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Posts posted by sheilaforever

  1. 1 hour ago, Videnbas said:

    I have to say, watching these old episodes again, I have got a whole new appreciation for Dan McVicar's Clarke! He manages to play a completely amoral and self-centered character who routinely lies and cheats and only cares about his own career, and still he remains charming and funny. 

    Dan McVicar sure was fantastic in his inital run. He also had chemistry with ALL the woman he was paired or sparred with. That's why it is kinda sad that his 1996 amounted to nothing after the Unicorn Fashions storyline. The closest he then came to a storyline was being Morgan's sidekick in 2000. Therefore it was rather surprising that the show used Clarke for someof the Jackie M stuff even though he was poor man's copy of his former self then.

  2. On 1/3/2022 at 12:30 PM, Chris B said:

    I finally made it to either Feb or March 1988 and I'm so confused about the Forrester daughters. Felicia I won't get into because she hasn't arrived and eventually got her due with Leslie Kay. Kristin, on the other hand, is a mystery to me. They've done a good job of developing the character and by now she has an interesting romance with Clarke, a fascinating relationship and backstory with Stephanie and she's designing at Forrester. How did she become such a forgotten character?!

    Just my two cents. Wait for the arrival of Mick Savage; this is when Kristen started to loose her appeal. She was written off in January 1990 - and definitely NOT missed. Her return in 1992 didn't make me love the character again. The chemistry with Clarke was still there, but he was written a s complete jerk back at that time (played compellingly by Dan McVicar). However, Kristen acted rather wishy-washy with him, sometimes calling him out on his BS and then keeping silent about it. Her subesequent returns in 1993 and 1994 were only for weddings if I recall. The 2001 return was a complete waste of time because Kristen & Tony were just an ill-plotted storyline which could have been good. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Maybe Bradley has something big in the works for the 35th anniversary in March. 

    I can't believe Melissa Claire Egan started on Y&R over 10 years ago. I think MAB was still in charge when MCE was hired. We all know MAB loved ABC leftovers and former sitcom stars.

    Egan was okay and fresh in the beginning, but as a matter of fact the actress playing Skye was always much better. It’s a travesty that Chelsea is kept on this show. At least Chloe - another deadweight character - is Esther’s daughter and therefore one of the few ties to actual legacy on Y&R.

  4. For B&B this has been a pretty balanced year. Liam is relatively low in the totals, John McCook and Rena Sofer has way more action than to be expected. And of course: Sheila, Deacon, Taylor all back is a stroke of genius.


    EDIT: is wouldn’t mind for Wyatt to get the axe… Don Diamont and Heather Tom surely had their contracts renegotiated. There’s no way that they still got pay for 2 eps a week and barely appeared in 60 episodes the whole year. They should stay around on this lower capacity, though, cause there is now way for either of them to return to Y&R.

  5. Wow - Y&R sounds like photo descriptions in an exhibition but not teasers to make you want to watch. At all. Why is Chelsea still on this show?

    as for B&B: it all sounds really promising. Depending on the execution this could get REALLY good actually. Seems like they are well prepared for Jacqui Woods next maternity leave. 


  6. 11 minutes ago, BoldKara said:

    The show has always been sloppy at removing cast from the end and start credits. Look how long it took for a Jack Wagner, Lesley Anne Down to be removed - and Hunter Tylo more recently. 

    Closing titles are usually pretty reliable (minus the occasional spelling errors and goofs) and reflect the actual contract status. The opening is a whole different story. You're very right about that. Sometimes it took them a year to update it...

  7. On 12/15/2021 at 12:26 AM, yrfan1983 said:

    Peter Brown is still in the contract credits but hasn’t made one appearance in at least a couple months… he must have been a FOBB (friend of Bill Bell :) 

    It's interesteding that while Peter Brown's final appearence was July 25, 1992, he continues to be in the credits well into September. My take is that he worked way over his episode guarantee in the previous months (146 episodes in 15 months which is a lot...), so he was kept on for another 13 week contract cycle... Or they simply missed to terminate his contract. LOL

  8. On 12/15/2021 at 7:24 AM, Videnbas said:

    I am currently watching February 1991 and the end of Jake's abuse storyline (and I must say the final episodes are very suspenseful!) and I'd really like to hear your reactions to it. I think the show did really well handling an extremely dark and difficult subject.

    I'd also like to hear your views on the Julie Delorean subplot. To me, there's just something I don't quite follow regarding Bill Spencer's motivations here. What exactly was his goal in having Julie go after Clarke? Why did he want to finance Julie's business with Clarke? The root of all this was his desire to stop Sally from blackmailing him (or get back at her for doing it?), but from there on I'm having a bit of trouble connecting the dots.

