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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. The other guy who was killed was one of the guys at the fence in the first episode according to Greg Nicotero.

    He and Karen were sick. They died quickly, but who burnt the bodies?

    Oh, I forgot to mention Michonne with Judith. That was sad. She must have lost a child.

  2. I know that Lizzie is just a child, but she is a nutjob. Carol looks so proud but that girl will probably use the knife on her when she tries to kill a walker.

    Yeah Carl, tellng his father the truth about Carol. Carl's voice is changing. He is growing up. Rick sees this and gives him the gun. Rick finally taking out his gun. Nice development there.

  3. Because despite everyone here's love for the character, she didn't do [!@#$%^&*] last season and killed a few walkers in the premiere. I'm still baffled by the Tyrese and Sasha love you guys have.

    It has been months since they have been on the prison. You have no clue what she did to earn her spot on the council. I still don't get your issue with her being on the council. But to each their own so I'll leave you to it.

  4. Damn, the walkers pushing against that outer fence!

    I don't think Rick can "snap out of it" which is one thing that I like about how his story is unfolding. Like Morgan, Rick is mentally ill. They have no medication, but his conversations with Hershel are like therapy and that along the break he is taking from leadership role are helping him recover. I like that this is allowing the others to step up and do more. The council is a good idea.

  5. That poor guy being eaten alive and unable to scream. Damn He is eating his way through that guy who is now turned.

    Awww, Glenn and Maggie are so cute.

    I like that Rick is trying to keep Carl away from the killing. Carl is growing up.

  6. Besides, some fans always say, "if they kill so and so, I won't watch again." I saw lots of Shane fans say that on TWOP. They might have stopped watching, but TWD's ratings are stronger than than ever. TWD needs to do what makes it different from other shows (and soap operas). Be fearless, tell the fans to go screw themselves and kill off whoever they feel should be next. The only death that I think felt off was Andrea's. Despite the rationalize given, I cannot help wondering if something happened behind the scenes.

  7. After Andrea's death on the show, I have come to the conclusion that other than Rick and Carl that it is hard to predict who is likely to live or die among the main cast. The show has gotten so popular that it will be hard for Kirkman and Gimple to make those decisions about who to kill so we will see.

  8. I just finished a marathon of seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. It had been a long time since I had watched them and I had forgotten a lot. The show is outstanding when you don't have commercials or week breaks. No wonder it is gaining so many fans who watch live.

    Second time around I liked Dale and Lori a lot more, especially Dale. I feel for Lori who was clearly sacrificed on the altar of conflict of Rick and Shane. Sophia's disappearance and then death along with Jenner at the CDC were tragic stories. It is fascinating watching the group become aware of Shane's sociopathy even as Andrea remained oblivious. She really has no self-preservation instinct. Also, watching all Carl went through it is not surprising that he would into a sociopath too. Daryl has really changed from a racist cracker into a loving caring man. For allt he complaints about the farm, I thought it was a great with lots of human and walker drama.

    The inconsistency with the zombies is clear from these early episodes. We see people starved to death or killed without head injury. Some walkers are agile, fast, and can hold rocks and hit them against glass. LOL! The walkers eating people is so disgusting. I am glad that we haven't see to much of that of late. But really, the walkers should be emaciated, unable to move, and near death by now.

    Hersher: I can't profess to understand God's plan, Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind.

  9. It depends on how much they deviate from the comic. I think Daryl is the main draw for many now so I think he'd survive over Rick.

    Unless Andrew Lincoln gets into a contract dispute or decides to leave, no way that ever happens. Rick and Carl will out live everyone.

  10. Daryl is Rick's sidekick that is not going to change unless maybe Morgan returns.

    It could be Sacha who dies, alternatively it could be Karen. Losing Sacha and/or Karen would crush Tyreese. With Abraham's arrival, I have my doubts that Tyreese makes it out of this season alive anyway. This show loves its white men.

  11. Ha, I raise you the Florida Republicans led by the grotesque corrupt governor Rick Scott who tried to pull a Jeb Bush and commit election fraud to steal the election for Romney and is now sabotaging the ACA by every means possible including preventing the navigators from working at the state community health departments. I understand how they justify their racism and hatred of people of color, the poor, and the sick, but it never ceases to amaze me that these people consider themselves, Christians.

  12. Has anyone wondered if there is some plague, if the Governor will have a cure (or claim to have a cure)? I don't know why I feel that way - I haven't read anything. It just sounds like some way they might bring him back in.

    I doubt it is a plague with a cure. The bleeding eyes of Patrick and the walker Rick was looking at suggests a form of hemorrhagic fever, maybe ebola. Originally, i had not made the connection to the pig dying, but these viruses are contracted from animals. It could be the pig but I would think that the rats are more likely the vector. Regardless, there is no cure or definite treatment. It will make its way through the group. I would think that the elderly, children and those with compromised immune systems will the first to become infected and die. They need to be careful about their sanitation and the animals that they consume.

  13. Yes, but the +7 DVR numbers mean nothing to the advertisers and shows still get cancelled despite having good numbers there. People with the Nielsen boxes need to watch SH live.

    I am pleased that John Cho is back soon.

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