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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I am always going on about Kevin outliving all those much more enjoyable, stronger, and better younger characters. Only mediocre Lily is still around. It goes to show how soaps are mostly run by idiots.

  2. I found a SoapCity Q&A with Jack Smith. I can't find the link right now and it did not have a date, but given his comments, it was a few months before he was fired from Y&R and LML took over, 2005/early 2006. Anyway, he talks about J.T. and Colleen being his favorite contemporary story and then goes on to say when asked there were no plans to bring Colleen back although they talked about it for a few minutes. Next he praises Rachel Kimsey as Mac, saying how she had become the character and worked really well with J.T. RME. AB was fired right? I vaguely remember a controversy over her firing.

  3. Chit, you clearly missed my rant at Andrea last night for revealing Judith's paternity. LOL! It was one of those WTF was Andrea thinking moments. I wonder if she thought this would help Phillip understand what a wonderful man Rick is. This seems like twisted Andrea logic. Then again, maybe this is her version of pillow talk. Even the Talking Dead guests and Chris were wondering why on earth Andrea would tell Phillip this as well.

  4. I think the group as a whole would be tempted to give up Michonne although I agree that Glenn is probably the only one who would refuse outright. Michonne simply has not been with them long enough to build a strong bond even Hershel was willing to consider the option. Other than Carl, no one really knows or cares about her. However, Merle would speak up because he knows that it would be futile and only delay the inevitable. Plus, they need Michonne to help them hold the prison.

  5. I blows me away that Rick would even consider giving Michonne to Phillip. It has to be Kirkman creating drama. Rick has to know that Phillip is an insane violent sociopath. Rick has been down this path before with Shane. He tried and failed to make peace with Shane too before finally having to kill him. There is no negotiating with these lunatics.

  6. I thought that Glenn and Maggie's love scene was needed. It was life affirming to see their love and lust survive the trauma they were subjected to by Phillip. Without these meaningful moments of love and intimacy, the Zombie Apocalypse would be relentless desperation and horror.

    Forgot to add: I too have a bad feeling that Hershel does not survive to season 4. The odds are not good that an old man with one leg makes it through a siege.

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