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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. 8 hours ago, rlj said:

    LOL, now we know y Soggy go buh bye!

    Once she told Andy that she didn’t give a [!@#$%^&*] how he felt about the Hitler, it all started to make even more sense. Thank god, I will never have to watch batshit Soggy ever again. It was amusing and hypocritical how Siggy/Dolores were assholes about Danielle having Marge’s back when literally Dolores refused all season to ever once acknowledge any wrong doing by Siggy. It will be interesting to see what she does next season without Siggy. I don’t buy for a second that she actually likes Teresa.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cat said:


    Dorit, Teddi and the HWs talking about LateGate for the rest of this season?

    Image result for ramona singer i cant i cant i cant gif


    Dorit, Teddi and the HWs talking about glassware for the rest of the season?

    Image result for ramona singer i cant i cant i cant gif


    Dorit single-white femaling Erika?

    Image result for ramona singer i cant i cant i cant gif


    The Dorit Show?

    Image result for ramona singer i cant i cant i cant gif

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.

  3. 2 hours ago, Cat said:


    No, I don't think Bravo want to kill off these shows. I think Bravo believe this guy Michael Beck's hype. He's willing to start sh*t and film the ugly. ATL filming may have been unpleasant, but they certainly are throwing everything and the kitchen sink (aka Kim Zolciak Biermann) at these women.


    Kenya has pushed back and refused to show some aspects of her life, and she is being punished for it. Now, I personally think that when you sign a contract promising to expose your life, you have to stick to it. Kenya did mine her painful family history and a borderline-abusive relationship on RHOA. She also wasn't averse to turning the spotlight on the other HWs and exposing the lie in Phaedra's marriage with Apollo. Now she is playing coy, and I understand why. I understand that she views her new relationship as 'the real thing' and wants to protect her marriage at all costs. 


    Beck and Bravo are not in the mood to acquiesce to her demands in case it sets a precedent with the other HWs. So Beck is playing hardball and I think Bravo views that and the sh*t-stirring as an asset. And that it should be brought to other shows.


    The irony is that RHONY, which he is currently EPing has its own nice rhythm and this year in particular has a lot of organic drama that happened outside of the scripted stuff (Luann's Christmas Eve meltdown). And of course Bobby passed away last week. OC and BH are more in need of resuscitation IMO.



    Here are his recent credits: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelcbeck/


    He worked his way up the ranks at Tardy For The Party it seems, and was also involved to some degree in M2M sesaon 3 and M2M Houston. He was a supervising producer on Southern Charm Savannah which... is not the original SC, lol. He was also a supervising (not executive) producer on Dallas Season 2. The latest seasons of Tardy, ATL and NY are where he has been promoted to co-EP. So... maybe we can surmise that he wants to prove his worth to Bravo this year.


    Andrew Hoegl is credited as being EP for NYC last year. Barrie Bernstein, Lisa Shannon, Pam Healy and Andy Cohen were his co-EPs. According to IMBD, he is a long-time producer who started out in MTV's Real World (New Orleans and Hawaii versions). He also EPed High School Reunion (lol) and Jeff Lewis's flipping/home improvement shows. He is credited as EP for Real Housewives of Dallas in 2016 (its first season unfortunately) and EP of RHoNY from 2015 to 2017, the last three seasons. 

    Loved New Orleans and Hawaii RW seasons, and Flipping Out is my favorite Bravo show, so I’ve apparently been watching that guys work for ages.

  4. 13 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:

    I follow Vicki, Shannon and Tamra on Instagram.  I've seen Vicki and Shannon liking each others recent photos, so I have a feeling the three found a way to get along... probably because they knew their jobs would be on the block.  It's a smarter choice to get along and have all three be paid vs. losing one or two of them.  All three have a pretty strong foothold in the series IMO so it would have been nasty to choose who goes.



