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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. Thanks for the clips, Nex!!! Can't wait to watch!

    I'm wondering how Lulu and Lucky are going to treat Tracy when Luke takes off. A few months ago I would have expected instant amnesia, now I'm not so sure.

    I think (and I hope) that they'll actually be sticking with Tracy. The know that she loves their father and that she's good for him. How many times has she saved his life? I hope we get lots of Trucky and Trulu bonding time. :D


    Let me be clear... I'm all for the threat of the divorce. I think it can bring thema great story to play, or at least a few days out of it. If they followed through with the divorce on the writing end I will throw the biggest sh-t fit the world has ever seen!! (not too worried about it though... haha!)

    I completely agree with Lainey that they should just have them causing some trouble. They are both at their best when they are involved in something like that so why not do it together. It can be a bonding thing... and hell of a lot of entertaining for me!!

    Hi guys! I'm with you knh...

    I will be MORE than p*$$ed if they actually go through with the divorce. But think about the fact that Tracy would threaten it...she feels secure enough in her relationship with Luke that she thinks that he would change his behavior to save their marriage. That's a good thing...right?

    I hope that good angst equals an even better make up. :)

  3. 6z4rujm.jpg

    Let me see if this works. Just saw this on SD


    Cool, I learned something new today. Looky want I dun do!!!

    So cute! JE looks great. TG looks like he has a sunburn or something.

    Thankfully my week of holiday parties is winding down. And I'm downloading the H-E-double hockey stick clips now. ;) Thanks for posting them nex!

    I've gotta get to bed b/c I'm exhausted and feeling a little under the weather. Hope to catch up with you guys this weekend.

    Are you done with all your stuff for the semester, TL?

    *waves at IluvAandM*

  4. Watching live...

    Anyone around...

    Seeing Georgie on screen with Maxie is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. :unsure: I can't take it. :(

    OMG. I heart that Bobbie called Scotty b/c Luke's going in for surgery. I missed the first half of the show, was Tracy on?

    WTF, speaking of EWCBO, what they heck is up with Lulu's monologue to mom? Ummm. She's (unfortunately not dead) so how is she going to *be* with him? Arggggggggh.

  5. On my way out to go see Barry Manilow at Nassau Coliseum with my mini-me. :D

    Wont' be back 'til late.

    Awwww! Have fun tonight! And good luck with your papers and finals!!

    Lulu spends Xmas Eve with her dad and Tracy.

    Oh, I hope they have some nice scenes together. I want some quality

    Tracy/Lulu time


    I posted on Marlena De Lacroix's blog in response to her post about Luke and Tracy at the Black and White Ball. And she responded! :D

    Marlena says: What a great letter with good points. I had never heard that acronym before-LuNacy. Oh ha ha! I have to admit I like the complex, mature, redeeming union of Luke and Tracy because I am a married person. How rare it is to see characters you can really relate to on a soap opera any more!

    Well said, Marlena! ICAM.

  6. I saw this over at SOC in a spoiler post. It made me laugh and squee, so I figured I'd bring it over.

    New rumors on who SBr may be playing, some are saying she may be Lorenzo and Luis's sister and Ric's ex, others are saying she may be a mob love child of Tracy's!

    HAHAHAHA. Now while I totally love the idea of it, I don't think it's true. I thought:

    Sarah Brown is coming back as Angela Zacarra, Johnny's sister or cousin, and an ex-girlfriend of Ric. OhMyGod! What if BOTH were true?!?!?! What if she's Johnny's cousin AND Tracy's kid!?!?! I would DIE. DIE. That would be so fabulous for so many reasons. First -- Tracy would actually have a storyline independent of Luke. Second --- there is a great little irony about SBr playing Bobbie's daughter first, and then playing Tracy's daughter. Love it!!

    OMG! I would LOVE if this rumor were true! We need more

    Qs! And more for Tracy!

    EDIT: Totally OT, but yesterday I got my haircut, and my mother is totally in love with it, and she's like, "This is the smartest thing you've ever done." And I was like, "Wow...Says a lot about what you think of my life, doesn't it?" We both laughed, but I was thinking, "Hmm..."

    What's the new 'do like? Which GH hairstyle do you now most resemble. lol ;)

    In terms of the LuNacy love...

    SOC: Which couple would you like to see last?

    I think that Tracy is a better match to Luke than Laura ever was?

    Miss you guys!

    PS. hooked, I will so make you red velvet cake next time you come!

    TL: are you done with all your papers?

  7. Hi guys! I hope everyone had a good weekend! I've been crazy busy the last couple of days. I still need to catch up on my clips. Thanks so much for posting them nex!

