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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Yeah that blood boot play by Lizzie was weird. That girl is thisclose to be a sociopath.

    Is it me, or did it take people longer to turn in season one? I swear it took hours for Andrea's sister to turn. Now it seems like they die and turn instantly.

    Good point. We were told that the length of time to turn varied from a few minutes to hours. Now everyone is turning in seconds.

  2. Damn, the Governor is back! He needs to be killed and killed hard!

    Hershel, alive so far!

    Seriously, this has been one of the most nail biting episodes ever. No wonder it takes me forever to get to sleep after TWD.

    It feels like a cop out having Rick not telling Daryl about Carol tonight.

  3. Gawd, I love SH. It is so freaking crazy, but I love it any way. Now if only Ichabod would dump Katrina and move on with the adorable Abby. I loved them hugging so much.

    I also loved with Arthur helped Ichabod forgive himself and release his sins. Great stuff.

  4. I have always been of the opinion that the person that you were before the Zombie-Apocalypse influences the person that you are after. This false idea that people have to do the worse like Shane and now Carol is contradicted by everything that this show is based on. Re-watching the series from the beginning it is clear that it is basic decency and humanity of Rick, Daryl, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, Lori, T-Dogg, Dale, etc. that helped the group survive. Time after time, they sacrificed their own safety for each other and even for people they did not know when they could. Yes, the Walking Dead are the human beings, but their survival means that they must depend on each other. While I remain unsure that Rick should have made the decision to banish Carol, I have no doubt that once they found out the truth that the survivors would have turned their backs on her like they did with Shane. How could anyone ever trust her again?

  5. Again, if Carol was so sure that she was doing nothing wrong, why did she not tell others on the council what she was going to do and get their consent? Why did she not confess when Tyreese was losing his mind and beating up Rick? Surely "did what she had to" kind of person like Carol could defend herself to the rest of the survivors like she did with Rick. RME. There is no defense for Carol. Karen and David are invisible people who the audience did not know and do not care about which is exactly why they were chosen as her victims. If Carol had killed Glenn or Daryl, some of he people defending her on the various boards would have been singing a different tune. They would be calling for her head.

    TWD continues to get high ratings, 6.8 in key 18 to 49 demo: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/11/04/the-walking-dead-draws-13-3-million-total-viewers-up-from-last-week/21344

  6. One thing I give Rick credit for is making the painful decision to banish Carol relatively quickly. He dithered far too long with Shane who he should have let die when he was at that depot with Randall.

    I think Rick took Carol on the run to figure out what to do about her crimes and that he was testing to see if there was how humanity was left in her, but her every response and comment showed him not much.

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