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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. Should be in bed, but I found this June 2007 post from Calliope of TWoP: "Also, I really like Tracy's hair. The color is great and I like the bob. Now, she just needs to stop angering the wardrobe people."

    LOL. I couldn't have said it better!

    bsg, yep. He's the one who actually forged it. How much did he leave himself again? Like 250 grand for having to suffer as Tracy's husband? As if he's ever really suffered... <_< She's much too good to him.

    I think it was $250k...when he read that part didn't Tracy say something about how Alan didn't even like you? Or was that another one of the Qs?

  2. Yes that would make sense. Thanks for clearing that up. But that paternity secret would not be much for Tracy and Luke to deal with I guess. Only Alan and Tracy would have a new subject to talk about.

    I want Luke and Tracy involved with the mob for a while.

    And I really look forward to

    the ball at Wyndemere with the whole cast there and danger and everything. With Luke and Tracy in the middle. That means if the info about it is true.

    Well...Luke was party to the will forging...in fact, didn't he technically do the actual forging for Tracy? So hopefully he and Tracy will figure out a way together to not go down for that one.

    I also hope that Luke and Tracy have a part in the whole

    the ball at Wyndemere.

    I want a LuNacy dance scene!!!

  3. Re: Luke lashing/not lashing out at Tracy

    Soap Opera Digest spilled that he does lash out at her and blames her for what happened.

    From Anonymous of SZ. Seems logical...

    Wednesday: Luke has 1 scene; with Tracy.

    My comment: Seems like he arrives at the end of the episode, which would make sense. I bet earlier in the episode Tracy has that scene with Logan that SOD spoiled.

    Thursday: Luke has 4 scenes; 3 with Tracy, 1 with Scott.

    My comment: So the LuNacy continues, and then Tracy leaves, and for the cliff-hanger, Scott arrives.

    Friday: Luke has 6 scenes; 2 with Scott, 2 with Nikolas/Emily, 1 with Nikolas, 1 with Logan/Lulu.

    My comment: So now the Luke/Scott scenes continue; after he beats him up, he moves onto Nikolas/Emily, where it's spoiled Luke blames Nikolas for what happened (in addition to Tracy, I guess). And it looks to me like Luke/Logan/Lulu is the cliff-hanger and will continue into Monday.

    I can only hope Tracy shows up eventually. I'm assuming, however, that she won't appear again until Luke shows back up at the mansion. One of the things I hate about LuNacy...Tracy gets no life when he's around, unless he's a part of it.

    The ending of that wasn't too positive, so let me change that. Looks like we're guaranteed 2 days of Tracy this week. That's better than last, right? :D

    Um, Luke, aka suckiest father in the world, why don't you um, blame yourself? Your daughter clearly had daddy issues. You'd better get a grip on your anger issues with your wife. She was freakin' incarcerated in a mental institution for you for like 2 months.

    Anywhooo, good positivity Ms. Q. At least we'll get to see Tracy next week. Ohhh, maybe wardrobe could spare something new for her? Hoping...

    I'm glad that

    Luke's first scene seems like it will be with Tracy.

    He'd better give her a BIG smooch! That's my positivity contribution. :D

  4. Question: SoapDish said that Tracy was supposed to be more involved in this Scott SL than what we're seeing. Do you think the posters were referring to the Tracy/Scott/Luke preview from Soap Opera Digest that seemed to have come out months ago? Or, is there something I missed?

    Sigh. I HATE how there are ZERO spoilers or rumors on Tracy during sweeps beyond "Tracy catches Luke up." And even that is technically before sweeps. I hope she's not sitting on the backburner while TG is getting a ton of screentime this October/November. I'll take Tracy hanging out with whoever (except maybe Carly and Jason). Just let her be on!!!

    Oh, I might've said this before, but if GH is just going to let LuNacy be the married couple who, other than a few scenes here and there, NEVER are actually together onscreen, then I want them to split up. There is no point to that garbage (should it ever happen - and unfortunately, it looks like it might). :(

    EDIT: The

    Tracy is being killed off

    speculation at SD is making me sad. :(

    Hey Ms. Q! We keep missing each other in the breakroom.

