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juniorz1 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
I'm starting the campaign: DUMP JENSEN BUCHANAN!!!! Bring back Anne Heche!! Or Cynthia Watros!!! -
Actually guys, give me til tomorrow. Gotta watch a movie with my mom. But expect to see the London crown tomorrow- aka Soretta, Edmund, Kelly, Ashton, Lionel, Augusta, Marcello. And a few others who haven't appeared in the new episodes yet. Have it mapped out already! Probably will be posted in the evening.
Episode 106 will be posted sometime tonight. I CAN"T WAIT until I can reveal this Joann thing. I think you guys are going to be absolutely stunned! In a good way.
Yes, Kirk lost his leg in the original run. I believe it happened off-screen, but when Joseph Bottoms briefly returned in 1990 and kidnapped Nikki Alvarez, Kirk sported a patch and a wooden leg. It was the Conboy era of camp. I hadn't addressed it and wasn't going to, but I the line was too perfect and I could hear Maura West spitting it out so deliciously as only she can. Having a cast crawl and actors for me, as a writer, is a HUGE part of what motivates me. When I write dialogue, I hear the actor's (and the character's) voice in my head and that is what inspires the lines. I've tried to keep alive certain historical aspects in the dialogue, such as CC addressing Eden and Kelly as Princess and Kitten and Cruz calling Eden darlin. Things like that. Now that I've gotten a lot of the story out there written, it seems a natural progression for the serious to be heavier in dialogue. It's different from the style I was previously writing but I'm enjoying it thusfar.
By re-read mode, I meant that I always (used to) re-read my episodes immediately when I post them, then fix any and all typos I'll find. The fingers and the brain don't always connect- I actually prefer to write by hand (which is how I started doing this years ago, before I had the internet).
I edited Joann's line already sb34, as I did with the Gina/Lily exchange . I am back in re-read mode, but I do like to post the episode immediately when I'm finished because I'm lucky enough to have people waiting to read & comment on it. Feedback is a HUGE part of the joy of writing this thing. Oh and I made a comment on FB today about bringing SB back on the net and Nic Coster commented and all but said he'd do it. I'm more interested to hear your thoughts, but as a former copy editor myself, I always appreciate editing notes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bmrPTEbp6A (The role of Joann Walsh is now being played by Maura West) (EXT: Santa Barbara Airport) --Kirk is stunned to see his former fiance standing behind him. "Don't just stand there like a deer in the headlights, Kirk. Answer my question. Or would you rather I call Eden and the three of us can have this chat together?" "Joann, my love, my pet, there is nothing for you to worry about. I have Eden under control and I need to get on this plane right now or everything that's been planned is going to blow up in our faces. Now if you don't mind, my love is waiting..." Kirk turns around and begins to walk away, but Joann runs up behind him and snatches his phone out of his hand. Before Kirk can even react, Joann calls back the person who Kirk just got off the phone with. The phone rings twice and someone picks up. "Kirk? Kirk? What do you want? I thought you said everything was going fine...." "It is, it is. This is Laurie, Kirk's girlfriend and I was just wondering who my devilish boyfriend here was speaking with.......Do you have a name?" "Of course. Santana. And trust me, I have no designs on your boyfriend. It was a business call. Completely business." "I'm sure it was. He was just being his usual deceptive self and I wasn't about to let him get away with it. Lovely talking to you Santiana." "It's Santana" "Of course it is. Good bye now." Kirk looks at Joann with a guilty look on his face. He asks for his phone back so he can board the plane. "Gladly." Joann throws the phone and it hits Kirk directly in the eye. "What the hell was that for?" "You know damn well what it for. Castillo? Santana? So Cruz is alive. You've been LYING to me. And to Quinn. I don't think he'll be too pleased to hear that you didn't carry out his mission, and then you're little love-fest with the object of your obsession will all go down the drain, won't it." "Cruz was never supposed to die, right pumpkin?" "Don't you dare patronize me. Santana Andrade was never part of the plan and you know it. Haven't you learned not to double cross me Kirk? I thwarted your takeover of Capwell Enterprises. Did you really think you were gonna get away with this. I want answers and I want them now. Why in the HELL did you get Santana mixed up in this?" "I didn't, my pet, I didn't. She happens to live in Mexico and Eden called her and she confronted Angel and she got the map and she...." "And she saved her high school sweetheart. Well bully for Santana. I'm not even going to ask why you didn't tell me Kirk because I already know- you're a COWARD! Seriously, you have botched everything from day one and you honestly are being blackmailed by Santana Andrade? For God's sake, slip her a mickey and be done with it