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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I love Maine. I hate that these people are giving it a bad name.

    If Texas secedes then we can make Puerto Rico a state and not even have to redesign the flag. Win-win. If we can get rid of Louisiana, then we can get D.C. too.

    I had not thought about this. Welcome, D.C. and Puerto Rico! Puerto Rico is a beautiful island. It would be the prefect new state. As long as we get to keep New Orleans, Louisiana can hit the mean city streets.

  2. I don't know which one is worse between McCain and Romney, two bitter bullies who are sore losers desperately trying to be relevant when they are not. They are both pathetic, whining over their loss to the President.

  3. I hope that moron Scott Walker in Florida gets beat for the fiasco again in Florida caused by his refusal to extend pre election day voting which by the way all his predecessors including Jeb Bush extended when they were Govenor.

    You mean Rick Scott. He is disliked by many in Florida and even more since the election, but make no mistake that low voter turnout might just put him back in office. He is corrupt as hell, his company got the largest settlement for Medicare fraud and people still voted for him.

  4. So cantor is now in deep poopy because he didn't inform the WH and kept this to himself.

    Well, Cantor was protecting his fellow Republican general caught with his pants at his ankles so I would that his fellow Republicans would understand although their fellow Birther FBI agent was the driving force in this drama.

  5. Cornell West has done lost his damn mind. There is something wrong with that man mentally.

    Now back to the Petraeus sex scandal: What i love the most is that I just read in the NY Times that it was a FBI agent Birther who went running to Eric Cantor. Watching the Republicans rally around Petraeus is a sight to behold. Their so-called morals go out the window when they have a Republican politician to protect.

  6. Then technically it's not secession. People who are talking about secession (I can't believe I had to type that) want to turn Texas into its own country when what they really should be looking at is finding another country to move to.

    My fantasy plan is to let them secede, then invade Texas and Louisiana and ship all of the traitors demanding to secede to another country, some desert island where they can interbreed to their heart's desire. We can then fix their horrific education and health systems and make them into productive states instead of states that suck in federal dollars and give little in return.

  7. I can see how Andrea is seduced by the apparently safety of Woodbury. First, she barely escapes the farm alive, then she and Michonne have been running and hiding for months. It has got to be exhausting. No wonder her instincts are dull, not that they were ever good in the first place given her attraction to crazy ass Shane.

  8. It was great to see Daryl taking on the leadership mantle with Rick totally out of it. He was very sweet with the baby. I think it is very important that he feels responsible for the group since a reunion with Merle is on the horizon. This way Daryl is genuinely torn about whether to side with Merle and the Governor or unstable Rick and his friends who will desperately need him.

    I think that it is unbelievable that the baby is as healthy as Hershel claims. I would have made the baby underweight and sickly so it would die of natural causes over the next month or so. I wonder if TPTB really intend to let the baby live in the long term because I cannot see how that is feasible. The group is already slowed down by Hershel's disability, a crying baby would be near suicide.

    I love Rick losing his mind a little. He was already on edge over having to kill Shane, now he is feeling all sorts of guilt over Lori's death. It has got to be destroying him that he was so angry and dismissive of her and that they left things so unresolved. Rick simply cannot cope with his emotional turmoil at the moment. It will take time for him to get back to himself. Of course, that is a recipe for disaster with the confrontation with the Governor clearly ahead.

    Zombie death match was hilarious and sick at the same time.

  9. Poor Rick. He has lost his mind. It is the guilt on top of Lori's death. I swear, that walker ate Lori. Rick killing the walkers was cool though. I still think that Carol is alive. It was sad when Carl named all the women that they had lost as potential names for the baby.

    The Governor is definitely sending his men after Michonne. I hope that she escapes. Let Andrea deal with the crazy.

  10. That's pretty much how I feel about America these days. If I didn't have family here I'd move to Australia in a heartbeat. My company has an office in Sydney. Although maybe our new Amsterdam office would be more my speed.

    It's interesting living in these times. I remember when Obama was elected every talking head shoved a microphone into the face of every black person they could find and asked, "Did you ever think you'd see a black President in your lifetime?" I can honestly say I never considered it but the thing I truly never thought I'd see in my lifetime is the open virulent racism. I'm not naive, mind you, but the right wing in this country has gone to places so ugly that I couldn't have fathomed it. I never would've thought that I would witness the kind of attempted voter suppression we saw in this last campaign. Never.

    THe other thing that boggles my mind is the absolute unwillingness of neocons to accept objective facts. That's why birtherism makes me so crazy. All the evidence is there: the birth certificate, the birth announcement in the Honolulu paper, the certification by the state of Hawaii, etc.. there is LITERALLY no reason for people to question the place and circumstances of Obama birth except hate and willing blindness. I'll never understand people who choose to be that stupid.

    The scary thing for me is that I never thought I could hate so many of my fellow Americans this much. Yeah, I have no problem admitting that I hated Timothy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph but I could tell myself that they were anomalies but when I look at Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, John Sununu, the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, etc., etc., etc., I have to admit that they aren't anomalies but in fact they represent mainstream conservative thought. It's scary because I have conservative friends and more and more I look at them and wonder if they secretly feel the same way.

    I have never considered leaving this country, especially because I would never let those disgusting excuses for human beings ever have more of this country. I see them as caught fish flapping around on the shore desperately gasping for their last breath as the majority of this country continues to move forward leaving their racism, bigotry, homophobia, selfishness, hatred of those who have less, and their un-Christian ugliness in the past.

  11. I can't help but feel there has to be more to this Petraeus story than him cheating on his wife. Clinton cheated on his and he didn't step down as President, not sure why the CIA Director would have to either.

    I agree that there is more to the story because he admitted the affair publicly in his resignation. However, the consensus from the "intelligence experts" in the media is that he would have had to leave over the affair regardless. Apparently, the CIA extramarital affairs are considered unacceptable because it makes the person susceptible to blackmail and pressure.

    I posted several pages ago that I thought that the President was ultimately responsible for the Bengahzi attack, but that the CIA was responsible for the intelligence failure that gave no warning about the attack before it happened so I am all for Petraeus resigning.

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