    I would like LuNacy to become the stable (as stable as they can manage, lol) couple on the show. I like how they are there for each other--ok, Luke seriously needs to step it up right now--like Luke was there for Tracy at Alan's funeral and Tracy supported Luke through the trial and the Shadybrook debacle. And like JE once said in an interview, "This is a marriage made in soap opera heaven because it's a marriage that shouldn't be, so it will last forever." That said I definitely want Tracy on the screen regularly. In my GH, Tracy and Lukey would be living it up in their wacky non-traditional marriage, showing all those crazy kids in Port Chuckles how to make love last and also would be having screen time solo. I'm not giving up on LuNacy action, but come on, I'm not joined at the hip with my husband. While Luke's doing his mob/seedy underworld thing, let's see Tracy doing her ELQ thing. Come on, Guza!

    Edit: The cookies are all officially in the oven...wooot! Night, TL! Thanks for keeping me company!


    Hope you had a good one today! Carrie and I are going to have to take you out to celebrate next month. :D

    nex: thanks for the clips!

    My positivity about yesterday's episode...

    Enjoyed Tracy ribbing Carly about Jason

    Enjoyed the hot flash comment--too funny

    Enjoyed the "I DO care"

    Enjoyed following exchange: Carly: I don't tell Jason what to do. Tracy: You tell everyone what to do.

    I do admit the Alan lines were feeling stale...I wanted him to shut up too.

    Where the heck did the "I bet you Monica could use a vacation, I wonder why Bobbie didn't invite her" come from? Was something cut? Totally random Bobbie reference. Guza...don't you even think about laying a finger on Bobbie!!

    And I have to say...Tracy better get much love from Luke when he comes back. She went to jail for him. She went to the looney bin for him. She's been running around Port Chuck looking after his daughter. Luke...treat her right, or else!!!

    Anyone around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    hooked: have a great trip to Mexico, if I don't catch you tonight!

  6. This spoiler was listed in a post at SOC:

    spoiler white: =Skye tries to contact Luke after failing to make headway with Ric. I am getting more and more nauseas by the second.

    WTF?!?!! She barely has been on the freaking show all summer. She better not be the one that tracks him down. I will be hella pissed. I'd rather his (non-existant)

    "father's intuition"

    lead him home. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

  7. About the show today.... Okay, I hate to be a downer... I hated the show. And I think the whole Alan getting Tracy to scream at him in front of everyone 'cause she's crazy/Everyone thinking she wants Lulu back to keep Luke is getting WAY OLD. I can't stand this show as it is because it's like living in groundhog day with everyone repeating the same dialogue about the same topics day in and day out and at this point Tracy is no different and i am tired of it. I am losing interest in A BIG WAY.

    I haven't seen the show yet. Clips, anyone? Pretty please? But I did love your groundhog day comment, TL. I think a new song for the TQ playlist is RESPECT. Tracy needs to start getting some more R-E-S-P-E-C-T. All I'm asking is for my propers when I get home!

  8. All that from Jane Elliot's facial expressions. No help from the script.

    Well said, MinervaFan!

    *waves to hooked* Sorry I missed you last night! TL and I were in the BR for awhile and then we both got super tired. Catch ya later!

    Any chance of a Tracy Monday?

  9. Hey all!

    Back today from Atlantic City. Took Dana there for her 21st birthday (waaaaahhhh, my baby girl has grown up too fast) and she's still there. LOL! I think she should be home just after midnite. I hadn't been to AC in years, still looks the same though. I won $69.00. It was a fluke kind of. I had to go over to the other side of the casino to smoke and I sat down at a slot machine, trying to make a call on my cell, and I was like what the heck (I never play slots), I put in 5 bucks and pressed the button, betting the max, and I won on the first try. Too bad it was a penny machine (DARN!!) I didn't even realize it. Oh well, if it had been a dollar machine, I wouldn't have won, I'm sure. heh. The best part of the whole weekend - everything was FREE!!! YAY! My cousin, is a big time high roller down there and we were comped everyting. Who knew? I had always thought he was just a big talker. LOL

    Happy belated birthday to Dana! :) Sounds like a good time all around!

    BSG--went to the meeting...not as bad as I thought...I have my lifetime thing there, so I didn't have to pay as I was .2 under my goal. Of course I set my goal way high years back. I had 5.8 to get back to where I was in January.

