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Posts posted by yrfan1983

  1. It can not be said enough... Thank you ChickenNuggetz92!! You and the community got me through the worst of covid. After a dreary depressing day, there was nothing better than crafting a cocktail and diving in to a vintage YR or BB...

  2. 11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    But I'm ready for this show to fully kick into high gear.

    I totally feel you, and sadly you'll have to wait for Season 4. Season 3 has plenty of great moments, but the focus of Karen as the mourning widow keeps things from really sparking.

    Are you watching on an unlisted playlist? If so, could you please share, or send me a PM link?  There was a YT channel that had all eps, but I see that the channel now has zero vids.  Thank you

  3. This is one of my all-time fave clips that have been anonymously posted in the Vault over the past couple years (now someone else has posted it to YT)

    The scene just swells with emotion, knowing it was probably Robert Colbert's last ep.

    Liz's dialogue hints to me some deep-seated insecurity, begging to be explored in future story, which it never was... does she truly think herself inferior to Stuart and not worthy of his love? I know past stories hinted at that. Is Liz's self-worth that low?

    Or could it be the opposite? Could it be that Liz just knows herself well enough to know that she is happier being alone, and doesn't want to hurt Stuart's feelings?

  4. 3 hours ago, will81 said:

    Was Bill Bell out during that strike? I thought he was still writing during the 88 strike. Either way I loved 85% of it. Jill and Marc was only okay not great, Marc just didn't fit the show anymore. I didn't realise David and Marc had any real interaction, but seems they did. 

    Really... how interesting... I wonder how he worked that out... he must have been in the Writer's Guild union and would have been tainted as a "scab" if he was writing during the strike.

  5. 8 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Another generous soul (Who admits he isn't a soap fan mind you)  uploaded a new 1988 episode on archive.org! :D I already downloaded and uploaded to YT! Give credit to @BoldRestlessfor uncovering this gem! :D 


    oh my gosh, thank you anonymous angel, YRfan23, and BoldRestless! The first full ep available from July '88. This is during the '88 writers strike, but based on Will81's review, sounds like it's still a good one.

  6. 1/1/73 is available to watch in person at The Paley Center in NYC. I watched a few years ago and wrote up this recap. This is a month before DeniseA left the show. From this episode recap, I'm guessing that Susan still thought it was rape and the hypnosis hadn't happened yet

    Isn't this a week or so before the couple of eps where we meet Eric's "roommate" and it's implied they are more than friends??

    = = =

    At her apartment, Susan tends to her baby in a bassinet. There is a little Christmas tree. Her fiance Greg calls from a hospital room, where he is with a sleeping Eric (Greg’s brother). Greg says his mother is in the chapel and his father went home. He says no change in Eric's condition. Susan feels helpless. Susan hangs up, and talks to the baby. She notes that the babys father is Eric. Susan hears an audio flashback of Eric requesting to see the baby. Susan has an inner monologue “dare I let Eric see the baby? What will people read into it? Maybe its too late… maybe Eric will die before he can see the baby. If Eric dies, all of my problems will be over. Eric did a horrible thing to me. Will I feel guilty if I dont let him see my baby?” Tom Horton arrives. He notes that babies are usually not allowed to visiting sick patients, but he said he got an exemption.

    Mary Anderson enters Bills office, and is surprised to find her dad Bob Anderson. Bill had let Bob wait in his office. Mary reveals she said no to Burts marriage proposal. Bob says Julie Banning told him that Mary had been having doubts. Mary said Burt was very upset, and wants her to think about her choice some more. Mary reveals she may have feelings for Bill, but that she sees no interest from Bill. Bob says Bill hasnt shown interest because he thought Mary was off the market.

    Eric and Greg in the hospital room. Eric wakes up. Greg tells him Susan is staying home with the baby. Eric has inner monologue “Susan wont bring the baby. Shes not trustworthy. Greg is too good of a guy to get stuck with Susan. Greg has to know the truth.” Eric says to Greg – “you have to know the truth” but then passes out.

    Bill walks in his office and finds Mary. She fills him in on turning Burt down. Bill is surprised but hopes the best for her. They review how Eric is sick and Greg is worried. Mary notes that Bill was just as concerned when his brother Mickey was sick.