you fool. But no, no, because we all know not only are you cowardly, but you're selfish. All you care about is your precious Eden and getting her in your clutches. Who gives a damn who you screw over in the process? You go, Kirk. Go on to London with Princess Eden. But you're going to fix this. So help me GOD Kirk, when you get back to Santa Barbara, you WILL fix this. Or your leg won't be your only prosthetic body part!" (EXT: Capwell Hotel) --Ted catches Angela and begins slapping her and trying to wake her up. When she doesn't come to, he calls 911 and reports everything. When he's off the phone, he asks the receptionist if any doctors are staying in the hotel, to which she responds that she's not allowed to give out that sort of information. "My father OWNS this hotel damnit! And this is my wife!" "I'm sorry Mr. Capwell- I didn't recognize you. How embarrassing. And I've worked here since the 80s! ( )" "Just can it and answer the question." "No sir, at least none that are in the building. Is there anything I can do?" "A glass of water, something, anything, just go do something." A bewildered Ted continues to shake Angela, trying to get her to come to. Suddenly he hears a familiar voice. "Ted. Ted, what's wrong?" "It's Angela, Gina. She's fainted and so help me, if you've done anything, ANYTHING to harm my wife..." "I swear to you Ted, I didn't. We were just having a.....conversation, that's all. I did notice she was acting a little weaker than normal, but I thought nothing of it." "That I believe. You don't think Gina, do you? Clearly she was stressed out and I doubt your conversation had anything to do with those cheap denim jeans you're marketing." "Those cheap jeans have become a major factor in keeping your father's company afloat, Ted. Lest you forget, that takeover attempt would have gone through much more swiftly had it not been for Gina Jeans. I saved that company Ted." "I don't have time for this Gina. My wife is unconcious on the floor." "I see that. And that is not my fault." Suddenly, Angela comes to. "Ted......Gina.....what just......why am I on the floor?" "Not for the usual reason," Gina snarks. "Shut up, Gina. Honey, you fainted. Just lie still. The paramedics are on the way. Where is that IDIOT with the water??!?" "That's the kind of employees you people have working at this place, Ted. Kelly's too busy waltzing around Europe marrying strangers to run a business." "Would you PLEASE make yourself useful for once Gina and get my wife a glass of water?" Gina stands there, giving Ted her best insulted Gina face. "NOW Gina!" "Of course. I'm sure you'll be fine, Angela. You always seem to come out on top. I'm sure this will be no exception." Gina goes to get the glass of water as the paramedics arrive. When Angela protests and says it was a dizzy spell and that she's fine, Ted insists she let the paramedics take her to the hospital and be checked out by a doctor. Angela softens when she sees the look of concern on Ted's face. The paramedics place Angela on the stretcher and put her into the ambulance as Gina returns with the water. "What's going on? Where are they taking Angela?" "Paris," Ted quips. "It's the paramedics Gina, where do you think she's going? Now can you please stay here and run the hotel while I tend to my wife?" "Get my wife a glass of water. Run the hotel. Create a line of jeans that will shoot the stocks through the roof. Sure, Ted, run along. Lord knows you Capwells wouldn't understand hard work even if you had to build a house. You'd just find someone else to do all the work and-" "Thanks Gina. You're a real life saver." Ted leaves and a devious look comes across Gina's face. She pulls out her phone and places a call. "Lily....it's Mom." "Mom, where are you?" "I'm here at the Capwell Hotel and the most delicious thing just happened." "Yeah, what's that?" "Angela Cassidy.......Capwell(she chokes on the word)......just fainted..." "Really? Well....so what?" "So what? She's been nauseated lately, dizzy, now she's fainting....." "Yeah, and...." "For God's sake, Lily, she's either got a brain tumor or she's PREGNANT! And I'd bet a million dollars on the latter...." THE END......for today
Episode 104 - NEW EPISODE- previous episode was 103 and Mislabeled
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Thank you SO much for the compliment. Means a lot. -
PART 2 of SONBC's Interview with Greg, Creator of RTSB
juniorz1 posted a blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