    Also, the scenes with Stephanie and Ruthanne (the homeless storyline) are just riveting. But I had to suspend disbelief a bit as to why they didn't manage to clear everything up when they first went to the police (by telling them about Stephanie's car being stolen and her being robbed, and showing them her torn clothes and wedding ring). 

    Glad that you liked Jake's storyline. It was indeed very poignant. The only weird part was that he was constantly shown shirtless and served the male meat at this time on the show. LOL A big plus was Margo finally having a storyline (that didn't involved a love affair - it was her only proper story)

    Bill's motives with Julie were sketchy. At first, he wanted revenge on Sally. Right in the middle of Clarke's affair with Julie, Bill's marriage to Margo tanked more and more and so he wanted into bed with Julie and was therefore willing to do everything for her. That's at least my take on it.

  9. 9 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    B&B also has a similar slogged together approach across all departments right now too. Juggling budget cuts with COVID protocols must be hell for these shows. 

    Did these shows pay their cast & crew while they were on hiatus? Maybe that's why they are cash-strapped (trying to make up for this timeframe without income)? I really want to believe that the asthetics can get better again.

  10. 21 hours ago, AusBoldFan said:

    I thought the same thing. Even more oddly, that particular broadcaster changes the closing distribution slide at the end of each episode to an older version that was discontinued in 2019. Given the episodes are recent, they would be receiving episodes with the current BBL ending:


    Ah, it's between 15 (?) years that I've seen a clip of "Top Models". Back in the day, the show aired at 6.25 (?) pm in the evening - in SAP (FRench/ENGlish). Apparently, the show now airs at noon. It remains weird that they still call it "Top Models" as the French titles is much more befitting considering that for many years there weren't any models feautured on the show at all. LOL


    The in-sync closing titles clips is pretty cool.
    And the cheesy song for the opening titles is weird as hell, but I like it. *ducks* Maybe I can win more followers for it by translating that the refrain "nos lendemain" means "our next day/tomorrow" for instance... Pretty swell for a soap, right? 😉

    EDIT: I found the gull song on YouTube



  11. 1 hour ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Are you guys into the Zach/Felicia/Jack mafia/poker story in this latest batch of '92 eps? It's hasn't really caught my attention so I'm FFing those scenes, plus I know that Z&F will be written off by '93..

    I think hardly anyone liked it back then and that's why Felicia and Zach were written off the show in December 1992...

    I'm just at the beginning of the GANZ plot and it's quite convoluted and not compelling.


  12. 17 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Stephanie's wardrobe choices were highly stylized, but they work. There are those episodes where she's wearing white, and she looks like someone out of a "leisure" scene in The Great Gatsby. Stephanie/Susan Flannery just looks like those women who, even if their lives are a total disaster, always look put together, so elegant.

    They also gave LaFlannery quite a lot of exquisite jewelry to wear to fit with those costumes. In the closing titles there is often the product placement hit of jewelry by Stephen Dweck.

  13. On 12/2/2021 at 1:38 AM, yrfan1983 said:

    Maeve Quinlan plays "Airline Representative" in 1360

    This is pretty cool. In the good old days, many actors had various guest roles on the show. In 1995 just before she became a regular, Maeve Quinlan was also credited as someone else than Megan Conley. Unfortunately, we did not get to see the episode with her appearance yet to verify whether it was a crediting quib or if her character had a different name.

    On 12/1/2021 at 11:27 PM, Soaplovers said:

    I never understood why Clarke was never used effectively after his initial 5 year stint (1987 to 1992).  

    It was very strange. The return story arc which was uneven but entertaining lasted a mere six months and the  Brad Bell got bored with Clarke. There was lots of teasing for more story potential in 1996-1997 but then DanMcVicar was dropped to recurring and then came back - yet Clarke got zero story until being involved with Morgan and her pyhton in 2000 and the super brief Mark Maclaine return in 2002 (which was very promising!!!). But as you said: he was NEVER used effectively again.

  14. 3 hours ago, Marquise said:

    I never understood also Sally - Clark's relarionship after he returned in 1996 i think, i am nut sure but i think that around 2000 they lived together at Sally's apartment. Where they just friends or else? 

    Good point - it was pretty ambigous. I think it was established during the Morgan story that Clarke had his own apartment (which we never saw)... From what we saw on-screen, Sally and Clarke were really close friends and happily divorced PARENTS post 1998  

  15. 12 minutes ago, Marquise said:

    it is weired couse Clark is at that point not that involved with Kristen, he fall in love a bit later. I do not think Stephanie wanted to make Eric jelous whe wanted someone to pay her attention.

    I never did understand why he got involved with Margo either. At that point he was much in love with Kristen. 

