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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Yep, the music is too loud, there is too much 70s porn music, and that Avery/Dylan song is so piss poor. It is just downright bad music. Someone said that JFP is friends with the band which is why is promoting their music. Her friends are everywhere helping ruin every soap she gets her hands on.

  2. ITA. There is no comparing LML to MAB. LML did damage, but it was all repairable. Nothing that she broke could be unbroken by a half-way decent headwriter. Even when she killed off Dru, she made sure that her body was never found, leaving the door open for VR to return. What MAB did to Brad and Colleen was unforgivable. There absolutely no reason to kill off the character in such is horrible permanent way. She could have sent Brad off to do business in Europe or Asia. It would have left the door open for him to return one day. As for killing off Colleen, that was disgusting and indefensible. There was absolutely no justification for killing Colleen, none. And the trite fake manufactured drama way that she killed such an important character was cringeworthy. I still think that there has got to be way to bring back Colleen. I'd be willing overlook the incredulity to have her back.

  3. Maria dismantled everything about this show....some of these characters should have been still on the show sad.png

    I will never forgive her, and right now i can't stand Bradley's writing either.

    too many egos kill a soap opera.

    MAB should be consigned to soap hell for writing off Ashley and killing Brad and Colleen. It is unforgivable.

  4. Thanks for the clips. It is great to see J.T. and the original Colleen again. I loved them so much. I was addicted to Y&R during their romance from 2002 to early 2004. J.T./Colleen and Dean/Jenna (Another World) have to be my top two teen soap romances although there were others that I loved like Zander and Emily.

  5. I may be reading too much into this, but I really liked that they had Michonne run towards Hershel and help Glen with him, like she understands the dynamics of the group. Rick is the leader, but Hershel is the "patriarch", the voice of reason and all of them are the children that he loves. Rick was out of it for a while and they sort of did ok, but w/out Hershel, they would be lost.

    I really liked that part because I thought she was headed in Rick's direction.

    I like this interpretation of Michonne's actions. I was so happy when she went running towards him, loping off heads. Hershel has become so important to everyone in the group. He is the voice of reason, comfort, and unconditional love. Losing him, which I think will happen eventually, will crush them all. Hopefully, Rick will be able to half-way sane by then.

  6. I keep hearing people say it made no sense that the group wasn't better at shooting. I guess they had to fumble, for script purposes.

    Don't know who those people are, but they need a reality check. It is one thing to shoot zombies who are not shooting back, another to shoot at people who are several feet away and shooting back at you. They cannot just stand there, aim, and fire. They have to make sure that they do not get shot and duck for cover.

  7. In the preview, Merle was coldly telling Hershel how the governor would kill him, Michonne, and Daryl first, kill the others and then leave Rick for last so he could see everyone that he loves die. It was brutal.

    Forgot, I did like that sweet moment in the final shot where Glenn puts his hand on Maggie's shoulder and she puts her hand over him. It gives me hope that they are healing and moving towards each other again. Other than Snow and Charming on Once Upon at Time, Glenn and Maggie are my favorite tv couple. I could not bare if they lost each other when they need each other the most.

    I also loved how Glenn drove straight to save Hershel. They are such a wonderful family and group as a whole. Lots of love for each other.

  8. The final action scene was insanely good. Is it any wonder that I am so hyper after this show. The governor better hope he dies before Rick gets sane and is ready to put his ass in the ground.

    Oh, we are having a surprise guest on Talking Dead. I wonder who it is?

  9. Chit, you don't know Joe Manginello from True Blood? You have no idea what you are missing out on. Do a YT search for his sex scenes on True Blood. That man has a body to die for. He was also in that Magic Mike movie stripping.

    Btw, he plays Alicide on True Blood.

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