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Posts posted by yrfan1983

  1. Making my way through ā€˜96, currently in Julyā€¦ I have an overall question re: Michelle Staffordā€™s first stint as Phyllis.

    Her first few months in ā€˜94 were really noteworthy - revealing out of nowhere that Danny has a wife and baby, and proceeding to run Cricket and Paul down.

    But after thatā€¦ for the entirety of ā€˜95 and ā€˜96ā€¦ what is the story? What does Phyllis do? It seems like she just stands in her apartment, talking to herself and fruitlessly scheming to get Danny back.

    Considering MSā€™ popularity, the story seems surprisingly uneventful (nothing like Sheila switching babies and terrorizing her invalid mother). Am I missing somethingā€¦?

  2. 47 minutes ago, anon4520 said:

    HI friends its been so long and happy new year to you all added a treat to the November 2009 folder enjoy :)Ā 5 new ones

    Happy New Year and thank you so much! There were some pretty decent stories around that time

  3. I love how no one has even mentioned Ingo Rademacher's name. His brief stint was a total debacle.

    50 minutes ago, Aback said:

    He even penned a letter for Lee Bell, a few years ago, to beg for forgiveness and to be brought back on the show.

    Clayton Norcross begged for forgiveness...? Why - what did he need to be forgiven for?

  4. 22 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    What about Charlie, Victors original house Man before Miguel? Did he get an exit or did he just disappear one day and Miguel took his place? For the longest time I thought he was the same guy who ended up drinking the poison Champagne at Victor and Nikkiā€™s wedding because the Asian guy looked like him. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    My impression is that Eve dispatched with Charlie in spring '83, as she took over every aspect of Victor's life and wanted no interference. And then there was a gap of about a year, until after the V&N wedding, that Miguel was introduced as Charlie's replacement.

  5. 11 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    October 1983

    Ā Douglas bets Victor that Victor can not get an ordinary job. Victor takes on the bet, and using the name "Vernon Nelson," gets a job at a diner

    December 1983

    Marian Cooper feels victimized when she learns Vernon is really Victor Newman and refuses to accept his money. She then relents and promises to run the best cafe in town with his financial aid.

    Does anybody remember this story?

    That is the only mention in summaries and it obviously wasn't heavily played. At this time,Nikki was in the midst of the Rick Daros story and Victor was romancing his ex Julia.

    Does anyone know who played Marian? Was Bill toying with making her more long term but lost interest?

    Was she a possible romance or an older more working class character?

    These scenes are in the vault under fall ā€˜83 clips. This ā€œstoryā€ feels very random and just something the writers came up with to kill time for Victor before other plots heated up.

    How could the head of Newman Enterprises have the time to go work at a diner? So silly.

    Marian is definitely not someone Victor has romantic feelings for. Overall it feels like a PSA story about how difficult it can be for people earning minimum wage.

    1 minute ago, Darn said:

    A couple of questions: when did Douglas last appear? Did he get an exit? Also did he have a function on the show being Victor's talk-to? I mean, did he have a job? Was he Victor's, for lack of a better word, manservant?

    When did Lynn last appear on the show? And it looks like in 91 they were hinting at Nina and John becoming a couple, does anyone know if that went anywhere?Ā 

    In looking at old episodes I'm starting to realize how strong and necessary Y&R's secondary/recurring characters were. And honestly looking back the show was just full of heavy hitters, watch any episode from the early 90s and all the characters leading story are incredibly important to the fabric of the show as a whole, I can't say the same for old episodes of other soaps I've watched.

    Douglas last appeared Oct ā€˜95ā€¦ I think 10/16/95. He never had a job. I think he was implied he came from family money. He would talk about his days during ā€œthe warā€ but people doubted he ever saw combatĀ šŸ˜‚

    Lynn disappeared end of ā€˜04/early ā€˜05ā€¦? Laura Bryan Birnā€™s departure seemed to coincide with the departure of her dad, YR staffer Jerry Birn.

    John S courted Nina and maybe kissed her, but she was always hesitant and intimidated by him, and officially dumped him once Ryan caught her eye.

