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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. While I liked both of the Phillip focused episodes, I think they were a mistake. They stopped the show's momentum and I suspect caused some viewers to tune out. If they felt compelled to focus on Phillip, they should have done one episode or integrate his scenes with the prison story. However, I am very pleased that Phillip was not given a redemption story as some hoped or dreaded. So far TWD has avoided the soap trope of redeeming the villain so his victims forgive and embrace him. I suppose Merle had a mini-redemption arc, but he died rejected so that worked.

    In retrospect, the dragging out Phillip's story has been a huge mistake. Phillip and his group should have overrun the prison at the end of last season and Maggie should have killed him in melee. The survivors of our group should have fled in different directions before reuniting.

  2. Ichabod seems like a real bore to me. I'm a little annoyed when I see the press give him all the credit for the show's success.
    From what I've seen it's Abbie and her sister who are adding something new to TV. I hope that they won't be dumped for Katrina.

    Well, Abby is the co-lead for now. From the producers' and actress' (who played Katrina) comments, we are in store for more Katrina as Ichabod's soul mate/true love. We'll see how it plays out next season 2. With the show's popularity, I expect FOX to push the show in the direction that it wants.

    The sister is recurring so she will be on and off. I like her hitting on the captain though. She is clearly interested in him although he seems mostly irritated by her.

  3. We'll see, but an interracial romance by two lead characters is a rare thing on tv outside of Scandal which has an African American woman producer. Based on the interviews with the producers of SH, they have no intention of going there with Abby and Ichabod. And after the Person of Interest Carter/Reese debacle, I am taking the SH producers at their word until I see something otherwise on the screen.

  4. I don't think that this it is as simple at that with Queenie. She feels like an outsider and is looking for somewhere to fit in. How may times has she said she doesn't need the "sorority" because she is used to looking out for herself. But then she is secretly looking for love and acceptance which we saw with the Minotaur. So really her talk is just a front for what she really wants. We know that she has aspirations to be a powerful witch. Look how easily to ate that line up from Fiona about being the supreme. But she never really believed that and neither did Fiona. I don't see it as Queenie turning on the rest of the witches moreso than it is about her own ambition accompanied by her desire to be accepted.

    ITA. I don't see this as Queenie turning on the other witches. Rather she is trying to find a place to belong and be loved. As far as she knows Marie only wants LaLaurie who is a monster. Queenie is not privy to Marie's plans. When she does find out, this is when we will see where her loyalty lies.

    I am clueless about what Murphy is trying to say about "race," but I like that he is generating difficult and uncomfortable conversation.

  5. How stupid is this Paul guy? He actually thinks that Phillip wants to get along with Rick? This Paul guy is a dumb [!@#$%^&*]. He has got to be joking.

    Exactly. I have no idea why Martinez pulled Phillip out of the pit. He should have killed him immediately.

  6. I did not realize that Mitch and Peter were brothers.

    Why didn't he stab Pete in the head? Or did he, I did not notice?

    Wow, this episode flew by. I cannot believe that we only have 10 more minutes.

    Yep, Phillip is going for the prison.

    WTF. Look what Phillip did to Pete.

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