SONBC: You're back and man, what a rousing start. I LOVE how you end every episode with a cliffhanger. THAT is what the on-air soaps should be doing. Greg: Thanks so much for the compliment. I'm quite proud of my first two episodes. The hardest part about writing is getting started. But now that I have, I'm roaring to go! SONBC: Tell us about Joann. She's been an enigma for some time now, mainly arguing with Gina and working for Capwell Enterprises. Yet on this last installment, she seems to be crossing into the Kirk storyline. Greg: First of all, I'm THRILLED to finally have Maura West in the cast. She's a spectacular actress and while I like Kim Rhodes, I just couldn't resist changing it over to Maura for the story I have planned. Now as for her involvement with Kirk, they were once engaged, she used him to get into Capwell Enterprises, and then thwarted his takeover attempt. Now why she's doing what she did in the last episode, I can not tell you. It would spoil my fun. But what I will say is just WAIT and see what she does in the next episode. I think the fans are going to LOVE what I have planned for Joann. In fact, when I did a survey a while back, she was easily ranked as their favorite new character, yet she'd barely done anything but spar with Gina. I'm using that to garner her the sympathy she's going to need. But when all of her secrets, including her identity, are revealed, the audience will clearly understand the motivations she's had for everything that she's done. SONBC: What about this Lockridge story you have planned, mirroring your own real-life 2012 drama? Greg: I'm excited to start writing it, but it's going to take me a few weeks to get there. I think it will be an interesting, different kind of storyline for the Lockridges. And I have one more return planned that nobody is going to see coming, but that person will shake up the canvas for sure. SONBC: I have to ask the question that's on everyone's mind- WHEN is the next episode airing? Greg: I plan on writing it today, though it doesn't mean it will get finished. But expect to see it back. SONBC: Any news about the talk show or interviewing more behind the scenes SB talent? Greg: Nothing yet, but I'm CONVINCED that at least some of the cast and crew are reading it. That includes you Ms. Grahn. She's my likeliest suspect, but there's a few others I feel may be reading as well. I hope so. This blog is getting more notice on the net and they must know it exists. We're at 150,000 some odd hits and my goal is to hit 200,000 by May. With as much action as I have planned, it's well withing the realm of possibility. SONBC: Thankis so much Greg for your usual candor and yet another entertaining interview. And don't miss "Return to Santa Barbara." Only on SONBC. -
Episode 104 - NEW EPISODE- previous episode was 103 and Mislabeled
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
As it soon will be. Thanks for joining up and commenting agasb11! Pleased to meet you. -
Episode 104 - NEW EPISODE- previous episode was 103 and Mislabeled
juniorz1 posted a blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bmrPTEbp6A (EXT- The Capwell Hotel) --Angela sits behind her desk, clutching her head in her hands and feeling nauseated. When she opens her eyes, she sees Ted standing there. "Honey, you don't look so hot." "And good morning to you too, Mr. Capwell. I'm just a little under the weather, that's all. With the amount of work I'm doing both here and at Capwell, that's to be expected. What brings my handsome husband by anyway? Something on your mind." "Actually yes. The other day with Gina in fact. Something was going on there Angela, and I don't think it had anything to do with promoting Gina Jeans either." Angela pauses for a moment, nervously staring back at her husband. "Well? Am I right? Was she harrassing you? Because if she was, I'll...." "Relax, Ted. I'm a big girl and I can certainly handle Gina Blake DeMont Capwell Capwell Capwell Timmons Lockridge." "What was it that she was taunting you about?" "Her daughter, what else? She still is reeling from the fact that you married me and not Lily, probably because it ruined any chances of Gina being a Capwell, Ted. Yes I know what I did wasn't.......I didn't go about it the right way. But I make no apologies for loving you. Or marrying you for that matter. You know Ted, I was married to David for a number of years and while I enjoyed the wealth and the prestige that went along with that, I was more in love with our status than him. Then there was Warren, who frankly, didn't have the capacity to love anyone but himself at the time. But when I met you......it was different. Sure at first, it was just sex..." "Just sex? Fantastic, off the charts, hot, amazing sex, the best sex I've ever had in my-" "Ok, ok, I see what you're getting that. And that's all I thought it was, honestly. My using you to fill the void I felt from Warren's inability to return my feelings. Frankly, I don't think I was ever in love with Warren, more the idea of him. But you. You were kind, gentle, caring, the kind of man I never felt I deserved in my life, especially after what happened to my sister Marilyn all those years ago, which I fully blamed myself for. You showed me what real love could be like, and yet I didn't think I deserved you, that you deserved better. Which is why I ended it and began dating your father. I knew he was one person I could be with that you wouldn't be able to stand to watch and I was right. But then I saw you dating Lily. And I could see how much she loved you and that you clearly cared about her. I wasn't in love with your father but I just wanted you to be happy. Or so I thought." "You thought?" "Well yes, I thought. But then we'd be in a room together and I couldn't bare not to be with you. Then, when we were trapped in that explosion....I saw how gentle you were with me, how you assured me we were going to be alright. And I realized then that I was in love with you. Actually, when you'd fallen