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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 16 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Thank you @Faulkner for gathering all this together I never would have seen otherwise.


    16 hours ago, Bright Eyes said:

    Same sentiments as DR. I honestly was not familiar with his work, but because of you I know now that I have to rectify that.

    You’re welcome. Someone posted the various streaming services that have his films. Benediction is on Hulu:


  2. Unbelievably sad. What an underrated giant. His last feature-length film, “Benediction,” is a powerful gem that somehow got slept on.

    His final work, a short film.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I definitely agree about Mia. In this current era of Housewives, most new castmembers don't really pop anymore. So even if they're mediocre, they get to stick around for multiple seasons (see: Potomac's Mia, and even Wendy, BH's Crystal, ATL's Sanya, etc.) 

    Yes, I see y'all's point about Potomac being a tired rehash versus the other returning shows. They are familiar faces but they're starting to hit their expiration dates. However, Potomac's enduring strength is that most of the core women really have known each other for years, even before the show (and I'll include Charriisse's tired ass with them), so while some rotation is needed to keep the show fresh, then we get into the alternate option of having fake friends forced to hang out for a TV series. Catch 22. 

    Also, much like Salt Lake City, new castmembers for Potomac have been lukewarm or duds, save for Candiace.  I actually think SLC is in one of the worst shapes of all the Housewives shows because their cast is full of Basic Bettys. 

    I’m curious about casting in smaller cities/regions (like Potomac and SLC). Granted, we’ve seen them struggle with casting huge cities like NYC, but the difficulty in a place that has a tinier group of potential women must make it really hard (unless they’re literally recruiting people to move to the area to be on the show, which wouldn’t seem that reasonable. Becoming a HW isn’t a sure thing).

    It’s also harder to recruit authentic people unless they’re batsh!t crazy (and not in a good or fun way). You have more and more people who’ve watched for years and are either playing the part of HW (badly), looking solely to self-promote and give as little as possible, or find themselves at sea trying to navigate the game of it all. There’s a lot of straining for effect from new housewives and very few people can pull that off.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    Potomac is lame and tired. it seems to be the same ol same ol and isnt bringing anything new to the table. Miami gave us high quality production value (which thankfully have not been lost going from Peacock to Bravo). BH gave a glimps to gret storytelling. Im not 100% sold on Kyle's marital issues being real but that trailer had me intrigued and it was well crafted. Potomac? It gave us the same childish gimmicks. Im over this production team. Robyn's story should have been a bigger deal especially among Karen, Candiae and Wendy. Why did we not see either confront/drag her over her lies? Gizelle with this fake young bf that no one buys. Candiace and Ashley fighting yet again.....yeah this trailer didnt hold a candle to BH and Mia

    Sad but Potomac is in the doldrums. Very few franchises have gone this long without major changes, and it’s due for a rethink, especially if Gizelle is simply gonna fake her way through the series. Mia is still a flop. I don’t care how much contrived drama she brings. I wouldn’t mind if Candiace moves to ATL and anchors a reboot there.

  5. 14 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Oh god you just reminded me of how awful the writing for Sally has been from the start. I had completely erased the relationship with Jack which for whatever reason, the huge age gap was never addressed. 

    I think part of the problem is that JG writes out of his @ss and didn’t have a plan for Sally (or for Jack or Phyllis at the time). Maybe he was also waiting for stars to line up to tell the Diane story (although he seems to have lost the thread there as well).

    I wonder how much CBS wanted to hold on to CH after her B&B tenure ended. They likely issued a firm “suggestion” she move to Y&R, and the Jack romance/Summer-Phyllis rivalry/Theo friendship is what JG scrapped together, all things that are rarely referenced now.

  6. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I loved Sally and Adam but Josh ruined them. Sally lost her bite!! She is so watered down.

    That’s a huge admission for you. You don’t like much about these current shows aside from the torso parade lol. Or at least you don’t say it.

    They almost salvaged Sally with the Adam pairing, but JG said nope! Nothing on this show should actually work. Let me fûck this [!@#$%^&*] up.

    It’s actually impressive how badly they messed her whole tenure up when her story could have written itself. She could have been a scrappier, street-fighter version of how they are now writing Audra. She’s the freakin’ namesake of Darlene Conley’s character!

    But from the poorly written Jack story with the enormous age gap they never addressed, to the asinine Summer rivalry where she actually got Summer *a better job* yet was still subjected to humiliation day after day from Phyllis and the rest of the town, to the stupid rivalry with Chelsea, to her dumb WTD story, it’s been a disaster. 

  7. 18 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    And hasn't delivered a single memorable moment.

    As much as I dislike JT in the role, he’s had moments of extraordinary work as Billy. Even the isolated stuff with suicidal Chelsea/MCE on the roof (an ill-advised plot that went nowhere, even though it was sold as this deep PSA dive into depression) was affecting. He’s a really strong actor. He’s just miscast and the writing hasn’t done him any favors. I can’t imagine even Billy Miller at his best selling the podcast stuff and the weird Jekyll/Hyde nonsense (granted, some of that bad writing may have happened because he was so miscast, but then again, all of Y&R’s cast has suffered in recent years).

  8. This is NYC right now, y’all. 


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