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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I was up late last night thinking about this also. It really a hard one for me. I have seen the arguments on various boards trying to compare what various actions that happened in the past with Rick to what Carol did. It is a false equivalency, of course.

    Carol murdered two helpless sick people. They were isolated and locked in the cells. One or both of them might have even survived. If Carol thinks that she did nothing wrong, why didn't she own up to it and tell everyone? In fact, why hasn't she made the case to the council that everyone who is sick should be killed? Because she knows what she did was wrong and everyone would turn on her if she admitted what she had done and argued that others should be killed.

    I think that Rick is right about Carol being dangerous to the others in the same way that Shane was dangerous. l don't even think that most of the survivors would be split about her actions. I mean, who would be willing to go out on a run with her? Or to be alone with her? Or leave their family alone with her? I could see Maggie killing Carol rather than entrusting her with Glenn's well-being.

    Yet, I am not convinced that banishing Carol was Rick's decision alone to make. It seems to me that the council should voted.

  2. I like how many loose canons are on the show. Rick, Bob, Ty all have compromised judgement. God knows what they are going to do moment to moment. Bob is probably more dangerous than Carol, so it's going to be interesting to see what comes from that.

    I agree. I like the unpredictably of all these characters. I did not see Rick banishing Carol coming. I did not see Bob desperately protecting the booze. I think that Tyreese is coming back to himself, but he is still explosive.

  3. I am still conflicted about Rick's decision. Carol's calm rationalization was scary and Shane-like, but maybe he should have taken her back to the prison to face everyone's judgment. However, there was no way that Rick could have kept Carol's actions a secret because Tyreese is not going to let Karen's murder go. He would push until Rick told the truth and besides, Rick's subsequent lack of trust of Carol would have given it away. I am interested in the survivors' reactions when Rick tells them, particularly Daryl. And if banishment is Carol's punishment, what is Bob's?

    One thing perplexes me, is Bob saying that the walkers with the flu were contagious. Is that really possible?

  4. Oh Chris, antibiotics do not work on viruses. Oh Carol, killing quarantined people with symptoms of a virus does not stop it spreading. It really does scare me how little real life people and fictional characters know about infectious diseases.

    Looking at the beginning of the episode again, it is clear that Rick was considering what to do about Carol. I think if she had shown any remorse, he might have made a different decision. Even at the end, she could have decided to go back to prison to face her judgment. I have to think about this some more.

  5. What I love about TWD is the deep debates that result from the situations that our survivors encounter. I love it!

    I see a lot of speculation on TWD forums that Carol will be back.

    Gawd, Hershel is dooming himself with this exposure to the virus. Great preview!

  6. I did like the Daryl and Michonne's interaction.

    My mouth is still on the floor. Did we know MM was leaving? I am in complete and utter shock!

    Nope, we did not know. I did not even see any spoilers about this. TWD does a great job about killing these departures quiet.

    I don't agree with Jericho, but I am enjoying his thoughtful comments.

  7. Yep, diversity never occurs to critics and others when debating the reasons that broadcast networks are losing their audience. The demographics of this country are changing. The broadcast networks are going to have to move beyond tokenism of people of color if their programming is going to attract that key 18 to 49 demo that their advertisers desperately desire. I think that is especially the case when it comes to genre shows like SH.

  8. Poor Cordelia. Her mother is a cold stone murderer, her husband is a crazy monster murderer, and she gets acid thrown in her weirdly stretched face. I think the black robed covered woman is connected to her husband, maybe one of his victims. That said, every time I see Sarah Paulson, I long for American Gothic which I loved. Shaun Cassidy should do a remake on cable. It will e a major hit today.

    If Madison was the Supreme, why is Fiona badgering Cordelia about who she thinks is the Supreme? I wonder if Nan is the Supreme. She might have been the one who set the curtains on fire, not Madison. Nan can read minds so maybe she realizes that Fiona is a threat to her so she is hiding.

    I thought Angela Bassett's spell was going to have major consequences, raising the dead was so boring.

    That butler guy is so freaking weird. I thought Madison would rise from the dead, but maybe her corpse is all that is left.

    Zoe and Kyle are boring.

  9. I don't even understand why Carol killed David and Karen. They were locked in those cells so the group wasn't in danger. Is she so stupid that she thought she could stop the virus from spreading by kililng them? So is her plan to kill everyone who is infected and not give the healthier people a chance to survive? It is a very Shane thing to do. I now hope that her end is nder.

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