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Posts posted by sheilaforever

  1. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    When Ferguson was  asked about her time as Brooke, she said she was lucky, because she happened to be there at a time when  a big story was climaxing for Brooke.  I do wonder if they may have timed it that way to send a message to  KKL.

    I was stunned though that KKL’s maternity leave was very short. She did quite a lot of post-tapings, I guess. In my memory she was only gone for 4 weeks in total or so

  2. 23 minutes ago, clubkidjeff said:



    So does anyone remember what happened last? The cliff scene from the promo clip with Deacon was way before his last. He stunned Quinn by being alive and covered in seaweed about 3 weeks (!!!) after his alleged death. This was around 2016/2017 with Quinn & Liam aka. Adam & Eve (a story which was sooo outlandisch that I loved every second of it).

    I think Deacon was eventually held accountable for a crime (which I cannot remember) and handcuffed at Brooke's house. He was mentioned since but never seen again; not sure if this was around the time in 2018 when the show completely derailed from its mid 2010s upswing?

  3. 1 hour ago, rsclassicfanforever said:

    Episode 1301 is uploaded in the 1992 Folder....but accidently i uploaded episode 1302 into the main folder "The Bold and the Beautiful". Maybe someone of you can put it in the right folder :)


    On thursday we will meet Lane Davies as Ridge Forrester in Episode 1307

    Awesome that Videoland continues with the uploads.

    The German rebroadcasts always stopped at episode 1300. :)

  4. 43 minutes ago, soapwikijohn said:

    So unfortunately I am not home to currently check on it, but the omnibus (marathon) of this weeks B&B on Cala Classics is airing right now and it’s recording so fingers crossed I’ll have 10 episodes to post (8 given the two episodes I posted already) from ‘95 later tonight 🤞🤞🤞. If not I’ll be up and running for tomorrow and this weeks and we should have ‘95-on here soon. 

    if this works than hopefully we will have ‘92-94 from Videoland next year and then 95-97 from Cala by the time the two intersect haha 🤞🤞🤞🤞

    Thanks for the update. Your effort is much appreciated!!!

  5. 9 minutes ago, Sasha66 said:

    What did you all think about the bold years 1994 and 1995? Do you think they were strong periods

    IMO, THE BEST YEARS. Not sure if Taylor's Arabian Night hold up in 2021 but I was sooooooo hoooked back then. To say that I considered Sheila's story in the mid-90s spellbinding, shoudln't surprise anyone. LOL

    On 10/1/2021 at 10:26 AM, rsclassicfanforever said:

    I uploaded episodes 1299 and 1300

    You're our hero. Thank you!

  6. 14 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Yess!!! 😁😁😁 so excited to get to see all of 1992 and 1993 hopefully!! 

    I’m super stoked as well. Looking forward to this a lot. Everything post episode 1300 is really hard to come by. Thankfully, episodes 2200+ is all in the vault already. I’m currently just 10 episodes shy to have rewatched the entire year 1996. I will soon publish episode counts. Meaning we are getting closer and closer to a Jason47 style database for B&B. :)

  7. 9 hours ago, BoldKara said:

    I always think of the character Jay Garvin when I see the crew member Jay Garvin in the end credits...they must have used his name for the Jay Garvin character! Anyone pick up any other instances of character names being used that are crew member names?

    There might have been some, but I can only remember one more rght now:

    Debbie Morgan played District Attorney Jennifer Tartaro. Tartaro is a long-time member of the production staff.

  8. 3 hours ago, Videnbas said:

    I don't know if anyone here can help me with this...

    I'm currently watching 1990 episodes and I really wonder if the doctor (Dr Oshiro) who gives Caroline her diagnosis in ep 773 was also the Elvis impersonator in ep 749. And if so, is it the same actor playing two different characters, or does the serious Dr Oshiro have a secret passion for karaoke?

    LMAO - My thoughts exactly whilw watching. All I can say: it was the same actor


  9. 4 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Online searches only reference to Baldwin being "replaced" by Burnett, but I would love to know why, especially since Baldwin is still in the opening through episode 115 (where I left off). Casting Burnett felt like a stylistic choice for a colder Beth (which I feel Burnett is).

