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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NEX!!! Hope you're having a good one. Sorry no Tracy this year, but there's hopefully always next week!

    So many treats!

    Ms. Q: I can't wait to read the updates to Oh, Baby! As for the vid, I got that she was in SB b/c of Luke's death. As I was watching it, I thought to myself, at least that would be a valid reason for locking her up as opposed to this nonsense. So, yes, I totally got what you were doing.

    Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  2. Argh!!!!

    Still getting it....

    "The error returned was:

    Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken." is what is showing up

    knh: I just updated the links in my signature. Both of them were directing to the couples game. Maybe those will work for you? Maybe it's a cookie issue? Were you able to figure it out? Good luck with the revisions!

    Ms. Q: Thanks for the treats. I enjoyed your new vid. It was powerful. Luckily I was in an optimistic mood. He's coming back. He's coming back to Tracy.

    Anyone around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  3. LOVE IT! Yay! I was hoping that you'd update Oh Baby. New update soon? :D

    Welcome Home HOOKED!!!! Glad you like the wallpaper, it's got ALL 15 LuNacy kisses, their 5 hugs, and misc. kisses: cheek, head, hand, etc. :). Gosh I miss them soooo much. I am so happy you are back and that you had a great trip. I might be working late tonite so I wouldn't get home until about 11pm easter. So save me a piece of cake if I don't make it back in time. Then again I could get off early if I get an extra.

    SOC Posters: I posted a new thread over at SOC called "Where's my Girl TRACY" please post there and bump up if possible. I mean everyone else gets what they want when they post over there: Scrubs baby, Lucky/Sam, s/l for Lainey. So it wouldn't hurt our girl. Besides its an opportunity to spread the Tracy love.

    TL: This wallpaper is awesome! Come home, Luke!!! In other news I finally signed up for SOC, so now I can support the TQ threads. PS. TL I walked by Hairspray again last night on my way out to drinks with colleagues and thought of you. We went to Bamboo 52, a couple of blocks away from the theater. It's a fun bar with a good happy hour until 9:00pm.

    BSG--guess you didn't get your laptop working. Sorry we missed you in the breakroom. Are you off tomorrow for summer Friday?

    hooked: sorry I didn't make it back into the breakroom last night. Mr. BSG was working on the good laptop, so I was stuck with the old one. And as I logged on several of the keys all froze up. I couldn't use the Y, H, N, U, J, or M, which was making it very hard to type. Sometimes the old laptop will unfreeze itself if you log on and off, but no such luck last night. I am off today. Yippee! I'll try to catch you in the breakroom later. I want to hear all about your trip and the bar mitzvah! hope you had a good birthday!!

    pink popsicle: happy belated birthday!!


    Hope you have a safe trip back! Party in the breakroom for you...I'll bring the rainbow cake. ;)

    MinervaFan: Thanks for sharing the GH Simpsons cast. Too Funny. I think they have Jason's confused look down. And Patrick and Alexis are good likenesses, too.

  5. You're right in that she was never one to need saving, but she damn well deserves someone who would want to save her anyway!

    ICAM! Luke, my friend, when you return you better step it up!

    Ok, I'll be back in soon, I was just checking in right now. I'm done with classes and pictures so hopefully when my mom gets home we can go to the gym (the perils of not having a license) cuz otherwise I'll ahve to start running again and, let me tell ya, not a fan!

    PS, my writing teacher is giving me a ton of info on what mags to send my stories to and she also agreed to help me out with my novel!! I told her I always have my cousin but I don't really know him that well so I don't know what kind of help I can get so I'd like any advice I can get from her and she said she'll read it when I'm totally done and see what she can help me with. I'm hoping she can give me some places to send it. I heard it's better to self publish when you write if you don't have an agent b/c without representation it is very hard to get anyone to look at something. Being that I am 22 and flat-ass broke I don't think I can offord an agent right now so this is my best shot.

    That's great news that your teacher wants to help you get your work published. Re: an agent...no reputable agent takes money from clients. They make their money of a percentage (usually 15%) of their clients' advances and of sales of subsidiary rights for their clients' work. Check out http://www.publishersmarketplace.com/. A lot of big agents have listings there and their submissions guidelines.

    PS. I know what you mean about the license thing! I only got mine a few years ago. It was nice to finally have it in hand, though I hardly ever actually drive. LOL.

    OT, but I scored Intermediate High on the Oral Proficiency Interview, and that's what Illinois and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages required of me! Woo! Advanced Low would've been a nice surprise, but I am not complaining.

