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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. *waves* to hooked!

    I haven't watched a full episode of GH in about a month, but I have seen the Spinelli & Georgie clips, and I absolutely LOVE them together. They have been helping in filling the Tracy void. What day is it next week that she should be on? I will sitting on the couch with popcorn and a soda like I was watching the world series. This is a MAJOR event- a NEW Tracy clip for my iPod!

    I haven't watched in a good while either. I'm on strike waiting for Tracy to return. But I do love the idea of Spinelli and Georgie together. I'm going to have to go back and sift through the clips to find them. LOL about the major television event next week. I can't wait either! :)

  2. So many treats!!! Tracy's not on and yet I have tons of TQ fun to catch up on. Thanks Lady A for the TrASh!

    hooked: I'm beyond excited about those YouTube clips. Those will be my treat for finishing housework and work-work today.

    Ms. Q: I love Trotty banner. :) I just wish the show would say something, or JE or KS would ad-lib something. Maybe if the spoilers about

    Scotty helping Tracy breakout of Shadybrook

    prove to be true we'll get an acknowledgment. I haven't had a chance to read the latest chapter of Oh Baby, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.

    Colette: Happy Birthday! I hope you had a good one!

    I'm still waiting for Dell to frackin stand by their product (and my warranty) and help me out. Supposedly they've referred my case to some "special manager" who has the power to authorize system exchanges, but they haven't called me. I think I will call back today and demand that they do something. This is getting ridiculous...no, it's beyond ridiculous. My laptop hasn't worked in a month. (Yes, TL. I should totally get a new one ;)) Anyhoo, hopefully this will all get resolved soon and I'll be back online more often.

    I have to say that I am so sad about the rumored murder of the original brownstonegirl, Barbara Jean Spencer. Sniffle! I love Bobbie and I know that the show isn't using her, but I'd rather have her guest on the show than be killed off to further the stupid mob storyline and give TG a good Emmy reel. And maybe this might be unpopular, but if it was a choice between Bobbie and Lesley (and I have nothing against Lesley), I'd much rather that they get rid of Lesley. Lesley hasn't had much of a story since they brought her back on recurring status like 11 years ago. At least I can remember Bobbie having her own story in the not sooo distant past. Save Bobbie!

    Oy, I have to go do some work. Catch you guys later!

    PS. hooked, Ms. Q and TL: I had a LuNacy dream last night! I can't remember what it was about, but Carrie and Staci, you'd be pleased to know that her hair was very oomphy. Tracy was wearing this really nice brown suit and she and Luke were being very lovey-dovey. And there was this painting of them hanging in the Q mansion in the outfits that they were wearing in my dream. Weird. Wish I remembered more. I do remember thinking as I was watching them in my dream, "ohh, I wonder what hooked/ms. q/TL think about these scenes. I'll have to check in with them in the BR later." LOL.

  3. Luke is pulled into the mob war after Leslie's death.

    WHAT?!? I go out of town for one weekend and this is what happens? Um I'm assuming this is

    Old Lesley not Lesley Lu that buys the farm

    Right? Please someone tell me that Bobbie is going to make it through this mob war!


    *Ms. Q faints*

    *across the country BSG also faints*

    break room anyone since so many of you are online right now???/

    A spoiler???? Tracy got a real spoiler????? Woo woo!!!! But damn I wanted Luke to recsue her!

    Chillin' with remos in the breakroom for a few. Sorry I missed ya'll earlier.

    Edit: Waves to TL!!! Loved your response at SOC.

  4. HG couples game: Our couple is at 272!! Patrick and Robin have 3, and Monica and Alan have 26

    LuNacy is now at 273 and Patrick and Robin are no more! I like all the couples in the final three, but of course I heart LuNacy the most. :D

    Ms. Q: Oh my goodness! I just love your new banner and avatar! Can't wait 'til I get home to a better wireless connection so I can watch the videos. I think Dell is going to come this week to fix my laptop. Fingers crossed!!