asleep, I told you so. And I realized that all these years, I'd been depriving myself of something wonderful, to be loved in a way I never thought I could because I didn't deserve it. I knew I had to let go of all of that and more importantly, I knew that you loved me and whether you cared for Lily or not, you were going to marry her out of a sense of obligation, the same reason I had married David and almost CC. I couldn't put you through that and I don't think I could have handled it. So yes, I did some nasty, underhanded things. Like seducing you. Like having Lily kidnapped and donning a wedding dress and stealing her wedding. But I did that out of love for you and sometimes in life, you have to fight for what you want, for what's right, even if you have to fight dirty. I wasn't going to deprive myself out of that kind of love any longer and there was no way I was going to let you deprive yourself either. And when you agreed to married me that day.....you made me the happiest woman I've ever been in my life. I love you Ted Capwell and I always will, no matter what happens. Please, don't ever doubt that." "And don't doubt my love either Angela. I love you more that I thought I could love any woman, or would love any woman. Now come here because if I don't kiss you right now, I'm gonna burst." Angela gets up from her desk and walks toward Ted. Just as she's about to walk into his arms, she faints and he catches her, shocked. (EXT- Santa Barbara Airport) ---Kirk and Pearl sit patiently waiting for Eden to arrive. They see her walking toward them with an assistant and a half a dozen bags. "Edie, what is this? Your entire closet?" "A woman can never be too prepared. Besides, I brought a few disguises along with me, you know, for sleuthing?" "Sleuthing? Man are you lucky Cruzzie ain't here right now because he'd..." "What? Fight with me and try and prevent me from being involved in the investigation? And when did that ever work Pearl?" "You did always have a knack for doin the exact opposite of what the police captain told ya to do, didn't ya?" "He just didn't like it because I ended up being the one to crack his cases. You know I've never been one to shy away from danger. Speaking of, hello Kirk? Ready to be implicated in a crime we all know you had something to do with?" "I've told you and I'll tell you again- I've changed my life, who I am. I just hope you'll soon be able to see that and realize that-" "Spare me. Anyhow, daddy's jet is ready. Are we all set?" "Sure are. Oh and I gave Kell a call and she and Ashton said they want us to stay in his father's castle. I figured having the support of your sister would help you keep a level head." "Thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing Kelly. Her husband, on the other hand....." "What? You have some kind of problem with this Ashton guy?" "There's just something about him. He seemed a little to interested in my life. Mine and Cruz's. And Daddy clearly doesn't like him and he's always been a pretty good judge of character..." "Edie, let me remind you- he approved of Kirkie here, he didn't like Cruz at first, he married Pamela, then Gina, he's let that Elizabeth woman walk all over him, he has illegitame children all over the world that keep popping up..." "Yes, well, on this one, I think he may be right. This Ashton Lavery just seems to....perfect. I hope for Kelly's sake that I'm wrong because for all the trouble with men in her life, I'd like nothing more for her to find some happiness. With the RIGHT guy." "Me too Edie. Me too." Eden's phone rings and she's informed that the jet is ready for them to board. Before they get on the plane, Kirk's phone rings and says it's a call he has to take, if they'd just give him a moment. "Make it fast, Kirk. Because I'd be more than happy to leave you behind. You could take your company's jet you know." "It will be just a minute, I promise. Would you mind taking my bags Pearl?" "Anything for you Kirkie" Kirk walks away as they board the plane. He answers the phone and it's Santana on the other end. "It's about time I heard from you. What the hell is going on with Castillo?" "Relax Kirk, he had thought it was 1986 and that we're still married. But there is one problem." "Oh, and what's that?" "We need to make it legal. And the only way we can do that is if he divorces Eden. Now I can get Cruz to sign the papers, but how on Earth are you going to get Eden to sign them without her realizing what's going on." "You just leave that to me. I'll have Eden in a position where she'll be more than ready to sign those papers very soon. Now I've got to go, but leave Eden to me. You just handle Castillo." Kirk hangs up and begins walking toward the plane when someone grabs him and turns him around. "Joann?" "Just what the hell do you think you're up to Kirk? And you better tell me the truth or so help me, I'll march right onto that plane and tell Eden everything I know. EVERYTHING!" THE END........for today -
I was positive I did a 103 but I guess I didn't?!? I'll have to check on that.
It won't be a long wait. Promise.
A week of mystery and surprises begin. Old stories build to a climax, new stories spring in the action. DON'T MISS IT! And please, tell me what you think guys!