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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. 18 minutes ago, Cat said:


    The Heather-Bethenny dynamic was interesting. Part of it was hidden jealousy on Bethenny's part as here was another woman heading up a viable, growing business. These two women were just too different to be friends. Bethenny is fast with the wise-cracks and cynical; Heather gives most people the benefit of the doubt until proved otherwise (Sonja, Aviva), but can also preach lessons a bit.


    I miss Heather's warmth. Even with Dorinda there, who I consider a 'warm' person, Heather was good at rallying the group together and getting to the point of things.

    Heather left to protect her brand right? 

  2. Definitely one of the best episodes. While I do think Toya has been disrespectful to Eugene publicly in the past, it was very clear Heavenly also wanted to be messy and the fact that she and Damon were exempt wasn’t fair.


    Quad the fraud acted the same as she always does. How this woman has developed a fan base is beyond me.


    I see why everyone likes Damon but he shouldn’t always have to clean up the messes his petty awful wife creates.

  3. I don’t care about Rinna staying out of the drama this season. She was an as shole for years and I personally as a viewer have a long memory. Besides I’ve never cared for her quite frankly bland looking daughters and always found them to be brats, so doubling down on featuring them again is doing nothing but giving me a reason to be annoyed by Rinna.


    Honestly the only Housewife I ever have really disliked but they completely turned it around was Camille. Any Housewife trying to repair their image needs to consult whatever PR firm helped Camille all those years ago, and that includes Bethenny who I saw straight through last season.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    It does look like Atlanta needs a shake up... starting with casting women that actually like each other because if the current format of contrived gatherings/vacations continues... it looks better if the women actually enjoy being with one another.  Back in the day, the women didn't have to know or like each other when it was more about their day to day lives... but Atlanta needs to emulate the NY model if it hopes to succeed.


    BH and Dallas are more a hybrid where some of the women still like each other.. but we get glimpses into their individual lives.


    OC and NJ need to go back to the day to day stuff with some shade/drama thrown in.. because both shows were focused more on the family aspect then the drama.


    I've never seen RHOP so I don't know where they fall on the spectrum.


    Potomac has a decent balance but I don’t really care about their day to day lives truthfully.

  5. Honestly this might be my last Atlanta season. I’ve only caught maybe half of it and it’s such a bore. I did like the vegan dinner because it had some of the lighter shade I’m used to on the show but as I’ve said before it’s hard to watch when you know the cast barely likes each other.

  6. 2 hours ago, Cat said:



    She won't be a full HW in this upcoming season as NY must have a lot of their filming already in the can. But I bet she is angling for season 11.


    Speaking of this upcoming season, I am more excited for NY to air than any other franchise ever. So much has happened. So much IS happening. It is all unexpected and seemingly absolutely REAL. We'd better not have filler like Bethenny emasculating Frederik as they try to flip some SoHo real estate. We need the unprecedented moments I mentioned! We need Luann's mugshot and then Lu coming back to NYC to spa-detox with the HWs. We need her cabaret show. We need Bethenny and Jill meeting up again at Bobby's funeral. We need Ramona toasting to Mario's karmic mess in Morocco. I'm greedy! I want to see it all!

    Now you have me pumped completely. I think NY is my favorite franchise now. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I could accept Jill as a Friend of the Housewives like Camille is this season - but she is too fundamentally an attention whore drama queen at her core to be a Housewife who plays well with others. This last season of NYC was one of my favourites and I do not want that chemistry destroyed. 

    Jill with a very limited role may work, but full time again? I don't see it.

  8. On 2/3/2018 at 8:14 AM, Cheap21 said:



    Juicy looking like Ursula's sister


    DEAD at Juicy laughing at the mess she invited Abira to pop off on.  I wanted her to knock them out. This one looked ugly with her big fat head. If I was Monie, I wouldnt have accepted her apology that quick

    I see Sam is VERY comfortable with the wigs now

    J.Lo got a new wig too



    Monie Hair Watch


    The monie hair watch is my favorite thing ever.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    That's why I want to see Delores next season without Soggy.  There were a few (key word few) instances 8n talking heads when Delores didn't quite get where soggy was coming from.


    And yes..rhonj and rhoc are the family shows of the franchise...and Oc veered from that since cancergate in season 10.  OC needs to get back to the family angle and less of the toxic petty fights.  Shannon and Kelly are divorcing (they have kids with fully realized personalities).


    Teddi in the OC....my question is more how would she handle Vicki moreao then Tamra lol  but man she wpuld havve her work cut out for her as accountability coach eith Kelly, Vicki , Shannon and t amra on the show lol

    Teddi would get eaten alive by the OC girls. They don’t care about their images the way the BH cast does.

