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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. 45 minutes ago, Cat said:


    I'm already struggling with just 3 (OC, Dallas, NJ). One of them is definitely going to fall off my watch list. BH starts in about a month, too.


    And Kandi has that Xscape show starting right after ATL.

    I’m doing alright with just Jersey and OC, but come Sunday I’ll be adding Atl and M2M...I dunno if I have room for 2 hours of Kandi every Sunday.

  2. 11 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @WTGH I read early on via Twitter Kim threw the party, but is revealed now that Eva was the person that actually threw the party. 




    Some alleged tea about what occurred at the reunion: http://news.lalate.com/2017/10/27/shannon-beador-splits-vicki-gunvalson-battles-terry-rhoc-reunion/


    According to reports, looks like production isn't too happy with Shannon. I think she is about to be in the same boat as Kenya as she pulled a fast one on them and went to the press first. 


    Also, the comments that Kelly made on WWHL the other night supposedly played a big part in the reunion. IMO, I think this is gonna set up for Heather to return next year. 


    Oh and most of you guessed right with the reunion seating chart: 



    Andy tweeted about an hour ago that the reunion might be two parts. Thank God! This season did not deliver enough to give us 3 parts. Hell, I don't think they deserve 2. Give their asses a 90 minute reunion and end it. 




    Take with a grain of salt...


    Some people are reporting the show is returning in either Dec or Jan. They also say that Gina and Gamble's relationship is kaput. 

    A 90 minute reunion would be perfect for this season. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Cat said:


    Let me dig into my database of treasured Luann gifs...




    And don't forget 



    This is why you’re one of my favs. It’s funny we have OC and Jersey on, but NYC is still a hot topic. I think it says a lot about the shows. I’ve actually enjoyed OC a little more than others this season, but it’s definitely starting to run on fumes. I just don’t like when any of the shows run a story for years on end without an end in sight.

  4. 49 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    I love you for that gif. I have to say I'm loving LeeAnne's crazy ass this year and that episode is sooo re-watchable.



    MMMM....beautiful diva.  I think I've somehow become ride-or-die for her. If anything over the last few years she has shown that she is willing to follow her happiness for better or worse and I just find that relatable and inspiring on a personal level.

    I’ve definitely become ride or die for Luann. I think it started the season she was demoted but they still featured her every episode. She seemed much lighter and free and her looking at the camera laughing when Aviva threw her leg was amazing.

  5. 4 hours ago, Cat said:


    ITA it wasn't the same after Joan died. However, after Kathy Griffin and Kelly Osbourne departed, I felt the show was sort of hitting its stride -- or at least in a more comfortable place. Though, like you, I never understand why Nene and Margaret Cho were part of the panel. Both should have been replaced by Tim Gunn who lit up the place every time he was a guest. Also, one reason why I started warming towards Erika Girardi was because she made an appearance on the last episode and spoke knowledgeably about the designers. She also would have made an interesting panel member. Anyhoo, it's all moot now. Too bad for Melissa, who wanted her mother's legacy to carry on (I truly believe this, and not money, was her motivating factor), but she didn't pick a strong enough panel.


    Nene better know which side her bread is buttered, but she's bit the hand that fed her before: during her first time on Fashion Police, she put Brad and Giuliana on blast on social media for being a bit cliquey. From then on in, Brad and Giuliana made concerted efforts on screen to agree with her 'fashion insights' -- when she wasn't gurning like a fool. I suspect they were a little afraid of her -- as Andy seems to be sometimes. Maybe that's the secret to her burgeoning TV career?


    Lu is one of the few HWs on any franchise I am actively rooting for. I am personally relieved she has dumped that press-hungry albatross and moved on, and I cannot wait to see where the Countess takes her brand next! Hopefully we get to see it next years and not just Bethenny's VTs moaning about the other women.

    Lu’s story will be Bethenny’s thoughts on Luann moving on.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I see Lydia staying. She has money and brought lots of drama. With Vicki he always gives her a hard time so I didn't take WWHL as something bad for her. It's easier to move forward with Vicki than it would be with Shannon. As long as she stays (especially with David) we will still have the same problem of them repeating the same old stories. I also don't see Meghan staying. 

    I think Lydia has actually worked for her Orange this time around just using her clear unabashed dislike of Shannon, which I think was a smart choice. It takes literally nothing to rile up Shannon and Lydia clearly enjoys it.

