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Posts posted by brownstonegirl

  1. You guys are gonna love this...SOW

    Laura Decides Luke's Fate

    TG says that Luke has made his choice and that's what Laura comes to understand. Laura comes and goes and comes and goes out of his life.

    During all of that coming and going, Luke has remarried Tracy and built a life with her. TG says it's a totally different relationship. He says you can love more than one person at a time, but you can't live with more than one person at a time. And as much as the audience wants L&L to stay frozen in time, it's impossible to do that and have it be anything but unrealistic.

    Laura comes to the same conclusion after fighting with Tracy. GF says she got to do some work with JE and their scenes are prime to be the best catfight ever.

    The fight helps Laura make her choice. TG says that they'll always love one another, but they don't necessarily have to be together anymore. He says it's what happens to people that mature. It's not the same relationship it was 30 years ago, a teenage, obsessive love affair. It's a mature love that's evolved with adulthood. Life doesn't stand still for people. They've acknowledged in the story that people's priorities change and life and people, in general, change. He thinks it's great because he can't see Luke dropping whatever his life is to accommodating Laura everytime she comes and goes and comes and goes.

    GF says that shouldn't mean fans should worry that Laura will slip back into her coma, we've seen that before.

    TG says they part lovingly and Laura goes to France for treatment.

    GF says they leave the situation entirely pregnant and there's plenty of story to carry on with.

    OMG. How much do I love TG?!

  2. Here is the ABC hotsheet for this week...

    ABC Hotsheet

    Huge Week: Robin and Patrick's wedding! Luke and Laura face to face! Sonny stabbed!

    After years of on-again, off-again, Robin and Patrick are finally getting married. The church is full, the bride's in her dress and everything's a go -- until the groom goes missing and Robin's water breaks! Across town, Anthony suffers a stroke, putting control of the Zacchara family up in the air. Who will assume control -- Claudia, Ric, Johnny or Sonny? Anything could happen, especially after Sonny gets stabbed and dumped in Port Charles harbor! While on the run with Scott, Laura learns about Tracy and Luke's marriage. Luke's going to have a lot of explaining to do. Now he'll have the chance -- finally, Luke and Laura come face to face!

    ALl I know is I better see something on Tracy in the mags!

    I'm off to a football game this morning..

    BSG/LadyA where are you guys?

    LisaQ--can you PM me when you get a chance so I can give you my email/details for the gift...

    Hey mama! I'm in Nebraska! And running to a meeting. Hopefully if I get my work done this evening I'll be able to reward myself with a much needed BR catch up session. Miss you guys!

  3. Hooked, I was just coming on to tell people this--I was going to watch The Chef Jeff Project anyway, then I saw this picture on the Spinelli LJ community:


    Yay! I know what I'm doing at 10 pm tonight.

    Oh, and I'm doing okay. Not spending a lot of time online these days--jury duty and work-related stuff. Other than that, I think of you guys often and hope you're all doing well.

    Hi MinervaFan! So fun! I wish I had cable. :( If anyone finds clips, could you post them? Pretty please! :)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FUNNY! Hope we get lots of good LuNacy in honor of you next week!

  4. Breakroom anyone?

    I think I have a date with TL and BSG at 9pm central time...any takers? It has been a long time.


    :( So sorry guys! My brother in law just went home. SIGH. So tired. We have to make a chat date soon. I'll try to catch you both this weekend. Miss you, Mamas!

    BTW, did I tell you that I think I saw the actress that played Heather Webber at a food event. LOL. I think she's also a chef so it might actually make sense. I'll email you the pic and you can confirm. ;)

  5. I"M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gosh I have missed you guys!!

    Internet is a beautiful thing...power...amazing...AC the best!!!!

    We had our aunt/uncle and cousins staying wth us last night for power.

    Kids off today and tomorrow...the weather is cool out...life is good.

    Thank god we were so lucky.

    We spent a few hours yesterday handing out ice and water to people in need. It was nice for the kids to do.

    AndI didn't even have to miss an episodeof GH!!

    I think Tracyi s probably wallpaper today again...or maybe she has a few lines....

    Thanks for all the good wishes and for thinking of me!!

    So glad to hear that you are back and that you and your family are ok. Just got back from vacay! Much to unpack and organize. Hope to catch you guys in the BR this evening or tomorrow.

  6. I asked that not so generous insider like 10 times about Tracy, but no info..

    On a funny note, our very own Lainey is quote in this article (don't freak lainey, not by name) by CH (diane). It is a cute article, but they go on to ask her about half way through of who else Diane could be paired with...she mentions Ric or Luke but says the fans would scream or something like that...

