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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. I just want to let you all know that I wrote this big long post replying to just about everybody almost an hour and a half ago, (if you don't believe me, Hooked saw me online hehe) and when I hit send, my internet here at work crashed. Now I can't remember what I said but here is all I could remember:



    Ms.Q, I watched your little vid and thought it was really crazy all the clips you had of Tracy drinking. Have you ever heard that country song called Alcohol? That would be a fun vid to make, hint hint! :)

    I can't remember what else I wrote because now I have a bunch of work to catch up on, so I will try and post later, if I can! haha

  2. So we have ourselves a real life Tracy spoiler, sounds great! My only question is wasn't there also a rumor that she goes back into Shadybrook as soon as she gets out? As for the other "death" spoilers, well I will wait until they are confirmed my the mags before I believe them. Either way I haven't watched a full episode since August 15, so whatever happens is out of our hands.

    Ms.Q, I read your updated chapters of Oh, Baby and I can't wait to read more!!!! :) Two thumbs up!

    1. HI ALL!! I hope everybody had a great and safe Labor Day!

      I have a bunch of catching up to do, I tried to read all the posts I missed while I was gone this morning, but when I went to reply, I realized that I was so tired that I forgotten all that I read. :rolleyes: I'm going to go back and read them tonight when I get home and can pay better attention.

      I did get a chance to see your vids Ms.Q, and they were great! I also like your new banner.

      Gotta get back to work!

    2. I need to make this quick!

      Ms.Q, I loved the new updates of Oh, Baby! I also posted on the topics over at SOC. I miss the Q's as much as I miss Tracy. :(

      Deb, I read your story yesterday and I totally forgot to tell you how much I loved it!

      Hooked, yes with Tracy not on our screen I have been bored. I've gotten in the habit of editing her clips while at work! haha

      I don't know who else I missed but it is time for me to get off work, and I am typing as fast as I can. I am going away for the weekend, so I hope you all have a fun and safe Labor Day! Just a reminder that ABC is going to be showing an old episode of GH, so there is no possibility of Tracy being on, so don't worry about taping or even watching that day. OK I gotta go!

      Love ya all!


      PS. Yay to a three day weekend, well in my case four day weekend!

      PPS. If any of you are in town and will be by a computer don't forget to vote at Hella Good for our favorite couple.

      OK BYE!

    3. Boy has it been a boring couple of weeks without Tracy! The show seems to be getting dumber every episode, at least thats what I think from what I read over at Hella Good. I have to say without Tracy on I don't even attempt to watch and its been kinda nice.....they say ignorance is bliss, then I am living in bliss.

      As for all these vague Luke spoilers, I will believe them when it gets closer to October. Do we know when in October he is suppose to return??

      Sorta OT, but I had the craziest LuNacy dream last night. Luke was trying to win Tracy back, not knowing what to do, while at a charity function at the Metro Court in front of the entire town, he got on stage whispered to the DJ said, "this is for you spanky" and began to lip sing the song (La La La La La) Means I Love You! Tracy was completely embarassed with her head down covering her face. Luke jumped off stage and began to really sing (badly) walking toward her bending down to see her face as she began to look up Luke asked her to marry him for real this time. Sadly after that I woke up, but it was a nice dream. :)

      ETA: Page 414!

    4. I am a happy girl!!! :D :D :D

      I come into work this morning/afternoon to see not one but TWO new fics! Needless to say they were both wonderful! I don't want to get into too much detail on what I loved about them, incase there are people who have yet to read them, but I loved them. TL, this can't be your only fic ever!!

      A bit OT: but I was browsing the message boards over at SOC and it seems like our old pal Smirks is done with GH, not that I blame her, the only thing/person I watch now is Tracy and anyone who is directly connected to her.

      As for the Harry Potter game, while I will admit that I have not read the books and have only seen the movies, but I don't think Tracy belongs in Slytherin..........thats where Jason, Sonny, Carly, and Sam all belong. Aren't they "bad" Slytherin? Tracy should be in Gryffindor! :)

      Everybody have a great weekend!!!

      ETA: Page 411!

    5. Hey everybody!! Long time no see. :D Sorry but I went away for the weekend and my internet time was very limited. hmmmm lets see what did I miss?......

