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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Wow, those episode summaries bring back a lot of memories. It is amazing how many stories and relationships that I have forgotten about. I didn't think Y&R was that great for most of these years anyway. Only a few stories stand out in my memory.

    Thanks for posting these, Carl.

  2. I only vaguely remember Jack Hamilton. He must not have left much of an impression on me. I always want Stephanie and Clark together. He was totally falling in love with her and wanted her badly. She was always starting to fall in love him also. Unfortunately, they only shared a couple kisses and she sent him away for Kristin's sake.

  3. I love that you're staying true to your word.... has zombies invaded your Sunday shows yet this week?

    Unfortunately, not. LOL! However, with its dropping ratings, I have become more and more convinced that Revenge could do with a zombie or two to liven it up.

  4. Ever since I started watching these old Y&R clips, I have been become curious about what happened to some of the actors who were on the show in the early 2000s. Checking on IMDB, it seems like a lot of them are no longer in the business e.g. the actors who played Raul, Brittany, and the original Mac.

  5. Wow, those Victoria/Jack scenes bring back some wonderful memories. I was such a huge Jack/Nikki fan. I loved them as a couple and was so annoyed at Victoria for trying to break them up. The best Nikki ever had it was when she was married to Jack back then.

  6. You are cracking me up Ann, you have Zombies on the brain!

    So true. LOL! It would not be so bad if someone got cut to pieces or beheaded or staked/drained dry or shot. Even Once Upon a Time kills people by magic on a regular basis or like tonight where Gold beats the hell out of Hook, but Revenge nada, all intense looks and mind games. Give me a break.

  7. I am getting to the end of my rope. I just suffered through another episode of Revenge. It was incredible how many minutes were spent of the tense auction of a bottle of bad wine and fake kidnapping. That show needs a herd of zombies to snack on the wealthy set to make it interesting. If I had Dexter or Game of Thrones or even True Blood, I would be fine, but this is excruciating.

  8. Jesse Lee Sofer who played Will Munson on ATWT was a regular on the recently cancelled, Mob Doctor. Dumb concept so it was not surprise when it was cancelled, but he did some solid work so he might get some more prime time work.

    Tamara Tunie was a mediator on The Good Wife last week. She is an ageless beauty, simply stunning.

    Justin Bruening (ex Jamie, AMC) is joining the cast of Grey's Anatomy.


    I have NOTHING against JB but I'll admit that I'm continually surprised at the amount of work he's gotten since leaving AMC.

    Goes to show that talent means nothing sometimes. LOL! The only explanation must be that he has a look that they like.

  9. Other than the biker story, I really enjoyed that episode. I am glad that Bailey followed her heart and put her fears aside. She and her new husband dancing at the wedding were so sweet. I knew Adele had died when the Chief showed, but it was kind of him to still go to the wedding. I really like Jackson and Stephanie hooking up. I loved how she was drooling over him.

  10. Great poster. Awww, my Rick. I hope that he digs out the Governor's other eye and lets the walkers eat the rest of him alive.

    I have am still staying away from the promos. I am so proud of myself. Let us see how long I last.

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