    Not too bad at all! And you're definitely less than you thought. Getting back on track is totally doable. I'm in my healthy range and 9.6 away from goal, which would be fine, but I do hope to go lower. We'll both get there!! B)

  10. When Luke returns he gets the rundown on what's been happening while he's been away from Tracy and the Q's. He heads to Jason's to talk to Lulu who gives him the rest of the details about Logan etc. He approves of Lulu living at Jason's as long as needs to and Spinelli vows to keep her safe. Next person Luke runs into is Logan and they get into it until Scotty shows up to take up for his son. Scotty and Luke do battle.

    My positivity...I'm hoping the Q mansion will be Luke's first stop on his return to town (to see Tracy, of course!). I'm hoping there will be some lip lockage when he comes home to his wife. I hate to see Tracy's role in this minimized 'cause I want to see her on screen as much as possible...but I'm hoping this whole Luke's off to do his saving the world and his children from the mob's evil forces of darkness thing is played as it was before-- there are other things that need more his attention right because in his mind he's secure in being married to Tracy, it's where he wants to be and it's the home he'll always come back to once his do-gooding is done. They are married. She's part of his life. Both are givens. Let's just get her some more airtime!!!

  11. BSG--Going to WW tomorrow am at 10 (bofore going out for breakfast--ha ha) You got me motivated last night!

    Rock it, hooked! We're both going to be looking awesome come November! :D

    On the spoiler:

    OH! So the Red Sox are now AL EAST CHAMPIONS! I am SO excited. I was planning on going to bed... but that didn't happen. I had to watch the champagne-throwing. bsg, you are a sox fan, if I remember correctly?

    WOOOooot! Go Sox!!!

    Don't blame us if we ever doubt you

    You know we couldn't live without you

    Red Sox, you are the only only only

    So psyched. Gotta go to the like 1 bar in the city that's RS friendly to watch the playoffs.

  12. *waves to Lainey*

    (hangs head shamefully) does anyone have clips from Monday? I'm still catching up on everything from being out of town. For some reason I couldn't download nex's files. :(

    Edit: Whoa. I just read Choke. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

  13. Ms. Q, Remember though, some of the best LuNacy stuff we ended up getting this year WAS NOT spoiled :). And for the most part, any spoiler we ended up getting, was cut. Oh I hear ya about the good material, but look what kind of material she ended up getting for Shadybrook. The storyline had the potential to give her great material but she didn't get it. So my point is... she prob wont get much out of acting like she's Alan. 'cept maybe a laugh or two and another visist to shadybrook for Luke's next adventure.

    Good positivity, TL. I'm with you and hoping for some good LuNacy material.

    As far as the rumor about the party dates... Tracy's going to be dressed to the nines as well, ain't she? Hmmm.... who will be her escort? Scott? maybe? Two can play at that game. heehee. But I am hoping the whole surprise pairings thing wont happen. We need a LuNacy dance scene. Besides what would be the purpose behind everyone being with someone different? Sounds stupid to me.

    I would LOVE and LuNacy dance scene. Please, please, please Guza and co., please get Luke and Tracy on the dance floor. Can you imagine them dancing together if they were both there with unexpected partners? Swoon.

    This was listed as a spoiler by "SalemtheCat" over at SOC. He/she did not list their source:

    spoiler whited out ---- >Expect Johnny and Anthony to each take interest in PC gals...Elizabeth Webber and Tracy Quartermaine!

    I don't know whether to cry or jump up and down for Joy. 'Tis 'bout time, that Mr. Tracy be jealous for once and/or come to the rescue of his wife. Gee I hope he's goodlooking. :)

    I'm with you, TL. I'd like a hunky guy to show some interest in Tracy and make her mister jealous.


    Someone on Soapdish speculated that anthony and tracy were romantically involved years ago...don't know if I believe that or not, but it would be good to make luke jealous! Wonder if Luke knows about her "godmother" days. Maybe LadyA can send him the tapes to watch--ha ha!

    Edit again

    From GHH2 spolier


    Tracy continues to cope with Alan's death by keeping him alive, not only in

    her own heart and mind but in the hearts and minds of all around her:

    That would be awesome if Anthony and Tracy had romantic history. We never did learn how she got out of her mob trouble after Gino died. And they hinted/revived the Tracy mob connection with some comment that Dillon made this summer. Hoping...hoping...hoping for a good story for our gal.

