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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. When George W. Bush was re-elected, I accepted the bad judgement of the majority of the electorate and got on with my life. All I did was roll my eyes and quote Maistre, "in a democracy people get the leaders they deserve." Four years later, Bush's continued incompetence caused the economy to collapse, the Clinton surplus to disappear, the deficit to explode, and embroiled in us two wars.

    I'm amazed at how some people have reacted after the election. The comments that Wales2004 quoted above are just horrible. Where does all the hate come from? What has happened to society when people can actually say such things?

    After? They were claiming that the President's mother was a S&M bondage porn star during the election. No words for the depth those people are always willing to go.

  2. Given that most Congressional Republicans have pledged to Grover Norquist not to raise taxes, it is obvious that they have no intention of negotiating or compromising. The President has to act soon, but in a couple years, we get a chance to sweep the Republicans out of the House.

  3. Let me just say, that unapologetic gloating from the Democrats is a right AND a must! I just hope that the Democrats have long memories because I sure am never forgetting all those nasty things the Republicans have said about the President and the Democrats and their ugly attempts at vote suppression. I say screw the compromise that the media et al. are pushing. The President was given a mandate with his re-election, it is time for him to stand firm and do what he was sent there to do i.e. put a final beat down on the Republicans and all their crazy ass ideas.

    It's offensive. Period. And she was right, it's rather hypocritical to now say this was meant as a statement when others saw it as vile and disgusting.

    It is f'ing offensive and he posted it AGAIN!

    For the left, weed is our Sharia law.

    Hilarious! I actually do not support legalizing marijuana, but if it will get people out to vote in midterm and state elections, I am so there.

  4. Rove did not fleece anyone. Rove or not, those plutocrats hate President Obama and the lower classes, they were always going to spend millions to attempt the manipulate the electorate. The Koch brothers and their ilk through ALEC and other ways have been working for years to push their conservative agenda. While I am happy that they got defeated, this is only one victory over their money and attempts at social engineering. It is going to be a long hard fight holding the line against the plutocrats going forward.

  5. All this bluster and outrage from the same person who posted a supposedly "funny" image which included a picture of the President in a Nazi uniform. What a hypocrite. I wanted to cuss his ass out for posting that image, but didn't bother and here he is having a meltdown.

  6. I find it very hard to believe that article. I simply don't believe that the Romney team honestly did not know that they were in trouble. I remember reading when George H.W. Bush lost that his people knew that it was going to happen. The Romney team had to know even if they did not say it out loud.

  7. Chris Matthews on Hardball said that the story about the campaign credit cards did not work is true and that Romney lost his secret service protection that night. Ah, the hardknock life of being the wealthy entitled losers.

    I find it hard to believe, but if it is true that the Romney team was "shellshocked" by their loss, the reality of the polls, voter turnout for the President, and that they were so arrogant that they never prepared a concession speech, then then they are truly the dumbest of the dumbest to EVER participate in the political process.

    I am comforted that "Team Rape" as coined by Stephen Colbert allo lost their elections.

  8. Also, why are the conservatives so afraid of socialized medicine (I guess that is what Obamacare is...correct me if I'm wrong)?

    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is definitely not socialized medicine. In fact, the whole concept was created by a nutjob at the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation and embraced by Republicans which is why Romney implemented it in Massachusetts when he was governor. The whole idea of an individual mandate i.e. requiring everyone purchase health insurance is from their ideology that everyone should should take responsibility for their health care and buy health care insurance from competitive for-profit health insurance companies.

    Liberals and progressives never wanted that type of health care reform. We have always pushed for a single payer system, where everyone would pay for their health care through their paychecks like Medicare/Medicaid and the government would negotiate the prices of health care services with the health insurance companies to keep overall costs down. Of course, we were betrayed by some of the Congressional Democrats and losers like Joseph Lieberman who had been bought and paid for by health insurance companies. The compromise was to adopt the Affordable Care Act which is better than nothing, but once the President and Congressional Democrats decided to compromise on a plan than none of them really liked or supported, the Republicans decided that they HATED their OWN health care reform plan and that it was socialized medicine. All these people are corrupt losers.

  9. Chuck Todd is a idiot. After months of saying how close the race was, his stupid white board, how much Romney gained, tonight on Hardball, he talked about how smart Obamas team was in how they organized and went after the demographics in the swing states they needed to win those states i particular. He said they were right about their poll information. So basically he invalidated the last few months of stats he presented.

    I had the same thought watching him embarrass himself on Hardball. What is even more interesting is that I am pretty sure that he got the information about the Obama number crunchers from a Time article that I read first thing this morning. Listening to him regurgitate the article convinced me that he had absolutely no access to the Obama campaign. This is probably one of the reasons that he was merely offering up the Republican talking points throughout the campaign.

    Here is the link to the article: http://swampland.time.com/2012/11/07/inside-the-secret-world-of-quants-and-data-crunchers-who-helped-obama-win/

  10. These conservative loons are a minority even in the mainstream media. They are talking to their conservative supporters who live in the racist bigoted bubble with them. I am pleased that they continue to delude themselves. All it does is drive most of the growing coalition further away them. The white working class in the midwest and educated whites in the rest of the country heard this spiel from Reilly, Limbaugh, etc. througout the election, rejected it, and will continue to do so.

  11. *dances like a drunk minister at a black wedding reception*

    Bwah. You know all the women usually have to stay out reach.

    OMG, Diane Sawyer was drunk! She must have a serious problem if she could not stay away from the booze before this broadcast. I wish we had a bubble over Stephanopoulos' head to see what he was thinking with that smile pasted on his face.

  12. I am so deliriously happy this morning and a bit loopy from tiredness. Last night was a tremendous victory for "we the people" against the plutocrats who used their millions to try and buy the election and suppress the vote of minorities. From the early voting demographics (can't wait to see how Nate breaks it down), "we the people" formed a mass coalition of young people, women, the white working class, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and other minorities fought back against voter suppression, standing in long lines, to protect our futures, reject deceit and the interests of the 1% so we can build a better country together. Absolutely amazing! Kudos to all of us.

  13. Kudos to whoever helped the President write that speech, but the President's passionate delivery was moving and sold it. I love how he embraced the diversity of America and reminded us that it is "we the people." The President sees the real America, the Republicans do not.

  14. Romney was an entitled bully as teenager, an entitled bully as a presidential candidate, and now that he has met his match and lost to a classier nastier fighter, Romney is acting like a spoilt entitled bully and refusing to concede defeat. He has no grace, no class, no style, and he deserves no respect.

  15. Someone please tell Romney to accept that he was not able to buy most of the electorate so he will concede, let the President make his acceptance speech so I can go to bed.

    Yay, Virginia!

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