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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Wow, I had forgotten all about Victor and Jill's hook up. I remember Victor and Jill doing the deed. She thought it was far more serious that he did and he basically told her that it was a just a fling and dumped her.

  2. I loved hearing Steven Yeun's take on Glenn on Talking Dead. He feels like Glenn is taking control of Maggie and even continuing the abuse. Very deep.

    Michonne is going to have to say more than two words at some point. The character should be more interesting than she currently is.

  3. Damn, I can't believe that the episode is over. I am so hyper as usual. This is show absolutely shoots my adrelin into overdrive. I am watching Talking Dead.

    Do you guys think losing Daryl has affected Rick? Daryl was his #1 and had his back!

    Nah, I think killing Shane started Rick's break down and Lori's death was the last straw. I think that Rick feels completely helpless and out of control.

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