  6. 2 hours ago, j swift said:

    I was watching today's upload ep346, from 1988.Ā  The dialogue is bizarre.Ā  Nobody has a specific voice or vocabulary.Ā  For example, Brooke is lounging at the pool with Ridge apres-nooky, and she tells him that he "made Sir Galahad look like Pee Wee Herman."Ā  I guess that means he was good in bed, but what 20something girl from the valley would use that reference?Ā  Even Rocco sounds like a parody of a teen rather than an actual human.

    What was the airdate? That could have been during the writers strike

  7. 1 hour ago, Darn said:

    I don't know, I've been watching the first few months of Veronica Reed's tenure and John is busy in some weird quasi-triangle with Jill and Leanna. John and Mamie have hardly interacted. But who knows? Bell did plan pretty far ahead.

    Possibly but it was almost a full 5 years from Veronicaā€™s debut to when John first looked at Mamie in a romantic light.

  8. 1 hour ago, Darn said:

    Can anyone tell me why they recast Mamie? It seems like it happened right before Mamie got a family of her own.Ā 

    Great question. I think the soap mags at the time only said that the show is taking the character "in a different direction".

    The last episode for Marguerite Ray (Mamie #1) was the debut episode for Drucilla and Victoria Rowell, and then the show switched to Veronica Redd.

    Who was the better Mamie? All things considered, my vote is for Marguerite Ray. I think she was better as the Abbott housekeeper and surrogate mother to Jack, Ashley and Traci.Ā  Veronica Redd's Mamie never was quite a fit for me, in that regard. But on the flip side, I think Veronica was better at portraying Mamie as a strict demanding mother-figure to Dru.


  9. 37 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Although we never know the real reason actors are dropped. Maybe Bond had trouble with the pace of daytime or took John Conboy's parking spot?

    Bond Gideon's husband is a member of the Facebook YR Classic page. IIRC he posted that Bond's talent agent asked the show for too much money, and the show countered by replacing her with Deborah Adair.

  10. 38 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    What did people think of the original Jack/Jill/John triangle of 1980-81? I wish it was available to see. Was it even brought up again in 1982 when John and Jill got back together?


    4/19/82 is in the vault. Thereā€™s a flashback to the spring ā€™81 hook-up of Jack and Jill, so you can get a little glimpse. I think that flashback has a newly-created insert of Jerry Douglasā€™ John discovering Jack and Jill hooking up. Where in the original scene, I assume it was Brett Halseyā€™s John discovering them, and thatā€™s when Brett H was let go.

    When John returned to town, Jill definitely had some atoning to do for sleeping with Jack, as she reconnected with John.

  11. 1 hour ago, sheilaforever said:

    I don't think B&B viewers were given a proper introduction to Sheila's story on Y&R.Ā 

    I agree there could have been more flashbacks upon Sheila's BnB debut. Also, the scenes that aired on YR, I think on 5/20/92, of Sheila at the diner recovering after escaping the farmhouse fire - perhaps these scenes should have just aired on BnB instead, to show the viewers more where Sheila was coming from.

    Besides that, though, I think the show did an incredible job of incorporating Sheila in the Forrester world.

    I do think CBS aired promos during both YR and BB to add more color... there's a summer '92 BnB Promo where Sheila is "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle", obsessed with Eric Jr.

  12. September and fall of '86 was a major "Sophie's Choice" for 14-year-old me, who had no VCR...

    The previous tv season - I had no issues watching Colbys Season 1, Thursdays at 9, and then Knots Landing Season 8, right after that at 10.

    But then the scheduling idiots at CBS moved KL Season 9 to Thursdays at 9, in direct competition with Colbys season 2!Ā šŸ˜«

    I had to prioritize my beloved KL, and I would literally just change the channel during commercials to catch brief glimpses of the ColbysĀ šŸ¤£

    IIRC KL's ratings took a big hit, and the show was moved back to 10. But by then Colbys was nearing cancellation...

  13. I 100% agree that making Jill the daughter of Katherine was an awful idea.

    But - is there anyone besides me who enjoyed the story itself?Ā šŸ¤£

    I thought it had lots of great beats:

    - The return of the Fosters, especially beloved Liz

    - The incredible character of Charlotte, alcoholic fake Jill birth-mother, played indelibly by Elizabeth Harrower soon before her passing. Every line she spoke was just gold.

