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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. I just wanted to let you all know that I was on Soaps in Depth webpage, doing my daily vote of Luke and Tracy as best actors and couple, when I noticed that the instant poll to the left of my page was about "our" couple. It went something like this:

    Should Luke settle down with Tracy and forget Laura?

    *no! Laura is the love of his life!

    *you betcha! get over it already, Luke!

    So as of today the later answer is ahead, :D so I am posting the link to the webpage. Its not a direct link, but the question will eventually come up as you click to each page. (does that makes sense??) trust me you will evenually come upon it!


  2. Since when did dental visits become 5 hour extravaganzas? It shouldn't be too difficult to not chew on one side of the mouth for the next 2 and half months, should it? Can't get the cap for the tooth yet, and will have to wait 'til after Mexico.

    Oh Ms.Q, I can definitely sympathize with you plight. I went to the dentist last year to get my annual teeth cleaning and I sat in the chair for an hour and a half, they forgot all about me and when the dentist finally came in to see me he asked if I could reschedule for another day. I was livid!!! But I did manage to nap while waiting in the chair for all that time. :) Its funny now, but at the time, not so much.

    BTW I loved your new vid! :D :D :D I seriously need to get my act together and work on mine!

    About Scott leaving, I think its really sad. :( I have to agree with Scott, Dillion has been an idiot lately and it seems like they might either be writing him out or recasting. I don't think there is going to be another Quartermaine death any time soon. *fingers crossed*

  3. Hooked, sorry I missed you in the breakroom this afternoon. :( I agree with you that today's talk needs to have some follow up, that can't be the end of their conversation. She/they have to be on later this week!!!!

    Ms.Q, I loved your new vid and thanks for posting the You Tube clip of Tracy coming to The City. :D

    Lady Ashton, I am downloading your clip now and I can't wait to watch! Thanks for posting it!

    OK, as usual here are today's, clips there is a small bit of Jax and Carly in the beginning, but I wanted that so clip, so your stuck with it unless you edit it out yourself. :) :) :)


    Credit goes to Shazzer and edited by me!

    BTW did any body else notice that when Tracy was talking to Luke and how he would destroy "the family" she didn't say Your Family? I wish she said 'our family' but at lease it wasn't Your Family, thats something.

  4. So, I think I'm a bit confused. ;) I have been to the message boards and I read what went on today with Luke/Tracy/Alan, but can anybody tell me, if its suppose to be the same day why in yesterdays scene, were Luke and Tracy leaving the hospital arm in arm (and happy, I might add) and the next scene she is drinking at the Metro Court bar all upset. I don't get it! ;)

    Ms.Q, I went to SOC and replied to Orlando, but I guess there is no talking to that person. I also loved you Mother's Day vid!!!

  5. As per usual, here are today's clips:


    Credit goes to Shazzer, edited by me!

    As for her wardrobe, I do believe she wore that shirt last summer when Maxie tried to get money out of the Q's during the whole defective condom storyline. It was the day where she was literally window dressing, she didn't say a word, she just stood there with her arms folded accross her chest. I also think she was wearing that shirt back on 6/25/05 when she and Coleman were "together" and Tracy was trying to make Luke jealous. Anyone remember the Dani California video? :) Ok, I think that is all I can think of! As for the skirt, who knows! :D

  6. Thanks so much Ms.Q for posting the recaps of Luke and Tracy. Its going to be ok, calm down and think happy thoughts.......yes they had a scene or two cut but they were on, yes its only Monday and there is a chance that today is the only day they/she will be on but its a good way to start off the week. Just think they are NOT fighting and are sorta working together against Scott. While you are right, this has to be the worst sweeps ever, it could be worse......they could not be on at all!!!

    I know I am behind I need to catch up to what I missed over this past weekend, I will post later to comment on MinervaFan's fic and anything else.

  7. hooked, your story is perfect! Just perfect! I'm so jealous at your ability to write narrative. I love that part that starts with him sitting her down on the couch and taking both her hands in his. Have I said how perfect this was? You and Lainey have great ideas.

    I have to agree with Ms.Q, on this one hooked. You did a really great job! :)Lainey you too!

    ETA: Page 332!

  8. I cannot believe that Tracy, Alan, and Luke were on today!! I'm so happy, but I'm mad because I really thought they were not going to be on at all this week, so I didn't bother to tape todays show. :( I'm gonna have to wait until Geena or whoever posts todays show on Hella Good.

    Lady Ashton, I loved your new chapter of TrAsh story!!!

    MinervaFan, I also loved your new Tracy ficlet!

    Oh and of course Ms.Q, I loved your new vid. I think you should post it at You Tube who cares if you "stole" it from your sister. :)

  9. I need to make this as short as possible.....MinervaFan if I were you I wouldn't get to happy about the Law & Order episode. Jane is literally in it for two minutes. The other episode she is in called Ego she has a much bigger part. I have the clip of Castoff and I think the whole episode of Ego on tape, I own a VCR-DVR combo which is suoopse to transfer your VHS tapes to DVD but I have yet to use that part of the machine. If you want I can make a copy for you when I get the chance, let me know if you want it!

    OK after being gone from work for the past three days I have 96 new messages in my inbox and I really need to get back to work!! :) The good news is that while I was gone my boss realized how much I did and was sinking while I was gone and actually got a compliment on how much she appreciates me! yay me!

  10. Ms.Q, thanks for posting today's show. I was just getting ready to post them, when you beat me to it. :) Did I mention I loved your new vid? The simplicity of the clips and the song itself were great! I hereby dub thee the video queen, I bow to your greatness. You make me want to make more vids, and I swear (right hand in air) as soon as my family leaves town I will complete the vid I have been working of for the past three month, and get my a$$ in gear to make more.