  10. 3 hours ago, Cat said:


    There is something no-nonsense about Dolores that I like too. And she is smart enough to recognise that nobody should put their trust in Danielle Staub, who is a loose cannon and will turn on you in an instant. Also, Danielle's attempt to get a spot next season (mic-ed up sex in a public bathroom) really backfired.


    But what lets Dolores down is her boring private life, and being such a ride-or-die for Siggy. Siggy is so far gone, but Dolores is essentially enabling her by telling her that her feeeeeeelings and need to attack Margaret are valid. Soggy and her twitter bots are STILL attacking Marge on social media, apparently.


    Dolores lost any fanfare she had by being ride or die for Siggy. While I enjoyed Danielle this season, there are still plenty who don’t and if Dolores hadn’t been too far gone up Siggy’s ass she’d have quite a few people behind her. She had a complete inability to see anything Siggy did as wrong and as such, she cane out looking almost as bad as Siggy.

  11. 2 hours ago, Cat said:


    @Soaplovers Haha I now realize Faye would be Kyle's guard-dog/water-carrier if she was a HW, doing her dirty work so Kyle doesn't get accused of being a b*tch like she was in S2. :lol: I still have a grudging admiration for her game, tho. But yes, she is a slippery personality, and I don't think she managed to dispel that even on her last season (with Kathryn).


    @Gray Bunny Wasn't nuts about Tinsley at first glance and still feel she is one of the few dispensable members on RHONY. However, she is sweet and harmless, and her mother Daaaaaaaale is LIFE. I think Daaaaale should be a HW, actually. When I watched RHONY properly (basically a second go-around), I appreciated Tinsley more. If anything, I thought Sonja looked much worse for being such a b*tch to her.

    Sonja came off awful last season.

  12. Just now, Cheap21 said:

    I suppose since we knew her first. Both appear nearly every season, yet never make it to housewife status and always stir up sh-t. I used to throw Faye Resnick in there as the Marlo/Kim D of BH, but she's less consistent

    Faye couldn't handle the Housewife fans lol, but she was definitely another one of those super strong friend ofs. Is New York and OC don't really ever have Friend of's that make an impact for some reason.

  13. 1 hour ago, Cat said:



    Said it before and I'll say it again, Kathryn should never have been let go. She gets stuck right in, and she's got history with Rinna and with Faye and L.A. folklore! Plus she's got a chateau in Normandy. I mean, a trip out there has got to be better than a lecture on tardiness and proper glassware -- which is basically what Teddi and Dorit gave us this entire episode. 


    @DaytimeFan thanks for explaining! Hope we hear some good news for Luann soon.

    I'm still at a loss as to why Kathryn was fired. She got along with the cast but also caused drama with Erika. When they didn't bring her back, it was the most obvious sign Bravo was going all in on Miss Humorless Jayne.

  14. 35 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    That was another pointless episode of Beverly Hills.


    If I knew how to insert a gif file I would be inserting the Whooping Goldberg “You in danger, girl!” one from “Ghost”...this franchise is becoming totally irrelevant.


    Teddi is a huge dud. One of the most humourless and boring housewives of recent memory. Dorit is making an ass of herself. Rinna is stirring for the sake of it. Erika is a parody of herself. 


    LVP and Kyle are carrying this show by themselves. And that isn’t ideal.

    The saving grace of this season is Camille’s dislike of Dorit.


    Teddi’s whole I’m not like typical BH women schtick is a bust. They literally have her saying it every episode.

  15. 3 hours ago, Cat said:


    I hope this is just a formality of the court system, and not an actual indication that prison is where she is heading! :o


    Honestly, this is not a Teresa-defrauds-banks situation. Luann doesn't belong 5 years or even 5 minutes in the pokey. Fines, community work, formal apologies to the hotel and police officers involved would suffice, surely? MSN calling it a 'drunken rampage' is a little much. She didn't maim or kill anybody, or even attempt to.



    Followed closely by Siggy defending Kim D with "Did Kim D build the concentration camps?" and Teresa squeaking "WE DON'T KNOW! WE DON'T KNOW!" :lol: Kim D saved Reunion tbh. As shady, dirty and toxic as she is, Kim D has a twinkle in her eye and knows exactly how the game is played, and that is enjoyable to watch for its own sake. I felt even Teresa lowkey enjoys sparring with her. 


    Siggy is probably the worst HW of all time (and that's saying something after OC Peggy this year)... I wonder if she has even delivered the death knell to the NJ franchise (although ratings apparently went up for Reunion Part 1 --  to 1.39mn). Siggy seems to be on Twitter all day long having meltdowns about Margaret and Bravo. She really has lost it, big time.

    Kim D. Def saved the reunion. She knows the role Bravo wants her to play and she’s played it perfectly for almost a decade now.

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