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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. BSG--you around for a few? I just ordered my pizza today instead and am waiting for it to come! Then it is a huge homework project this afternoon for me...a 10 page autobiography my son has to do for school. Complete with photos and it has to be bound in some way or in an album. At least it is a writing proiect so it is one I can help with!!

    breakroom for a few? 12:30pm central time.....

    hey hooked, sorry I missed you! I'm glad you got your pizza today! Can you believe some of the projects that they make kids do in school? So intense. Good luck with your son's autobiography. I'm off to do some shopping with my MIL. Hope to catch you guys later!

    *waves to Colette* Happy shopping!

  2. I am thinking the


    will come this week. MM confirmed it. MM is registered, and SoapDish trusts her (I think it's a her). Maybe

    after Monica tells him he will die if he doesn't get the surgery, he asks Tracy...

    Woooohoooo! I hope, I hope that's true. :D

    okay I am back..most hilarious scene at my house...trying to make s'mores outside wtih this fire pit thing....my little one comes out in ski goggles cause the smoke is bothering him...he is holding his marshmellow like 3 feet above the fire as he is such a chicken [!@#$%^&*]...the others are wearing sunglasses to ward off the smoke...and they are listening to christmas music. I am like well this is a nice turkey day scene.

    Plus chinese is closed in houston on T-giving also. Poor planning on my part. I had a veggie patty for dinner. Kids had easy mac. Okay so this was a pretty lame turkey day for us. Next year we might have to do something!!!

    OMG, hooked, it sounds like National Lampoon's Thanksgiving! I bet your kids are going to look back and laugh. :lol: I can't believe Chinese isn't even open on Thanksgiving. Not being able to get pizza or Chinese just isn't comprehensible to a New Yorker!

    Can't sleep...it is 1:15am...just found this tamilu comment on Luke/Tracy....

    We would all agree...she is the one who writes the two scoops comments on SOC..

    "... got an e-mail this week from a reader who told me it makes her mad to hear Luke and Tracy confess their love for one another, she just can't believe he could love anyone after Laura.

    Well, the truth is, people move on after tragedy. Luke adored Laura, no doubt, but the woman has been in a vegetative state for years now (save a few weeks during sweeps last year to boost ratings.) Luke has the right to love again, to move on, and to be happy with someone else. In truth, Tracy probably is better suited to Luke than Laura, because Laura wanted to domesticate and change Luke, while Tracy accepts the fact that Luke up and vanishes on random adventures from time to time. She never tries to make him be anyone but himself. Confession, it's been hard for me to watch Luke having heart attacks. He's supposed to be invincible right? Superheroes don't have heart attacks, do they? "

    Well said! Thanks for sharing, hooked.

    Ok confession...I need to find someplace here at the in-laws where I can catch up on watching the clips from Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm so behind! :unsure:

  3. Running out in a few to buy, among other things, some yogurt for the "no pudge" -fudge brownie mix. Can't wait! I could go for some pizza too :). As for the snow ball fight.... maybe around Christmas? It's 63 degrees right now here in NYC.

    Yay! Let me know how you like them! I actually brought a box to my in-laws (I'm guessing you guys aren't too surprised, lol), but I don't think they have any yogurt. I did make a pumpkin pie and a wicked pumpkin pie (it's extra spicy and chocolatey...it's totally an experiment...we'll see how it turns out). Maybe we can go on a yogurt run tomorrow. :)


    Not one single pizza place is open today. Not the good places, and not even Dominoes, Papa Johns or Pizza Hut.

    I am resorting to two frozen California Pizza Kitchen pizzas that I have had for months in my outside freezer. And two frozen totinoes pizzas for the kids. Hmmm...maybe this wasn't such a great gameplan!

    aw, hooked! Sorry about your pizza ordering! You need to move to NYC...pizza 24/7/365. Or do what a lot of New Yorkers do and order Chinese for Thanksgiving. Hope the frozen pies turn out well.

    *waves to hooked, remos, and TL*

  4. *waves to Ms. Q and knh!*

    And incase there is anybody who wants todays entire Thanksgiving episode, because lets face it, with no Sonny, Kate, Jason or Sam it was a pretty good episode. Here is the link.


