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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Well, the football game was adjusted up 8.4 so it beat TWD, but damn TWD did outstanding.

    That's one thing that makes Carol interesting to me. She's become a very different person. I can't even imagine her standing back and letting her husband beat or bully her now. I thought for sure that she would crumble when Sophia died, but she took it better than Andrea who basically chose to die after her sister's death.

    I actually find Carol's growth slightly unbelievable. A battered woman who loses her child is exactly the type of person I would think would crumble under these circumstances. However, I like how far she has come.

  2. Yeah, Gimple pointed that out on TD. They did everything right in clearing that store and still the walkers came unexpectedly came through the roof. Danger is ever present in their lives.

    It is a lesson to us fans who always say about our survivors, "they should have... If I was there, I woud have..." The truth is that when society breaks down, when there is no government or hot showers or regular access to food and danger lurks at every corner, most of us would be hapless and desperate. Only sociopaths like Shane and Phillip can prosper in those circumstances.

  3. There was no time to shoot Zak. The walkers were on top of them. They had to get out or die. It is one of the many horrible choices that people have to make in the Zombie-Apocalypse.

    I think Rick left the woman to die which was ridiculous, but Rick is barely holding it together.

  4. I think TWD would have been much stronger on HBO also. The cinematograpy and set quality would have been much better. Of course, fewer people would be watching because the subscription price.

    I don't buy that HBO passed on TWD because of the violence as much as the zombie/fantasy was likely too much for them. I will never forget that HBO exec dissing GOT in the NY Times, saying in effect that they did not want to known as the sci fantasy network. Clearly, HBO is not a fan of shows like True Blood and GOT. It wants be known for its serious dramas like when it had the Sopranos, The Wire, and Six Feet Under.

  5. Holy Sh!t! Those ratings are kickass. 8.2 in the key demo is record breaking and makes TWD the highest rated show, it is higher than football and it was up against one of most popular NFL pairings, Cowboys/Washington. Blows me away. Crazy!

    The only thing I'm praying doesn't happen is Daryl/Beth. Their scene was sweet, but I hope it's not the beginning of a relationship. I guess they could always write it well, but the idea kind of made me barf.

    Gimple said on TD that he was not going there with Daryl/Beth.

  6. I like Rick, Carl, Michonne as a family also. Not only were they happy to see other other and smiling, when she said she would not be staying long, Carl looked genuinely upset. I don't think for a second that the writers will go there, but Rick and Michonne would be a strong couple and with Carl would solidify the group's core.

    I'm with Ann. I think the newbies are here to keep us from losing any of the group. They will give us reason to care for these people, so that when they are killed it will matter to us [but we won't notice we are not losing the regulars].

    Exactly. We lose two to three long term characters by the end of almost each season. If there were no new characters to take on the role of Red Shirts, we would lose the main cast at a much faster rate, maybe half by mid-season. In any case, I am thrilled to see more diversity among the group. They are a stone's throw away from Atlanta which a black population just over 50%. Where are all the black survivors and walkers?

  7. It just occurred to me, Could the little girl who named the walkers be the one feeding them the rats? After all, she said that they were human, but different. She might be feeding them because she feels bad for the walkers, not realizing that she is weakening the outside fences and endangering them all.

  8. Yeah, big mistake having Gimple with a new celeb guest. Yvette's lively personality and devoted fandom would have worked better.

    Interview with Andrew! Love it.

    I think that woman's craziness was so that Rick could see how close he was to becoming her (and Morgan) and Hershel reassuring him that he would come back to his sanity no matter what.

  9. Carol teaching the children how to use a knife against the walkers.

    Awww, Glenn and Maggie are still sweet.

    Wow, Beth taking the news like a champ.

    Is Michonne looking for Phillip?

    Hershel is such a great father and mentor.

  10. I don't think that I can watch Rick with this woman. I think that she is leading him into a trap.

    Gawd, thank goodness that Glenn has on ethat protective armour and told Maggie not to come.

    This is so freaking horrible. They could not even help that guy.

    Damn, I was right about her husband. She is crazy as hell. Shoot her, Rick quickly.

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