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Posts posted by yrfan1983

  1. 1 hour ago, will81 said:

    Leslie didn't, as Janice said when she left that she was trying to convince TPTB to give her scene/story with Jeanne. Gwen Sherman (Jennifer Leak sitting next to Steve Carlson) never did. Nor did Mark Henderson. 

    In fact pretty sure the only ones who did were Snapper, Greg, Jill, Liz, Chris, Phillip and Brock.  

    Weren't there some recent '75 recaps covering Lorie and Phillip spending time together... so maybe Lorie visited the mansion?

  2. On 11/16/2021 at 2:58 PM, yrfan1983 said:

    Hi, does anyone have May 30, 2013 that they can upload to the Vault?

    I would just love to see these fabulous scenes again ❤️

    "Traci arrived outside Phyllis' penthouse, and she ran into Lauren. Lauren said that she'd been thinking about how she'd bullied Traci in their younger days. Traci called it ancient history, but Lauren pointed out that they'd never cleared it up. Lauren confessed that she'd treated Traci horribly, but she had seen the other side of bullying, and she didn't know if the hurt ever went away. Traci initially said that she had no residual side effects, but then she recalled that she'd recently been at a restaurant, thinking about ordering dessert, and out of nowhere, Lauren's cruel words had flooded into her head.

    Lauren hated the things she'd said, but Traci asserted that she was no longer the insecure girl who'd turned to pills, and she'd moved on. Lauren mused that she'd never forgotten, and Traci agreed, but she was glad the subject of bullying was getting attention. Lauren apologized, but she knew that it couldn't make up for the pain she'd caused. Traci said that they couldn't change the past, but it was never too late to become a better person. The women hugged, and Lauren received a text message from Fen, asking her to meet him at Crimson Lights.

    I just noticed an anonymous angel added 5/30/13! Thanks a million! 

    So this is actually just 1 scene, not multiple scenes. This is a scene that could never be achieved on the Y&R of 2021. It's just beautifully written and acted. Nothing earth-shaking - just a tender moment between two people with a lot of history. I could feel the real-life affection that TEB and BM have for each other.

  3. Hi, does anyone have May 30, 2013 that they can upload to the Vault?

    I would just love to see these fabulous scenes again ❤️

    "Traci arrived outside Phyllis' penthouse, and she ran into Lauren. Lauren said that she'd been thinking about how she'd bullied Traci in their younger days. Traci called it ancient history, but Lauren pointed out that they'd never cleared it up. Lauren confessed that she'd treated Traci horribly, but she had seen the other side of bullying, and she didn't know if the hurt ever went away. Traci initially said that she had no residual side effects, but then she recalled that she'd recently been at a restaurant, thinking about ordering dessert, and out of nowhere, Lauren's cruel words had flooded into her head.

    Lauren hated the things she'd said, but Traci asserted that she was no longer the insecure girl who'd turned to pills, and she'd moved on. Lauren mused that she'd never forgotten, and Traci agreed, but she was glad the subject of bullying was getting attention. Lauren apologized, but she knew that it couldn't make up for the pain she'd caused. Traci said that they couldn't change the past, but it was never too late to become a better person. The women hugged, and Lauren received a text message from Fen, asking her to meet him at Crimson Lights.

  4. I was thinking about “head writer eras”, and then thinking about 1982-1989, and how I don’t really see that time period associated with a certain head writer. 

    That’s kinda crazy, because that’s the era when Days exploded in popularity and was instrumental in creating the “supercouple” trend.  Bo and Hope, Shane and Kim, Roman/John and Marlena, Steve and Kayla, Jennifer and Jack at the tail end… the show was on fire! The writing, production values, and star charisma were all on point.

    But we don’t seem to look at this time in any way similar to a “JER era”. I referenced the head writer list from Jason47’s site and I think I see why. It was a rotating series of head writers and mostly CO-head writers.

    Margaret DePriest & Sheri Anderson.......4/19/82-9/21/84............
    Margaret DePriest, Sheri Anderson & Thom Racina..9/24/84-10/25/84.........
    Sheri Anderson & Thom Racina...............10/26/84-11/30/84........ 
    Sheri Anderson, Thom Racina & Leah Laiman......12/3/84-11/10/86..........
    Thom Racina & Leah Laiman..................11/11/86-11/18/86........ 
    Leah Laiman.........................................11/19/86-3/14/89..........

    Despite the shift in writers, to me – it’s amazing how the show kept a throughline of maintaining the same “feel” during all those years. Thoughts?

  5. 8 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    @yrfan1983 Since you're watching May 1996, have you gotten to Who Shot Victor and the fallout?

    I rewatched some of that storyline recently and there is a Nikki/Christine confrontation at the hospital I had forgotten about. I remember their confrontation at Legal Aid, that scene I haven't found online anywhere.

    I still can't believe Bill Bell alluded to a Victor/Christine pairing in 1996. In the primetime episode it was set up as though something was going to happen between Victor and Christine and if it did, I probably would've lost my dinner 🤣

    I just watched that hospital confrontation! 5/24/96. Nikki says to her "what are YOU doing here?!" and I was totally on Nikki's side😂 Christine feels completely shoehorned into the shooting story. It doesn't really track that she would work for Newman Enterprises, much less appear to Victor as a viable romantic option 🙄

    56 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    As was casting Keith Dennison for Jill. 

    Granville Van Dusen... not the most charismatic actor!  Keith always felt like an afterthought.

