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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. You would think after 4 years of being on this show, Jill would know how things work by now. Just because you say you're turning over a new leaf doesn't mean you're going to magically get the nice girl edit. She's still being filmed constantly, and she's still talking trash and just being the awful JillMonster she is....She's the Vicki of NYC, but I still like Vicki more.

  2. As much as I like Tamra, because I like mean girls, she really was the turning point of the series as a whole. I'd venture as much as to say she hijacked the series. Without a Tamra, I don't think we would've ended up with a Gretchen and Alexis, and by extension Peggy. I refuse to understand why they've convinced themselves all OC housewives must be blonde, when a lot of the fan favorites from yesteryear were the brunettes....

    *Off my soapbox*

  3. I think the problem with OC this year is the lack of group interactions. I think this is the first season where the women really are completely divided to the point where they don't want to film together and I honestly think the show is suffering for it.

    I want to feel sorry for Vicki but I can't. We've watched six seasons of her continuously belittle Donn. Who knows, maybe off camera he's an !@#$%^&*], at least he's smart enough not to show it to America. He comes off as this guy that just desperately wants to make his wife happy and it's impossible. I remember reading somewhere after the divorce that Donn wasn't trying to chase her and make her stay and Vicki almost seemed surprised..I like Vicki more than Jill but she's got similar delusions.


    I'm just going to say this every week until the show's over, I HATE CINDY SHE IS POINTLESS GO THE [!@#$%^&*] AWAY! 7 Housewives is too much. This one isn't EVEN a housewife, why bring someone new that isn't even interested in dating or being married. The only reason I can tolerate her presence of my screen is to watch Sonja smack the bitch down...And the women totally know there's a pecking order. The originals on every city of the show especially OC aren't afraid to boast about it.

  4. Beverly Hills

    New housewife has been cast and its Brandi Glanville, Eddie Cibrian's ex wife. I like the idea of her joining but 7 is way too many for a series. Theys hould have dropped Kim Richards


    New York

    OMG, Sonya is getting awful. What a pretentious bitch! Pecking order with Ramona as queen? With that said, I still like Sonya. Im so glad she actually contributes to the show and stirring things up

    Jill was angry about Bethenny not wanting to make up with her? Um wrong, that was the other way around. Also I had no idea she had a 2 year old grandchild. Her daughter is a teen mom? That never came up on the show

    Cheap, I've given up on Jill's version of the Bethenny incident ever being truthful. The whole season literally was Bethenny trying to make up with Jill and then finally as any human would, gave up and moved on with her life. The woman is delusional and a constant "victim"

  5. Money and publicity are powerful..:) Besides she sort of ended up looking like the sympathetic one in a twisted ghettofightoutsideofarestaurantduringaparty kind of way..And she was hilarious on the reunion.

  6. I despise Cindy. What a useless annoying addition...And her creepy brother dating her lookalike...Get rid of her. I'm still confused why a 7th housewife was needed this season?

    The old Sonja was back..I prefer my Sonja with an air of pretentiousness, and her Kelly impression was hilarious.

    Speaking of Kelly, THANK GOD, there are glimpses of old school Crazy Kelly coming out again.

  7. In Tamra's defense(I know I've suddenly become her cheerleader), this was filmed a while back following what an !@#$%^&*] Simon was. I mean I dare you to watch season 5 and what a prick he was and not think a bit of payback was in order...Could she have handled things differently, of course but this is the Tamra I know and love from season's past.

  8. I'm sooo excited for the return of Lynn/Jeana even if its just one episode..Peggy just doesn't have the quirkiness that Lynn had, even if she was an awful parent. And we all know how Jeana can stir some [!@#$%^&*] up. But WTF is up with her hair in that preview.

  9. Another New Jersey preview...can't wait.

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  10. As others have said, those first 3 seasons weren't dramatic but they were so much more enjoyable. This season the girls are all so seperate from each other and when you have them seperate they need to at least be interesting. I will never ever find Alexis likeable. I love that Jim isn't filming anymore this season meaning less Alexis.

  11. Here's the exact answer.

    It seems like Bravo shows shot in Miami [Miami Social and the Real Housewives of Miami] have some ratings challenges. Any insight on this?

    I don't know, I feel pretty good about the Miami Housewives. We threw it on with not a lot of promotion and I think those woman are great characters. The truth of the matter was, we put it on because everyone in America was going through such a horrible winter and we just kind of realized we had Miami on the shelf, ready to go, and we needed a little more time to finish New York [Housewives] to make it perfect. Let's throw it on as a six-week kind of antidote to all the winter madness.

    And then by the time we decided to do a reunion show, we were three weeks in and didn't have time to post it properly, so we decided to do one live. And I think the fact that we [did] a live reunion show speaks to our wanting to do something to celebrate the end of the show.

  12. Andy said everything with Miami kinda got fugged up...They didn't even originally have a reunion planned from what I remember reading and then by the time they decided to do one, live was the only option...And he claims Miami was just there as a filler and some bull about the winter weather and wanting to show the beach...Blah.

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