    Nex: You rock! Thanks for the Thanksgiving treats! Everyone was talking in the breakroom last night about how good the episode was. Wonder why... :lol:

    I don't know about them falling flat or anything missing - quite the opposite, I think they've found something. For the past almost three years, they have been playing LuNacy for laughs a good portion of the time. The con that backfired and was a lot more real than either party thought. What we've been seeing the last few weeks is an actual mature storyline. They are in character, dealing with real life/death stuff, which neither has really dealt with, and certainly not as a couple. Tracy's husbands have always ended in divorce, and EWCBO is a turnip. They are playing a situation that has only happened to Edward (who's lived with a heart condition for awhile) and Alan (who died from it). They younger characters are still having the over-the-top drama and relationship betrayal, not their body's failing. Tracy, due to her family history, is all too aware of what could happen and knows outside of throwing her weight around, she is really powerless. And Luke is facing his own mortality for the first time, knowing that he can't get himself out of this one. It's poignant, it's palpable, and it's the different kind of storyline TG and JE have been wanting. It wasn't lost on my yesterday that during the closing montage, they were the only family that didn't need words or sound. They are being very powerful with this story, and I can't wait to see how it continues to unfold.

    Nicely put remos! Tracy's still got some zingers in and I'm sure when Luke is recuperating he's going to exasperate her into telling him to get his own darn whatever. :) While they were still at Wyndemere, I remember a few moments where they were kind of arguing and I thought it was cute because you could tell they they were in uncharted territory and trying to hide their fears.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    Hooked: have a slice (of pizza) for me! I love that you guys are having a Q Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoy the rest of the brownies. I have to say they they are delicious with a little bit of peanut butter.

    TL: Thinking of you and Dana. I hope she's feeling better. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

    ILTQ: You cake sounds fabulous. Mmmmm. Have a piece for me. :)

    Edit: Oooh. I got page 480! Ok, I know that there is no special prize, but can I at least have an extra slice of pie?:D

  5. LOVED today's show!!

    Tracy looked soooo pretty today, flat hair, wrinkled blouse and all! Love when she smiles, she has such a great smile. LOVED when Luke told her to join him in bed, LOVED LOVED her kissing him to show why he should wanna live and LOVED LOVED LOVED her in his hospital bed with him for the end montage. Did I call it or what? LOL. Actually I didn't call it, but I said that I was so hoping they would have her Luke's hospital bed with him. :)

    Oh, yay! I can't wait to watch!

    Wanted to mention this earlier, but I think the one good writer (OGW) wrote that line Monica had to Ned about just being around for holidays and funerals and how this time he gets a double feature.

    Haha! I love OGW...almost as much as EWCBO. Heehee. Do you think that LC ad libbed it or do you think OGW came up with it?

  6. I am making coconut cake and Grean Beans With garlic and bacon to bring to my parent's house...my sister is making the turkey.....what's everyone else having?

    That sounds delicious! I'm headed to my in-laws and I'm making green beans with crispy shallots. And little crustless pumpkin tartlets. Yum.

    Skye shows up. Tracy says hes under strict orders one visitor at a time and his wife takes priority. Tracy pushes Skye out and yells at him cuz hes half dead and he can still flirt. Luke assures her that hes saving all his flirting for her.

    TL: That Skye scene was for you! ;)

    Can't wait to see the clips! Sounds like a really good episode. Aw...I actually

    feel sorry for Jason!


  7. They've removed the wig from the canvas, and LuNacy are focusing elsewhere. LnL has been a memory for a long time - it's just their fans that want to believe in reliving the past, and trying to mine every statement on the show or in the press for their pro-LnL or anti-LnL messages. (I wonder if any of those folk actually remember that is started with rape, and ended in divorce long before Tracy came back to town...)

    Nicely put, remos. I love your realism and Lainey's positivity. :D

  8. Have two seconds....can't wait to watch today..thanks for the email recap Stace and TL!

    So this was on soapdish, but check it out stace...sounds like some false stuff but a girl can dream right???

    Luke and Tracy are gonna be moving ahead into a real and solid relationship. References to Laura and even the rivalry with Scott over her are coming to an end. Laura will soon be a memory.


    *bsg adjusts laptop screen and rereads hooked's post...stares in disbelief...faints*

  9. Ms. Q: Your vid was amazing!!!! I went into the other room while I was downloading and when the video started running, I was like, hmm...why does this song have a Latin beat woven in...I forgot that I also had itunes running at the same time! The two songs kind of worked together until Crazy in Love came on. lol. :)
  10. Best warm fuzzy scene I've ever seen (even felt warm and fuzzy).... Luke suggested to Tracy that she get Ramone to work on her back, and Tracy pointedly told him the ONLY hands she wanted on her body were his, then kissed the inside of the wrist she was holding...

    Good review, Ms. Q. Much faster than I would have been able to do. Only want to add two things. In the first scene just before Tracy goes for help, she steps over him and kisses him on the forehead. Later, when the parametics enter the room, she's lying beside him with her head on his heart. It was very sweet.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I can't wait to watch! So sweet.

