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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I didn't want to be the one to bring that up because I'm always on my soapbox about such matters.

    LOL! Well, I suppose it is better than being Latino. The whole Latino family got killed off and never got replaced. Glenn is destined to be the only Asian guy around.

    Andrea is a nutjob. Is she really going to stick with the Governor she saw all the crazy walker heads and him keeping his walker daughter "alive" and locked away?

    Seriously, The Walking Dead is the best show on tv on the moment. Anyone not watching is losing out on damn entertaining thrilling action ride. Nothing compares.

  2. The best part is that the Woodbury citizens have earned the wrought of Rick Grimes. They are all so zombie chow. It is just matter of time before Rick and his people take them out.

    Poor Oscar. He was the obvious the red shirt. There seems to be a one black male and female rule on the show.

  3. LOL! The crazy ass governor has turned on Merle. Oh no, Daryl!

    Yes, Andrea, see you are dumb biatch.

    Don't worry, Rick will come back and save you, Daryl!

    Damn, that was a great episode!

    I cannot wait for the next episodes in February. Did Carl tell Rick to stop being the leader in that preview?

  4. I have been spoiled by the graphic novels so I am not visiting that site. I am already on tender hooks about which of the main cast will die next. I figure we are in for another major death by the end of the season. I was looking at a cast photo from season one earlier today and shook my head in disbelief when I realized that half of the characters were dead. I cannot remember another show where so many major characters have been killed off over a two to three year period. This and the compelling human drama is why The Walking Dead rocks hard! I still think Justified has the best writers and cast, while Dexter and Game of Thrones round out my top four, but this season has cemented The Walking Dead as number one in "my best tv show right now" ranking.

  5. I have only read the graphic novel's wikia so I cannot comment about any differences with the tv characters other than plot developments. I vaguely remember Jacqui as the African American woman who stayed in the CDC when it was blown up. She was an okay character, but not a lot of development there.

    I know that I said that I would stay away from spoilers, but here is

    a video clip of Tyreese, his daughter, and his group members arriving at the prison:


  6. If Rick and Daryl are captured, Glenn and Maggie must escape. I don't see how TPTB can have all four of them captured without the governor killing them outright. At some point, Andrea is going to have to see one or all of them in Woodbury. She cannot stay in the dark much longer. I wonder if Michonne is also captured or if she manages to escape. I cannot see everyone escaping.

    I am desperately trying to stay away from spoilers, but I do know that

    Tyreese will arrive in the winter finale. He will add a new dynamic to the group and will be critical in saving the main characters from the Woodbury crew by the end of the season.

  7. Melissa Mcbride (Carol) is only four years older than Norman Reebus (Daryl). A romantic relationship could be possible between their characters eventually, but I think that the dynamic between them needs to become more romantic and less sibling-like. I remember thinking that Glenn and Maggie's attraction came out of nowhere, but now I think they have one of the best most intense compelling romances on tv so it is possible.

    About the winter finale, now I am thinking that Rick and Daryl will be captured by the governor which will present Merle with a dilemma as he will be torn between his brother and the governor when the show returns.

  8. TWD is stuck in my head. I keep wondering what the winter finale will bring us next week, but I am desperately trying to stay away from spoilers. No doubt we will get a cliffhanger and maybe a death. It seems way to early in the season for Merle and Governor to die, but I thought the same about Lori. Maybe Axel and Oscar are on the chopping block as well as red shirts from Woodbury. I have to think that Merle and Daryl will finally reunite, same with Andrea and the rest of our group. She will have to decide whose die she will fight on. I also can see Rick and the others rushing back to the prison only to see it under attack from the Woodbury crew.Thoughts?

  9. I really felt for Maggie. She had been terrorized by the governor. She could not withstand any more and could not lose Glenn. When the governor was doing that sick comforting thing, I cringed for her. I felt her relief and despair when she ran into Glenn's arms and he held onto her tightly. They are such a wonderful couple, so much love there. I really think that Merle seemed a bit ashamed at that moment.

  10. The show despite the gore and such which I know the diehards love, is a fascinating study of human nature, as you see how different types of people react in the face of survival and a kind of hopelessness.

    I agree with this. I have said this before, I think that you are the person you were before during the Zombie Apocalypse, but I think that extremely terrifying situations can take even good people to a dark place that they never thought that they would go. Yet, everyone does not end up completely soulless. Daryl and Merle are the prime example of this. Two brothers brought up together under the same ugly circumstance, but from the moment we met Daryl we knew he was nothing as horrible as his brother and now he has become someone heroic, while Merle has just gotten worse. The anarchy of the new world feeds his instinct for cruelty. Rick is harder, more ruthless, but his desperation to save Maggie and Glenn shows that underneath he remains the solid good man that he ever was.

    I think that this season the show has found the ideal balance of action and human drama. It is compelling viewing. It is the best show on tv at the moment, IMO.

  11. Yeah, even Oscar could not believe it when they were shoving him out the door. But it shows how desperate and ruthless Rick, Daryl, and Michonne had become fighting to survive. They tried to reason with the guy at first, but gave up when they realized that he was unbalanced and decided to sacrifice him with little thought. Shane would be proud.

    Oh, Yvette Brown made a good point on Talking Dead about Morgan's wife having memories after she was turned which is why she kept coming back to the house so maybe the scientist was not so crazy after all. I think that the writers have forgotten that.

  12. Watching the preview again, it really is clear that the guests on the Talking Dead were right that the governor and his people are no match for Rick's group who have warrior hearts like Glenn. They are the ones who taught Glenn how to fight to the end. It only remains to be seen what side Daryl takes. I hope that Merle can rise above his nature and find the strength to save his far more deserving brother.

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