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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. BSG, Mama, we MUST get together! Email me when you get a chance or PM and tell me when you are available :D

    and FINALLY after much blood, sweat, tears and cursing (WTMF!!), the LuNacy Kiss Collection has been updated. Not in the order I want the pics, and the new pics are not as clear as I'd like (M%$#@-F'ing lighting!), but here it is none-the-less.

    TL: I'll email you manana, Mama!! :D

    LOVE the newly updated collection! B)

    Happy Monday everybody, Tracy will be back on our tv's tomorrow!!

    I have a small spoiler from SoapZone, it's nothing new but worded a bit differently.


    Tracy comes back from seeing the world with Luke…and straight into the devil’s lair, as she gets a load of his daughter and Johnny pursuing their biological imperative.


    Lucky and Sam hunt Luke down. He was last seen in Mexico.

    Thanks for the spoilerage! Can't wait to see how they deal with Tracy's return. I miss Lukey but hooray for Tracy Tuesday!

  2. Here ya go BSG. I was actually unable to clip the very begining of this scene when they wake up together (funny) because it was damaged. But here is the rest of the follow up scene.

    Tracy & Scotty: The Morning After http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HenULL5NnDE

    *EDIT* This was a special request from someone at YT. It's a nice scene of Tracy, Ned, & Ashton, before Ned marries Dawn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVZ6R3HUSns

    Thanks, halee! LOL. So sad the beginning of the scene is damaged. I wish I could see Trotty waking up together.

    Thanks, Halee!

    Young Tracy was sooo sexy.

    But I gotta tell you, I never liked "young Tracy's" voice... too high pitched. Always got to me.

    LOL. Ok, you know I love, JE, but I wasn't a fan of young Tracy's voice either. Super high and sometimes, um, kind of Southern? (I'm thinking specifically of the Edward pills scene. "Daaaaaaady!"

  3. Posted on SOC regarding Megan Ward (Kate Howard) on a radio show:

    MW's favorite GH character is Tracy Quartermaine and she would LOVE to work with JE.

    And my least fav character is Kate Howard... (Ok, maybe least is a stretch, but I do think that she's kind of pointless and do wish she had taken the bullet instead of Michael, who is really a Q underneath all of his mob grooming). LOL. But I guess I can't complain if JE gets more screen time. ;)

  4. I am seeing a new spoiler ho crown in my future!!!!

    This insider Scene Insider has been hanging around SD all weekend long. I have been asking questions, getting ignored, as usual, etc. That board has been freaky strange all weekend long.

    Scene Insider is the person who confirmed the info about JE being back the week of the 2nd and being on the 9th, etc...

    Anyway, someone published a list of spoilers of who was breaking up, who was going to stay married, etc....of all the GH couples. SI said as a whole the list was not accurate, so I asked for Luke/Tracy specific one as the list said they stay married...

    Here is my little gift to all our Lunacy fans tonight!


    Do you know if the Luke/Tracy stay married one is real?

    I would guess they do for now since he is off til September and I doubt they would make them get divorced when Luke is MIA right?

    Tracyfan because you never get anything. Yes. They stay married and I wouldn't look for that to change any time this year.

    Summer Insider/SI


    BTW--I want my crown with sparkly jewels in it--preferably purple ones! LOL!!!

    You guys don't know how long I have been working this insider to spill anything for us!

    Way to go, SpoilerQueen! Excellent news! :D

  5. The best was her saying "Tracy's lover not Jane's sweetheart!" It was like Tracy talking to Luke. And how she quickly finished his sentence when he couldn't describe accurately how soaps were more like the stage than films, etc...

    The best interview ever!!!

    Yeah, I loved how they could finish each others sentences. Awwwwwwwww.

  6. They adore each other. You're right, it is obvious. And TG wanted as little connection to LnL as he could get. More and more I'm convinced - endgame ain't gonna be ewcbo.

