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Posts posted by GMac

  1. 1 hour ago, Fevuh said:

    I just can't believe how low people will go.  The Republicans' entire argument is that "well, he wasn't successful so he didn't do anything wrong."  


    Let me clue you in - when Constitutional law people say - the framers said this would happen.  That other governments would jump at the chance to mess with our free elections - it's been said.  And that's what he did.  He went and SOUGHT it out.  But their argument is - well, he wasn't successful, so there's nothing wrong here!


    Well let me tell ya something sweeties - is there not such a thing as Attempted Murder?  They weren't successful, but they TRIED it.  He MADE the ask.  Aside from everything else shady that family is doing.  Nixon TRIED to cover up - he wasn't successful - but he was impeached because it was the INTENT and in this case it's the ASK.  He DID it.  Doesn't matter whether he was successful at getting what he wanted.  He's a damned crook and it's treason.  


    Meanwhile, for him and a bunch of old white male Republicans to just yell and yell and yell with their white privilege makes me sick - you spent years grilling Hillary over an EMAIL SERVER.  And you DARE to call THIS a witch hunt?  And he's turned over probably 1/8 of what she had to.  He just keeps getting away with it, and that's why he has the attitude he does - he's above the law.  The Repubs wanted Clinton impeached because he got his wang serviced.  But going to a foreign government to influence our elections is a great idea.  They're sick.  

    He is disgusting.  And I say all the time - whatever that personality is - it's OJ Simpson too.  They cannot stay out of the news - they're obsessed with being in the news or getting up in it.  And if nothing is there, they'll create it.  George Zimmerman is the stuff that you can't scrape off or hose out of the bottom of your trashcan - it just sticks around and cannot be cleaned nor fixed.  


    I'm a lurker these days but I absolutely HAD to respond to this...




  2. On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 1:40 PM, marceline said:


    Sorry. I don't mean to be a downer. I'm just not feeling very good about what I'm seeing play out on the left right now. I feel like no lessons have been learned. Epstein gets arrested so Trump tweets about "the squad." Suddenly the conversation pivots. We get a bipartisan report saying Russia is attacking us so he tweets about Cummings and conversation gets hijacked again. He uses this to pull attention away from subjects that are less favorable to him and that non-MAGA voters would have real issues with. I see a left that still doesn't realize how its own self-righteousness is being weaponized and it scares me. Throw in a facile arrogant press that feels like its job is to offer color commentary instead of facts and I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed that Trump dies right before the election.



  3. IDK but it's feeling more and more hopeless as the days go by.  


    After Trump's "performance" and the G20, responsible media outlets across the country should be sounding the alarm bells for the way he cozied up to dictators, not accolades for walking his fat ass 10 steps into NK.  His press conference was a train wreck.  His private talk with Putin was barely covered.  Ditto with China.  

    Why TF is no one questioning what happened in those talks?  Why isn't the media relentless in pursuing official transcripts of these discussions?  Where is the outrage that the President of the United States spent more time with DICTATORS than our supposed allies?!?!?  


    It's sickening.  It's [!@#$%^&*] like this and the lack of true, real journalism that's going to give this disgusting excuse for a human being another go-round in the oval office.  The Democrats have fielded a brilliant field of candidates, most of which would make an excellent chief executive.  It's sad that they are fighting a losing battle.  



  4. 18 hours ago, ajsp35801 said:



    Hey friend. I miss you!!! 🧡


    The show feels the exact same way about Chelsea that you do.   They don't care about the character.   The show cares about Adams success and Chelsea is an appendage of his that could possibly give the new actor a better chance at being accepted by the audience. They'd have never brought her back on her own. 


    ❤️ Hey buddy!  I miss you too!  


    Good point about Chelsea - I never looked at it that way but you're absolutely right.  Hopefully she won't be around for long.  But then again, I'm not watching so... 



    I caught a few scenes with Ana and Fen the other day.  They looked interesting but I understand from reading the day to day forum that he's gone?  



    17 hours ago, slick jones said:





    I miss you too buddy!!  😍


  5. 4 hours ago, ajsp35801 said:


    I read that he sees her before he kisses Elena. As in he thinks he's kissing Hilary. 


    All the good will I had for the show over last week is gone. it was reported that MCE was not coming back because she wanted more money than the show was willing to pay. Yet, somehow they found the money.  But the best they can do for MiM is a cameo. CBS and Sony have real sickness. 


    Seethe.  😡

    You know I haven't watched since we said goodbye to Hilary.  She was a transformative character and actress.  When I read that Devon sees her in his dream, I was thinking of watching just for that but now...


    Chelsea never was, and will never be, the kind of character Hilary was.  She is as useless now as she was when they introduced her.  Sorry not sorry.


  6. 16 hours ago, marceline said:


    I'm with you. It's not just depressing it's EXHAUSTING. I'm so tired of government by tweet and I don't care if that tweet comes from Trump or AOC. I'm tired of stunt queens and nihilists. I'm tired of the bigotry, including the bigotry I'm seeing from my own side. (Screaming "no more white men" only drives away potential allies.) At the same time, seeing the constant failures of the media to adjust to this new reality - as evidenced by the reaction to the Barr memo - leaves me despairing.