    Clarke was a horndog back then. He fell for Stephanie because of her money and power. Kristen was attractive for the same reason plus they shared a similar interest in designing. Margo was just passive aggressive. LOL After pining for Eric for years, she just wanted a man of her own: Clarke!

  16. 4 hours ago, Sasha66 said:

    Who to you all’s opinion contributed to B&Bs success the most?

    Sheila/Kimberlin Brown for shooting B&B to number 2 in the US ratings. Sally/Darlene Conley for giving the show recognition (she got the first acting nods at the Emmys AT ALL for B&B!) and a unique flavor. Stephanie/Susan Flannery for creating a love-to-hate-character and always spot-on acting performances which nutured A LOT of talent on the show... 

    KKL&Ronn Moss&Hunter Tylo aka Ridge & Brooke & Taylor in Ridge's life for their longevity on the show and creating hardcore fan rivalry and supercouple appeal.

  17. Now that I have in arrived in July 1992 I wanted to gush about the Sally/Clarke-storyline in those early years. While in the first few weeks, Bill Bell did some back and forth with Sally who started way more vicious and cold-hearted before becoming the woman reaching for ambition and respect – plus a crazy bunch of clowns going for laughs.


    As soon as Clarke became Beau Rivage things got REALLY good. IMO, the show could have used this potential a while longer because… Clarke going full speed into Sally’s (personal) orbit happened not as organically as you would think in light of their long history eventually. At least; I thought that the wedding in June 1990 lacked some proper build-up and happened rather quick for the context of the time. Nowadays this would serve as an epitome of thought-out storytelling. LOL


    Anyhow, Bill Bell was so smart to envision the sheer power of this couple and the storyline possibilities by not just having Sally draw up a one year term of the marriage contract but two years. 24 months is a long time… Again, it seemed like the final decision to have Clarke&Sally crash and burn happened more sudden than it was typically Bill Bell’s style: Clarke’s development from philanderer to perfect husband with some interest in Clarke Jr. stopped rather sudden. The show then came up with some good motives like the lack of sexual attraction towards Sally and the temptation that is Kristen, so that it made a brilliant story over all and Clarke was an equally fascinating character to watch. And the final climax in June 1992 was just divine. Darlene Conley killed the material, the script was crisp and the whole climax was just delicious. To my surprise, the show did not write off Daniel McVicar immediately, but again milked some aftermath material out of it


    In the years in between we got the affair with Julie Delorean and Sally’s pregnancy. What a perfect umbrella story! Unfortunately, Sally never got this good, multi-layered and center-stage again like from 1990-1992. So I say THANKS for the uploaders of the classic episodes who gave me the chance to relive this magic!

  18. 1 hour ago, AusBoldFan said:

    Watching episode 1381 on VL. Enter Lauren Fenmore. First appears in the episode prior, albeit courtesy of a Y&R flashback with Sheila and her mother.

    YESSSS! I can't wait...

    As someone else suggested: this would be the perfect timing to watch B&B AND Y&R in sync to actually relive the crossover-mania... In another 100 episodes or so, Sheila sends the blackmail photo puzzle with a picture of Brad&Lauren in bed to Genoa City. Then, there is endless back and forth of of all of these characters. An we do have quite a few of Y&R episodes available from this timeframe.

  19. 2 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Never seen this photo before...is it photoshopped?


    I really like that cast photo: Kay holding tight onto Brock like he is her lover whereas Jill and Phillip Sr oose so much swinging seventies...

  20. 1 hour ago, Videnbas said:

    I'd say RM's Ridge had better chemistry with Brooke than Taylor. 

    But to be honest, I haven't really liked any of Taylor's pairings. I find it really hard to connect with that character emotionally.

    As for who was Ridge's true love, I'd say Caroline hands down. 

    These assessments heavily rely on when you STARTED watching (or stopped LOL) because of the sheer length of B&B's timeline by now:
    Due to Caroline's death, the whole relationship has the perfect romance status - forever. Even though the last time we have seen Caroline was her ghostly visit in January 2021. Ridge had to FIGHT for Caroline and he had the chance to GRIEVE for Caroline. (Something that has rarely happened since because pacing nowadays is soooo different!).

    For me Taylor was always Ridge's second perfect love. Now that I've seen 1990-1992 it is a little harder to fall this assumption because I had no idea hoq quick the shift  of commitment happened in 1992. However, from 1993-2002 there was zero possibility for that Ridge actually loved Brooke. She was a caniving h* who always used her children for her own benefit and desperate need to cling onto Ridge. 

    Ever since the show shifted to Nick/Brooke/Ridge and Bill/Brooke/Ridge we have entered a whole new aera in the traingel business which made Brooke much more liekable for me, but the perfect romance never involved Ridge.  

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