  11. I'm home sick watching live. And my hubba just called in the middle of Luke and Tracy's scene. GAH! Right when Robin just left them. Shoot. I missed the rest of the episode. :( Did I miss anything good?

    Edit: Oooooh, Lunacy is on the preview for tomorrow! Yipppeeeee. :D

  12. And, uh... Monica is....... ALIVE!!!!!!!!! (Her daughter is dead, but she's very much ALIVE!!!!). Cool. Could we ACTUALLY get a Monica storyline!?!?! Fun!! Fun!!!

    I hope we get a Monica storyline out of all this carnage! Come on, Guza!


    Stop the negativity.

    They're building them up because it's TIME!

    Soaps ALWAYS have that strong, older, "anchor" couple. It's part of the model. Neither one of them wants to do love scenes anymore -- put them together permanently and concentrate on their scheming and lying. Make them the dream scheme deam. (There is an alternative to your downer theory!!! Don't go negative. Resist the urge. Tracy will worry, but she'll pull back. She's a manipulator by nature, not a nagger. Geeessssh!)

    Thank goodness for Lainey positivity. I would love to see LuNacy as the anchor couple on the show and with their great dynamic and scheming ways they'd actually be engaging and entertaining as the one solid couple. Bring it on!

    Oh, guess who spent Friday night at CareFirst and last night (early this morning) in the ER? Yup, Fey has serious shoulder pain (lotsa drugs, heating pad, ouchy pain)--so much so that she was willing to take a shot if necessary. (This is the diabetic girl who is so needle-phobic needs an anti-anxiety pill to get her quarterly blood work drawn.) She's still in pain, but the doctor thinks it's just going to take time to work out (and possibly physical therapy). Needless to say, she wants this taken care of before Disney in December, so she's being a very, very good girl and doing what the doctor said.

    Hope Fey is feeling better!

    Hope to be able to check the thread on my son's laptop and post while I am gone...but if not...I will be on via email and you guys better update me on the scoop for next week! :) I'll be home Wednesday evening.

    Thanks for the scoopage, Hooked. We'll miss you! Hope you can log on this week!

    TL: I hope you're feeling better and that your papers are going well!

    Ms. Q: Can't wait to watch your new video. Squeeeee!

    *waves to nex* Thanks so much for the clips this week!!!

  13. Spoilers from soapdish this morning...stace and I are not sure if it is true or not...

    Luke wants to marry Tracy "for real" when the doctor has bad news

    I would be SOOOOO HAPPY if this were true (and it actually happened)...

    If anything, IMO, GH are building LuNacy up now to rip them apart in the aftermath of this heart attack SL. Tracy will turn into the nagging wife, and Luke will say something hurtful, before disappearing until late January...

    Ugh, you may be on to something, Ms. Q. Luke, you better not mess this up. :angry:

  14. BSG, Where the heck are ya girl?

    BSG--Where are you???? Hope the house thing is going well.

    Awwwww...I miss you guys!!!!! Stuff has been crazy with the apt. Should know soon how things are moving along, but it's all been very stressful. Oy.

    I'm sorry you guys are both feeling sick, TL and hooked! I'm sending you chicken soupy vibes. I hope to be around later tonight for a little and maybe we can catch up. In the meantime, I need to download the awesome TQ clips!!!

  15. And as far as him not saying ILY. I think what he did say meant ever more. I agree with you knh! I think that she did laugh and was a little uncomfortable with him being so serious with her. However, I think JE is playing the whole relationship like she said once in that magazine article...that she will let it take whatever form it needs to take because she will do whatever to stay with him...and her whole schpiel about not liking when he leaves her and that she has serious reservations about what he does and with whom he does it with---did you see he sorta lowered his eyes like he was almost feeling bad about that.

    I was happy that Mama put him in his place about his exploits. Even though she'll take what she can get from him, she's not going to be a rug, or--dare I say,--a "Laura" about it. :P It was a cute moment when he looked kind of sad.

    Tracy will be supporting Luke after the heart attack. ILY will be exchanged.

    I hope the


    is coming from Lukey!

    Ugh, driving test thursday. Not really gonna have a problem with it. Just in case my mom had me practice backing into parking spaces today. That's the only thing I really haven't done. She got pissed at me actually. I did it perfectly the first 2 times. She looked at me and just goes "Son of a b-tch, do it again" I did it perfectly 3 more times and then from the other direction so she said she was just wasting her time and we went home. I hope I do that when I'm with the testers. Once I get this damned licence I can get a real job that pays money and I won't be so far in the poor house. Plus my friend at work is having me do a mural on her son's bedroom wall. She said she'll just give me the key and I can stay they till I have to go to work and just get it done in the mornings. Either way works for me cuz I'll make some money...


