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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. The season one and two deaths are a combination of story direction and behind the scene upheaval. There will always be red shirts, but unfortunately more "permanent" characters are going to be dying over the course of this show.

  2. I convinced one of my co-workers to give TWD a chance. She had been reluctantly looking at with her boyfriend. She came to work yesterday excited about the third episode in season one. Finally, I have someone to talk about the show at work. Talking to her I realized how much I had forgotten about the first few episodes. AMC is having a marathon on New Year's Eve and New Year Day so I plan to record it and re-watch the earlier episodes.

  3. I hear a lot of positive commentary about Merle mostly through Daryl, the "brothers Dixon," how he clearly didn't want to hurt Glenn and Maggie, how touching it is that Merle loves his brother, he needs another chance, etc.

    Daryl's comments, hallucinations, and memories about Merle have all been decidedly negative. The writers have gone to painstaking lengths to show that Merle is an unlikable bully who made his brother's life unpleasant. I lurk on all the major Walking Dead boards and Merle is not popular or admired on any of them so I leave it at that.

  4. No way is Merle popular in the online fan communities that I visit. People have been awaiting his return and speculating about its impact on Daryl, but the consensus is that he has an ugly deserved death coming. Now Michael Rooker is exceeding popular because he has been fab as Merle.

    Wait, are these your reviews? You are now starting to watch the show?

  5. Merle is such a nasty racist that I cannot see him fooling Tyreese or the chick with him. The two white guys with Tyreese and Axel might fall for Merle's act, but everyone else either has experienced Merle first hand or loves Glenn and Maggie and will never side with him.

    I think either Daryl is forced to kill Merle or Merle sacrifices himself for Daryl. Unfortunately, I also think we get another major death by the end of season. I see Hershel and/or Beth as dead survivors walking.

  6. I cannot see anyone other than Daryl accepting Merle. As things stand, they have no choice because they need Daryl desperately, but if anything I see a schism between the group and Daryl because Merle who will no doubt try to be on his best behavior.

    I am also reading that the Governor will be around into next season so clearly there will be no easy resolution to the story as whole for a long time to come.

  7. Seriously, my Sunday night feels so blah now that Once Upon a Time, but mainly The Walking Dead is on hiatus. I was just surfing the Internet for Walking Dead stuff and found this deleted scene on YT. Have you seen it before? It is really good. So odd seeing how many of the group are dead now. Got to love this show. This scene would have given us the first hint of the Governor and his people who obviously killed the Vatos. I had totally forgotten about the plan to go to Fort Benning. Guess, that is out of the question now.


  8. I thought that initially TPTB did a good job of showing why Andrea wanted to stay in Woodbury. She was tired of constantly being on the run and Woodbury seems safe with a semblance of their old lives. On top of which, Michonne never explained the reasons for her suspicions to Andrea and the Governor had done a good job hiding his madness. Yes, zombie death match comes off as brutal, but as he pointed out it is entertainment and no one can really get hurt. However, all of this was undercut by the sexual attraction which made it look to some people like that was her main motivation for staying in Woodbury and letting Michonne leave alone. However, after Penny, the severed heads, and a captured Daryl, the scales have got to fall off Andrea's eyes or she will be a fool.

  9. A lot of fans hate Lori, hate Andrea, but you never know how much of that is the writing and how much is fandoms having female issues in general.

    I mostly blame the writing for both Lori and Andrea. Of course, the Shane fans were always going to hate her for choosing Rick, but on Talking Dead, it was clear that the producers were deliberately having Lori's act in ways that would stir up controversy. The look the writers and producers gave each other and the bungled explanation for her lack of support when Rick's confession that he had killed Shane made that clear. Andrea has now taken on departed Lori's role as unwitting "woman pawn." I don't think that it is a coincidence that they are writing both leading women this way. In contrast, Maggie who is a supporting female lead has become a strong, admirable, fighter, and devoted partner.

  10. I kinda felt bad for the Governor when Michonne "killed" his daugther.

    I did not feel sorry for the Governor when Penny got killed. He killed live people with no remorse. It was about time that he suffered. He had it coming.