  14. Ms. Q: Congrats on your letter in SOD. So good. Woot! Lovin' the Tracy love. I also like that LuNacy was the one bright spot in the SOD GH love department review. I can't believe they called our couple "the show's most endearing duo." Nice to see it in print. I hope TIIC are paying attention!!!

    knh: I hope you're doing ok! Feel better soon!

    Yeah it is some sort of black and white ball I think or party. They have also been some spumors of a surprise wedding coming up. Someone on soapdish speculated that Nik and Emily plan this black and white ball, but who knows. I have also heard that alfred dies so maybe that happens during this party. Actually, the whole thing could be a rumor....

    Also posted on soapdish is the amount of fan letters Gh gets broken down by characters and couples. Our girl is not on the list of women. NLG gets the most. I guess they keep count. We should start writing in for JE to GH. They also had someone post that casting call sheet when out for October and the only two actors who are taping every single day are SB and BH. But some good news...SB wont' be on October 2, 3, 4, 5 cause he is on vaction--yeah! Some jason free days.

    OK, given how the show has been going lately this is HIGHLY unlikely but...

    is it possible that this black and white ball might be a fundraiser for the hospital in tribute to the memory of Dr. Alan Quartermaine with some A & M anniversary clips tossed in? Here's how I'm justifying it in my head. The whole cast would fit in to this scenario...it's for the hospital and Alan...Jasonborg could have an emotional moment. If Jasonborg is there, Sonny will be there...if Sonny is there it might actually happen.

    From wubs.net this morning on her spoiler page:

    **Is Tracey Q connected to the Zaccharas? Hmmm...

    **Edward finds out he may have a new great-grandson to obsess over!

    And this is in her blog (hope it is true)

    I have two people saying Zacchara will be connected to Tracy somehow; we all remember her stint on "The City"--it would fit wouldn't it? I'd love it. Anything to use her, Skye and Alexis more, I'm for. Oh, and Diane too! Let Sam/Liz/Carly/Lulu take a vaykay for a bit. And someone, please get BOBBIE in there.

    Other comment: I love her new site because she has a pic of Tracy/luke from Liz/Lucky's wedding as her screencap for GH news!

    Also for a good laugh this Tuesday morning, check out this serial drama dear abby letter:

    Dear Abby, I'm a Hitman in a Pickle

    Dear Abby,

    I have an etiquette question. My aunt that I haven't really had a relationship with in nearly 15 years got married recently and her new husband has a grown daughter. Let's call her . . . Ruru. Ruru needs a place to stay. She has assorted cousins, a grandmother with a house, an aunt with a brownstone, a brother with a regular-sized house, and another brother with a multi-winged castle. But the slightly spastic kid who works for me (building video games and hacking into government computers) somehow asked my sort-of step-cousin Ruru to live with me instead.

    The thing is, a mafia boss pays me to kill people for a living. So my life is a wee bit dangerous. So dangerous that I'm not with the mother of my child, because we both think the violence that surrounds me is too much of a threat to her and my son if they were to live with me. So dangerous that my last live-in girlfriend took a bullet intended for me to the uterus. So dangerous that my condo has more weapons that many small nations. So dangerous that I have multiple bodyguards. So dangerous that I have bullet proof glass for windows. So dangerous that in spite of all my security, I've been shot more times than 50 Cent.

    So I'm sure you know what my question is. Now that I've made the obvious decision to let Ruru move in, may I ask her to use the everyday towels? The guest ones were full price at Bloomingdale's and I'd rather keep them from pilling.


    Chasin' MoreGuns

    P.S. It's also okay if I tell her not to touch my hair products, right?

    Okay--I'm out of here!

    That letter is too freakin' funny! I would LOVE if Tracy had some


    connections. Anything to get her on screen (and in Luke's sphere).

  15. So as I type this, Genie Francis is on some ad for Medifast on how she lost 18 pounds in 7 weeks. I was looking at the picture, and was like.... hmm.... that looks strangely like Genie Francis. Haha do they coordinate these ads for Soap Boards? "You can be a Soap Star, too! Get the Medifast Makeover!" Too much time on my hands, haha.