    Good luck with your driving test! You should see my license photo, I didn't get mine until not too long ago and my expression is super smug--like, haha, I can't believe I finally can drive legally. I'm sure you'll do just fine! :D

    The laugh mentioned above (knh?), was definately her "I'm not comfortable with honest emotion directed at me" laugh. She did the same thing back in July when Lulu told her how much Luke really did care about her. This chick has been hit and beaten in the heart so many times, it's a miracle she's opened herself to the town con at all.

    Poor TQ! I was thinking the same thing when I saw the scene. It was almost painful to watch, because you could feel her trying to shield herself from it.

    TL: I hope the strike gets resolved soon!

  16. Poor TL! I hope you feel better soon. The change of season always gets me. :(

    Meant to comment earlier and tell TL and hooked how cute cute cute you guys are ! Loved your pic together, can someone post the one with all three of you and BSG here on the board? :)

    ILTQ: I asked TL and hooked not to post it 'cause I didn't want it live on the board, but if you pm me your email, I'll send it to you. Or you can ask Staci, and she can forward it to you. :)

  17. AMAZING!!!!!!!

    I loved today's episode. They were so sweet together. Dang, TG and JE got it goin' on!

    I loved that Luke initiated the heart pouring and he wasn't even on his deathbed. :P If there had been an ILY from Luke I would have been totally, completely and utterly over the moon. That said, it was done well and in their own way...more and more we're seeing Luke realize how lucky he is to be married to Tracy and I'm liking that they are moving him from his stupid Laura fixation. One of the things I like most about LuNacy as a couple is the honesty and lack of overwrought sentimentality in their relationship. They aren't this elevated ideal of love like LnL, but a real couple with all their flaws and fears and baggage. And they love each other for who they are. Sigh. :)

    I thought JE really knocked it out of the park. She's so, so good. Seeing her as she listened to Luke, it almost hurt to hear those things he said, you could really feel Tracy as she tried to steel herself from believing that he could be opening his heart to her that way.

    And snaps to Tracy for shutting Scott down. Kind of pissed me off how he tried to rain on her parade like 2 seconds after the awesome LuNacy scene, but Mama knows where things stand with her Hubba. ;)

    TL, there were some excellent kisses for the kiss collection.

    Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  18. Hi all! I've been swamped at work these past couple of days after my galavanting with TL and hooked. But it was totally worth it! We had a great time at dinner on Monday and then seeing the show on Tuesday and chatting 'till the wee hours. So fun! TL and hooked are awesome. Really great ladies and it was nice to finally meet in person! Carrie, the City misses you already!

    TL, hooked and BSG I am soo jealous that you all got the chance to meet in NYC, I knew I should have waited an extra week before making my trip to NY. haha!

    LOL. We'll just have to have another lovefest reunion! BTW, every time I see those stupid Medifast ads it pisses me off. I'm glad I haven't noticed them yet on SON. Grrrr.

    THANK YOU so much for yesterday's clips. Sigh! <3

    BSG, You have mail :)

    Thanks for my treat, TL!

    To the NYC "fan club": sounds like you guys are having a blast! Wish I could have joined you!

    Thanks for the treats, LadyA! I wish you could have come, too!

    Sad that there was no Tracy today, but I have to say I LOVED seeing her yesterday. Even sans oomphy hair. And those are definitely some kisses for your collection, TL! Woooohoooo. Some serious LuNacy liplockage going on. B)

    TL, I love your new avatar. :D Anyone around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  19. He should be able to say those types to things to her in ANY circumstace, but I'll take what I can get and be happy about it! :)

    Ha, ha. I totally agree with you, TL. (as always). But I'll take what I can get. :)

    Cahhhhhhrie's in Nu Yawk!!!! She texted me several times already :). She will be by me tomorrow nite for sure, maybe tonite too.

    BSG, Can't wait for tomorrow nite!! I have to pic up the tix for Tuesday nite, after school tomorrow. :)

    YAY! YAY! YAY! I've got the oven on for some baking tonight. ;)

    TL, BSG, IluvAandM, and Addie, do any of you plan to be in the breakroom tonight? :)

    I'll try to drop by. I have some baking to do for TL and hooked. :lol: and unfortunately I also have some work to do. :(

    Addie: Welcome to the Lovefest! I'm so glad you dropped by! I'm a huge fan of your classic GH clips on youtube. Thanks for sharing them with us!

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