    Glenn/Maggie are the best and most kickass couple of TV. Loved these two together.

    I am quickly coming to the conclusion that after a rough start, Glenn and Maggie are the best tv couple ever. They are simply epic. Among the current crop of tv couples, I like Snow and David on Once Upon a Time, but they are children at play compared to Glenn and Maggie. Glenn making a shank out of a walker's arm for Maggie is the most awesome and gruesome gift of love.

  11. Amazing ratings, although I was hoping that the winter finale would hit a series high. The Walking Dead kicking butts and taking names. AMC has got to be dancing in the streets. No one would have ever thought that a zombie show rejected NBC would be the no. 1 show on little AMC. I hope the delay at the renewal announcement means that we are getting two 16 episode seasons. I know that the producers and actors must be demanding major raises after seeing AMC shell out for low rated Mad Men.

    That's why I laugh when people call MadMen a hugh hit when it barely draws 1 million viewers. One of the most overrated shows ever.

    I simply do not understand Mad Men. I have given it many chances, but it does nothing for me.

    Oh, I loved when Kirkman said on Talking Dead that they keep finding new ways to viciously kill zombies to see how far they can test the AMC censors, but they keep getting away with it. You know just know that AMC is happy to let them go all the way to the edge.

  12. I watch TD each weak and she was the best guest so far. Gonna have to reach out and see if we can get her back for when the show returns.

    Let me know if you find a way to contact Talking Dead about bringing Yvette back. I will send an email in support of her return.

    No one has posted the ratings lately. We are going to have to designate someone (coughAnncough).

    LOL! I will happily undertake this task. Like JaneAusten correctly said, TWD's ratings have been killer this season. Only The Big Bang Theory is close among scripted programming. TvbytheNumbers usually does not release Sunday's cable ratings until Tuesday, but if the ratings are very strong, AMC will put out a press release earlier.

    Last week's ratings: 5.4 in the 18 to 49 demo; 10,427,000 total viewers


  13. I can't believe that couples from TWD are being pimped.

    Neither can I. Life is so transient on the show that it seems a waste to get too invested in any couple. The exception would be Maggie and Glenn who have the only romance that was built from scratch. If Daryl and Carol ever do get together, sorry to say, but she would probably die the next day.

    AMC is changing things up. When The Walking Dead returns on Feb 10th, an hour long episode of Talking Dead will follow. I hope they have good guests like Yvette Brown again.

  14. I missed Beth kissing Rick in the promo. She is young for him, but he is traumatized and newly single so I say they should go for it. Carl will be fine and grow out of his crush sooner than later.

    Any attacks on Laurie come from irrational folks on or off Twitter. The blame clearly lies with Kirkman. Michonne had loads of time to tell Andrea about the Governor trying to kill her, kidnapping Glenn and Maggie last night, and the rescue with Rick and others, yet she said absolutely nothing. Andrea will figure things out quickly now that Daryl has been captured. However, it does not mean that she will be able to easily untangle herself easily from the Governor. It seems clear that the season finale will be Rick's people against the Governor in a winner take all scenario.

  15. The next new episode airs on Sunday, February 10th. I don't know if I can survive that long. I LOVE this show!

    Great preview. Tyreese is going to have to take those two guys threatening Carl and Carol. I can't believe they look at them and just see a little kid and a woman. Carl and Carol would probably kill both those guys in two seconds.

  16. Yep, Carl told Rick that he should stop being the leader. I think that this would be good for Rick, not sure about the group, but he needs the psychological rest.

    Kirkman is on Talking Dead.

    I forgot to mention: I freaked out when Michonne's head was in the water with the heads. That was a crazy fight.

    Kirkman says that Michonne was trying to tell Rick that she needs him.

    Chit, you are right. Kirkman says that the Governor threw Merle to the wolves because he lied to him about killing Michonne.

  17. But they never allow more than one black male at a time even if they have nothing much to do. They have killed off the only black male just before adding another one. I expect the African American woman with Tyreese not be gone soon enough since we have Michonne. However, I will be pleased to be wrong.

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