  7. Honestly, I was fixin to come in here and vent (it's been awhile since I've posted anywhere on this site).  But...


    I'm feeling pretty defeated these days, politically.  I suppose I've never really gotten over the fact that somehow people elected that thing into the white house.  And after everything he's done over the last 2 years, he still has over 40% of people supporting him!  What in the fresh fvck is that?!?!?


    Don't get me wrong.  I'll be dragging my liberal ass to the polls in 2020 but I've run out of energy for debating what shouldn't be debated in the first place.


  8. 8 hours ago, j swift said:

    @GMac I was intrigued by your comment on Marj's Alexandra in the real life thread. 


    It lead me to wondering if Marj would have made a better Trish Lewis?  Trish could have served Alex's role as an antagonist for Mindy.  They got along before but something could have easily been written to make them in opposition.  Trish had built in conflict with Alan, so those Alex stories could have been attributed to Trish.  Trish could have had long lost kids or long lost husbands.  Also, Andy Norris is a much better ex-husband character than Count Luba-whatever (Nick's father).  I felt that character was really underdeveloped given her interesting backstory and Marj could have played her well without the comparison to Beverly.


    Speaking of "could of, would of, should of"  I just read that Jennifer Richards gave birth to a kid with the evil Mark Evans before she left Springfield.  In fact, she gave birth, gave the kid to Amanda, left town, then returned and took back Matthew to raise.  


    (1) What happened IRL that caused Jennifer to leave and then come back to Springfield?

    (2) Wouldn't Matthew Richards have been a great SORAS to come back and take revenge on Alan?


    8 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I think Rebecca Hollen would have been the best choice to bring back as Trish, if she was willing. 


    I wonder sometimes who Marj would have been best served playing. I think she could have been a new Spaulding relation, or a long-lost mistress of Henry's. 


    @j swift I tend to agree that Hollen would have been the best choice to play Trish.  The story you mentioned for the character sound interesting and while she was never written as antagonist, I could see the conflict with Mindy and Alan that you mentioned.


    I'm not anti-Marj, she just wasn't right for the role of Baroness Alexandra von Halkein.  She just didn't have the nuance to play the character's grey areas whereas Beverlee excelled (but TBH, what actress could have taken over that role?  I seriously doubt anyone).  I LOVE @Khan's idea to tie her into the Lewises, I can picture Marj now playing a somewhat trashy Tulsa aunt now.


    I must not have been watching around the time of the stories you mentioned with Jennifer Richards; I don't recall any of that or maybe I'm just getting old lol


  9. 3 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    I have to say one more thing about healthcare. The idiots who defend the status quo and I am talking pre ACA, forget one big thing. Healthcare costs were going up astronomically. And do people think those who don't have healthcare don't goto a doctor when they get sick. They goto the emergency room, are not able to pay, so who do these folks think pay for this. Those of us who pay for insurance do when they raise our premiums to cover this. 


    My 23 year old nephew at the time had an serious accident on an ATV. He broke his jaw, had to have several surgeries, and his teeth rebuilt. This was when we had the ACA but he decided to pay the IRS penalty because he didn't want to pay 80/month for a plan he qualified for. A plan that would ultimately have covered the majority of this costs.  So what happened? He racked up over 100k in medical expenses and did what? Filed bankruptcy. Who paid for that? Those of us who actually pay our premiums do. And fortunately he now realizes what a dumbass he was and how irresponsible he was and has a good healthcare plan with his employer, which by the way unlike years back where employer provided healthcare was a given, has to pay for.




    Makes complete sense and you're absolutely right.  There's no argument to be made otherwise, hence the radio silence from the opposing viewpoint.  :-)


  10. 7 hours ago, juppiter said:


    Well, indeed, who? Dems are co-signing his bill so obviously they do care.


    Millions of people voted for him in the primary, but they are invalid, according to you, because he is not really a Dem. 


    Of course we already ration care. We consider people who are working more deserving of care. Bernie’s plan, which Dems have signed onto, keeps our current system and says the government will pay for it and there is no answer for how.


    6 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Of course there is an answer for how to pay for it. Taxing capital gains at a higher rate seems like the most obvious.  How about raising taxes on the wealthy instead of lowering them?  If you're all for people who work, you certainly can't object to that. Why should Warren Buffet pay a smaller percentage of his income than the McDonald's worker that serves up his morning breakfast?


    How about a penny tax on every stock transaction.  We have high frequency trading that allows the wealthy to cash in on the market in ways the average person can't, seems wise to tax that.  We have record amounts of income inequality and it's only going to get worse as long as we tax wealth at such low rates.  You may want to pay a higher percentage in taxes than people on their way to having a trillion dollars in wealth, but I do not.


    Also, I didn't say Bernie's voters are invalid.   Bernie lost the primary. He doesn't lead the party.  We'll see what the candidate in 2020 comes up with. That said,  I'd certainly take Bernie's plan over letting poor people be excluded from healthcare again.  The ER is a very expensive and dangerous way to get primary care.




