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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. This NY Times article below at least has a sentence on why the bill would shut down clinics. Basically, the Texas (and Virginia the one which passed) bill requires that the clinics have the same surgical and building standards as hospitals which would be financial untenable. Also, the bill demands that doctors at abortion clinics get privileges at nearby hospitals which is unlikely to be given since the hospitals must answer to boards and the state.

    As for the 20 week cut off, some women discover health problems later in their pregnancies and have to make tough medical decisions, while other women cannot get to abortion clinics early because their state only has one and they cannot scrap together the money to get there.


  2. Ouch, Maria went there. Too bad she made it personal instead of standing up for women's rights and directly lambasting Serena's misogynist comments about the young girl who was raped and sympathizing with her rapists. Serena's comments really disappointed me. She is clearly only interested in women's rights when it directly effects her e.g., her complaints about women tennis players getting less pay and not getting to play on center courts.

  3. Strange that Jesse Soffer is getting so much work. He is so blah.

    I am watching Stephen Martines aka Colton Scott on Burn Notice right now. He looks insanely hot. I saw him in real life once at one of the soap events. He is even better in looking in person. He is crazy handsome. Anyway, looks like he got hair implants because the last time I saw him on The Closer, he was going bald.

  4. I think that we are a society with a variety of gender issues so it is reflected in the shows that we watch. GOT does have its share, possibly more because it is situated in a world where women do not have a lot of power. However, some of the women do have agency and fight for independence. Yet there are so many unlikable people, mostly men that almost everyone seems to have difficult lives regardless of gender. There is more female nudity than men on the show though which can be a problem for some people.

  5. I didn't know she had money troubles. To be honest, I had no idea who she was until I looked her up after TheArtistFormerlyKnownAs Carl's post wink.png I *love* her on Thrones, and I hope her charisma in, admittedly a terribly charismatic villain role will give her more great roles. Her personal life I guess I'll have to read more about--or preferably just ignore--at least from Ann's comment I get a vibe people think she deserves her issues?.

    I definitely did not mean my comment to suggest that Lena Headley deserves anything good or bad. It is just one of those things that happens.

  6. The scene with Dany was bad, but it might have been less awkward if the show was more diverse. However, on a show where people of color are a rare commodity to have a mass of them appear as freed slaves deifying a white queen was beyond tacky and inappropriate.

  7. In the Small Council scene, the deadly silence and Tyrion's quiet chuckle when Joffrey said that Tywin hid at Casterly Rock was classic. Jackie Gleeson is so underated. I loved how he played Joffrey's realization that he had made a terrible mistake saying that when the chill descended upon the room.

    I also liked the Cersei/Tyrion scene. One of the few times that she has come off as a half-way decent human being. In her own twisted way, she was trying to help Tyrion and Sansa.

    The Tywin/Tyrion scene was pretty painful as per usual. Tywin is a cold bastard.

  8. Yes, it is odd to have Jamie and Brienne show up before the wedding. Also, Jamie's appearance in Cersei's room had no drama and fell flat. The whole thing made no sense to me. What happened to Jamie and Brienne's horses and escort? Also, it was incomprehensible that none of the Lannister banner men or the soldiers at the walls recognized Jamie, dirty or not. He is not just the Kingslayer and Lannister heir, he was their commander for many years for goodness sake. The only positive I can see of Jamie arriving so early to King's Landing is if his relationship with Brienne drives a wedge betwen him and Cersei. He is grown to respect and care about (maybe love a little even) Brienne. Her good opinion means a great deal to him. It will not be easy for him (or it should not be) to carry on with Cersei with Brienne looking on.

    Shae is a fool. Trying to protect Tyrion, Varys gave her a chance at freedom. It was insane of her to turn it down to stay a servant and mistress. She just signed her death warrant there.

    I did feel for Arya when the Frey bannerman were callously describing Robb and Cat's deaths.

  9. I saw some comments that this scene was done to show an example of colonialism, or the delusion of a white person who feels they have "freed" minorities, etc. Not sure if that was intentional or not.

    It was not the intent, but it sure came off that way. A set of "brown" people praising their "white" savior. RME. One major problem is that this show has no diversity. TPTB have made little effort in that area. They should say to hell with the books and GRMM and cast people of color in major roles.

  10. This is one of my problems with GOT. While I think they do a decent job with the adapation of the book, there are too many boring and useless episodes. I thought this season was poor with too many useless scenes, a lack of overall drama, and some weak dialogue.

