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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. That freaked me out. They were saving the heads like Phillip did.

    I'm turning to the tennis channel! I'm not watching this eppy!

    The new writer is bogus for this crap! This is not The Walking Dead. It's The Redemption of Phillip!


    I really don't think that this is the redemption of Phillip. I bet that the real Phillip comes out by the end of the episode.

  2. Mission accomplished because, last night on Twitter, Queenie was not treated very well for her "betrayal". I was shocked with the name calling.

    I am not. White privilege dictates that that the LaLaurie can torture and murder black people, but she should be forgiven and embraced by Queenie as the representative of all black people. How dare Queenie be disgusted by hearing about LaLaurie's depravity first hand. The most unbelievable part is that LaLaurie is not sorry or has she begged for forgiveness. If given the chance, she would likely do the same to Queenie. Frankly, everything bit of pain LaLaurie is going to suffer is deserved 100 times over.

  3. Six more episodes. LaLaurie is a racist sadist. Two episodes she was repulsed by Queenie. Now she wants to be Queenie's best friend. RME. It is too contrived for words. Truthfully, I did not feel a lot of sympathy for her rather concern for Queenie. I think that Marie will turn on her eventually. There seems to be no place for Queenie in this supernatural world.

  4. Wow, I am surprised that Queenie turned over LaLaurie to Marie. But honestly, the things that LaLaurie did are indefensible.

    Zoe in a dead menage a trois with Madison and Kyle is gross and funny all at once.

    Only Fiona can find true love with an ax murderer.

    I forgot to mention Zoe killing Spaulding was a shock. I did not think that she had that in her.

  5. Poor grotesque Andy, so in love with Abby.

    I like that Death is Abraham and the tie into Katrina. However, I hate Icabod's great love with her. Abby and Ichabod are so adorable together.

    I really like the Captain and Jenny joining the team. The diversity on this show blows away anything I have ever seen on a broadcast drama.

    Another thing, how can Katrina be a witch and Quaker and lady in society? That made no sense to me. This feels like the writers are trying give Katrina more to do instead of minimizing her as she deserves.

  6. Great insights, Carl. While I think that while the family trusted scruffy odd looking Phillip too quickly, it was understandable that they grew to depend on him. And once the father was dead, they needed Phillip even more. After all, how could they stay in that town infested with walkers with Megan to care for. At some point that van was going to run out of food. Insisting that Phillip take them with him was their only move.

    I am alright with this episode being devoted to Phillip's journey although I was totally confused at the beginning. I agree that the episode improved as he started to integrate with the family. I loved the scene in the nursing home. Phillip starts off confident and cleverly negotiating the walkers and grabbing the cart of full of oxygen, only for him to become frightened as they overwhelm him yet he is able to crab a couple canisters as he escape.

    However, I am not happy that we are getting another episode devoted to Phillip and Martinez. I would have preferred that the show simultaneously followed both groups over the last two over three episodes, culminating with their clash at the prison.

  7. Why do we need to see Phillip's journey? Why are they trying to soften this evil man thru that family?

    I think one episode is "useful," two are one way too many. I suspect they are showing that he is what he is no matter the journey. I think he ends up the same place that he started.

  8. I don't think that they are redeeming Phillip as much as showing us his journey to his next encounter with Rick's group. Phillip is not going to magically change. He is what he is. I did not love it, but I liked the episode. I thought there was tension as I kept waiting to see if Phillip would kill them.

    I agree that they are building the suspense to Daryl finding out Carol. I don't mind, but I don't expect as much as drama from the fall out as some others do.

  9. This Ike guy is a fool. He is not serious right?

    Yeah, and still no Rick/Daryl confrontation?! Stalling so that when they have it out, the group will be ripe for The Gov's picking! So predictable!

    Yep, but it really does ramp up the tension and the drama.

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