    Does anyone have Verizon DSL? I just read this weekend that Verizon DSL customers supposedly have access to SOAPNETIC which is some kind of online version of SoapNet with additional content. Has anyone used this? Is it free? How does it work? I don't have cable, but I do have Verizon DSL and I would be soo psyched if I could get SoapNet online.

  5. WTH...Next time I need a root canal, I am just getting the tooth removed. So much easier. And it's not like I have much tooth left, anyway. hooked, you didn't tell me the compression would require them shaving even more of my tooth off!!! :oBSG, thanks for the happy thoughts.

    Poor Ms. Q! I hope you're not in too much pain! I loved your Tracy in August through the years. Maybe we can hope that the pattern is that she's mostly on vacation in August and will be back on our screens asap. Positivity!!!!

    PS. I like the banner! I actually really like Georgie and Alexis. And I grew up with Robin, even though she gets on my nerves now. I've never been a huge Skye fan...(I only really, really liked her when she and Erica and Janet were being all evil Witches of Eastwick with David on AMC, but she was played by a different actress back then...that said I think RC is better than the old actress anyway). But I digress...all this is to say the banner is cool with me. :)

    There was a good diane/max scene today that was really funny.. cause I know some of us like Diane...she and Max were playing gin rummy in Sonny's office. They are having a conversation but both sides are completely one-sided and not listening to the other...Diane is yapping about her couture dress she is getting and Max is yapping about sonny being too busy to question him about Carly. Then Sonny comes in next scene and spoils it all all pissy about Treavor and kate, etc. He yells at Diane to stop about the dress and it is a good thing she is the best damn lawyer he has ever had blah blah

    blah...she sort of tells him off too.

    hooked: your recap makes me want to watch today's show. lol. Wait...I thought Alexis was the best damn lawyer Sonny ever had...

    I had a hugely productive day today...did a zillion errands while my friend was at her chemo treatment. Forced me to get stuff done I had been putting off. She is down to 7 treatments (weeks) left and she is finished. So happy for her.


    There is a whole page about TQ (not JE, but Tracy) in a whose who Bio in soap opera digest fall preview issue. Nothing major, but a photo and she was given a character description of her marriages, kids, job, schemes, etc

    Oh and last night I was looking at article scans on JE Online and there was one article that said she, her daughter, her son and her step-son were swimming in the pool, etc...did you guys know she had a stepson???

    Glad to hear that your friend is nearing the end of her treatment. I hope she is doing well. Stepson?!?!? Who knew? Not me! Maybe he's her ex-husband's kid and she pretty much raised him during the time that they were married? I have a cousin who's been married three times and never had any kids of her own, but raised all of her ex-husband's kids.

    I just finished making dinner. Some sauce, TL, and I stepped it up tonight (a little bit). I did all the steps for my homemade sauce but I didn't have any crushed tomatoes so I added a jar of Trader Joe's (what else?!) marinara and some organic peeled plum tomatoes. It smells really good. We'll see how it turns out.

  6. Sorta OT, but I had the craziest LuNacy dream last night. Luke was trying to win Tracy back, not knowing what to do, while at a charity function at the Metro Court in front of the entire town, he got on stage whispered to the DJ said, "this is for you spanky" and began to lip sing the song (La La La La La) Means I Love You! Tracy was completely embarassed with her head down covering her face. Luke jumped off stage and began to really sing (badly) walking toward her bending down to see her face as she began to look up Luke asked her to marry him for real this time. Sadly after that I woke up, but it was a nice dream. :)

    ETA: Page 414!

    OMG, that's awesome. This would be so hilarious...kind of a throw back to the Nurses' Ball Days. Come on writers, give us some LuNacy love!!!!

  7. Now Tracy wants me to fork over my Official Big Bulky Necklace along with my Official Long Floaty Jacket, because I didn't read the post clearly enough. Pretty soon, I'm going to permanently lose my Official ELQ Parking Permit, if I'm not careful.

    ETA2: Help me, please. Help me, because I think I just remembered how to work that geometry problem. *handing over Official Martini Shaker in shame.*

    No! Not the big bulky necklace and the martini shaker! You still have the Johnnie Walker Blue Label from Edward's stash, right?