    The right loves to come back to the Bernie martyrdom well, don't they?   :rolleyes:


    Why is there always push-back from the republicans on "how to pay for something" when it's on the subject of healthcare, education, unemployment benefits, social security (you know, the programs that benefit everyone and not just the rich), but nary a peep about how to pay for the huge tax break they just gave the wealthy or the border wall???  @juppiter


    So the "how to pay for it" argument is hogwash.  


  11. 7 hours ago, Vee said:

    Curse your mutual and utterly predictable betrayal!






    What a delicious irony sandwich for trump.  He threatened fabricated recordings to both Comey and a newspaper and now we have REAL recordings ready to kick him in the nuts.  I love it.



  12. 6 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I think they knew it would happen, but didn't care because it benefited themselves and the people they care about.  There was never really any doubt. As soon as it was passed Ryan and Sasse started in on how "entitlements" would have to be cut because of the deficit.  :rolleyes: It's really breath taking how much nerve they have, but why not? So far they are getting away with it.


    Hopefully not for very long.  


    In my little rural part of NE Florida, we've started seeing some good ol boys adding to their MAGA bumper stickers with the Russian flag.  :blink:   They are completely and hopelessly brainwashed.  I'm afraid to know how far Trump would have to go to lose their support, and I'm not sure I want to find that out.  



  13. 7 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    What on earth do you think Medicare covers? The reason Medicare exists was due to higher insurance costs for seniors making it unaffordable. The answer is take health insurance out of the hands of the private insurance industry as we have done with Medicare. Like every other country on earth has done including places like China and Russia. And no Canada, the UK, France, Denmark, Germany do not have crap healthcare or doctors who are gvmt employees.


    Frankly you folks are so limited in how you see things, you don't even realize how employers use private health insurance to keep you locked into working for them giving you less freedom to decide who you want to work for.  If we had a National Healthcare Program like Richard Nixon actually proposed when he was president, it would work similarly to Medicare and guess what. Employers could get out of the business of providing healthcare for their employees, giving them more latitude to compete with companies globally who do not have to worry about it or the costs associated with it. Most importantly it would give citizens healthcare so you could work for whoever you want to without worrying about whether your healthcare plan would provide the type of coverage you need and want.


    And no Medicare is not going broke. We actually have a separate TAX CALLED PAYROLL TAX that was implemented to cover social security, medicare, and Medicaid., before you start telling me we cannot afford it and blah blah about more taxes. Maybe ask your senators and congress people why they keep lying to Americans about how these programs are going broke when they have a huge surplus.  You know who's going broke? The gvmt where our federal INCOME TAX NOT PAYROLL TAX pay for things like defense spending and congressional healthcare and salaries. So if you want to save tax dollars start there with the secret sexual harassment settlement fund for congress, the lifetime healthcare they get for themselves and their families, and their salaries for doing nothing. Then start going after our bloated 1 trillion dollar military budget and private prison program where the costs we spend today are inflated by 500% over what we paid when we didn't pay private defense contractors and private prisons for gvmt responsibilities. That's how GREAT privatization is. Take a look and see how much we are paying to jail each toddler we put in an internment camp and how much money the prison industry is making off this then come back and cry about social security and medicare taxation.




  14. 12 hours ago, Vee said:

    This didn't go the way the House GOP hoped:




    He was impressive and came across like the educated, factual one in that chamber.  I saw some clips on a few news feeds I follow, and I was literally cheering him on.  


  15. 5 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Un.fuckin.believable!  Just when you think it can't get any worse, somehow it does.


    Clean water, asbestos, human rights...eh, who needs that [!@#$%^&*]...

  16. 33 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    From everything I've seen today, this "agreement" the two signed is a non-specific, broad bullet-point style one page memo (for lack of a better word).  The media, specifically CBS This Morning, are gushing.  


    Don't get me wrong, if this does indeed lead to long-lasting peace in Korea, that's a win for everyone.  But something still strikes me that this was all just too easy.  There are manipulations behind the scenes that haven't been revealed yet but I'm sure Putin has a hand in this.


    In the course of 2 days, trump has aligned himself with a communist and disavowed our allies.  The MSM are ignoring it.


  17. 18 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    I hate the way he calls the Canadian Prime Minister "Justin".  I know it's a small thing, but it's clearly meant to diminish.  The trade situation is completely off the rails and we all have damn good reason to be terrified about these talks with North Korea. Who among us thinks Trump has enough knowledge to conduct negotiations with NK? 


    It's all too convenient for me.  Trump has fallen ass-backwards into this "summit" with NK, as Kim Jong Un has made all the overtures that actually mean anything.


    I still believe that Putin has something to do with this and has arranged the "summit" purely to boost Trump's image and status as president.  Trump knows this and knows the outcome has been set, hence he's "winging it".  


    The fact that more Republicans aren't calling him out for the disgusting way he's treating our allies is maddening.  He's coddling Russia and blowing off the G7 to kiss communist ass.  I mean, what in the fresh fvck is going on.  Where is the outrage?  


    The right had a hissy fit when Clinton normalized relations with Vietnam and Obama went to Cuba!  But they're OK with Trump's behavior now?!?!

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