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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I think that article is missing the point. IMO, the premise of Revenge was always untenable as a tv series. The creators were always going to struggle to find ways to stall Emily taking down the Graysons which she could have down in 10 or so episodes. So of course, they had to come up with the Initiative and rubbish B stories for Jack and his crew. I do approve of hottie Aidan though.

  2. Rick is nothing like Phillip or Shane. He started from a good place with a good generous heart. People like Phillip and Shane were clearly near sociopaths before the Zombie Apocalypic so it did not take much for them to go over the edge. However, I do think that Alpert, the producer in that clip is right though, both Phillip and Morgan are versions of people that Rick can become if he does not hold onto his group, his sanity, and his hope.

    Watching Rick ignore the hitchhiker and kick Tyrese and his people out was hard to watch because we don't want to believe that good people would do something like that i.e. we all think that we are all good people and we don't want to believe we would do something like that. But these are not easy decisions and they are being made under horrific situations. Rick is already on shaky mental ground. He sees every new person as an additional person that he is responsible for and/or a potential threat to the group. He accepted Merle because he knows that they desperately need Daryl and he can watch his brother. Rick wanted to save Morgan because he saved him and he knows that Morgan is a good person and could be again if he could regain his mental health. I think that when Rick gets well or as well as he can get, he will be closer to the Rick we knew post-Shane, but still making tough decisions.

  3. I was reading the WSJ blog review and the writers pointed out that there was sign on the road that said, “Erin, we tried for Stone Mountain – J” and one of the walkers a zombie had a bracelet with the name, “Erin.” I totally missed that connection. Goes to show how so many people have been lost by loved ones. There must be groups of survivors like ours and Phillip's hiding all over the country.

    Here is NY Times article on the impact of the show: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/04/business/media/walking-dead-helps-solidify-amcs-ratings-success.html?ref=television

  4. Chit, you and the Oscars. LOL! The last thing I saw Lennie in was Line of Duty, a BBC police drama last year. He was good as usual, but the writing and overall plot dragged.

    There is no going back to being a kid for Carl. He is a child soldier now. There is little difference between life and death for him other than when it comes to the people that he cares about. Besides, the survivors need everyone to do their share and do what they can. Carl can shoot and his ruthlessness will save their lives again and again. However, his desperation to get that picture shows that there is some hope for Carl.

    Here is an interview with Andy about working with Lennie again: http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2013/03/walking-dead-andrew-lincoln-talks-clear-morgans-return-and-michonnes-new-direction.html

  5. Yep, Joe is a definitely 4th best guest, imo. He was very knowledgeable.

    I will definitely check out CH's podcast at some point.

    Oh, I saw elsewhere Scott M. Gimple, the Showrunner for next season, wrote last night's outstanding episode. It bodes well for next season, until AMC fires him of course.

    I cannot get over how good last night's episode was and without major action. Lennie was so awesome. He is such a gem of an actor. He and Andy did some excellent work last night. Rick was clearly looking at his possible future when he saw Morgan's madness. It was great seeing Rick reject it and still believe that there is hope.

    Michonne overhearing Carl and Rick talking about her and deciding to reach out to both of them so she can stay with the group. I am glad that she decided to be with them to survive. I have resented her monosyllabic dialogue so her personality coming out was a treat to watch. At least, Rick knows that he is not alone in his little crazy world and that Michonne has been there.

    Rick's reaction to Carl shooting Morgan was interesting. It was like the first time that he noticed that his son is scary as hell.

  6. Another impressive Chris Hardwick moment from Talking Dead, is when they came back from Lennie's interview and Chris said that some people were surprised that he was British. Chris, then, went on to praise Lenny's work, mentioning his excellent performance in Snatch. I had no idea that Chris had that kind of depth. Gave me a new perspective on him.

  7. Ann, is it a spoiler to say that Morgan will be in another eppy? Not sure which, but I was looking him up on IMDB and he was listed for another eppy this season.

    Yep, it is a spoiler, but a good one unless he ends up dead. smile.png I am watching the previews and short clips on Talking Dead so I am not completely spoiler free, just not going any further looking for more spoilers.

    Right, Aisha is Lana from Archer! I love Archer.

    Eeee, they finally meet! Kill him, Rick!

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