  7. I can’t believe it has taken 15 episodes to get to Iceland. This season has truly been a chore and the Vicki vs. Shannon/Tamra rivalry will go down as one of the most boring in HW history. We’ve all said it before but truly one of those three HAS to go next season for this show to move on and I think it needs to be Shannon.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Cat said:

    I like Erika sometimes :ph34r:



    I enjoyed her more her first season, but as is the case with newbies that have a decent first season, it all went to her head. She is convinced she’s the most fashionable woman on the planet when really she’s paying people to make her look stupid.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Cat said:

    @Nothin'ButAttitude @alwaysAMC There is nothing hugely surprising about Tamra's reaction to Shannon, which she has with every female alliance she forms. For me, the most interesting part was Shannon snapping orders at Tamra. Shannon truly let her first season of fame get to her head. She is acting just like Vicki, trying to manipulate and control the narrative. Tamra's power lies in the fact that she lets Shannon believe she is queen bee, and panders to it. Until she is ready to pull the rug from under her.


    These two will stay thick as thieves for the time being because their hatred of Vicki outweighs their annoyance at not being able to control the other. But Shannon better check out Tamra's IG. Heather is all over it, Tamra's old-new BFF, and Tamra is actively trying to get her back on the show. Shannon cut ties with her when she left, but Tamra didn't. Hmmmm.

    Lord...Could Fancy Pants actually make a return? I don’t think that’s in the cards with Kelly as the new queen bee, and her treatment of Kelly was a huge part of the fan backlash against her last season.


    Truthfully while I really do love OC, I literally will not watch another season where we talk about Brooks and cancer, once this one is done. I gave up on Jersey for a few seasons, I have zero problem giving up another one.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:



    Soggy Flicka was turning up for no damn reason. She probably got criticized for being boring last season and decided to make herself seen this year. She looked absolutely ridiculous. Dolores shouldnt have cosigned with her

    Those two idiots are going to burn out faster than Eileen did on her second season.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Cat said:


    I love yours too. With OC, I'm waiting to see what people here think of the episode before deciding to watch. I'm sure with the Iceland trip I will be watching.



    I just meant that the Inquistr is probably going off of other internet reports but is unlikely to get somebody at Bravo on-record to comment. That doesn't mean it's not an issue at Bravo HQ, though. I'm betting Nene's apology was written with the hand help of Bravo legal counsel.


    The issue is building steam (and is getting reported on E! News). However, Bravo may wait before making a decision, to see if this will die down. Personally, I don't think they would fire Nene before Reunion has even filmed. They need her messy ass on Reunion, and they still have a few weeks of actual show filming left to do.


    The fact that Kim and Brielle are posting the video on their social media and fuelling the fire makes me think, yeah, Michael Beck gave them the go-ahead. I can't decide if Michael has game, or whether he is doing way too much. Anybody who cosies up to that failed Mattel doll experiment and her thot daughter usually ends up getting burned.

    Nene really screwed up with this one though. With the culture we live in today, you would have to be an absolute moron to publicly wish rape on someone in front of a bunch of cell phones. Publicity for the show or not, highly stupid.

  12. OC

    Tamra and Vicki will NEVER make up if Tamra doesn’t accept any accountability at all. Vicki isn’t going to grovel two seasons in a row and I don’t blame her, but the rest of the cast being petty and sitting at one table and getting Kelly’s husband to sit there so she would as well was lame. At one point I felt Kelly and Vicki were actually friends, but I’m starting to see that Kelly really just wants the spotlight in general, and now most of the cast grovels and tries to hang out with her. I hope I’m wrong but I can see this going south.


    I actually like Peggy more and more every episode and I’m hoping they bring her back next season. If they could get the bragging under control we’d be set. I do believe she and Diko though are still very much in love. I hope they actually have as much money as they act like they do.


    @Cat we need you to get back into OC. I love your insight and discussions.

  13. I’m starting to lean more into them doing all this for publicity for both shows. They’ve literally been filming for months, but outside of the Kenya wedding stuff we heard nothing. Now Tardy premiered on Friday and ATL is just a few weeks out...I mean it’s definitely working on me as I haven’t been this excited for the start of a season of Atlanta in years.

  14. I was shocked we got Danielle so soon, especially since they made her a friend of. I guess they figured with 12 episodes, they don’t really have the time to drag everything out. Which I’m actually cool with. Very few of HW shows are actually interesting from ep 1-20. We end up with a lot of filler from people we don’t like, so this should cut down on that.


    I like the new girl Margaret and I hate Siggy. I thought she was extra last season , but this season she’s turned it up times ten.

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