    Yesterday I threw a dinner party for mr. bsg's b-day. My red velvet cake was spectacular...if I don't say so myself. :D

    Oooooh, so many treats!

    Soap Opera Digest:

    This week on GH, Luke hovers near death after refusing to have the bypass surgery necessary to save his life. "This is a story that Luke Spencer has never had.", says Head Writer Robert Guza Jr. "This is a Luke we've never seen before."

    Indeed. Since suffering a heart attack during the Black and White Ball, the normal larger than life Luke is now frail and struggling to cope with the notion of his body giving up on him. As Tracy vents her frustrations Luke's disregard for his health, Monica informs the Bickersons that Luke needs the operation that night. Though Tracy is in favor of the procedure, she remains opposed to Monica preforming it, as she thinks her sister-in-law is still unsteady in the wake of Emily's murder.

    "Tracy is caught in the middle of this, then things take a sudden surprising twist," continues Guza.

    After Luke opts for Monica to perform the surgery, the good doctor has visions of Emily in the O.R. and freezes up, inadvertently putting Luke's life in jeopardy. Leo leaps into action, but Luke "dies" on the operating table. However, thats just the beginning of this journey.

    "We've got this great [story] where Luke ends up in hell, but its not the typical version of what would envision hell to be.," Chuckles Guza.

    "This is Luke Spencer's version of hell, so you can just imagine what that might be like.," With Skye as his guide , Luke not only goes down under but later visits heaven, "which again is not what anyone but Luke would immediately picture[laughs]."

    Lukes paranormal pilgrimage is reminiscent of his 2003 Dickensian journey when Spencer met with the Cassadines' sprites, who showed him a dark fate if he did not change the error of his ways.

    "Tony [Geary, Luke above], Jane [Elliot, Tracy], everybody, they're having such a great time with this," adds the scribe.

    Eventually, Luke does wake up happy to be alive, but can he make the lifestyle changes required to keep himself that way.

    "Luke not smoking and drinking and generally carousing?" ponders Guza. "Say it isn't so!"

    I'm interested to see how this playout. Haha. I love that in

    Luke's version of hell, Tracy is married to Scotty!

    I'm interested to see

    "Luke's version of heaven." It better not involve a certain angel.

    *bsg stifles urge to hurl*

  8. bsg, did you hear about the Red Sox's plans to trade Ellsbury to get Santana?!?!?! I am so upset! That would be so unbelievably STUPID. I love him. If we lose him, I will be so heartbroken.

    I've heard rumors that the Twins want Ellsbury but that the Sox aren't willing to part with him. I hope that's the case! I love him. I'm SO happy that they resigned Lowell. :)

    Sad that there was no Tracy today. And these TG rumors are freaking me out, but I'm trying to be positive...so my spin is...TG's contract is up in Feb...so he's being extra grouchy to get a better deal.

    TL: I hope you're paper is going well! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and I know your paper is going to turn out great.

    Back to writing a grad school rec for a friend of mine. Hoping for a TQ Thursday!

    remos: Just read your fic. Loved it! Was that my St. Nicholas Day gift? ;)

  9. Just caught Genie Francis on the view. She looks awesome. Great hair cut, lost 30 pounds...looks good. Of course they asked her about GH and the new host (dont' know her name) was like what can we do to get you back on GH, write letters, etc? I was like SHUT UP! THey asked her if her feelings were hurt the way they left things and she said "well yes frankly they were. I had been willing to go back for some time now and there was never an offer." SO then the girl was like should we write letters and Barbara Walters said do you want to go back to daytime? She said "No I don't want to go back to a soap opera now." So then the host was like okay don't write letters. I think Joy Behar said well do you have a twin sister...you can come back as the skinny b&*ch twin sis of laura" Then they all laughed and moved on. Don't think she is gonna be back anytime soon!

    She talked about her emmy, etc. And her new movie and medifast. She got cut off at the end cause she was the last guest. I hope she is successful with her primetime and cable channel movies!

    I wish I could see a clip of the episode. Anyone find clips online (not that I expect this crowd would go hunting for them... :P)? Anyhooo...I wish Genie all the best with her movies and medifast and home goods store. I hope these ventures keep her nice and busy. ;) Seriously...Maine is an awesome state. Don't know why anyone would want to leave it for Cali. :)

    Hope you've had a good day so far, Ms. Q. Have some cake for me!