    Eric wakes up and cant remember if he told the truth to Greg. Greg is asleep. Susan walks in with the baby. Susan admits she is surprised Eric wanted to see the baby. Susan said she named the baby Ann. Eric notes that it is his mothers name as well. Eric says that was very clever of Susan to name the baby Ann. Eric asks if Susan is really going to marry Greg, and really going to keep the baby – she says yes. Eric asks if shes only telling him the truth now because she thinks he’s going to die.

  7. Agreed. I think when Christine left for Hong Kong at the end of 2000 (LLB leaving for her first of two extended maternity leaves), that was the end of Christine as we knew her. It didn't help that her bestie Nina left right at the same time.


  8. 55 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Has Jill ever HAD close friends?  Or is she like Erica Kane, someone who doesn't know HOW to get along with other women without sizing them up to be competition?

    She had Mari Jo Mason…until she turned out to be a psycho!

  9. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    Saw this cast photo online and immediately thought except for missing Dru, this was the last time I was truly invested and felt the show itself was still good and missteps could be corrected but the show still felt like Y&R to me.


    Agreed - things took a turn for the worse after Ryan’s Thanksgiving ‘01 shooting

  10. Wow - I just watched the latest Innocent Years clip "M" https://youtu.be/mTFKabUT52E , from May '81, and Lorie is being a bit MUCH. Going on and on and on, in a florid, overwrought manner about the intense bond she has with Brooks and how they would just DIE to be separated from each other. She goes on for awhile as Stuart just stares at her, probably thinking "when are you going to shut up..."

    I realized this would be right in the middle of the '81 TV Writer's Strike (April -July), so Bill Bell definitely did not write these scenes.



  11. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

     Now, the aspect of the Amy character always having been expendable, that I can buy. 

    The really sad thing is - in Jan and Feb '88, Amy was serving as Paul's EQUAL at the detective agency. Not his secretary any more. She was doing her own investigations. Paul and Amy scouted out the new office in Newman Towers together. The story potential was limitless. But then, the show turned around and wrote her off.  The only thing I can think of is - the show wanted to isolate Paul as he entered the Cassandra saga.

  12. 6 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    I edited the full episode from the Lorie clip, and uploaded to Youtube, and will also put it in the Vault.  :) 



    Thank you! I just watched the whole thing, I couldn’t wait! Even the commercials. Wow, there were lots of toothpaste ads back then. And Molly Ringwald at the very end.

    The first 18 minutes of the full 1 hour 22 min clip are probably from Monday 1/4/82, the next ep after the New Year’s Eve Victor/Nikki “Dirty Stinker” kiss. At 6:00, there’s a glimpse of Paul waking up in Aspen with Barbara, hungover after getting drunk on champagne the night before.

    Hearing the aftermath of the courtroom revelation that Lance is Brooks’ father really makes me want to see that!  (even considering Dennis Cole has no acting ability)

    I love Cash Cashman and Katherine! As of 2/1/82, they’re exploring his backstory – and a month later he’s dead? Ugh I think they killed him off to make room for the Bancrofts and Katherine’s “romance with Earl, which IMO was DOA.

    Does l’il Michael Damian wear a retainer at this point? He has that slight slur to his speech. So cute.

    Loved Lorie’s recounting of the ’76 shooting by Vanessa. Didn’t Snapper treat Lance’s bullet wound? Wonder if he could have helped Lorie’s case somehow…

  13. 14 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Eeek!!!😄😄😄😁😁 so excited!!

    I know right!! Now I'm refreshing Paul Ditty's main page multiple times per day, like I used to do with archive.org 😂

    I think he has a limited amount of "Innocent Years" vids yet to debut... previously in his playlist, he had like 10 vids that were private. In the comments for one of his vids, someone asked him, "what are the private vids"? he replied "oh I didn't know anyone else could see those!" And those aren't visible in the playlist anymore. So - I think he pre-loaded all his "Innocent Years" vids, and is making them public, one each day. So, probably not too many vids left. I'd love to be wrong, though!

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