  6. 38 minutes ago, will81 said:

    I don't know that he lost interest, but I do think things went off track. Looking back over Brenda Epperson's early run, Bell kept her on the back burner for well over a year before she got any substantial story. I think he was finally getting into a groove with her around 1990 and her stories were great until Blade. Blade was a bad move. I firmly believe Bell was interested in having Tylo on the show but had no idea how to write for him. The character just never worked and pairing him with Ashley only brought her down. Brenda worked it as best as she could, but the whole thing just fell flat to me. The lack of real chemistry and a lousy story just didn't help. Then Brenda left and Bell was left to deal with a miscast Shari. Maybe he did lose interest in her at that point, it really didn't matter much to me, as I never recognised her as Ashley. She might as well have been an Abbott cousin who came to stay. 

    As for Jack, well I agree with the idea that Bell was trying to make Jack into Cliff Warner, with Peter fighting against it (sorry not sure who mentioned this previously) this can't have helped things. Also I have talked about my issues with Jack/Luan, that story fell flat too and Jack felt like a different character. Jack needs trouble in his life and a woman who will bring that or needs to be causing trouble for the woman in his life. He doesn't work as a full on romantic lead without at least some drama, even with Peter in the role. Plus Luan should have been paired with John and Jack and Keemo should have been left to fight over Mari-Jo but I have gone through that many times in this thread. 

    Meanwhile John and Jill spent most of the 94-97 period bickering over their divorce and custody issues which really drained both characters of any life. John being bitter all the time didn't work, and Jill without passion in her life and being grumpy all the time was a real downer. 

    In summary, I think Bell had interest in the Abbotts, but all the moves he made during that time basically drained the life out that family and honestly for the first time I felt like Bell had lost sight of who this family was. All of them felt off in terms of characterisation during this period of time. Maybe Bell was beginning to struggle health wise, I'm sure it didn't help things. 

    Great summary! I'm at May '96 in my chronological viewing and everything you said tracks to what I've seen.

    I will only add that the slow diminishment of the character of Traci Abbott didn't help matters. I see the character in two phases: 80s Traci and 90s Traci. 

    80s Traci was a well-written, well-rounded full character that propelled Beth Maitland to YR's first acting Emmy.

    90s Traci was a one-note drag, singularly obsessed with winning back Brad's love and haranguing her sister Ashley, who she used to be so close to. Starting around Traci and Brad's second marriage, it became such a chore to watch Traci's scenes, which really pained me as a BethM fan.

    Traci IMO was at a real nadir by her '95 return, when she ostensibly comes home to support John's recovery, but proceeds to sniff after Brad and berate Ashley... never mind that Traci has a studly husband Steve waiting at home for her!

    I'm not saying there weren't some great moments, like Traci and Lauren's 94 catfight. But it wasn't until her 2001 return, when Traci took on more of a parental role, that I started to enjoy the character again.

  7. 12 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    I know Bill bell respected Wes Kenney but this article and others at the time seem to credit Kenney with storyline decisions.

    I would imagine Bill might listen to Wes, but surely Kenney couldn't just say 'Kill off Cash' and Bill would acquiesce?

    It would be interesting to know how that relationship worked.

    Seems to me like MTS' real-life pregnancy shifted a lot of things. The writers had to move her away from stripping at the Bayou, and came up with this insta-story of "who's the daddy", and bringing on Kevin, Caroline, Allison and Earl. So then there's much less reason for Cash to be around from a storyline perspective.  Personally, I think they should have stuck with the Katherine-Cash romance, which was trashy and filled with chemistry, instead of pivoting to Katherine-Earl, which was Dead on Arrival.

  8. I'm watching the '96 "Who Shot Victor" story and I recognized the priest at Nikki and Brad's wedding as the same one from Nikki and Kevin's '82 wedding and Nikki and Victor's '84 wedding. The '96 credits listed his name: Reverend Bob Bock.

    I found this bio of the Reverend http://www.fccnh.org/who-we-are/staff/bob-bock/ It says he "served for over twenty-five years as the resident pastor for “Young and Restless,” a role they named after him."

    I wonder if he performed any of the on-screen marriages prior to '82...

    Sadly, he just passed away a few months ago https://www.dsf.edu/single-post/tribute-to-the-late-rev-dr-robert-m-bock

  9. I loved her in HBO's 2005 series "Unscripted" where she played a heightened version of herself. She seems very humble and down-to-earth, which I always love in a person :)

    I just tried to find Unscripted but it's not on HBOMax or any other streaming service I subscribe to. I could barely find anything on YT even. Here's one short scene with Krista that gives a good look into her "character"



  10. 19 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    @FrenchFan Thanks again, and as always, much appreciated.

    The Lance/Lucas/Leslie/Lorie quad is coming up and from what I've read, what a tangled web that was. 

    Leslie was recast in 1977 but what month?

    I’m pretty sure it was January ‘77 when VictoriaM took over…?

  11. 9 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Remember in 2018 there was a flashback to Victor and Nikki's first Christmas together in 1981? In the scene shown Nikki mentions Victor having an unhappy childhood. Was this when it was first revealed that Victor grew up in an orphanage? I can't find any recaps from December 1981 that delve into the details of the Christmas episodes.

    The scene you mention is in the vault under '81 Clips - 12-24 Victor Nikki Christmas

  12. Does everyone on this thread also follow the "YR Old Articles" thread?

    We just discovered that extremely rare '91 eps have been added to the vault... 2/27, 2/28, 3/1 and 5/22. 2/27 and 2/28 feature Sheila right before she does the baby switch! We're extremely excited over on the YR Old Articles thread :)

  13. 1 minute ago, YRfan23 said:

    Did you see the same person uploaded 3 more full 1991?? I think they are in the vault Feb 27 and 28, 1991 and May 22, 1991! 😁

    You beat me to it, I just saw that! The kind vault uploader even edited out commercials! Thank you uploader!

    These are prime eps... goodbye to Cassandra... Lauren's about to give birth and Sheila's making her plan for the switch... woohoo... Christmas came early!

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