    Yeah, the overly long pauses during the interview parts about LnL, were pretty indicative to me that he is sooooooooooooooooo done with that.

    LG's intro was kind of weird. It sounded like GF was going to be there with him and it was going to be all about LnL (again). So glad that they dispensed with the necessary (not!) nod to "the wedding" and moved on to more interesting things, like LuNacy. B)

  7. Oh my GOD!!!! So far BEYOND worth the day-end from hell it's not even in the same hemoshpere as funny. I'd list everything I loved about it but I would just end up typing in all of their scenes word for word so I won't bother.

    Whoever said it, I'm with you that I kinda back and forth on how I feel about today being their last day for a while. As much as I lOVE that they had scenes like this it is almost like giving a junkie a big fix and then cutting then off cold turkey. We need to ween ourselves off we can't get thjis and then Nothing!!! But I will take it cuz it's along time coming and it was perfect.

    Wait, I take it back, I will list at least one faveortie part, (well a few but all based on the same thing) The cry. As much as Luke can be a complete sh-t to her she will fight crying everytime he hurts her... well almost, usually just a wimper but no big cry... but she was all out ready to start balling when he asked her to go with him.

    Anyway, i finished the portrait... just in time for no more Lunacy I guess... so I can be around a bit more. Still not a huge about b/c I have to start drawing and painting for some fairs in the summer. They aren't right away so I don't have to cram but I do have to get as much done as I can so it's not hours on end like it used to be but maybe by the time out girl and hubby come back I will be all done with my work and I can rejoin the T-Quartermainia.... woohoo for me!!!

    I'll post the new pic when I get a sec if anyone wants to see... Hooked usually asks so I figured I'd just post it here.

    No time for the BR at all tonight though so I'll see you all when I can.

    MF, good to have you back!!! I've seen you on a lot lately!

    Just watched, too. OMG. I second everything knh said. So, so great. Aw. I loved what you said, too, Lainey. Her Prince Charming finally swept her off her feet. Must. Watch. Clips. AGAIN! :D

  8. Hooked, I was thinking the same thing about you. LOL!! I didn't get home from the matinee until 5pm and was thinking I guess there was no kiss today because Carrie didn't text me.

    YOWZA on the Kiss!! and their open mouths - YUMMALICIOUS!!!

    Edit: In the BR again for a few :)

    Where are ya, mama? I'm around for a few...

  9. TL--For your collection of kisses!!!










    Can we last til mid-Sept????

    Also..you know if Lunacy were to both leave the show...that is how I would have liked to see them written out (but with a lot more scenes)

    Woooo. Mama looks fierce. B) Can't wait for the clips!!!!!

  10. Oh yeah... at least one.

    She gets in Trevor's face for him, she bails him out, and she lets him know she planned to go with him the entire time. For his part he begs her to be with him. There's got to be at least one kiss in there.

    SERIOUSLY! At least one. I'm hoping for multiples. Gotta make up for lost kiss opportunities... :P

  11. You think there will be?

    I hope there will be.

    Anyone wanna place odds there WILL be smooching?!?!

    In my mind, there has to be, right...? Luke would definitely plant one on her when he discovers she's been planning on coming with him. At least I hope so. I'm looking forward to seeing their escape. I hope the TIIC make it a fun scene.

  12. Yeah agree. I don't know if it's just how it is written now or if it was JE's relationship with David Lewis, butTracy's scenes with Edward used to have so much more depth and complexity. Now it's all pretty one note.

    Ahh, the good old days!

    *Hope you didn't have screamers on the plane!*

    Yeah, I love JI, but I agree with you about the depth that there was in the old scenes with DL and JE.

    I totally lucked out last night. The family had seats in separate rows and the row behind the mom and the little baby was totally open, so the dad took the other two kids and left me with an empty row to sprawl out on. It was heaven. I rolled up my jacket for a pillow and slept the entire trip home. B)

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