    They said what do you mean, and she says "Luke is Tracy's--even on my own message board I have fans tell me "Love you Diane, but Luke is Tracy's...back off!"

    How funny is that...


    HAHA! That's awesome! You tell 'em, Lainey!

  7. Weekly: Will she have enough material taped to take Laura through the winter?

    Guza: I hope so. I love having her around. She is just wonderful.

    Weekly: Well, everyone definitely wants to see the Spencer clan back together.

    Guza: So do we. You don't hear any arguments from us!

    Where one earth is this coming from? I know that Guza likes to play around in interviews but ARGH--he's being so gushy over a character and couple that he has publicly bashed. What the heck?! I don't want to see LnL back together. I want to see the Spencer-Quartermaine clan back together!

    Here's where I stand...

    I was thinking about it the other day and first and foremost, I'm a Tracy fan (obvs), but one of the reasons that I love LuNacy so much is that as characters they make each other more interesting when they are together. Their relationship is complicated like any real marriage. It brings together a lot of GH history and Tracy and Luke make each other better as any couple should. Much as I hate to say it Tracy was becoming really shrill and an unfortunate caricature of herself. Her relationship with Luke and the way that their marriage has evolved snapped her out of it. When they actually get screen time they are the freshest thing on the show. Tracy's better rounded because of Luke and vice versa. We've seen complexities in Luke that we haven't seen in ages. They both have someone to love them warts and all.

    I know LnL has their base, but a lot has happened in the world and on GH in the 27 years since they got married. And the Luke of today is better suited to Tracy. Please don't kill one of the best things you've done, Guza. Viva la LuNacy!

  8. Woo hoo!! After six months of on and off editing/revising, etc...I finally submitted my children's book for publication to five places today. Keep your fingers crossed for me for at least some nice rejection letters with good feedback!

    I am so happy to have that off my mind. I am the type of person who can't focus on another project til one is done. Now I feel like my mind is cleared to work on some other ideas I have had for some time.

    I think this calls for a big glass of wine--it's 5 0'clock somewhere right???

    I got your text and I'm so proud of you! Congrats, Mama! That's great news! What's next? :D

    Mr. BSG and I are up in Maine and savoring the Labor Day weekend. Off to the beach tomorrow!

    Welcome eraser!!

    I will have to think on that, although I love the one that BSG mentioned which was recent! As far as the defning moment...there a few that come to mind...I think after Alan's death when she pulled him into a hug when he told her she had a right to grieve however she wanted to....that seemed to turn things around; when he told her in 2006 during Laura's return that he would want to be married to her if she didn't have a dime; when tracy told Luke off about Laura and how she was not coming back to him or anyone else (and then later at the Metorcourt; the will forging when he told her she was a winner in his eyes, ELQ stock or not; the B&W ball day when he told her she was his future; the heart attack stuff when he talked about making plans, etc; when he brought her back her ring and told her that there was nobody for him, nobody anywhere....

    YES! The I'd love you if you didn't have a dime was definitely a defining moment. I also loved the stuff at the B&W ball. And when he said that he for the first time he had something to come home to. Sigh. :)

  9. Greetings from the misty banks of Lurkdom

    I usually go with just being nosy, but you ladies [and gents?] are so nice. :D Liking the whole family/community you've got going. It's awesome. Sorry if I sound like a scientist observing you guys through a petri dish. I just finished studying for a biology exam. :D

    I also come bearing a question...what Tracy/Luke scene would you consider a defining moment in their relationship (if not the defining moment) and why?

    I'm thinking about doing some writing and I need a muse--badly.

    And Tracy's supposed to be on Wednesday, no? This whole phantom of the soap opera thing they have going for her character [and most of the other vets] kinda irks me.

    hi <b>Eraser</b>! Welcome! Always nice to meet fellow TQ fans. We do have a fun and friendly family here. :)

    Must go to bed. Will respond about defining moment when I have more brain power! I loved all of the history and emotion TG and JE packed into the scene where Luke and Tracy go on the run. Someone on the board put it well when they said that Tracy had waited her entire life for someone to love her for who she is and sweep her off her feet.

  10. My turn:

    Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

    Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

    Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

    Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

    Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

    Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

    Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

    Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom

    Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

    Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

    Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

    Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

    Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

    Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

    Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

    Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

    Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

    Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

    Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke Spencer

    Tracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

  11. hooked, I guess you are/were in the AU BR. My sis is doing okay. She is out of the hosp and I am staying at her house with her tonite.

    Truke, I don't know when the pic of Jane was taken. I got the pic from Hooked who got it from a LadyA. Mama is goooorrgeooooous in the avi, I agree! :D

    Love the new avi, mama! I just missed you and hooked in the BR. Hopefully I'll catch you guys tomorrow. I'll be at home cooking in the morning.

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