    I truly hope it lasts. I literally will not watch another season of Vicki apologizing and her and Tamra drunkenly making up then slinging mud on repeat. It was boring two seasons ago and ruined last season. OC has got to turn it around and be light and fun again with some petty [!@#$%^&*] thrown in that they get over. Multiple season spanning arguments are a cancer to these shows. That's another thing that's pretty great about New York, the feuds literally last a season, we get the reunion, next season everyone's moved on with the occasional shade until the new battles begin.

  5. 1 hour ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Praise god. What was her Story this last season? Being mad at Kelly for something they already made up about? Meghan’s usefulness ran out once Brooks was finally gone. I will miss Jim Edmonds though having absolutely no time for his-child bride and not hiding it. My favorite moment is still from Meghan’s first season when they entered a party at Shannon’s and JIM pointed out she was waving at no one.

  6. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    Yikes. Michael Beck is also the new EP on RHONY this current season. I am definitely afraid for my faves over there.


    Kenya would probably have been willing to open up more of her life if Production hadn't been so antagonistic with her. They definitely rushed to find Eva as a Kenya replacement.


    Seems like Beck only wants to represent the one person who is not even a regular castmember.

    I can’t really see him doing a hatchet job to NYC though, that cast for the most part actually like each other and know how to play the reality TV game. The Atlanta cast is literally going through the motions so production is working overtime to make this season watchable which it really isn’t. I’ve skipped like 3/10 episodes and haven’t missed a thing.

  7. 8 hours ago, Eric83 said:

    I was going to pay this season dust... but I absolutely love Miss Mariah so I just jumped in right at the New Orleans trip.


    Can I tell yall that I howled when Contessa said she doesn't make fun of people who have disabilities because she thought Heavenly had a speech problem? Bitch I DIED.


    Heavenly is an evil, nasty piece of sh-t. These other girls let her talk to them like f-cking dogs. She keeps apologizing for bringing up Mariah's mother but keeps doing it. B-tch f-ck you. And hasn't this whole "turning over a new leaf" been Heavenly's story for 3 years but she hasn't changed a bit.


    Quad needs to leave the show.


    Mariah is life and the funniest person on this show. They really wouldn't have anything to work with if she wasn't around. I wish we saw more of her and Ayden. Other than Eugene it would be nice to see a man who actually loves and respects his wife.


    And is it me or has Toya low key become the People's Champ? Like I mentioned before she keeps up mess, keeps a storyline, is transparent, and will call out these girls to their face whether they are friends or not. I disliked her Season 1 but love her now.

    I didn’t enjoy Toya last season and didn’t care for her at beginning of the season complaining about how much Eugene has to work when she’s a pretty big part of the reason, but she’s completely won me back over with the rest of this season. She has absolutely no problem calling all of the ladies out for their bullshit and I’m all the way here for it.


    I really don’t understand why the other ladies are so scared of ugly ass Heavenly. I do wish Lisa Nicole was still around just so it wouldn’t just be Mariah w/ a side of Toya taking on these assholes.

  8. 6 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:



    If anyone else is watching this season, I can't recommend it enough to anyone on the fence. It is so much fun!


    The last few episodes have focused on Lydia trying to undermine Jackie and Janet's friendship, the girls taking a trip to Mexico and Janet injuring herself after too many tequilas!

    I finally have a laptop again so I def. will be getting caught up in the next week or so. Y’all’s comments have me super excited.

  9. On 1/19/2018 at 11:37 PM, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Mariah should really beat the dog mess out of Heavenly now. It irks my nerves how she keeps tossing out "yo momma" and getting away with it. It's even more disgusting that these women (minus Toya) sit silent when she says that bullsh-t. 

    Mariah is well within her rights to knock the [!@#$%^&*] out of Heavenly, and the fact that the other cast members say nothing is bullshit, outside of Toya who is MVP right now.

  10. 1 hour ago, Cat said:


    lol well she is! The original Becky with the Bad Hair.


    To this day I will never understand how Kandi lost the lawsuit over the rights to that Tardy to the Party song she produced and which Kim uses for the opening credits of her show. Bet that old guy from S1 who coined the original lyric didn't get one penny, either.



