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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. 9 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    You would've thought after Nicole and Tiffany's initial draggings of Flopmarie would've just made her kept her mouth shut but it didn't. And to think Flopmarie said that Nicole needed her for clout? Girl, what? You've had about a total of about 15 minutes airtime this entire season and Nicole, who is on season 3 of her show needs you for clout? 

    I will be so glad when this season of BH airs and we see the backside of Annemarie for one final time. She might've surpassed Diana in being the worst casting choice of all time. 

    It’s wild. I didn’t like Diana last season but seriously I hate Annemarie so so much more. She is aggressively the WORST.

  2. 1/11/2024

    Really liked that the Nate and Victoria relationship wasn’t forgotten. His reaction though couldn’t have been more blah and a sign of the times that characters no longer have the time to react to major news before having to move on to the next plot point.

    I did also really enjoy having vet character run into wasted Nikki. I know SOAPS need the future and young characters but I love vets in scenes together especially when they’re not in the same orbit regularly.

    Adam and Sally and Nick is so ridiculous. I was actually an Adam and Sally supporter. But she seriously spent the last year telling everyone how much she hated Adam and suddenly loved his brother. Now it’s awkward when she runs into Nick with Adam when Nick came after his brother’s ex in the first place 🤦🏽‍♂️

  3. 16 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I don't know who was writing back then, but someone was really obsessed with NASCAR or something.  Don't forget Stephanie races cars too😂

    I mean, he fought his female twin with a different dad for his lover.  Some points need to be given there lol.

    Can you imagine this Stephanie or Shelley’s as race car drivers 😂

  4. 18 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    She doesn’t which is unfortunate. Back during AD’s 96-01 run as Diane she at least made friends with Michael (to Sandra Nelson’s Phyllis jealousy!), her assistant Marissa Barton (played by MAB’s sister) and  Brad, while it was during Susan’s first run she reconnected with Michael and Marissa and also made friends with Isabella.


    At the time when Imani was still on the show I figured her and Diane becoming friends would be an excellent counter balance to Phyllis and Amanda lol. And I always liked SW and AL scenes I would have enjoyed Diane becoming like a second mother to AL’s Summer just to make MS Phyllis head explode lol.

    Josh Griffith has an aversion to drama LMAO. Any other soap writer would have capitalized on AL’s Summer and ZS’s Audra having a nasty feud yet for some reason JG didn’t even touch it. 

    Wow you really made m realize Summer and Audra never even had a feud over Kyle. It’s so easy and organic.

  5. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    Wow!! I was a bit surprised/confused when she appeared in today’s episode. 

    I also forgot Mariah worked at Jabot as we hadn’t seen here there in forever…..Diane seemed a bit sad Mariah left. I hate that kind of stuff because we’ve never really seen Diane and Mariah interact much before. A shame because I had wanted Diane to make friends with other outsiders back in 2022 with characters like Mariah, Imani etc.

    I just realized Diane doesn’t seem to have a single friend or at least one to regularly interact with outside of the Abbott family. I guess she and Michael could but they seemingly don’t.

  6. 7 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    The flop season continues. 

    I have nothing to say about the episode other than that because not much happened other than Robyn and Juan going to a cooking class and Gizelle accidentally getting kicked in her va-jay-jay. 

    I didn’t want to insult the episode because of the importance of the event at the end but what a completely skippable episode. Once again though it showed Karen is absolutely the glue of this whole show. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Oh, I saw. But I could have swore that the last time they showed Audra, she was in bed with Kyle and he told her the truth and suggested a power play. So it was just jarring to me. But again, I know there was some episodes I missed on my player...like the one where the Abbotts dropped the Tucker/Audra/Musician dirt...and given the Claire story/Nikki story has gotten the dominant play as of late, I just figured that I missed something. 

    I think you actually caught everything. That was quite literally the only explanation we were given 😂

  8. 22 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    Lord...the whiplash.


    I don't think the playback has been messing up again. But did they just introduced BG's character by random phone call? And then next thing I know Nikki meets him at Society? So far...I watched him acting and it made me think about all the times message boarders here mention CBS acting vs ABC acting. Cuz I felt BG was more...active?...than I'm used to on Y&R. But we will see how I feel as he keeps going?


    Meanwhile...when did Audra turn on Kyle?  I thought they were in cahoots still? Perhaps I missed a few lines as it's been in the background as I worked. 