    Quiet day on the thread.

    I hope your teeth appointment goes well, Ms. Q. I'm thinking happy teeth thoughts!

  8. *waves to remos*

    I'm glad everyone enjoyed the TQ playlists. :) I have to confess my own workout playlist is somewhat of a hybrid of TQ's sweating to the oldies and Lulu's Hollaback mix.

    MinervaFan: I LOVE Running up that Hill by Kate Bush. I was trying to buy it on itunes the other day and discovered much to my dismay that they have EVERY freakin' cover of the song but not the original. This is why itunes sucks. That and they don't have Jack Wagner's All I Need. Come on, give a girl a break!!

    Hooked: I hope the party went well!!

    Happy Birthday, tracyluver! Hope you had a good one!

  9. Great news...I knew there had to be at least one good reason I married my husband...for his father!!!!! He recovered all my stuff from my old hard drive, hooked up a new computer to my monitor...transferred/copied all my old stuff on the new one and reconfigured my speakers. God I love that man!!!! My new hero!!!

    Yay! Glad to hear you're FIL saved the day. What a relief! Any clue as to what happened or will it remain a tech mystery?

    Good luck tomorrow with the party. I'll be thinking sunny thoughts. :)

  10. *waves to remos and Colette*

    So, I went to the gym. And, uh, you know it's been a long time when you go and they've replaced all of the equipment and rearranged the weight room. Oh, and people have stolen all of the little workout towels, so the only have the big ones. Still, I managed to forced myself to do 26 minutes and 45 seconds on the treadmill and a couple reps on the abductor/adductor (or whatever the heck it's called). Woot.

    So what did I think about during my 26 minutes and 45 seconds? Why TQ's workout playlist, of course. :P

    For your listening pleasure...

    Tracy Quartermaine's Work Out Playlist

    Chariots of Fire Theme

    Under Pressure--Queen

    Eye of the Tiger--Survivor

    I Will Survive--Gloria Gaynor

    Running up that Hill--Kate Bush

    All I Need--Jack Wagner ;)

    American Woman--The Guess Who

    Physical--Olivia Newton John

    Jumpin' Jack Flash--Rolling Stones

    Another One Bites the Dxust--Queen

    Takin' Care of Business--Bachman-Turner Overdrive

    Heat of the Moment--Asia

    Last Dance--Donna Summer

    We are the Champions--Queen

    Apparently TQ's a big Queen fan. Who knew? Now this is all a bit old school so may I also present...

    Tracy Quartermaine's Playlist by Lulu Spencer

    Suddenly I See--KT Tunstall

    Let's Get it Started--Black Eyed Peas


    Sexyback--Justin Timberlake

    Ain't No Other Man--Christina Aguilera

    Crazy in Love--Beyonce

    Hips Don't Lie--Shakira feat Wyclef Jean

    Weapon of Choice--Fat Boy Slim

    Independent Woman--Destiny's Child

    Don't Cha--Pussycat Dolls

    Hollaback Girl--Gwen Stefani

    We Be Burning--Sean Paul

    How to Save a Life--The Fray

    No More Drama--Mary J. Blige

    Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    Edit: hooked: loved your fic. Hope your FIL was able to rescue your files from your computer!!!

  11. bsg, so, does that mean their support line is just open M-F as well?

    I think Dell's support line is supposedly 24/7. This was just the DHL line to schedule the pick up and transport of my laptop. The Dell tech in India told me yesterday to call today to arrange for pickup, but she didn't tell me their offices weren't open over the weekend. Grr. Oh well, at least I can have DHL come pick up at my office, I have to be at work anyway and I can stay near my desk and phone. Better than wasting a whole Saturday.

    Speaking of wasting a Saturday. So I'm downloading some new songs for my workout playlist in an effort to motivate myself to go to the gym. Yay, woo gym! Love it! <_<

    So, anyone have any good workout song recommendations? Haha, what would Tracy workout to? I'm thinking she's all Eye of the Tiger...

