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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. The Hagel and Brennan nominations is why I cannot stand Obama most of the time. Hagel is anti-diversity. Brennan is a war criminal. Sickening. Also, nice that he is willing to fight for these horrible people and not Susan Rice.

  2. I watched this episode. All I can say is "not enough Aiden." However, from this episode and the previews, it looks like the Initiative is setting a trap for him. I wonder if they have his sister. He would betray both Amanda and Takeda to save her.

    Jack has to be the dumbest person alive. He has a wealthy best friend in Nolan and he knows Amanda/Emily who has tons of money, and yet it never occurs to him to go to them for the loan that he needed or for help now that he is over his head? Looks like it will be up to Emily/Amanda to take out those guys with her crow bar.

    So Marco is connected to the Initiative? Then, again isn't everyone on this show? Good grief.

  3. I can only laugh at Christie and King's fake outrage. They know that their fellow Republicans only like giving our hard earned tax money to the wealthy 1%. They are only raving because this is impacting their political fortunes. I hope the people of New Jersey are paying attention and not getting sucked in by Christie's act.

  4. I just caught some YT clips of Barry Sloane as Aiden on Revenge. When did he get so hot? He use to look so emaciated and unattractive on Hollyoaks. It looks like he has put 10lbs or so. He looks hot as hell now. He and Emily Van Camp make a sizzling couple. I read that he is on contract for the whole season. I might have to start watching to catch their scenes.

  5. Argh, my post disappeared. Anyway, I was disappointed to find out that TWD's New Year's Eve and Day marathon is only season 3. I should recorded the previous marathons of season 1 and 2, maybe they will have them before season 4.

    Feb 10th is sooo far away and I am still suffering withdrawal symptoms. On a positive note, Justified premieres on Jan 8th. It should hold me until TWD returns.

  6. I have tried to stay away from TWD spoilers, but I have been feeling desperate and at loose ends so I went snoping. There is a spoiler that

    Lennie James is returning as Morgan for one episode. Morgan will be seen "from a distance" and will not be with the group although there is continued talk about him joining the show next season or in season 5. However, Lennie James is getting his own series with Mark Strong on AMC, "Low Winter Sun."

    Also, turns out that the TWD marathon on New Year's Eve and Day is only season 3.

  7. I seriously cannot believe that it has come to this. I thought corporations were greedy, but also wanted to be successful. AMC is a sheap small mind mob outfit, bullying and firing showrunners and bullying the cast into silence all the while running around getting into legal disputes with cable providers.

  8. Kurt Sutter, executive producer, Sons of Anarchy, cusses the hell out of AMC for firing Mazzara. Shawn Ryan also had words for AMC. The three of them worked together on The Shield.

    "AMC is run by small-minded, bottom-line thinkers who have no appreciation or gratitude for the effort of its creative personnel. Time and time again we see events like what happened today with Glen Mazzara. They continue to disrespect writers, sh*t on their audience and bury their network. Mazzara took the work-in-progress that was 'Walking Dead' and turned it into a viable TV show with a future. Without him, that future is dim. Showrunners are not development executives, we're not cookiecutter d***hebags that you plug into a preexisting model. TWD will suffer. Even Zombies need consistency. 'Mad Men' and 'Breaking Bad' will be gone soon. So will AMC. I hope their f**king stock takes a dive and the shareholders line up Sapan, Dolan and Collier and sh*t in their open hands. C**ts."


  9. I have been reading that The Walking Dead is the first show that AMC has completely owned which explains why is it slapping the show runners around. On the surface, it looks like that the show has not suffered, but these cheapskate moves will likely shave a year or two off the show future. I don't know how true, but on a couple entertainment sites, so-called "insiders" are saying that AMC has been unable to attract high quality experienced producers to its shows in general. I mean, who with talent and experience would be willing to be treated like dirt after seeing what happened with Darabont and Mazzara?

  10. I guess it makes sense in some way, since he was a total unknown in the US...either that or he had an agent who would take anything (supposedly Norman Reedus/Daryl and the guy who played Shane both got 80K).

    If NR and JB got $80K, then I am sure that AL must have gotten the same. They were not any more known that him and he is the lead and the only characters guaranteed to survive long term. The person reporting this was wrong.

    And whatever happens, I don't want to know about it. Friends and Modern Family turned me off with the public bloated salary negotiations. That and not one actor on Friends was worth what was being paid/eppy. Total travesty!

    I don't get this. The actors are/were the key to making these shows a success. They deserve whatever salary they can negotiate for. The network and producers should not be the only ones making the money.

  11. I just read (don't know how truth) that Andrew Lincoln is getting $40,000 per episode. Unbelievable! This is the top scripted show on all of tv! No wonder we have heard nothing about renewal for the fourth season as yet. He and the producers must be looking for a huge payday before agreeing to future seasons. I hope Lincoln's agent is demanding five to six times more, plus a producer cut for him.

  12. Are we supposed to be debating if Bailey really wants to marry this guy? Owen and Christina have so many problems besides the lawsuit. Are they going to address them at some point?

    Jackson needs to move on from annoying April. He can do so much better, like with me, for instance. smile.png

    I thought that the women all looked gorgeous at the wedding. Their dresses were very flattering. However, Bailey's dress was a hot mess and did not flatter her at all. What that a hint that she does not really want to get married?

    It was great seeing Neve Campbell again. She has matured, but still looks great. She should join the show.

  13. I was upset over Darabont's departure, but I think that the show as only improved and gotten better since he left. I like that Mazzara and Kirkman have listened to the complaints for the need for more zombies and action. I, especially, appreciate that we have been subjected to less needless debating and bickering over every decision or event. Like when Carl shut out Tyreese and his people, Beth asked shouldn't we help them, Carl said "I did." End of. I also love that the group is so cohesion and everyone has a role to play without complaints.

    I can barely remember Jackie and Morales. My co-worker was also talking about Jim and Jenner who are also foggy memories other than Jenner telling Rick the secret. It all feels like ages ago.

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