event that they are not together nuch on screen) but nmaybe that can be how the whole Zacchara thing happens. Clearly they knew each other in the past so maybe with luke out of the picture so much it leaves an opening for Zacchara to try and get her. He won't succeed, of course, but he can make a very jealous Luke come back to his wife.

    I really hope that Tracy and big bad Zacchara had a romantic past back during her mob moll days. It would be nice to see Luke super jealous about Tracy for once!! :D

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