    Wooohoo! That's good news! Congratulations. I think Intermediate High sounds better than Advanced Low any way! :)

    Edit: Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  6. ok, as much as this may not be a very popular thing with this crowd I kinda want Tracy to stay in Shadybrook. I really want all those stories people have been coming up with or anything about him getting her out of there. I know he had reasons to get Laura out, but he'd have no other reason than helping her and for his own benifit to get Tracy out. I think it would lead to something great!! that's just me.

    hey knh!! I'm in the breakroom with remos, if you're around!

    I kind of agree with you about SB. I want Luke to live up to his promise that he would come home to her. Tracy has never been a woman who has ever needed saving. But she deserves to have Luke dump the catatonic one and come back and face his commitment to her and having him get her out of SB would be a good place to start.

  7. *waves to Colette*

    Ms. Q: I LOVED the video. Really great! LOL re: "you're so good to me." Those jerks. Poor Tracy.

    Soo, here's the question with the spoiler:

    Scott and Logan are pressured by Tracy to get DNA tests.

    Other than as remos so aptly put it "'bout time" where are TPTB going with this?

    So if they get proof that's actually Scott's son...then what? And how is this going to help Tracy get out of SB or otherwise?

    hooked: We miss you!! Are you back on Thursday? Hope you're having a fabulous time!!

    I'm doing some work. Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  8. Just wanted to show you all the new banner Ms. Q made for me. Thanks Stace! I know the scene is a little outdated, but I always loved the line and am happy to have a banner of it :)

    Love the banner TL/Ms. Q! Nice Perfect for HG, TL! Tracy is rocking it in the character game (as of right now she has 169 to Sam's 85 and Lucky's 46--yeehaw!). LuNacy is rocking it too. Keep it up team! :)

    Well... since you asked... I got a 95 on it! totally shocked by that. I figured she'd give me some back, but I got my grade out of a posible hundred. She said my ending was weak for the great analysis (which I knew b/c I totally half assed it on the ending b/c I had to rush and get it to her) and I still got a 95, so it must have been out of the whole grade. Just thought I'd share my little bit of excitement.

    Whew! Glad to hear the prof didn't penalize you! Congratulations!

    MinervaFan: I look forward to your fic. I've been meaning to tell you that the one you wrote about Laura figuring everything out re: Luke and Tracy was amazingly powerful. WOW. I wish the GH writers could come up with something half as good. It almost made me like Laura (a little). Not a lot, but a little. :)


  9. [*]Erika Slezak on Jane Elliot: "I think that Jane Elliot can do no wrong. One of the reasons that I watch the show is Jane. I stop everything when she comes on. She is wonderful. She's bitchy and nasty and mean, but it's all done in humor."

    Umm. I kind of love that Erika Slezak is a JE fan. Thanks for sharing the treats, Ms. Q!

    I'm doing work and hiding from the monstrous thunderstorms we've been having all day. Pout. :( If anyone wants to drop by the breakroom and say hi, I'd love any distraction. LOL. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


    ELQ DISTRIBUTES FAULTY CONDOMS: Autographed PC Herald Newspaper on Ebay (features SD, LC, JI, and JE).

    Posted July 2007: http://cgi.ebay.com/LCFC-PC-Herald-Quarter...3QQcmdZViewItem

    I just checked this link out. Is it just me or did JE add an exclamation point to the end of the headline? :lol:

  10. MinervaFan: I'm sorry to hear about Fey's father passing. Sending you both good thoughts in this difficult time. I'm glad to hear your co-workers have rallied around you!

    Ms. Q: The video was AWESOME! I think it might be my new favorite. Reminded of all the reasons I heart TQ and LuNacy. Ok, Luke time to dump the catatonic one in Switzerland and come home to your wife.

  11. Thanks for the video feedback, Lainey. :)

    So...In Mozilla FireFox, this is what I get on Wikipedia:

    Edward "Ned" Ashton (son, with Larry Ashton)

    Unnamed Child (abortion unknown father)

    Dillon Quartermaine (son, with Paul Hornsby)

    Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (step-son)

    Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer (step-daughter)

    Elizabeth Webber (step-daughter-in-law)

    But, in Internet Explorer, I get this:

    Edward "Ned" Ashton (son, with Larry Ashton)

    Nathan Scott Baldwin (Son,Scott Baldwin; deceased)

    Dillon Quartermaine (son, with Paul Hornsby)

    Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (step-son)

    Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer (step-daughter)

    Elizabeth Webber (step-daughter-in-law)

    Seems as someone thought he/she could pass this made up son as Tracy's aborted child...except, we that it was an Italian man (right?), and Scotty doesn't fit that description.

