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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Chit, funny, but cold. I cannot believe that guy could not find a car somewhere.

    Who is this Hart of Dixie guy? He is really deep, I am impressed. His name is Scott.

    Aisha is really great tonight. I love her thoughts.

    This is one of the best episodes of Talking Dead!

    Lennie James!


    I did like Michonne telling Rick that she knows that he sees things and that she saw her dead fiancee.

    Carl's apology to Morgan was cool.

  2. Yep, Aisha got that right about Lennie's acting. He is a major talent. He has a series coming up on either FX, I think.

    I cannot believe that Chris Hardwick is making some deep points. He is so right that the moment where they were driving away and saw Morgan burning the bodies was very beautiful and poignant.

    LOL! This Hart of Dixie guy is so funny. He is clearly a real fan. He is right to be worry about Michonne dying since she was opening up.

    Awww, farewell to Backpack guy!

  3. Rick looks exhausted and sick.

    Best Michonne episode. She really is nice person albeit damaged like the rest of them.

    I hope that Morgan finds them one day when he is better.

    Oh no, the poor guy was eaten alive. They coldly stop to take his backpack. Wow, talk about harsh!

    Wow, next week, Rick and Phillip finally meet.

    I loved this episode lots of character development for Michonne and Morgan.

  4. LOL Ann that's because you like to remain spoiler free.

    LOL! You are so right. I forgot about that this is the price I pay for being spoiler free.

    Oh no, Morgan is crazy as hell. Rick will be like that one day if he does not get a grip.

  5. I know that they have to take some of his weaons, but I hope that they do not take all. I wonder if Morgan even survives this episode.

    Carl is scary as hell. I like Michonne catching him in his lie.

    Morgan's traps are pretty clever.

  6. Great, another FOJ to make Y&R's music even worse. I don't know how or why Sony/CBS does nothing while these people use Y&R to provide work for their friends and push their personal agendas. Surely it has got to be cheaper to pull the old musical cues out of storage since they already own the rights to them.

    Btw, that song played when Victor and Nikki was dancing was horrific. It was by the same FOJ, if not the same terrible group. Blech. They cannot sing or write half-way decent music.

  7. I can understand you didn't like Brittany at all:) Even Italian Y&R fans loved or hated her, there was no middle way.

    I did like Brittany for the longest while. She was interesting and fun, the female version of J.T. and the anti-Mac. But I did not like that she and Raul broke up over Bobby. I was pretty much done with her when she got that scar which made her sappy and needy. Watching J.T. and everyone rally around her was pathetic. I thought that she was tougher than that. The writers were also clearly using the scar to make her into this young heroine which was unnecessary. When J.T. started to have feelings Brittany, it was over for me. I didn't like J.T. developing romantic feelings for her or Mac. I would have preferred that he had a romance with someone completely new.

  8. RestlessDuncan, great to hear your thoughts on Y&R. I hope that you post more often. You brought back the horrible memories of the bad writing during Malcolm's short return and Ashley destroying her marriage with Brad over her obsession with Victor. I am never going to agree about Brittany who I think should have remained a supporting character in the younger set and involved with Raul. Her "love story" with Bobby and then, J.T. really turned me off her and I disliked how Smith tried to make her into a young heroine. I did not mind the Mac/Daniel budding romance. I am not sure why they stopped it and sent her after J.T., maybe because Smith was about to write out Brittany and Bobby. I stopped watching Y&R regularly in 2004, the storytelling, characters, and dialogue felt listless and random. I had hoped things would turn around when Colleen returned at Christmas 2004, but she left permanently after a few episodes and I was pretty much done with Y&R then.

  9. I love Hershel as the group patriarch. I like him much better than Dale. Hershel manages to tell everyone hard truths in a compassionate loving way.

    Regarding Andrea, as I said before, at its core I think she like Lori are basically plot devices to ratchet up the tension between two dangerous men who are in the process of squaring off. However, just like I never blamed Lori for Shane's craziness, I don't blame Andrea for Phillip's craziness. I still think that Andrea could be smarter, but I understand her wanting safety and trying to save the Woodburians from a horrible fate.

  10. Let me say this about Y&R's redeemed characters is what made them work best was the fact they continued to be gray characters haunted by their pasts. The two most prominent examples of this are Michael and Phyllis. For years Michael spent most over of his time hanging with the other lowlifes (ie Phyllis, Diane, Isabella) and his attempts at being good for Christine were always hampered by his selfishness and poor judgment(becoming Victor's goon in 2003)...

    Then again after 2005 both Michael and Phyllis were no longer written as tortured characters and until the past year their history was for whatever reason was swept under the rug. Maybe by doing that it made it easier to keep Kevin around for so long. Don't even get me started on the writing for Adam for the last five years.

    I was thinking about how horrible Michael's redemption turned out watching Paul bring him food and Christine defend him to Fen yesterday. I was buying into giving Michael a chance and the writers decided that Chris should get romantically involved with him. It is like they have no boundaries or no sense of how far to "not" to push the audience. It is one thing for Paul and Christine to tolerate him, but now he is their bestest friend. Much like how everyone conveniently ignores Kevin's crimes.

  11. soapfan770, I liked reading your take on Y&R. IMO, 2004 was when the show went from stellar to BS. I don't think that it is a coincidence that David Shaughnessy and Trent Jones left then. Smith sowed the seeds of his demise in 2004 and worse yet, he seriously damaged the show. So many things drove me away in 2004, Cameron and Sharon, Brittany's rise to prominence, J.T.'s involvement with her and then Mac, being ticked off that I got sucked in when Colleen only returned for a few episodes, but ultimately the cringeworthy redemption of Kevin was the last straw.

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