  12. And watch those comments about Hufflepuffdom, Wench! I sort Hufflepuff about 90% of the time (with Gryffindor/Ravenclaw tied for second. I have never sorted Slytherin.)

    Haha! http://www.hufflepuffpride.com/ My mom sorts Hufflepuff. Do you revel in your Hufflepuffery, or do you secretly wish you were of another house? I pretty much sort Ravenclaw across the board. Though I wouldn't mind being a Slytherin...mwahahaha. B)

    EWCBO is the Emmy-winning chair bound one. TL's nickname for she who shall not be mentioned, at least not before breakfast. Come to think of it, EWCBO wouldn't be Hufflepuff because she's not Hogwarts worthy...she'd be a squib.

    hooked: how is the computer? are you out there? sorry to hear about the crash. for all ya'll in the breakroom last night, turns out DHL's computer return call center is only open M-F. So my laptop won't be going to the hospital 'til next week. :( Between you, me and Staci we're a computing mess.

  13. Whew. Long day at work. Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

    Colette: That's wonderful news about your grandfather! What a miracle!

    MinervaFan: You are too funny. I love your pics. I can see Bobbie as Slytherin back in the day. Love that Bobbie. She was a schemer. And such a nice counterpoint to my very favorite EWCBO. Who in my opinion, by the way is a total Hufflepuff in the very worst sense of Hufflepuffdom.:)

  14. TL: You know me...I'm sneaky. I had to take a peak at your fic and I found it on the ficathon. Heehee. Umm...LOVED IT!!! We have another writer in the house. Great dialogue! Just the cure for the "Where the Heck are Luke and Tracy" blues.

    You rock! Ok, I'm really going to bed now.

  15. waves to remos!

    On a related note, did any of you watch OLTL last week?

    Was this the 10,000th episode week??? Shoot! I had been wanting to tape that. I wonder if I'll be able to find the clips online.

    hooked: I don't think Phil Carey died, but OLTL decided that they didn't want him on contract anymore. At least they sent him off in a fitting way. I love that they brought back so many of the old favs. I saw a commercial with Asa's ex Alex (Tonja Walker--I loved her on GH as Olivia back in the day) and I was so excited. Sad, sad, sad I missed it!! :(

    Ms. Q: Glad to hear everything seems all clear now! Tornadoes are scary! I was in Oklahoma earlier this year and it was like tornado warning central 24/7. Everyone was really blasé. And I was like, AHHHH. Where's the nearest basement!!!

    Colette: Glad to hear your grandpa has a good prognosis.

    coolkid: are you out there? I found Michael and Donna from AW's original wedding from 1986 on YouTube. Thought you'd enjoy it. If you see this PM me and I'll dig up the link. :)

    Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  16. I agree, Nex. Honestly, it is nice not having the character game. It felt like Red Sox\ Yankees to me. Too stressful! :lol: I get that involved in GH... Ignoring the fear that this will be in bad taste, I have to say I am happy that, technically, Sam didn't win. Tracy was ahead. ;)

    Colette: ICAM!!! You totally hit the nail on the head re: the Sox/Yanks rivalry. And as a Sox fan, I don't need more stress in my life. LOL.

    So, I'm finally back from yet another weekend wedding odyssey. During the bus ride up to Boston I played the Who Slept With Whom Game, the TQ edition and managed to connect her to pretty much everyone on the show. Quiz me! Now as soon as Lulu sleeps with Logan and Logan sleeps with Maxie (if he hasn't already), then we'll be able to connect her to the teen set as well. It was a very long bus ride.

    I'm baking a cake and hanging in the BR. Swing by if you are around!

  17. Hey, I tried to go to that SOC thread, and the link was bad. You all know me--I'm willing to step in and fight the politically correct fight whenever I can. But I can't post if I can't find it!

    Oh goody, Jason is out of jail!

    That poster that I replied to has just jumped down my throat. Whatever. I don't really want to ten rounds with him/her. But I'll respond.