    - Katherineā€™s stroke, which led to some great tense scenes as she knew Billy and Mac were cousins but couldnā€™t communicate it

    - On that note, finally an interesting story for the beige and boring Billy and Mac recasts. I was just starting to warm up to them, when in the course of a week in June ā€˜03, they went from getting married, to breaking up and leaving town separately.

    All that said, Iā€™m quite happy the Jill/Katherine blood-relation was later retconned. I canā€™t keep track - is Jill still considered a Fenmore or was that also (hopefully) retconned?

  14. 2 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Iā€™ve chosen my top 2 years by decade. Granted most the 70s is mostly by the few episodes that surfaced or from summaries Iā€™ve read for those years (same with some of the 80s)

    70s: 1975, 1979

    80s: 1984, 1989

    90s: 1991, 1993Ā 

    00s: 2001, 2003

    i canā€™t and wonā€™t name any of the 2010s because most of those years were awful! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ even if I found some enjoyable things from those years tbh.Ā 

    I agree with the majority of your picks, but Iā€™m curious - why 2003?

  15. Ā 

    Iā€™m up to 1381 ā€“ the therapy sessions with Sheila and Jay Garvin are just exquisite. She only gives him half of the Lauren Fenmore story and then is so desperate that she takes his flawed advice.

    Itā€™s funny how a huge summer ā€™92 plot point was Sheila plotting to take over from Judy as lā€™il Ericā€™s nanny, but once Brooke and lā€™il Eric get off the plane from Paris, thereā€™s no mention of daycare for the baby.

    Peter Brown is still in the contract credits but hasnā€™t made one appearance in at least a couple monthsā€¦ he must have been a FOBB (friend of Bill Bell :)Ā 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Broderick said:


    Ā Ā 

    Peggy's weirdest storyline during that period (unless you count her engagement to Steve Williams, while proving to herself that she was more sexually compatible with Jack Abbott, lol) was probably the Slum Lord Storyline that lasted about two episodes and then fizzled out completely.Ā  Seems like Greg Foster was representing a client (Mr. Dixon?) who owned some low-income housing and wanted Greg to set-up a dummy corporation to disguise the ownership.Ā  Greg seemed to think this transaction would make him wealthy.Ā  Go figure.Ā  Stuart Brooks asked Peggy to investigate the "animals" in the community who were providing sub-standard housing to low-income people.Ā  This seemed to be setting up an adversarial relationship between Greg and Peggy, and then it just ended completely with no resolution or follow-up at all.Ā  Peggy just kinda vanished into thin air with no explanation after a few scenes about the substandard housing.Ā 

    And in hindsight, we were probably LUCKY, because Bell revisited this issue again in 1993 with Cricket Blair and the Rainbow Gardens apartment complex, and it was dull as hell that time too.

    The 1980-early 1982 time frame was definitely Y&R's strangest.Ā  I believe those of us who continued watching daily during this period were mostly doing so out of loyalty.Ā  Ā 

    Love all these details! Do you recall if Greg was played by Wings H or had Howard M taken over by this point?

  17. ^ Not "calm" exactly... YR dropped from the top of the ratings in '80 to the middle of the pack, and didn't climb back up til '83, so I'm sure the CBS execs weren't thrilled.

    One other issue post-1 hour transition was John McCook... IIRC he left in Feb '80, but called it a hiatus and left Bill Bell hanging as to whether he would return. He wound up only coming back for a ep or two in May '80 and that was it.Ā  That's why BB had to pivot to find Lorie a new love interest, and brought on Nick Benedict, but that didn't wind up clicking either.

  18. The writers did such a masterful job, incorporating Sheila into the Forrester world...

    1356 - first mention of Lauren Fenmore. Ridge fills Eric in on how Lauren's baby died and how it was later found out that the babies were switched. (conveniently, Ridge couldn't recall the details of who was the perpetrator :)

    Eric says, "what kind of person could switch a baby??" The camera then pans to Sheila, who is at the hospital "taking good care" of BrookeĀ šŸ˜ˆ

    < chef's kiss > perfection!

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