    I once chatted with Michael Maloney https://soaphub.com/author/michaelmaloney1935/ who was part of the production staff of B^B from 1990/1991 after buying some old SODs from him via eBay LOL

    Interestingly, he did not any specific reason for the Beth recast when asked.

  10. 8 hours ago, skebujebu said:

    About Dinkle… I started watching here in Finland late 1998 and she was called Einstein. But I was also viewing German episodes where the credits stated she was Dinkle so I was confused. I had no internet or did not know show history… I always wondered will the mr. Einstein show up who I believe was Darla‘s husband… 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    So far in rewatching the classic episodes, until March 1992, I don't think Darla was ever given an on-screen last name. So far Dinkle is just the credits name (though not in the US ones...) which is kinda surprising because Maria the maid was once (!) given a family name in an episode which never made it to the credits, though. 

  11. 2 hours ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    This is the old link. Here's the most current one!


    BTW: Just because we don't send you enough praises anymore, be assured that we all are eternally grateful for your idea and dedication to create and make THE VAULT work. I just had to mention it again. For years we felt spoilt by some generous souls on this board sharing multiple uploads on YouTube which were then taken down, pirated etc. Now it's just a labor of love to be able to relive all those classic episodes of B&B and Y&R - thanks to your idea and efforts.

    4 hours ago, Marquise said:

    same here never liked Blake, must be very rich so that Taylor maried him. Although she did not match the type of a gold digger, wonder why they got married

    I listened very carefully to their backstory while rewatching. It was just stressed that Blake was so caring (aka. paid for Taylor's medical school) and therefore Taylor fell in love with him. The backstory of the Hamiltons was not yet created/adressed. It's probably safe to also attribute some sort of daddy complex because Jack Hamilton was not always a model citizen during Taylor's childhood and youth. Or maybe: they just clicked and shared chemistry. JMO, nothing against Peter Brown as an actor but he didn't appeal to me as romantic lead at all. Does anyone know whether his Y&R or DAYS roles were played in this direction?

  12. 10 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Does anyone know details of what tempted JoannaJ to return in ‘91?

    I’m a little surprised she would come back to the show. I remember the interviews she gave in 2012 when she came back again. It was really sad how she described being miserable as a closeted lesbian actress of the 80s/90s

    I cannot remember a "real story" on her return. I took it as out-of-work-actress desperate for some cash... Her return was just so sudden for Bill Bell's standards and did not fit really well storyline-wise. That's why I assumed that bringing on Karen was not something Bell planned to do - untill Joanna Johnson announced her readiness to return. In the early/mid 1990s JJ was already desperate to pitch her writing career. Back then, still unsuccessfull.

    BTW: here's a sreenshot of THE WIG



    @slick jonesThe reporter pictures was named Ron Weaver, after B&B's producer, but he did not get an on-screen credit. Do you happen to know who the actor was?

    8 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Tbh, I don’t hate it as much as I hate Blake 😂😂

    HAHA - ah Bake; he truly is a character were even repeated viewing does you not like him any better. As we are getting closer to Balke's exit, there are some really disdainful final moments coming up. Blech!

  13. 7 minutes ago, Joseph said:

    Just realized but I Think Phyllis from Y&R might have been the only character on the show who was very well played by all three actresses

    Indeed. All three actress had a different take on the character - and it all worked wonderfully. That said, one could argue that Michelle Stafford also played a different Phyllis from 2000-2005 (and was still great at it), before she quit acting and turned to mannerism.

  14. 3 hours ago, boldbeautifulau said:

    Episode 1272 marks the introduction of landscape/aerial footage on the closing credits. This coincides with the first episode taping on location in St. Thomas. Taylor has just arrived in St. Thomas and Ridge is hot on her heels.



    Yes. Episode 1272 to be exact. The beginning of the St. Thomas storyline with Taylor & Ridge. 

    Looking forward to rewatch St. Thomas A LOT. #tridge

  15. 34 minutes ago, Videnbas said:

    So to me, Donna having Marcus is just one of those rewrites that are simply incompatible with what we were shown on screen.

    This also took place in a very uneven period of the show... Remember the insta-relationship (even marriage?) of Donna &Justin which lasted ten episodes?

    22 hours ago, skebujebu said:

    Jennifer Gareis took Donna totally different direction…

    All the Logans were hevaily altered wth the recasts in 2006-2008. Think of Steven!? Think of Beth!? Think of Katie!? Only Storm was kinda in-line with the previous incarnations. 

