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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Here are a few of the songs that could also work....

    "When Your Mad" by Ne-Yo

    "Must Have Done Something Right" by Reliant K

    "The Best Thing" by Reliant K

    "Don't Matter" by Akon

    "Criminal" by Jeff Austin Black

    "The Story" by Brandi Carlyle (sp?)

    "Breathe Me" by Sia

    "City of Blinding Lights" by U2

    "Original of the Species" by U2

    If you feel like doing an angsty vid try:

    "Stupid" by Sarah McLachlan

    I have all of these songs downloaded, so if you want them, just let me know!

  2. TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hooked, I have couple questions for you with regards to NightShift, they may seem like stupid questions, but........how is Jason out of prison? I will admit that I have not been watching GH since Tracy has not been on, but I thought Carly was still trying to get him trasnferred back to Port Charles? I know that Guza said that NightShift is going to be "separate" from GH but come on, is a little continuity too much to ask?? ;)

    Tracyluv, loved the new banner! :)

    MinervaFan, I will try my best to work on a Tracy vid to add to the "Long Hot Summer Smutathon" I might even have a song or two that might work!

    Remos, I love the song "bitch" I even thought of using it on more than one occasion but its a very complicated song, so I decided to go with Dizzy instead, and that only took me months to complete. hehe

    To everybody who has been playing the Character Game I have to say WooHoo, she is now in the lead....here are the scores so far this morning:

    Lucky 95

    Sam 97

    Tracy 108

    Also, incase anybody is interested, there is a new game called The GH couples game, its just like the character game and the same rules apply. We need to support LuNacy!!!

    Hope everybody has a great weekend!!!

  3. Hey all, sorry I haven't been around much but I have been house sitting and have not had time to post the daily clips. Thanks hooked for posting them for me! :)

    I just watched yesterdays clips and I thought Jane totally rocked the house! I loved that the reason she wanted Dillon to stay was because she was afraid he was never to come back, not because she didn't want him to follow his dream. I also loved the non-goodbye, very Tracy Quartermaine....."I'm still your mom, (notice she didn't say mother but mom) and I won't say goodbye, now go" awww I think if the writers were smart they would keep the door open for Scott so he can come back and make appearances kinda like the way AMC does for Eden Riegel, that girl is always coming and going.

    Lainey, I read your story and of course loved it. :D

    Deb, I just watched your vid and thought it was great. :)

    **welcome Remos**

  4. Anybody got any comments on today's episode? Soapzone is down, so I can't access the Live Post.

    Deb, go to Hella Good, they have their recaps up!!!

    Hooked, I know what you mean about the Ned spoilers I don't know how she will trun to him when he is going to be in LA composing music for that movie. ;)

    Also, I gather lots of the spoilers were wrong, because I read that Tarcy and Dillon are in the previews for Monday.

  5. Happy 4th ya'll!!!!

    I was just over at Hella Good, you know, just looking, at the Character Game, to see where Tracy is so far this morning when I noticed that this chick named hypoticeclipse (who always votes against Tracy) not only voted for our girl but wrote this, I thought it was funny:

    Lucky 95

    Patrick 11 -

    Sam 113

    Tracy 81 + oh I can't believe I just added there.. but Lucky is just not the Spencer Lucky anymore, Sam is well.....and Patrick..oy vey

    Yes, Tracy is now at 81 points good job everybody!

    Almost forgot, here are yesterday's clips, there is a bit of Stan and Lainey:


    Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, she also edited them.

  6. TL, thanks for posting Friday's clips! I can't wait to watch!!

    hooked, I loved your story :D

    MF, I like your hair short :) and the fact that you donated your hair is great!

    I have a few more spoilers for this week according to SoapZone:

    *Ned lays on Dillon a chance to get his foot through the door as a filmmaker, a gig as a director’s assistant on a movie he’s scoring.

    *Tracy doesn’t want Dillon to go. She isn’t ashamed to use guilt to try and force her son to stay put.

    *The guilt eats away at Dillon, plus there’s the unresolved feelings for Lulu. He lays his burdens down on Ned and Georgie.

    *Ned and Georgie remind Dillon to do what he needs to do to be happy for himself.

    *Georgie looks for Tracy at the mental asylum, gets Lulu, then gets her to help Dillon take this gig.

    *Lulu does her part to convince Dillon to follow his road. She closes the door on any romantic relationship between them, as added measure.