    There's a Medifast banner ad on the page for me too right now, but with some "real life" person named Shannon. Before I saw your post I was staring at it and was like...that better not be GF invading the Tracy board...

    So, today, Lulu was found by Jason and Spinelli (Gun-blazing cliffhanger, of course.) And I think Spinelli was hugging her in the previews *HEHEHE*. I actually like him better with Georgie, but whatever.

    I really want Spinelli and Georgie to be together. I like both of the characters a lot. Did anyone else read that

    Lindz only signed a three month contract...

    :o. Some people are predicting Maxie's going to need a new heart and her sister is going to be some kind of mob victim.

    I hope it's not true. Sniffle.

  16. BSG in da house...

    Thanks for the clips nex and Ms. Q. I'm back at my hotel and so, so happy to find that I have wireless. SQUEEEEE! That means I can watch the clips from yesterday.

    I'm so tired, but I'm going to try to swing by the breakroom after I've watched the clips to debrief.

  17. I saw those same things on soapdish Ms. Q--I must say though,

    the only good thing about the spencer house blowing up, would be that we won't have to stare at pictures of Luke&Laura every second! At least the photos will go up in flames too!

    :) And it is good news Luke won't really be involved too much with Skye if that rumor is true.

    OMG, hooked, I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING about those

    freaking LnL pictures

  18. BSG. IS. BACK!

    The DELL technician just left after replacing my motherboard and I'm back online. Yay! I have to say I'm a little wary...after a month without my laptop this feels a little too good to be true. Let's hope that things continue to work. *hugs computer*

    I have a ton to catch up on the Lovefest. Lots of treats and goodies. I can't wait! Tonight, I fear will be dedicated to figuring out my estimated taxes. :o Oy.

    Congrats on your first day of teaching, Ms. Q!!

    I hope to swing by later, if I can.

  19. Just to put a different spin on this... as much as I agree with you on the fact that Tracy is and will be loyal to Luke, I don't think that she thought of this as betraying Luke. I think, like most other things in her life, she is doing what she can and teaming with whoever she needs to in order to get the result she wants. I also think that she is doing it, in part (a large part) for Luke, to save him the headache when he returns and to take care of his daughter, no matter how holy a b-tch she's been lately. That being said, I do, in general, agree with what you said, though, so I am kinda pissed she is working with Scotty. I think she could have found someone else or some other way to get what she wants.

    knh: Welcome back! Good luck with everything! I totally agree with you about Tracy/Scotty and Alice. Tracy is just trying to protect LUKE'S DAUGHTER. If he finds this a reason to feel betrayed, I hope she tells him how it's gonna be. (oh, snap!)

    I've heard that the Weathersfield DMV has a good pass rate for the road test...not that anyone I know personally went there for that reason... ;)

    ANONYMOUS SPOILERS (grain of salt):

    A death brings Luke back. Between his Lulu, Tracy, Logan, and the mob, he is quite busy.

    Um, I like to pretend that the "his" is in front of Tracy's name as well as Lulu's. Um, and I hope that Tracy keeps him



    I have so much to catch up on at the Lovefest. So many treats! Ms. Q and Hooked: I still need to read your new fics. Can't wait!

    hooked: I LOVED the 1989 promo. That was too awesome. I wish I had vidding technology (maybe when the laptop gets better). Tracy needs a "Tracy. Is. Back." Promo for her escape from Shadybrook!

    I haven't had a chance to watch yesterday's episode, but I'm so psyched for more Tracy. I was definitely in the category of fans that wanted Luke to spring Tracy from Shadybrook, not because she couldn't take care of herself like EWCBO, but as a gesture of his love and how important she is to him that he'd leave his angel (*pukes...whew, that's better*) to help her. Then I was in the group of fans who wanted anyone to spring Tracy...she was so sad and defeated when Edward sent her back there after Dillon left...where was her fight? Sooo...as much as I would have liked a romantic LuNacy reunion at the looney bin, I'm happy that Tracy sprung herself. That's our girl!! TRACY. IS. BACK.

  20. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all who are celebrating!! Have some challah for me. Yum.

    I'm going to cut this short because um...I. AM. SO. EXCITED! I can't wait to watch the clips from today. I'm going to go watch now and hopefully I'll catch you guys later this evening so we can debrief. :)

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