  10. I am thinking about doing a Best of Tracy Quartermaine this year. I wanted to do something similar last year (but never went through with it). In any case, ideas could be "Best Dramatic Episode," "Best Comedic Episode," "Best Speech," "Best Hair" (I had to!!!), that sort of thing. If we needed help remembering, I could post some nominations. Or we can all post nominations. Just something to keep the thread moving along (especially if we don't get a lot of Tracy this month). Anyone up for it?

    Ooooh, I like this idea! Definitely have to have Best Outfit. And maybe Best Repurposing of an Outfit. lol. ;)

  11. Added another drabble ("Tracy has a bad hair day") - How could I resist that one?! Haha.

    I have good news!!! My throat is not on fire anymore. Yay! I mean, the other symptoms of a cold have arrived, but at least the "I can't swallow my saliva" pain is pretty much gone.

    Question: It's fine to put a resume on regular computer paper, isn't it? My dad wants me to go to OfficeMax and have copies made on this fancy, expensive stuff, but it almost seems pointless if the resume is just gonna end up in a folder somewhere in a filing cabinet...But what do I know? :unsure:

    BSG and Colette, congrats on 200!

    Lainey, congrats on 400!

    knh, did I thank you for the scans? If not, thanks!!! Love all that LuNacy and Jane goodness.

    Wow, I am at +200 posts! Thanks Ms. Q and TL!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, Ms. Q! Sore throats are the worse. I'm just adding my 2 cents to remos, lainey, and hooked...definitely go for the nice paper...better to spend the $ on the nice paper and have it end up "on file" rather than in the circular file. :)

    We missed you last night, hooked! You around for a few?

  12. I wanted to share this with you guys it comes from that person Marlena Delacroisxs' blog, its about Lunacy: :)

    In my last column, I blasted the plotting of General Hospital’s Black and White Ball as schlocky and superficial. The overall main story was presumably done by the head writer. That doesn’t mean all of the scriptwriting for the month was awful; it takes a lot of different associate writers to write the scripts for a whole month of a daytime soap. There actually were some decently written scenes, one of which I will examine in depth later. It’s this kind of good work, done by dialogue writers, which makes bad soaps a lot more watchable.

    What also often helps to make bad soap storytelling better is the very hard and creative work of actors who must bring the scenes to life. Here’s an examination of the three performances and one standout scene during the Black and White Ball which really elevated the awful overall plotting.

    Anthony Geary and Jane Elliott (Luke and Tracy Quartermaine Spencer ). What a treat for you young ones who weren’t around to see either of these actors in the late 70s and 80s when their originally villainous characters first became legends. The many many scenes leading up to and following Luke’s heart attack at the Ball. at Wyndemere offered a rare chance to see how dynamic, talented and creative they were.

    We always thought Luke and Tracy’s was a marriage of convenience, but during these scenes of sudden illness, the pair displayed the deep and marvelously mature love that had somehow grown between them. ”You dragged me out of the past (with Laura, et. al) and propelled me into my future,” Luke confessed to Tracy.” Wowsa! Their scenes together were so unexpectedly and richly romantic!

    Question: Was the development of the real deep love displayed by Luke and Tracy in the wake of his heart attack in the script or did the actors invent it? Elliot has always been a sharply intelligent actress. Geary is notorious for writing his own lines. Calling Tracy “wife” in all the dialogue sounds both Shakespearean and Geary-ian to me!

    What made the Luke and Tracy scenes all the richer was the fact that we the audience have closely walked down 30 years worth of separate paths with these characters. And here they are sharing a love that is even sweeter since we’ve watched them as separate characters, both rogues, struggle and suffer all these years. I reveled in the Spencers’ depth of emotion. Middle-aged love is never portrayed on daytime anymore! It takes actors of great intelligence to understand and realistically communicate this kind of mature emotion. Brava! Who would have ever predicted that Geary and Elliot would become the Lunts of daytime television? (For you young’uns who may not know: The legendary husband and wife acting team of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne were renowned to be among the finest stage actors of the first half of the 20th century).

    Here is the link. http://marlenadelacroix.com/

    I've been meaning to respond to this. I usually enjoy Marlena's column and I have to say that I especially liked this blog post. She makes a good point and something that I've been trying to get at for a long time when she says "What made the Luke and Tracy scenes all the richer was the fact that we the audience have closely walked down 30 years worth of separate paths with these characters. And here they are sharing a love that is even sweeter since we’ve watched them as separate characters, both rogues, struggle and suffer all these years."