    *Of course, Lulu, and Georgie, and any of the Quartermaines, will miss Dillon terribly, but they know this job offer is good for him. So they bid him a fond farewell.

    *As the Quartermaine family members send Dillon off, Tracy bursts in.

    *Tracy begs Ned to stall the gig for Dillon.

    *Edward fails to strong-arm Lainey into putting her signature on some documents that would wrest sole control of ELQ from Tracy.

    I almost forgot, YAY to all those who have been playing The GH Character Game at Hella Good Tracy now has 64 points!!! :D :D :D

  7. Here are a few more spoilers for next week according to SON:


    Ned offers Dillon an opportunity of a lifetime, as Tracy lays on the guilt as to why Dillon shouldn't take the offer. Lulu, Georgie, and Ned try to convince Dillon to follow his dreams of being a filmmaker, regardless of what Tracy says. Lulu has to face her feelings for Dillon as he prepares to leave town. Lulu starts to push Dillon away for his own good. The family gathers at the mansion to say their goodbyes to Dillon, and Tracy makes an appearance all of them weren't expecting.

  8. Clips, clips, clips did somebody say they needed today's clips?!??!! Lainey was that you, or was that brownstonegirl who needed todays clips? Just kidding, here they are for your enjoyment:


    Clips provided by Isabella at S-M.net, edited by me!

    I also have to say that she looked really good today......her hair, make-up and even the recycled outfit wasn't too bad, considering it has been over a year since we saw it last. The only thing that bothered me was the jewels, since when do mental hospitals allow patients to wear all that bling! Oh well, the Tracy and Lulu stuff was good, but Alan and Scott got on my nerves. Grrrrrr! :angry:

    Good night ya'll!

  9. MinervaFan and hooked, I just realized that I never commented on your fics, well I loved them both! :D

    I take it Tracy was on today and she was in the previews for tomorrow. YAY!

    MagicHappens, thanks for posting the spoilers. Did anybody read the Ned/Tracy ones?? I also read at SoapZone (according to SOD) that Dillon leaves the week of July 9th but all spoilers I have read say that he says his farewell on Friday the 6th. Maybe this means that they drag it on till the following Monday? ;)

  10. I wonder if they are just sony vhs tapes and not professional ones if they would do it. I do have a VCR somewhere in one of my kids rooms, but I would rather them be on DVDs. I will keep checking...

    Hooked, I don't know how much Ritz Camera charges, but I bought a VCR/DVR combo at Wal-Mart for $89. It converts your VHS tapes to DVD. I will give you feedback on your story just as soon as I read it!

    BTW: Thanks to everybody for all the positive feedback on my vid!!!

  11. Happy Monday everybody!!! I guess i'm just happy because I played hookey from work and got a bunch of things accomplished. One of which was finally, finally, FINALLY finishing my Tracy vid. After months of working on it then putting it off its finally done, so enjoy:


    It started out being just a Tracy vid and ended up being a kinda/sorta Lacy vid.

    Lady Ashton, I am so happy you posted that episode of SoapTalk. I had every other episode that she was on except that one so thank you so much for posting it. :D

  12. Hey guys I've got a few spoilers for ya, these are for next week. We already know these, but the wording is a bit different :

    *Scott offers to drop the charges against Tracy if she tells him where Luke is, but she refuses.

    *Tracy confronts Scott with evidence about his son and threatens to expose his secret if he doesn't drop the kidnapping charges. At the same time, Lulu tells Logan she believes he's Scott's son.

  13. Guys I just realized that I didn't post yesterdays clips.....i'm slipping. I will post them as soon as I can tonight, I will be puppy sitting all weekend and since I can't leave her alone in my apartment with two very big kitties I will be a hermit all weekend, so I will be online. This puppy sitting thing is hard, thank goodness I don't have kids because I don't have the patience.

    Inyron, welcome to the Lovefest, :) we love newcomers!!!

  14. sidenote: does anyone have the clips for today? I know they'll be up later, but I thgouth I'd ask just in case. My VCR is on the wrong time again. Once a month it just decides to change its time on its own, which sucks for me. But it happens for about a week (always a great TQ week too!!) and it sets itself back no matter how many times I change it. I guess I need to get it fixed cuz it's driving me crazy

    knh and Lainey here are today's clips.



    Credit goes to Isabelle at Something-More.net, edited by me!

