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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. Teresa was an insufferable b.itch last episode...And was even worse on WWHL later that night as she didn't understand that she was a complete b.itch all episode...As I've said before, I don't like her, never have, never will...But Melania had the best line of the night with, "Give me pizza, you old troll"

    I can't remember if we discussed this but they've already started filming season 4.

  2. As has been stated before, Alex's friendship with Bethenny is what won me over as well..She even had a scene like that season 1 when Bethenny broke up with Jason 1.0 for the first time...Honestly away from the Simon and social climbing stuff, I find Alex to actually be quite likeable throughout all the seasons. And Ramona has been crazy Ramona from the very beginning and I've always enjoyed her. I'm glad that she came around as far as Silex go...

  3. Her name is Melissa not Michelle...and I find her more likeable than Teresa, partially because I've never liked Teresa. The only time I ever did was the trip they took to the Catskills this season, even her husband was tolerable for once...

    I'm completely over these Christmas episodes now..I don't remember the show usually focusing on Holidays so much in the past. We were always lead to believe it was like Spring and Summer and such IIRC correctly..

    I think Kathy's interactions with her family are my favorites...They aren't annoyingly sickeningly close like the Manzos, but there's something so warm and endearing about the whole family in scenes together.

    I won't even talk about Jaqueline's shouldabeenaborted daughter Ashley.


    I dunno about Alexis being the most attractive. I always think of this picture when I see her.


    I find that when Tamra's face settles from botox she's quite attractive, but when freshly done and her forehead not moving at all..it's pretty bad.

  4. God, part 2 of reunion is tonight and I'm not even sure I can sit through it honestly. Part 1 left such a bad taste in my mouth..I think I'm done with the NYC ladies after this season even if I do love me some Ramona and Sonja. I know to some it's this awful thing to say but I really do think the show suffered big time without Bethenny this season. I'm not a fan of her show and I'm not a fan of NYC Housewives without her, I feel like they both need each other..But god knows she's never coming close to that show again.

  5. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="400" height="400" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1343078"/><param'>http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1343078"/><param name="quality" value="high" /><embed src="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1343078" quality="high" width="400" height="400" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>

    To quote Bethenny Frankel, "Holy sh!tballs"

  6. I'm glad you also used the word vile in your review. I totally told my friend that it seemed like they were trying to top OC. Honestly at times it was uncomfortable to watch. BUT I will say Alex was spot on about that humorless twat Cindy needing to get laid.

  7. Tre actually had the balls to compare herself to Angie/Brad...I almost turned it off after that...And the nastiness with Kathy is just getting ridiculous. I never liked Teresa to begin with and she's just proving why.

    Is it Ashley's goal to be the most unlikeable Housewife child of any series.

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