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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. One moment that I loved and forgot to mention was when Daryl approached Glenn about forgiving Merle. Glenn's calm matter the fact attitude as he told Daryl what Merle had done to him, but that it was his treatment of Maggie that was unforgivable was nicely done. Daryl's subtle reaction of horror and the realization that there was no forgiveness for Merle was also well done. A quiet, but powerful scene.

    Soap writers can learn a lot from TWD writers. There are crimes and actions that are too heinous to forgive so milk the drama, give the villain the occasional redemption, then kill their ass off. So the answer to why they killed off Merle is that TWD is not a soap opera, it is well written human drama.

  2. Kudos on the TD tickets, very cool! I am looking forward to Yvette's return. I have not gotten a chance to check CH's podcasts as yet. I will try this weekend.

    I don't get what Michonne was supposed to do other than get in the car. How is trying to out running the herd with her hands tied and no weapon a viable alternative option?

  3. Gimple also wrote the great Morgan return episode.

    I love hearing from the director. His thoughts as he filmed.

    Gawd, that is so deep. The director said that Merle wanted to take out as many Phillip's men and Phillip himself to give Daryl the life that he would never have. I think Hardwick is wrong and that Daryl will figure this out.

    Damn, they just showed Merle's death again. Brutal. Farewell, Merle.

  4. Yep, Phillip shot Merle after biting off two of his fingers and choking him.

    My heart did not break, but given his sins, Merle got a measure of redemption. He took out a lot of Phillip's best men, evening up the fight to come in the group's favor. I hope Daryl does not have to put him down as a walker.

  5. I wish Michonne would go with Daryl. WTH is Merle doing? Okay, him giving the walker liquor though the window was funny.

    Wait he is leading a herd to Woodbury?

    Damn, Merle is trying to take out as many of Phillip's men as he can.

    Oh no, he almost got Phillip. He bit off two of his fingers! Damn! What a death! Merle!

  6. Oh Merle, just go back. They would forgive you and take you back if you pick their side.

    Oh no Merle, he will try to kill Phillip to save Daryl. I predicted that he would sacrifice himself to save the group eventually.

  7. Overall, the coverage of this rape trial shows how far we have come as a society. Every article that I have read has been anti-rape and used the social media evidence to basically lay out their guilt, even as their strived for balance prior to the conviction. After the conviction, I did not see a whole lot of sympathy in the media. Even in the blog comments, the rapists' defenders were pretty much out numbered. Crowley et al. deserve the scorn heaped upon them, but they are a minority.

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