    TracyLuv I have to agree with you........our girl had many delectable expressions today her hair had a new kind of oomph and her make-up looked great. I didn't mind the clothes, I believe the jacket is new, but the clothes underneath, have been worn on a few occasions. I even liked the necklace. :)

    BTW: I like Diane too, anytime someone yells at Jason or Sonny is good in my book! :D

  15. OMG! Tracy looks so tired in those Media Net pics, she looks like she has been crying and all her eye make up came off.......poor thing :( I want to know why Skye and Ned look like they are about to roll their eyes while looking in Tracys direction grrrrr!!

    MinervaFan, I just read your story and of course I loved it!

    HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY ILTQ :) :) :)

  16. I have some good news for you guys.....according to SoapNet Tracy will be on tomorrow! Since we all know whats going to happen, this is what they say for tomorrow:

    *Tracy plays right into Edward's hands when she argues with Alan's ghost in front of Lainey, who later returns to the mansion with two orderlies ready to cart Tracy off to Shadybrook. Boo to Edward!

    AND they have this for Thursday:

    *Tracy digs herself in deeper.

    I also saw the new MediaNet pics that somebody posted to SoapZone but there were only 4 pics up and they were all of Sam/Liz/Carly/Sonny/Jerry etc., you know the boring people.

    **Edit, ok I just saw the pics...Ned was there, so was Dillon, Tracy, and Skye. In the pics Tracy's hair looks wavy but I can't tell what she is wearing except that it is red. My only question is why is Skye there?!?!?!?

    Here is the link:


  17. .

    I'm REALLY bored, ya'll. I'll just keep posting until somebody entertains me.... ;)

    Well MinervaFan, I am no entertainer but how about this......it seems like Adrianne Leone (sp?) was just let go from Y&R. It seems to me that this would be the perfect opportunity for BrookLyn to come back to Port Charles with her Daddy. Can you just imagine all the stories that could come from her coming back?? We all know how Tracy feels about being a grandmother, and the fact that since she is now fond of Lulu how would that make BrookLyn feel? Would Tracy treat her different?

    Hooked and angel, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmothers. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Carrie, don't worry about Lainey I will post any TQ clips for her.

    TracyLuv, I read the article at TV Guide.com about John Ingle, he said he went home from the hospital that same day, that he didn't eat all day and it was almost 90 degrees outside. I'm just glad he is doing ok.

  18. I am the single most horrible person in the history of the universe.

    Upon reading of John Ingle's collapse before the Emmy's last night, my first (honest) thought was, "OMG, Tracy's entire summer storyline is connected to Edward!" My second thought was, "OMG, that poor man. I hope he's okay." My third thought was, "Jesus, they do not need a real health crisis to deal with after all the fictional one's they've endured this year."

    Upon reading that GF took home the Emmy, my first (honest) thought was, "Oh, hell." My second thought was, "And she lost weight, damnit." My third thought was, "There goes LuNacy."

    Deb, I wanted to tell you that you are not a horrible person, I thought the exact same thing you did and in the order. I felt bad afterward for thinking it, but it was my first reaction. I read your "Catered Affair" story and I really liked it.

    Hooked, I liked you Father's Day story too! :) I was just about to post that last spoiler from SoapZone for the week of the 25th. I like the way they worded it too, it sounds very promising!

  19. I have a few spoilers for you guys:

    For next week:

    They are all pretty much the same but....here you go!

    *Tracy plays right into Edward's hands when she argues with Alan's ghost in front of Lainey — who later returns to the mansion with two orderlies, who take Tracy to Shadybrook.

    *Tracy's talks with Alan's ghost land the ELQ chief executive in the loony bin.

    *Meanwhile, after observing Tracy arguing with Alan's ghost, Lainey arrives at the Q mansion to take her to Shadybrook, just as Edward planned.

    For the following week:


    *Tracy discovers Lulu is the only one on her side.

  20. I finally have Tuesday's clips! :) I would have posted them last night but I was having internet connection problems. <_< Not to mention the fact that for some reason Hella Good had a delay in the dialogue AGAIN, and I had to go to Something-More to get the rest of the clips. Anyhoo, here they are:



    Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good & Isabella at Something-More.net

    BTW: I totally noticed that Alice is on Tracy's side, did anybody else hear that Alice said that "Mr. Luke needed somebody who would treat him like a prince"!?!?!?! I do believe that she was talking about Tracy doing that for/to him.

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