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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. Um OMG RHOBH Reunion preview clip..This looks like its definitely going to compete with that last NYC reunion

    <object width="400" height="400" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1270513"/><param'>http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1270513"/><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1270513" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>

  2. Well her tagline was "It's time for me to step out from my husband's shadow and shine" but there wasn't a single episode of the series that she didn't mention Kelsey's name....I can't say I'm upset in the least about her leaving, but they're going to need to find at least a semi-likeable vixen to replace her for next season.

    I just started watching OC Season 1 today..Wow has Bravo really put some money into the production of these shows now compared to then. I liked Jo the most..funny that I watched the OC 5 reunion on New Years and there was that Slade guy who's apparently onto his third housewife of the series.

  3. Finally started watching some of NYC...Kelly is bat [!@#$%^&*] crazy...like wow.

    Now on BH...Just saw the preview for tonight's episode and all I have to say is Oh noo Lisa is getting fed up with Cedric. They're my favorite housewife duo ever :(. Can't wait for the text message from hell and to see some of Kim's usual craziness.

  4. Poor NeNe - Bryson IS a loser and I know this will just be another financial burden for her... Bryson looks JUST like NeNe's real dad, and you know how that went... just sayin'.

    Everyone ready for the dinner party of ALL dinner parties tonight? LOL - I'm looking forward to it, but if there isn't something to beat the table flipping, I'll be a bit underwhelmed. Taylor screaming "Enough" isn't all that.

    I dont even need the bat [!@#$%^&*] craziness of the table flipping dinner, I'm just ready to watch these high brow women get dirty AND Adrienne is there this time!

  5. Just caught the most recent Beverly Hills episode...I can't stand Camille..And I wish I could feel bad about the impending doom of her marriage, but now I'm just excited to see it on t.v. because I can't stand the barbie doll..That face just doesn't even move..

    Wondering where the random battle between Taylor and Kim is gonna come from.

  6. I really wish Kandi would just flat out tell Kim she sucks..Tardy for the Party only sounds decent because it's loaded with auto tune..The bitch can hardly sing the song in key when she has a backing track playing...

    I was pretty shocked Lawrence had such a nice and soulful voice, I'm actually interested to see where this goes..

    Phaedra is such a phoney..I can't even decide if I dislike her or not..She's like a bad version of Sheree whom I adore..But old man with the bald spot has got to go..

    The Atlanta show always makes me so thirsty for some wine or champagne..These ladies are never not drinking and I love it.

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