    Ms. Q: Ah ha! Good detective work. I was using Firefox, so that's why I wasn't getting it. Maybe Scott is Italian on his mother's side. ;)

    PS. I can't wait to watch the video. Yay!

  12. Um.. folks... anyone notice that that entry refers to a deceased son with Scott, named Nathan Scott Baldwin????


    Ummm.. ah....

    • I'm assuming this is one of those Wikipedia anomalies that pop up every so often (because it can be edited by the general public).
    • Or maybe the gods are foreshawdowing something?!?! (can you say Logan?!?!)
    • Or... did I miss something on the show?!?!?!

    WAIT! WHAT?!? Umm, I'm officially confused. I don't see it on the entry anywhere now. Where was it listed?

    Edit: Hooked: How was the bar mitzvah?? I hope everything went off without a hitch and that you all had a wonderful time today! :)

    anyone around? It's 8:00pm est. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  13. I finally got to watch the clips from this week! Yay! I loved Tracy with Alan. This Ghost Alan story has had its ups and downs, but I think it plays at its best when they really dig into the Alan and Tracy history and capture their true sibling dynamic. Oh man, I'm going to miss Alan. I hope they have him on recurring status at least.

    I liked Tracy's new haircut. As we've all said before she'd looking pretty darn good for being in the nut house. Does that room even have a closet? Maybe she's dressing up 1) to prove that she's not crazy and 2) to separate herself from bathrobe Laura.

    Speaking of Tracy...calling all Tracy history buffs, are any of you wikipedia versed? It seems our girl could use a better entry...


  14. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have a dinner to plan for tomorrow night.

    Is mashed potatoes and meatloaf too pedestrian?

    It's Paula Deen's cheesy meatloaf recipe, so it's a little different....and I'm thinking about something creamy and cool for dessert, can't make up my mind on what to serve yet though.

    Yum! That sounds delicious to me! How about a cool pie like a key lime or lemon meringue pie? Oooh or a chocolate cream pie with a graham cracker crust.

    So how much does this suck... I went back and checked the calender and it wasn't due yesterday iy was due today but the time was 9 in the morning. We are not allowed to post them before it was due for any opther project but suddenly for this one we have to because after 9 am it was late. Does she not think people have jobs? I mean... 9 in the morning? What the hell!!! not fair. Anyway, so it turns out I was only a few hours late and not a day late, so I hope I get those points back if it was the same day. Maybe I lost them and if it isn't in by the end of the day they stay gone and otherwise it was a warning. Not likely but maybe

    That stinks! 9 in the morning? That's so random. Grrr. Maybe you can persuade her to give you some of the points back.

    *waves to TL* Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  15. And speaking of wacky, after weeks of personal creative/productive drought, fic-speaking, I proudly present Prompt #52: Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/89896.html It's part of the Long Hot Summer Smutathon and yet ANOTHER LuNacy First Time Fics. (I swore I was going to stop writing those, didn't I?)

    Argh. I'm going to be late for work, but I had to swing by and say I read your fic last night, MinervaFan and I LOVED it! Glad to hear that you are officially unblocked. :) Really great story.


  16. Thanks for the recap, TL! Love your new avatar!

    And thanks, as always for the clips nex! Can't wait to watch

    *waves to Lainey* I saw you over at the couples game. :D

    Welcome home (almost), Ms. Q! We've missed you in the breakroom!

    hooked: we miss you too already. Hope you're in-laws aren't driving you too crazy. Have some pineapple for me!

  17. hi guys!

    I just got back from seeing Patti LuPone in Gypsy. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. BTW, TL, I walked by Hairspray on my way to the City Center and thought of you. Now I'm ready to head to bed, but I had to swing by and say hello and see if today's episode of GH is worth watching and from TL and Colette's recaps it sounds like it definitely was. Oh man, from your descriptions,

    if this is a prelude to Alan's final departure, I don't know how I'll make it through SD and JE's real last scenes together.


    Thanks so much for posting the clips, nex!

    Glad to hear about the progress in the HG game. Go Team TQ! :D

  18. TL: just posted on HG and it worked for me. It's all up to you! Or hooked. Whoever gets there first. :-)

    Edit: TL, You're totally right about the character game. Just went there now. It's closed. Oh, ok...I just went back. They closed that thread...it might have been getting too long or something. Here's the new link: HG Character Game Continued

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