    I don't know how I feel about this. The way it's presented, it's like Bethenny is doing this to burnish her image. However, we don't know the context for these cameras, or even that they came with Bethenny. I'm willing to give B that benefit of the doubt.


    Also Jill... I'm not saying she would use Bobby's death as an opportunity because I truly believe she loved Bobby and he loved her. He was the love of her life and she is going to grieve him a long time. But I also cannot imagine that Bravo would have sent cameras without asking Jill permission first. I'm guessing she was ok with it, and I'm guessing she's been longing for years for her and Bethenny to, if not reconcile, at least have Bethenny acknowledge her. And I think being part of RHONY again is a dream close to her heart. I don't know how to put it without sounding judgemental, but I don't mean it in a judgemental way. Jill is the way she is.


    My question is, where is Luann? I know Dorinda and Jill have known each other for some years and that's why she is there. Sonja, of course (I think Jill always had a soft spot for Sonja) and Ramona has to be there, since they recently reconciled. Luann is a very close friend of Jill's, though. 

    I felt weird when i heard Bethenny went as well. Because of her past behavior, I have a hard time accepting when she does anything nice or decent. It always comes off as image spinning, but truly I hope she genuinely wanted to honor a man she was once friends with.

  11. 8 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    With BH...almost none of the women are funny...except L VP.  Kyle and Rinna think they're funny....but Kyle is only funny as a comic duo with L VP.


    NY Is full of funny housewives except maybe Tinsley. 


    OC had Vicki that you laugh at, t amra occasionally is funny, and early Shannon (which I hope we get back noe that she's unloaded that noose around the neck) was quirky and had fun stories.


    Humor is key on these shows....dallas had some funny cast mates.  

    Kyle and Lisa Rinna both are the funniest human beings on the planet to themselves. Every single talking head you can just see how pleased they are with themselves.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cat said:


    With ATL I appreciate that the tripledoublecrosses have been on screen and that everybody acknowledges them. That's what people do in real life. On BH or NJ, a lot of stuff happens bts and that's what drives me nuts. The HWs start talking obliquely and around stuff. I like that people like Nene, Kenya and even Kim bring it to the table and lay it all out there. That social media roachfest Brielle pulled a few months ago? I'm willing to bet Nene is going to bring that mess up on the show, and I am here for it. I do think there are some true-blue friendships on ATL, and that would be Nene-Cynthia and Kenya-Cynthia. They hang out off-season. Too bad Cynthia's story is such a bore this year!


    With BH, I question whether LVP & Kyle are actually friends. Their interactions seem a bit scripted for camera. Both of them need backup after Kyle lost Cujo Kim and LVP alienated most of the cast. Old-time fans apparently loved their friendship so they feel the have to keep delivering it. As for Dorit/Erika, talk about strategic. But yes, I miss the old friendships. I think LVP-Brandi was a real friendship until Brandi became Yolanda's flying monkey. Personally, I'm not that thrilled with the casting on this show which has been showing diminishing returns in recent seasons. If Camille and Adrienne are coming back, they need to COME BACK for real.


    I am sad that Kathy Hilton never said yes to join the show as her palpable hatred of Kyle was glorious and that sisterly relationship is as real as it gets. I am even sadder that the late Jackie Collins is no longer on this earth. She lived in Beverly Hills. She would have been great on BH, with the audience following her on her book tour or looking in on her gossip sessions with friends and acquaintances. Plus Joan popping in on regular visits. Jackie would have been great at reality, because she was always comfortable with being herself and larger than life -- her sister Joan Collins is actually much shyer IRL. Jackie's tagline could have been "If you intrigue me enough, I *MAY* put you in my next blockbuster!" with a toss of her hair. She would have also intimidated the great LVP and that snob Erika. Anyway, I am getting OT. Long story short: BH needs a boost, and the Kemsleys ain't it. 