    With most soaps the same pairings are visited over and over and over again...Bo and Hope, John and Marlena, Blair and Todd, Josh and Reva, LnL (*bsg gags slightly at taste of vomit in mouth*), Nikki and Victor etc. There is this idea of a couple who "should be together." Unfortunately writers have a hard time writing interesting married life, so the couples split up, only to reunite, only to be split up, only to reunite and on and on...basically rehashing the same story over and over again. It's an excepted soap convention and don't get me wrong...I heart John and Marlena and from my (very) short stint watching Y&R I think Nikki and Victor belong together, but with LuNacy it's so refreshing to see a pairing that's not expected and that throws the typical convention out the window in favor of something that is ultimately more compelling. Something that's new; that's different. That takes two characters who each have rich GH histories and are pillars of two established core families and brings them together in a love story that is the most realistic portrayal of married life that I've ever seen on a soap because it actually deals with all of the emotion and baggage these characters have from 30 years of past loves and losses.

    I'm going to post a comment to this effect supporting LuNacy on Marlena's blog...maybe some of TPTB might be reading...

    Also, the I Heart LuNacy! is still going at SOC. We're up to 6 pages! Let's keep it going. Do your part and bump the thread. :)

  13. Ms. Q, about that promo, yea it lasted like a fraction of a second. I tried to pause it to see her face, and though it was blurred, she was definately very pissed off. Grief could easily be underlying, but she looked seriously angry. I am trying to see if Lukester is in the bed, but I can't tell. I don't think so, but the sheets look like something is under them. But I doubt she would throw the binder at the bed if he was in it, haha. That scene is going to be SO GOOD.

    So excited to see her in the promo for like a mili-second--angry, object hurling Tracy is always a good Tracy to watch. ;)

    2) http://www.sendspace.com/file/s1rs5f

    scene stealers (I think, but you'll see)

    thanks for the scans knh! Truly an excellent haul of Tracy/LuNacy articles. Yay. :) Maybe we should write in to the magazines to as a follow up to say how much we love Luke and Tracy as a couple. I couldn't get the scene stealers one to work. :( It said file not found or something. TL, Ms. Q, hooked or remos, if it worked for you could one of you email it to me?

    Also, was there a second page to the "Who knew?" Btw, with the "Who knew" what the heck were they talking about with "biting and Laura"? Huh?

    knh, thanks for scanning that stuff for us.

    Looks to me like Jane's just "representin'" in her GH hoodie :). Hey, I wore my Hairspray hoodie on a the picket line, of course, mine was under my coat though.

    LOL, TL. Looks like she's representin' to me, too. She's good friends with all the behind the scenes folk from her producing days on the City, no?

    Along those lines...I was doing a little Christmas shopping for my BFF (aka themarlenas from HG) at the ABC GH store online and I saw that all the LnL merch is onsale. Everything is marked down. heeheee. :P

  14. *waves at TL* Are you around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    Lordy, she really is short without those heels. :P

    Love it!


    Just saw this on SD. WTF???

    Anonymous wrote:

    I can't believe that Scott is going to kiss Tracy. I wonder if GH is going to do a Luke/Tracy/Scott triangle, it should be interesting. Has anyone ever fought over Tracy?

    Whoa where did that come from? Is this new scoop?

    Yeah, really, where did that come from?

    And Coleman/Luke kind of fought over Tracy, but it was brief. Luke was jealous that Tracy chose Coleman over him.

    Is this just made up? I haven't seen anything anywhere about Scotty kissing Tracy. She would slap him silly if he tried!

    Maybe luke dreams that and it makes him agree to the surgery--ha ha!

    My comment: This would be good. Hope it's not a falsehood. Scotty did strike me as a little too angry about the bliss in Tracy and Luke's marriage, before Luke had his heart attack.

    Wait...what? Huh? I couldn't find this anywhere on Soapdish...What?

  15. Supposedly SOD voted lunacy the most entertaining couple of the year! Gonna go watch today right now! be back at 9 to "chat"

    Most Entertaining couple? Woohoo! Can't say I disagree! :D I really want to see the clip from SOD.

    bsg, I was totally liking the

    Mike\Bobbie action, too. And I thought Logan looked cool, too.

    :lol: Everyone looked great today. I also thought Monica and the boys was adorable. I love love love little Morgan.

    I'm with you, Colette.

    I've been liking the possibility of Mike/Bobbie for a long time. I think they would be really good together. How cute would that be? I actually suggested them for the HG potential couples game. Back when I was playing more regularly.

    I also liked the scene with

    Ric and Skye. So, I'm not Skye's biggest fan (and you know how I feel about her with Luke) but it kind of made me sad that she is going, too. I could have gotten behind a Ric/Skye pairing. Sorry, TL.