    MinervaFan: Here's the link if you want to jump in and fight the good fight. http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.p...9119&page=4 If that link doesn't work it's called Vet returning? Possible spoiler

  18. :angry::angry:

    After one very late night (great conversation, btw), and too early a morning (thank you, Rusty), I was perusing SOC to see what the latest gab was, and stumbled upon this. Not something I want to see before my morning coffee. I'm not sure why it is bothering me so much - it is only fictional characters - but I want to scream. Anyone with a membership there have anything to re-buff with? http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.p...9119&page=4

    I'll take that coffee, now....

    I headed over to SOC to take up the cause. I'm counting on ya'll to have my back when the LnL fans get mean!

    Thanks for the clips, nex! I've been away on vacation and having laptop problems. So it's nice to be home (with the other laptop!) :) I can't wait to watch!

    Welcome, KyE!

  19. Ms. Q: Thanks for the articles! I had been looking for the SOW one for awhile now. :) Poor laptop. I hope it pulls through. All my GH clips are on it! :o

    In other news...Tracy is taking a serious beating at HG today. She's currently down to 207. I think she's lost 5 points today. It's the weekend though and a lot of our voters are away. If you have an account and you haven't voted yet, throw a point over TQ's way. ;)

  20. I won the prize....I won the prize....PAGE 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't even realize it til i just logged back in. Where is my signed newspaper by JE???

    Edit again and again

    Remos just signed up too! Two recruits in one night...I'm on fire!!!!

    Congrats on your prize, hooked!

    Lovin' the HG voter drive. Too funny!

    Any luck with logging in Lady A? I think they made it so you have to reply to all of the admin posts before you get cleared to actually post.

    Colette: I love the button! Too cute! I might have to swipe that for my signature. :)

    We're away on vacation and I've had a scare with my laptop. It had a freak out and now it won't stay on. :( The warranty has expired, so I think we're going to have to take it in to be looked at. Trouble is, I have no idea where to take it. Think good laptop thoughts for me! This is our "good" laptop. The other one is old and not as reliable as it once was. Sniffle!

    Good thing my folks have their laptop...wouldn't want to miss out on voting! ;)

  21. Congrats on your 100th post BSG!!! Such a milestone! :) You are officially as nuts as the rest of us now--:)


    Wow---this is my 700th post I just noticed

    Thanks, hooked and TL! And congratulations to you too, hooked!

    Are we at the half-way mark yet for TG's vacation? All this talk about hell to pay when Luke returns - I hope Tracy is the one person who doesn't get it from him. She's trying.

    Welcome back, remos! You bring up a good point. Um let's see. Luke takes off with the catatonic one, his EX-wife, and leaves his real wife to face the music, which thus far has included time in jail and how long in the institution? It's been at least 6 weeks if not 2 months...Tracy BETTER not have ANYTHING to pay when Luke gets back.

    Well so much for going to bed...my son has 103.8 after taking fever reducers...lovely. It is going to be a long night!! Right on cue...a couple days before vacation...at least it is three days this time! Instead of the day before!

    hope you're son is feeling better!

  22. What a good day! TQ on GH. LS off HG. Good day. Good day.

    Poor UnLucky! Oh well.

    BSG you had me cracking up when I saw that you stayed and watched for the final blow.

    Well it's Sam vs. Tracy ..... Cassadine vs. Quartermaine Spencer. Quartermaine Spencer. That sounds like a deadly combo. Which means bye bye Cassadine!

    BSG--are you sooo tired today??? I know you had to get up early, but couldn't resist watching the final blow last night--ha ha! I just made plans to meet my friend for a birthday breakfast tomorrow at 7:30am--WHAT was I thinking?

    What can I say ladies, I couldn't resist! And fortunately I'm not as tired as I thought I would be. :D

    Yes I got them, I know its early but Something-More.net posts them pretty early in the day. So I edited while at work.


    Credit goes to Izzy at S-M.net edited by me.

    nex: You are so awesome. THANK YOU! Hope you had a terrific birthday! Nice of GH to give you a belated gift. LOL

    Edit: I just had my 100th post. I'm "Recurring!"

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