    You... you... have not watched the early seasons of NYC?? Please PLEASE do yourself the biggest favor of your life and watch Seasons 1-5 if you can! They are glorious! I love them and when repeats come on where I am, I DVR them because they are that watchable. People talk about Ramonja but as far as I'm concerned, Luann & Sonja was the friendship that transcended the fact they were in different cliques. BTW, Dorinda appeared on S4 in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment -- one of Jill's charity functions, and she was seated next to Ramona. She's been friends with both for some years, and I think she's known Lu for a while too. 


    What I love about Dorinda is her incredible compassion for all the women, even the ones she has beef with. This is her strength. Last season Bethenny & Dorinda had a fight in Mexico, but you could tell that while that was going on, Dorinda understood Bethenny's anger and where she was coming from. Dorinda also understands that sometimes you can leave fights and resentments behind after a big blow-up. 

    I would say NY is easily the cast with the most genuine relationships. I don’t even like Bethenny and def not Carole when she’s with her, but you can tell it’s a real friendship that developed. Sonja/Ramona, Sonja/Luann, Luann/Dorinda, Ramona/Dorinda. Hell even Carole and Tinsley now. Atlanta is made up of nothing more than castmates to me, same with OC.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    I don't think that BH, OC, or ATL won't improve until they chop the episodes down like NJ. All the shows better follow suit of Dallas and Potomac and go back to 12 episodes at the most. 


    But speaking of NJ, they do need to bring Caroline and Jacqueline now. Why? B/c of Danielle. I'd love to see them square off with Danielle and Tre. It'd be EPIC.

    I’m not really a fan of Jacqueline’s brand of crazy.

  14. 2 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Oc's best years were when the seasons were shorter...and it was a mix of fun and drama.  Until season 10...it was somewhat toxic yet fun.  As long as Vicki and t amra remain..the show won't ever evolve.


    NJ is smart having Siggy go bye bye...she was loco.  Would you say she was as loco as Kelly benisomon?

    Siggy is as crazy if not crazier than Kelly. Kelly was actually entertainingly delusional.


    58 minutes ago, Cat said:


    Totally. The PSA apart, the show feels contrived, disconnected and with no heart. No one's heart seems in it this year.




    For me, i would say Dallas was the revelation last year.

    NY -- the true-blue relationships between the ladies make this show my fave (and yes Luann and Dorinda are love!)

    OC -- horrendous. Cancellation worthy.

    NJ -- better than the last 2 seasons but... does anyone here miss Caroline Manzo? The show lost something when she left which it has never recovered.  

    ATL -- missing its old magic. It feels a little lost and scripted and by numbers.

    BH -- looks like a carbon copy of last season. And that was not a vintage year.


    Btw Yolanda Hadid's new show Making the Model starts on Thursday. Just an fyi. :lol:

    And you’re spot on about Atlanta. It doesn’t feel like any of them actually want to do the show anymore. It’s so forced and fake.

  15. 6 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:



    There was all this hype but everything big that happens isn’t until the end of the damn season. New Jersey and to an extent New York are the only ones that got it right recently. OC was awful, Atlanta has been a snooze minus like one episode, and BH is boring me already with the Erika love though tonight looks to be interesting with Dorit being obnoxious towards Camille.

  16. 1 hour ago, ChitHappens said:

    Ant, I was thinking about this yesterday and the women really hate Mariah.  Must have been some pretty chitty stuff going on BTS.  Excluding Quad because she's just a lousy fake social climbing skunk and Heavenly because she only came on the scene after Mariah was demoted.  The woman, especially Simone, look for any reason to jump on Mariah.  They seriously hate her and can't move on. Jackie comparing her to herpes?  

    I’m waiting for the tell all interview. I actually don’t even know why Heavenly hates Mariah so much when like you said, when she came on the show the cast had already turned on Mariah.

  17. I don’t know why the ladies continue to hate on Mariah when she essentially gives them story every season. I think they figured the crumbling marriages would be enough and they wouldn’t need Mariah but here we are again with her at the center. I honestly don’t know what she did that was so cruel to them. Toya that actually had the physical fight with her, moved on years ago.

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