    TL: I really like your new banner. :)

  16. My son's perstering me to get off the computer, but I thought this gem of a comment might be appreciated here..... (then I'll get off, Zion, I promise)

    Seriously. If we're going to bring up Tracey's past mistakes, let's bring up EVERYONE'S. Like how Laura killed David Hamilton and really, several others. How Luke is a rapist. How Edward is a baby seller. How Monica is a multiple adulterer. Come ON. The heart pill thing is ancient history, and even if it wasn't, I think Tracey's grown since then.

    People complain about how Guza doesn't allow growth for characters... really the fans don't recognize growth either.


    And Alan tried to kill Monica...and Sam is a con artist...and Ned is a bigamist...and Jason is a stone cold killer. :P

    I come bearing gifts........todays clips! I gotta say Jane looked as good as she acted today. I loved the outfit, the hair and the makeup. I even liked Lulu's hair, lots of girls here in CA wear their hair like that so I am used to seeing hair done up like that. Jane's 35 second (I counted) speech to Monica was awesome she totally had me tearing up, more so than anyone else did today.


    Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.*

    **You should all know that it's not just Tony and Jane's performance that I clipped together. I have almost all of the funeral, I did edit out Jason and Sonny talking, I edited out GQ because I just don't really care about them, Lainey and Kelly, Carjax, and I had to edit out Kate telling Sonny how Emily's death is not his fault, because it totally is.

    Thanks so much for the clips, nex! And thanks especially for clipping much of the episode. It was so good today!

    My thoughts about today's episode.

    LOVED Tracy's hair and outfit. She looked fabulous in her sunglasses and the jacket. Very Jackie O. Yay wardrobe! Also a fan of Lulu's jacket and her headband/hair.

    I loved that Lulu brought Tracy her cell. It was nice to see that they had each other's backs. I'm pissed that Luke referred to Tracy as stepmoster though. Totally uncalled for and even Lulu didn't jump in.

    Loved seeing Monica with the boys. Awww.

    Bobbie and Mike! Bobbie and Mike! Why can't they put these two crazy kids together.

    Jax and Alexis! Jax and Alexis! Oh, please, oh, please, I would so much rather see Alexis with Jax than with Jerry.

    :) I really liked Alexis' jacket.

    Logan looked like a secret service agent. LOL

    Loved the Lulu's line "I've never seen him look so frail before. And I know it's bad because Tracy's terrified."

    Loved Tracy's speech to Monica. Sniffle. Sniffle.

    Aww, even Alice was all dressed up for the funeral.

    Poor Eddie. Poor Monica.

  17. Thanks for the clips nex!! It was great to see Tracy and Monica share the screen. You could tell that Tracy was really trying hard with Monica. I was kind of surprised that she didn't say she was sorry about Emily (not that Tracy was ever Em's biggest fan, but she's a mother, too)...but then I figured it seemed like the way that JE and LC played it, that Tracy might have gone home and seen the Qs and changed her clothes and that's why she was wondering why Monica was there...she assumed she'd be home where she left her.

    As for the ILY she said he said, obviously he said it off-screen otherwise why would she say it, and he didn't say.."wait, I didn't tell you I love you" LOL. Oh well so at least we know he said it even if we missed it. :(

    I'm sad that we missed the ILY, but at least we know that he said it. That's my contribution towards the LuNacy positivity fund. :D

    I called Monica going to town on Tracy re: who's family is dead/alive. I'm calling it: tomorrow, Luke disappears while Tracy is at the funeral. He's found and then the proposal on Wednesday end of day. B)

    Ooooh, I hope you're on track again, remos! :)

  18. The SoapGods hate me.

    First, I get accused of being "nasty" on SOC, when I thought I was being polite, all things considered.

    Question: Why is an LnL fan entering a pro-LuNacy thread?

    And then, I get a comment on "The Way I Am" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4tidp3wucs ) stating "Great video, but I hate Luke and Tracy together. Laura is the ONLY ONE for him."

    Question: Why is an LnL fan watching a pro-LuNacy video?

    Awww, Ms. Q. Sometime people can be mean on SOC. :( Especially the diehard LnL fans. Whatever, I didn't think you were being nasty at all. I'm going to have to go check out your new vid and write a nice comment! :)

    PS. I love the quote you mentioned from December 2005:

    Tracy: I am married to you for one reason and one reason only -- to torture you. You will know no peace, you will never be with Skye, and you will never pull off a successful scam again. I will thwart your every move as long as I have breath.

    Luke: I'm touched by your devotion, no matter how perversely expressed, and the feeling is mutual. I'm as committed to this marriage as you are.


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