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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Oh, I also loved Rick and Carol's reunion. He was so happy to see her alive and her reaction when she saw the baby and realized that Lori was dead was heartbreaking. Great acting all the way around.

    The Walking Dead is a kick ass show! This season has been crazy good so far. I cannot imagine what else can happen next to top it the action we have gotten, but it only gets better.

  2. The walkers better eat that damn governor piece by piece.

    Great ending. The preview is crazy. Michonne better not betray our group. Although I think that Oscar is along to be the sacrificial lamb. Daryl is going to have to make a hard choice when it comes to Merle. I still want him and the governor to be zombie chow.

  3. The walker better start with the governor's genitalia when it begins munching on him.

    Seriously, I don't understand Michonne. Why has she not told them the truth about Andrea? She has to know that these are her people.

    Damn, they sacrificed that guy to the walkers!

  4. All I can say is that I better see Merle eaten alive before this season is over. He needs to have a painful of death as possible.

    And what the hell is Michonne's problem? Why doesn't she just tell Rick who she is? Why doesn't Michonne just tell Rick the whole truth? This is ridiculous. Why do TPTB have to drag this out?

    I want Merle to be eaten limb by limb, organ by organ. He must suffer a long painful death.

  5. That seems to be a mentality of some but I don't agree with it. The only war where we had a draft where there huge polarization was Vietnam and that was because it wasn't our war, no different than Iraq. WWi started out with a good percentage of the population wanting us to stay out of it. WW 2 was in some ways the same until Pearl Harbor. Families tend to take a,different view of war and the draft when it involves a war that you really have no place in. And sending Americans into combat should be a thoughtful decision, not just some factless decision of alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction. People in this country might have given greater thought to Iraq if those men were forced into serving another countries interests versus our own.

    But we had the draft and Vietnam still lasted just over 10 years which is not much different from the length of the Iraqi war. Lots of people supported the Vietnam war until it started to drag out, much like what has happened with the war in Iraq. I think that the government propaganda machine is always good at getting people on board with wars/invasions with an assist from their media allies. Create an enemy that must be defeated or America's influence and the world will collapse. I remember looking around perplexed as the majority of American people allowed themselves to be deceived into supporting the invasion of Iraq over what were obvious lies about weapons of mass destruction.

    While this is true, I agree with Jane. We're no longer a nation at war, we're a nation that sends people to war and then goes on with our business. Even if the wealthy manage to avoid the draft (which I like to think would be a lot harder to do today than it used to be) we as a nation would still have to face up to the cost. Plus a draft would make war less profitable for civilian contractors. Maybe if fewer people got rich from wars we could manage to stay out of them a little better. I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons Mitt Romney was so eager to go to war with Iran is that he personally knows people who would profit. In fact, I'm sure he's one of them.

    I had not considered the negative impact of the draft on war profiteering. It is a good argument. However, wouldn't the military industrial complex benefit regardless since they will have lots of weapon orders to fill?

  6. They should reinstitute the draft and you'd see how willing Americans would be to support our involvement in foreign conflicts. One of the reasons the average American doesn't give a damn about foreign affairs and policy is that they don't see it impacting their everyday lives. A draft would change that.

    I am not a fan of the draft. I think that usually the children of the wealthy and socially connected are able to avoid the draft which leaves the children of the working class who tend to have less political influence going off to fight the wars.

  7. It's a way to effect change without invading a country and having a costly decade long war, not "amateurish."

    Nah, Republicans rather spill our blood and treasure over every international confrontation then turn around like Romney and refer to our physically and emotionally injured veterans as those "who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."

  8. Clearly, you don't realize that in the Republican world, they are the only ones who work for a living. The rest of us live on government handouts and think that the government should give us stuff. RME.

    I work for a living and his policies have been pretty good for me since they reduced my taxes (as they did for most Americans) but once again, that's all about math and facts. I can't help but notice that there is not one single, objectively verifiable statement in your post. No facts, no numbers, no discussion of specific policies. Just hysteria, baseless accusations and prognostications of doom.

    It is pure delusion. They always pronounce things that are factually not true and when you point that out they change topics.

    Now let's get back to waiting for that Romney landslide! That was fun!

    Heh! I bet he won the election in their world too.

    I happen to think that CIA has a lot of questions to answer about the attack in Benghazi. However, I also want the Republicans to start pointing the figures at themselves because they are the ones who refused to fund security to defend the Embassies and Consulates.

  9. The Republicans continue to reject facts and live in a delusional world; the stock market and corporate profits have boomed under Obama. They just refuse to share any of those profits with their employees. To quote Warren Buffet, "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."

    Here is an article on Papa Johns and the Affordable Care Act: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/11/19/cheer-up-papa-johns-obamacare-gave-you-a-good-deal/?hpid=z3

  10. Obama is President for four more years, so some people are going to have to get over their anger and learn to accept it, because complaining about everything little thing is not going to change that.

    332-206 hurts really bad, but it is reality, so it's time for these right-wingers to get over.

    They did not get over when he was first elected so it is unlikely that they will now. If anything, it makes them more bitter that their deluded, racist, bigoted, anti-woman BS has been rejected by most of the country which is moving forward and leaving them behind. Check out their delusional view of our country:


  11. You are not the only one, Chit. I swear, I am always so hyped up after The Walking Dead that I cannot sleep for a good long while. LOL!

    I have to think that Rick will either go with or send Daryl to rescue Maggie and Glenn. I hope that Rick takes Michonne's warning seriously. She is injured so she cannot go with them. I know what happens in the comics, but I hope that it does not happen in the tv series or we will lose half the cast by the episode 16.

  12. Before I forget, I loved Michonne's walker body parts message. That is really bad ass. LOL!

    Now that Andrea has gotten laid, I hope her brain starts working.

    Gawd, I hope that Maggie is not raped. It would break my heart and Glenn's.

    Andrew Lincoln was great in the scenes where he was talking on the phone. Hopefully, Rick has worked through the worse of his Lori issues and we never have to hear about her again.

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