  16. 21 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    In episode 21, is that Sarah Buxton portraying the role of Donna's friend, Wendy? That's kind of cool. Shame they didn't connect Morgan and Wendy, and allow for Donna to come in and play part of that story.

    According to IMDb she appeared in episodes #23 and #45. If I remember correctly, Donna was hanging around at the beach with some friends at a bonfire and the whole set was barely lit, so that it was not that easy to see much on-screen.
    They tried some VERY natural stuff with the teens back then. Griffey's was so low key and plausible as a college hangout; and there was a disco called DANCE FACTORY for one episode, I think. Too bad they clearly did not have the proper budget to use this is a real set for the teens.

    22 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    I'm currently on episode 21, and I kind of feel this brewing, as well. I feel like the character of Beth Logan should've been more prominent than she clearly became. Plus, some bad miscasting, as well.

    The recast was really bizarre. Judith Baldwin/the original Beth was much prettier, but Nancy Burnett fit in really well with the upcoming stories, so I guess it was storyline dictated recast.

  17. 1 hour ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    Thanks to @BoldRestless and their hard work in auditing large files, around 900 GB has been freed up!

    Uploading can continue, though I will continue to look out for a long-term solution. Thank you to all contributors for making this happen - I didn't think that over a year later that I would have to potentially get a second account to split up the soap vaults. You're all champs!

    Thank you guys!


    And of course a major shout-out to all uploaders! :)

  18. 33 minutes ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    Ehh thankfully 2007 was a blip in my memory but if it recalls:

    1) "Out of the Ashes" was a huge sweeps marketing event surrounding the explosion of a retreat (Clear Springs by NVP Retreats, a partnership with Nikki, Victor, and Phyllis. It veered on GH Guza-era camp (and poorly done at that) which had no place in Y&R. All I remember is Nikki losing it over Victoria's ugly handbag. She was pregnant with JT's baby and went into a coma because she got hit on the head by a foam brick lmao.

    2) Nikki was in a parking lot and was about to get robbed at gunpoint. Victor came in and did a few headbutts on the culprit but shortly after started experiencing extreme personality changes (being unusually mellow, giving Jack favours at Newman, and making paper snowflakes and hiding them in his desk). One day he started hallucinating and attacked Nikki but she was able to calm him through it, and at that point found out he had epilepsy. Not sure how they resolved that one.

    3) Mmm wasn't much paying attention to this storyline but on top of taking advantage of Victor's epilepsy, he and Nikki of all people were running opposite each other for state senate (yes, you heard that right) and he was doing really shady things to get ahead.

    Aside from the above, 2007 Y&R also gave us:

    • Pheila (more on the tail end of 2006)
    • The infamous reliquary storyline which Joshua Morrow never fails to sh!t on.
    • Dru falling off the cliff
    • Phyllis faking a back injury and staying at the Abbott house with Jack and Sharon to avoid prison time for perjury (not sure how she got out of that)
    • Sharon and Jack
    • Bratty Noah
    • Horrible MTV style background music
    • Kevin and Colleen getting locked in a freezer by Jana and saving her life
    • Cane Ashby
    • Lily and Amber rivalry over Daniel (the writing for Amber really bugged me on Y&R as I found her characterization super campy in comparison her first run on B&B)
    • Daniel's pr0n addiction
    • Extreme Catwalk
    • Victor and Sabrina?
    • Niktor breakup and David Chow (which I thought was a strange name for a character played by Vincent Irizarry)
    • Ji-Min and whatever storyline he had - but he was very good with Jill


    Ah, the memories. Victor and Sabrina was MAB, I think and started very quickyl when LML was hunted off the premises. 


    EDIT: Was Australian-Colleen and Professor Whatshisname (Adrian Korbel? Was he killed?) also in 2007?

    I can remember most of these stories but nothing how it played out onscreen because it was all soo sad and squandered (due to bad editing, awful music and some nonsensual twists). I'll give LML credit for actually doing PSA stories which were current. That said, the one scene I vividly remember from 2007 besides Dru's fall into bad CGI.

    Lily: "Oh my god Daniel. This is paaaaaaaawrn, Daniel. Oh my god, paaaaaawrn. You are addicted to paaaaaaaawrn, Daniel!"

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