    And while I was glad to see Ashley/Tucker, uh...are the writers rewriting their fight now? Cuz it seem like that was a real flashback when they first got back to town collectively. 

    Audra and Tucker had a dinner where she said he’s the most important and influential man in her life and that she’d always be loyal to him, then she turned on Kyle.

  9. On 1/11/2024 at 5:23 PM, carolineg said:

    I just find it very random and very mean.  It never built into animosity or anger.  One day Alex just started being awful to Justin.  None of this is Justin's fault at all.  I mean, he might not be the best lawyer, but this all feels out of nowhere.  I just keep wondering what the hell is wrong with Alex.

    It’s extremely random. There was zero build up to him suddenly just being disgusted by Justin. 

    RIP Bill Hayes. Poor Susan.

  10. RHOBH

    Annemarie is the literal worst. I can’t believe we are going to be forced to watch her for the rest of the season. She’s a liar and a gaslighter and she’s latched onto this Sutton thing to try and be relevant on a show she doesn’t fit or add anything to. She HAS to be a one and done.

  11. 1 hour ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Thank God! May RHOA and RHOP be restored to some sanity.

    Obviously, it is not yours b/c had you read, the definition you posted simply confirmed what I just stated. 

    Nice try though. 


    Oh thank god there is hope for Atlanta and Potomac.

  12. 5 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    Garcelle pushing that Dorit has been racist to her is kinda... disgusting. I just watched these 2 episodes and Garcelle really FELL from grace for me. To do this to a woman, who DID not have any racist intention and just used the word ATTACK which ALL THE WOMEN use ALL TIME time... to just PUSH this narrative in this day and age... IT'S Dangerous. It's dangerous to Dorit and her whole family. And THEN call her Karen - which to a white woman is derogatory racist remark. It's pretty shocking she said that. Why is this double standard tolerated? And please... her saying she was so hurt... nearly having a mental breakdown, because of what Dorit said... is over-acting and trying to look like a victim. People need to stop using race and victimhood in situations like this. In the end, because of people like Garcelle, the true racism will not get attention.  

    If you honestly have not seen all of Dorit’s micro aggressions towards Garcelle for years now, then that’s your problem. It’s certainly not a Garcelle problem.

  13. 1 hour ago, Beachstorm said:

    I mean, how many times has she retired? It was ridiculous the last time she retired because everyone knew she would be back. Just like everyone knows she'll be gone again whenever the mood strikes her. I love ED/Ashley, heck my Mom's name was Eileen, but we all know she will disappear again for months at a time, which seems to be her choice completely. 

    They need to step this up between her and Tucker or remove her completely. The way it is now is not making her look good at all. Plus rumors are she will be having a mental breakdown again. So there ya go. Tucker and Audra have grown on me.

    Eileen has never retired. She decided she no longer wanted to be on contract and comes in when the story needs her. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Beachstorm said:

    These two different versions of what happened in Paris between Ashley and Tucker are very tedious and tiring. This is their ambiguous writing style that I don't like. GH used to do it a lot too.

    I presume it will turn out that Tucker's version is correct since Ashley is said to be soon experiencing mental problems of some sort. She wouldn't go anywhere near Tucker if she were THAT afraid of him. Besides, the restaurant worker in the background didn't bat an eye or even look over toward their table when the two were arguing.

    I like it when, in Ashley's version, Tucker slugs down the rest of the wine and some spills out the side of his mouth down his chin. LOL And I love his shouting, "GO TO HELL!" in her face as he storms out. In his version, he knocks back the wine (no spill) and basically whispers to her to "go to hell" on his way out.

    Is it almost time for EDavidson to take some months off again (I hope)?

    Yikes. Eileen hasn’t even been back that much and you want her gone? We will have to completely agree to disagree from this point forward.

    I’m continuing to enjoy the Tucker/Ashley of it all along with some Audra mixed in. It was interesting to see her just completely throw Kyle under the bus and admit how much this crazy relationship with Tucker actually means to her. Just a crazy triangle all around and I love it.

    Adam pointing out the constant job swapping in the C suite wasn’t lost on me as literally that’s all the show has devolved into.

  15. If you needed more proof that Karen Huger is the glue and the foundation that Potomac is built on you just need to watch last night’s episode. Outside of the dinner everyone came together to have fun to celebrate Karen’s triple 20 and it made for a better episode.

    Nneka is such a hater and a flop like AnneMarie. How did we get two such just ugh people at the same time on two different franchises. 

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