    The first seen was a little bit of a heartbreaker for me. Sansa was warming up to Tyrion. I think she would have taken Maegerys advice, if not for the Red Wedding. The Sansa situation is the only thing that makes me regret Peter Dinklage's casting, since Tyrion is supposed to be in his early/mid 20's.

    It did seem like Sansa was beginning to accept Tyrion and appreciate his humor. Tyrion with Peter Dinklage in the role is the far too old for a 14 year old Sansa. They should have aged her like they with Jon and Robb.

  11. This Samson commercial makes me really curious about this show.

    You guys have posted with me long enough. Would I enjoy this?

    I think that you would. I am surprised that you don't watch it. Like TWD, GOT is more about the human fragility and interactions than the fantasy aspect. I think TWD is the better show, but GOT has a stronger core of leading actors and has had some outstanding episodes. If you decide to watch, Juliajms is right that you should start from the first episode.

  12. Part of it is simply overtaking the old ways and sorta progress, I think (if that makes sense.)

    So it is believing in one god, the Lord of Light is supposed to be progress? That is banal, but makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

  13. Jon and Dany (and Arya) are the clear leads, but Jon and Dany each star in their own little TV shows that could literally be edited out and set up as spin offs. If Dany makes it to the mainland and interacts with anyone named Lannister or Stark by season 6 I will be shocked. At the pace her story is proceeding, she should hit land sometime around season 12.

    LOL! So true. They are going to have to do a final two hour finale when Martin finally finishes the last book.

  14. Ironic that so many critics think both fo these actors are the worst in the show (something I don't really agree with, I think they are both more than fine for their roles.)

    I don't think that either are good actors, but they are damn sure pretty which makes up for it in this case.

  15. Yep more shocking than that. Ned being killed off was shocking but he had doom looming over his head (didn't realize it would be literally). He was captured and things weren't working out his way. Here though I did not expect any of that at all. They were celebrating a wedding and were happy and partying. The massacre seemed so abrupt. I honestly did not think Cat would be killed. After Robb was, I thought Cat would be spared and kept as a prisoner, but nope that was the end of her. It was like one blow after the other. Definetly the series most shocking moment yet

    I see you point. Although I think after Ned was killed, I would think that anyone would be could be killed, but I agree that the audience had been lulled in complacency since no one major has died in a while.

    Would he even make it through the night? The whole group as being destroyed. (I honesty can't remember if he's in the books later, so that' not a spoiler.)

    Most definitely. Edmure is the Lord of Riverun which is why Frey took him as the second choice. Frey would need to be sure that Roslin had conceived and gave birth to a healthy child (multiple children would be even better) before he killed Edmure and even then, it would be unlikely that he would kill his son-in-law who has no power to harm him although after what he did to Robb and Cat, I suppose anything is possible.

  16. More shocking than Ned losing his head? I thought that was the most shocking that happened on this show, but I agree that Cat and Robb's murders were a close second. However, I think that The Walking Dead wins the prize for the most shocking episodes.

  17. EricMontreal22, no way Blackfish knew what was about to happen. He would never betray his sister, nephews, and their banner men. I suspect that they just wanted to add to the drama of wedding by having him there and then have a lucky escape. We do know that Frey has at least two older sons since they are the ones who negotiated the marriage. One of them killed Cat.

    I feel bad for Edmure. He gets stuck having to marry a Frey daughter because Robb breaks his oath. Edmure then gets lucky and gets to marry a lovey young Frey girl, only for him have to wake up the next day to the horror of learning that his family and their banner man have been slaughter. What a nightmare!

  18. Frey's wife did not deserve that death. She is like almost every woman in that world. She had no power over who she married or what her husband did. You honestly think that she wanted to marry that crusty old man. Frey will replace her without thinking twice.

  19. You cannot go by the actors cast for these roles. The show has done its best, but... I don't think that I am spoiling much, but I will say that in the books, Arya and Jon are the two children who look the most like the Starks. The other children have more Tully features. This likely contributed to Cat's resentment of Jon for all those years. The Targaryans are blonde typically, but that is due to years of inbreeding. If one of them had a child with someone with dark features, those features would be dominant.

    If Ned was lying to Cat all that time, I just think it's so tragic. All that pain and resentment for nothing. From my perspective, it's Jon that has Ned's sense of honor more than Robb. Robb broke a marriage pact. I can't imagine Ned ever doing that. Jon didn't break his vow, even though he loved Ygritte (good point, Ann).

    I completely agree. If only Cat could have found the courage to rise beyond her pride and love Jon. After all, he had no control over his conception and his mother was dead. When the truth is revealed and Jon takes his rightful place... I most gave a real spoiler away there. smile.png Let's just say a lot of people are going to have to be obeisant.

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