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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I felt that way too, and then I saw posts about this being a stereotype, or someone saying he is angry all the time (which I don't see). I felt like most of what happened made sense for the character. I just wish they'd had more time to show his relationship with Karen.

    I thought that Chad Coleman did an outstanding job portraying Tyreese's grief, but I agree his relationship with Karen should been developed more. Regarding the "angry black man" label for Tyreese, I think it is just another lazy racial stereotype that some people throw around.

  2. The AMC execs need to stop buying into the hype and keep a solid rotation of good celeb guests to balance out the wackos and bores. I would like to see Yvette, Alisha Tyler, Kevin Smith, Scott Porter, and CM Punk as regulars.

  3. Ha, told ya. Tyreese is a bad ass!

    A black walker, now that is a rarity.

    Hershel, stop being a saint, you are dooming yourself.

    I had the same thought about Yvette. Now the show is so huge. AMC has dissed their best celebrity guest.

    WTH is wrong with the board? It won't let me reply with quotes.

  4. I missed the behind the scene too.

    I think that at everyone is experiencing various stages of depression. Think how exhausting it must be struggle to survive everyday. I think that Beth is in the midst of a mental breakdown.

    Okay, this speech tells me that this is the end of Hershel.

  5. The scene of Hershel and Rick arguing is Scott Wilson's favorite scene. It does worry me too. I hope where ever Hershel is going, he does not end up dead. This show has a nasty habit of killing people off without any spoilers getting leaked.

    I am holding my breath. Hershel don't die! Oh no, I cannot watch.

  6. Anyone watching this season? I decided to watch because the promos were intriguing and I like witches. I knew it would be amazing with Angela Basset and Kathy Bates joining Jessica Lange, but damn, this is freaking me out. I don't know what was the worse, the tortured and mutilated slaves, Queenie masturbating to seduce the minotaur or Madison getting her throat slit or the incest with Frankenstein's monster.

  7. Last time I checked most of the walkers are full adults which makes sense because children are easier for the walkers to attack and eat. Those children won't be surviving to grow up if they only have knifes to defend themselves against walkers. Those kids would be better off learning how to shoot first, while they have knife practice on the side.

  8. and whats the alternative? Teaching them nothing? Teaching them to protect themselves is better than letting them be defenseless, bc the reality is they wont always be surrounded by adults. There arent only walkers to consider either bc as we've seen since the beginning of the series, humans can be more deadly in certain situations

    The alternative is teaching them to use a gun which is something that they could actually use to defend themselves. How on earth is a child going to knife a walker in its head when he or she is half its height?

  9. I know that the show can be unrealistic at times, but I think that it would have to be a man who killed both Karen and David. They were locked in that cell. Whoever went in there was strong enough to overpower both of them, kill them, and then drag them both out the cell. What I find unbelieveable is that they were both burnt without anyone smelling the gasoline fire. I have no clue who did this, but it I think that it would have to be someone new to the group.

  10. I don't see Carol and the little girls ending well either. I think one of the girls will be disturbed, and Carol won't know how to handle it. Or one will kill the other.

    Under the best circumstances, it is hard for parents to see their children clearly. Look at how Hershel had to force Rick to accept Carl was in serious trouble after shot that boy. Carol is so desperate to be a mother again, there is no way that she can see that Lizzie is seriously ill. Her little sister understands that she is messed up, but I doubt that Carol understands the depth of Liz's problems. It is bound to end badly for all involved.

    Last night, I was really glad to see that Rick has been able to pull Carl back from the edge. Carl telling Rick the truth about Carol, not keeping that secret and sharing his opinion that Rick should let her was a strong moment for them. It showed that their bond as father and son had been restored. I love Rick so much. He is such an underrated character. Andrew Lincoln did a great job last night, especially when he was sacrificing the piglets.

  11. Yeah, the show has come a long way from its early sexism. However, I also think that their harsh environment has changed characters a lot. Maggie was always tough and independent unlike Lori and Carol.

    I think Carol is setting herself up for a fall with those girls who are clearly disturbed which she apparently does not see. She has already lost Sophia so I hope that she does not get to attached to them.

    Also, I can see why Carol wants to teach the children to protect themselves, but it is unrealistic. Children cannot physically protect themselves from walkers with a knife, they would do better with a gun.

  12. Well, they are definitely won't be staying at the prison much longer at this rate.

    Tonight's TD is much better than last week's.

    I think Nicotera is deflecting because the guy is right that Lizzie is feeding the walker.

    Damn, where do all these walkers come from? They are neverending.

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