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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I doubt that we are supposed to be sympathizing with him.

    This woman is a fool. She is another Andrea trying to be nice to Phillip.

    Gawd, is she really attracted to disgusting looking Phillip? She must be horny as hell.

    Now she is leaving her daughter alone with a man she hardly knows? This woman is a fool.

  2. I think that this might be a whole Phillip episode. We might not see the prison tonight.

    How did the cop not figure out how to kill the walkers as yet?

    Know what, it looks like they are going to drag out Philip slaughtering these people.

  3. Oh no, more people for Phillip to kill. What happened to Martinez and the other guy? Did he kill them too.

    I phill

    I forgot that she was the one who survived him, and I knew she's be a new cast member. I just figured she's last more than 2 eppies!

    Yep, I thought Karen would be around longer. Maybe then some more people would give a f'k that Carol murdered her.

    I think Phillip will try to steal the little girl. This woman is a cop and she let him so close to their guns.

  4. Ann, after watching for the 5th time, I clearly see what happened to the blonde woman who pulled the walker off of Hershel. Remember when the man came our of his cell with the gun to shoot the walker attacking Herschel? Well, when is son came out and bit his arm, right as the blonde woman pulls the walker off of Herschel, the guy accidentally shoots her before he's wrestled to the ground by his son.

    Thanks. I totally missed her getting shot.

  5. When Hank accused her of throwing acid "Do I look like the Taliban to you".

    "When I plant a fat ass, cracker bitch, I expect her to stay planted!"

    LOL! Those were funny lines. Angela delivered them perfectly. They were balanced against her sorrow over losing her Minotaur lover Bastian.

  6. I think the number of people around and the heighten awareness of danger would have made it very difficult for Carol to kill more sick people. However, given her irrational thought process, I am not sure that I would put it past her to kill some of the sicker people if she did get an opportunity to do so. After all, she could rationalize it as saving medical supplies because they were dying anyway. Regardless I cannot see anyone in the group trusting her again. How could anyone believe that Carol would not make the decision to murder again because she decides it will protect the group?

  7. That's not how Carol's thought process worked...she was trying to stop the virus when it had only infected two people, not willynilly killing everyone infected with the virus. Remember she still around after it spread and everyone was quarantined in Block C (or A or B or whatever block it is).

    Carol's thought process showed me that she has absolutely no understanding about infectious diseases. First, murdering people who have a virus does not stop it from spreading. Once the virus has entered the environment, especially an enclosed one like the prison, by the time the symptoms show up in a few people, the virus has already spread to a wider group of people. These people just have not shown symptoms as yet. Second, David and Karen were already quarantined and locked up. Murdering them before they died naturally was completely unnecessary. She also ignored the fact that one or both of them might have recovered. Not everyone who gets influenza or dies from it. This whole things tells me that the CDC needs a crash infectious disease health awareness campaign if the Zombie Apocalypse ever breaks out.

  8. It just occurred to me that we still do not know who threw the acid in Cordelia's face. I am beginning to think that it might have been someone who wanted to her develop this second sight that she now has.

    I am looking forward to seeing Stevie on Coven. It will be fun!

    Another thing, Marie has been successfully destroying that Coven for years, killng off witches, because of Fiona's neglect just as that the Frances Conroy character said. When Zoe becomes the new Supreme, Marie will be in serious trouble.

  9. Damn, the Headless Horseman is a badass, but so is the captain. Go captain take the head and run like the damn wind!

    Oh no, there is no way to destroy the skull.

    John Cho's Andy skulking around.

    Abby calmly taking down the Mason's skulls cracks me up.

    LOL! Ichabod telling off the historian about the real history.

    LOL! Ichabod messing up the computer.

  10. I'm not saying she doesn't have her struggles. I just mean sometimes I think she's written in terms of a certain moment to fit a scene, whether as daughter, or girlfriend, or bad-ass. That doesn't take away that she's one of my favorite people on the show. I'd compare it to someone like Michonne. Michonne was sort of written as tropes (quiet but deadly, etc.) last season, but this season seems to have more sides. I'd like to have more moments where Maggie might get to laugh or to show more of her personality. I still love the character, don't get me wrong, and I'm always happy when she is in the spotlight.

    See I think of all the tv shows, TWD breaks through those "tropes." I don't see Maggie as being written to fit a scene. She is all those things which makes her a well written character. She was a bad ass from her first scene, yet she is also concerned a daughter, girlfriend, and friend with moments of fear and self-doubt. I don't see a lot of tropes about "quiet and deadly black women" so I don't see Michonne fitting anything that I have seen in tv. She is someone who was traumatized and has now opened up to human contact. Rick breaks through all tv tropes about the action leading man. He is full of doubt and makes mistakes. He has suffered a mental breakdown which makes some people consider him weak. Tyreese (and T-Dog before him) is not an angry black man despite the attempts to put in that trope on him.

  11. Yeah, I feel like that was a strong moment for Rick and Carl. Rick also watching his son with pride shooting the walkers realized that he could not shelter Carl who is almost a man. Yet Rick protecting Carl has been able to bring him back from the brink of sociopathy that he was close to by the end of last season. Carl will be more like Rick and less like Shane from now on.

  12. Carol is one of my favorites but Hardwick's Carol stanning and Rick bashing gets on my nerves. The problem isn't what Carol did, it's how she did it. I've seen people saying they hate Maggie now for not defending Carol's honor. Maggie knew that Glenn would be dead with Carol still in that prison.

    I think that opinions like those deserve eye rolling. Most of those same people melting down over Carol would be ready to stab her in the face, if she had murdered Daryl or one of their favorites. And the rest are basically Shane/Phillip types that the group would run from.

    Maggie sometimes feels like a series of tropes, instead of a character, but Lauren Cohan plays all those tropes so damn well. I was really waiting to see her back in action, and I got that and more. Even better, we got to see her torn between Glenn and Hershel, a horrible choice. Ultimately she chose not to make the choice. She took a risk and trusted herself and her aim, and it worked. I applauded her and the show letting her have that moment.

    I don't see Maggie as "a series of tropes." I think that she struggles like everyone else on that show. When she stood her ground to shoot the walker that Hershel was struggling with, I know that Rick's earlier words about never doubting herself were in head. Maggie and Michonne are most courageous and determined women characters on tv. It is unfortunate that they do not get enough credit.

  13. Ann, I think the blond woman who kicked the walker off of Herschel was an unnamed new member who happens to be sick but not too sick to keep her from helping in such circumstances.

    I know that they have a number of Red Shirts, but she really did pop up out of nowhere to save Hershel and then did a quick vanquishing act. :)

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