    Brownstonegirl, welcome back from Ireland! That has to be the one place I would love to visit someday.

    knh, I do believe congrats are in order, and trust me cheating is ok but once the weight starts to come off, and you can see the results, cheating becomes less and less of a temptation. :)

    Well I'm off to bed, I have been at Disneyland all day, from open to close and I am tired. Later!

  11. I feel like I haven't been here in ages. :( It's been hard playing tour guide with my grandparents in town. I swear I have put more miles on my car than I have in the past three months! According to my grandparents I'm an excellent tour guide so if any of you guys are planning a trip to SoCal, let me know! haha!!

    I have a TON of catching up to do. mmmmmm Where to start.....

    MinervaFan, I loved both of your ficlets!!! Love Love Loved them!!! :)

    Ms.Q, I really really liked what you did with the Cold Hearted Snake vid, it really came out great! :D Oh and I love your new avaitar!!!!

    Hooked, glad to have you back, and I hope everything goes alright with your toe! :o

    LadyAshton, I'm lovin' you story! Can't wait for more!

    I don't know who else I left out but waves to everyone. I will be on vacation (from work) for the next few days but I will try my best to sneek a peek at the thread and hopefully post tomorrow's Tracy clips. **fingers crossed**

  12. I took a very, long nap this afternoon. Was just supposed to be for a half hour, but it ended up being almost 3 hours. Oy. Naturally, the first thing I do when I get up is check this site, and this is what I see from ILoveTracyQ's post: Ya know, I'm glad we got our MC scenes, although I have no doubt there were things cut. And for a moment, I thought I was dreaming. :lol:

    Oh Ms.Q, I did exactly the same thing you did when I saw the top of this page. I played hookey from work today to take my grandparents to the beach, and never went online the whole day. I didn't even bother to tape todays show because I was sure they were not going to be on this week. When I saw that the Metro Court scenes had aired I almost dropped my computer, but anyhoo......here is todays scenes all 2.58 minutes:


    Credit goes to Lori at Hella Good

    BTW: Ms.Q and MinervaFan I LOVED both of your vids!!! :D:D:D

  13. I think I love this person. From their mouth to God's ears.

    Oh Deb, I was just going to post about Marty over at SoapZone. You are right.....please let those words that came from his mouth go to God's or tptb's ears. :)

    Pinkpopsicle, I posted that I loved both of your fics at J-E.com but I thought I would do it here too. :D :D :D

    According to SZ she was on for the first two segments and then the final segment. I think they were short scenes too. :(

  14. I finally got a chance to see yesterdays show this morning after downloading it from Hella Good. All I have to say is Thank God for the internet!!! When I got home last night I expected that General Hosiptal would be pre-empted for the first 10 min or so and since I had already seen the "missing" Tracy segment I thought I was in the clear. That is, until I realized that the beginning of the fourth segment the news broke and stayed on the air until the previews came on so I missed the rest of the show ;) I couldn't believe it!!! But have no fear, here is yesterdays show in it entirety:


    Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good

    After finally getting a chance to watch I have to say that while it was short I loved the conversation between Alan and Tracy, when he said that she had been waiting for Luke her entire life I thought awwwwww He is being more understanding of her in death that he probably ever was to her in life, at least when it came to her love life.

    MinervFan, I LOVED your fic.

  15. Our first part of GH was pre-empted today so I am taping soapnet. But seems like I only missed one tracy scene. So, at least she admitted she knew about nic being the guardian instead of lying about it or pretending she didn't...she is making some progress.

    Hooked, here is the only Tracy segment you missed. (i'm guessing) I totally stole it from some chick over at SoapZone who posted it. I edited it at work and I am so going to get fired but I wanted to see too :) so enjoy:


  16. So I rushed home to watch today's Lacy scenes, I turned on the VCR, pressed play and come to find out the first 10 minutes were pre-empted because of the Virginia Tech shoot out. I went to Hella Good to download todays show, and it seemed to be pre-empted for Geena also. So, finally I went to GHVT and they had ALL of today's show. YAY :D :D :D

    For all of those people who missed today or part of today's show, enjoy:


    The credit goes to Shazzer for the first few minutes and then to Geena from Hella Good. I tried my best to fix the volume hopefully it comes out alright.

    WELCOME brownstonegirl we LOVE newcomers. :)

  17. Won't spoil a thing, except that I was satisfied, and you all know how much it takes to satisfy me. Now, that doesn't mean I can't find things to complain about because believe me, I can. :P However, I don't do this often, but kudos to whoever wrote today.

    WHAT!!!!! I need details!!!!! I can't wait three and a half more hours!!!!!

  18. HAPPY hanky panky MONDAY EVERYBODY!!!

    It is today, right??

    I know I wasn't here over the weekend, and for that I am sorry. :( I will say this........I am sooooo loving all these LuNacy spoilers! I love both the good and the bad, because at least it means that they will be on. :)

    Ms.Q I love your new avaitar and bannar!

    WELCOME! totem~cat :D

    Sorry to make this so short, but I gotta get to work!
  19. yeah Deb, I remember last month when Tracy was on eight days in a row. I miss them because while they were short, it was at least fun finding out she was on. It gave me something to look forward to when I got home.

    As I read those spoilers for next week, I have a feeling that they are all going to happen by wednesday.







    Becuase the day to day breakdown, according to SZ, says that Tracy makes a deal with Scotty on Wed.

  20. Hey hooked, I just wanted to let you know that I did not forget about The City clips. I was only able to find two :(


    the date is 2-3-97


    the date is 2-5-97

    I want to forewarn you that they are kinda big and might take a long while to download. Also you should know that they are in Real Player format, I did these at work and my work computer does not have Real Player so if they do not work, let me know and I will do them again.

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