      Ms.Q, love the new banner! Oh, and good luck with the shoe shopping! (my fav thing, any excuse to but a new pair of shoes) As for Tracy's "Paul" hair in the 90's I can't say that I hate it that much, but I think the thing that bothers me is how dark it was. If there was a few highlights or even a shade or three lighter I would probably like it more. Just my opinion.

      Deb, loved the new ficlet!

      TracyLuv, while your job does seem like fun to an outsider, I can totally see your boredom and repetitativeness (is that a word?) in it, I used to work at a movie theater and had to tell people where their theater was for hours on end. BORING!

      As for the Character Game at Hella Good, I have to say that I am thrilled that the game was closed, I couldn't take it any longer. It was getting out of hand, on both ends.

      Oh and no Tracy today! :( And I was unable to find any spoilers for this week. grrrrrr!

    6. The last scene with Lulu, Scotty, Tracy, Logan was never properly wrapped up. Since all of Lulu's scenes tend to continue, I'm hoping this means at least a little bit of Tracy tomorrow.

      I have to agree with you Ms.Q, the scene did not seem finished and hopefully she will be on again tomorrow.

      Here is today's clips! Enjoy!


      Credit goes to Izzy from S-M.net edited by me!

      BTW: I liked the updated Quartermaine vid!!! :)

    7. *waves to nex* Nice post at SOC! Very, very classy. (Not that I expected anything else from you. :))

      EDIT #2: nex, I typed out another post at SOC and then saw your new one! LOL. You're such a hall monitor. :P Again, classy post and excellent points too! I wish I could be as "cool" about this as you, but alas...Orlando and I have a "long history" of arguing over this topic. It could be the next Spencer-Cassadine feud! Haha. I'll try and be good now.

      Sorry if I came off like a hall monitor, I just didn't want to see you two going back and fourth on the whole "did Genie deserve an Emmy or not" arguement. I saw the last time the two of you went head to head and I was feeling cranky yesterday and just wanted it to stop. Its a lose lose situation and I should have kept my nose out of it, but its alyays going to be a neverending battle between the LnL fans and LuNacy fans (or any other Luke pairing fan out there).

      On a better note Tracy is suppose to be on today, so that should be good!

    8. Ms.Q, Hope you had a good trip and had lots of fun. I just watched your vid and I loved it! It was just what I needed because what I am about to post has sent by blood pressure throught the roof. I got this from SoapZone in the news and gossip column. BEWARE!!!!

      Genie Francis will awaken Laura Spencer for another November Sweeps, and beyond this time. :angry::angry::angry:

      I have to say that I am going through some major LuNacy withdrawal and I am at that point that I don't want to watch anymore. All I have to say is that when Tony gets back in October his ass (pardon my french) better stay through the holidays I mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and especially New Year's. Otherwise I'm outta here!

      TracyLuv, to answer your question about the Character Game at Hella Good, while I did vote once and a while the race between Luke and Sam took forever to finish. And as for the couple game, I can't remember. ;) Sorry!

    9. Thanks you guys!!!

      Ms.Q, I don't think I ever gave you feedback on your recent vids, of course I loved them! I love AR vids, and your 'My Immortal' was great. Also that b*tch who made that comment about your 'I Will Be' promo vid......well I haven't heard from her so she must know to keep her big fat mouth shut. hehe! I think now I should post my Lacy promo vid that you challenged me to make on You Tube, its only about eight months old, but who cares. :)

    10. Happy Happy Birthday Carrie!

      Gald to have you back and that you had a good trip in Hawaii. Sorry but I will not be able to make it to the breakroom party tonight because I have to go to a Birthday part for a friend tonight. :( Have fun and eat lots of virtual cake and ice cream for me. :D Oh, and if you want to know where Diane Keaton lives so you can see her or at least her house next time you are in Laguna Beach, just let me know, because I saw her over the weekend chillin' with her kids!

      Ms,Q, I read your Oh Baby updates and loved them!!! And I can't remember if I gave you feedback on your vids here, but I did on You Tube, BTW I loved them.

      Ok gotta run!!!

    11. Hey all!!!

      I got a teeny tiny Tracy spoiler for you guys, this is for the week of 8/13/07. Also she is in the Media Net pics and I believe she is wearing the same "jacket" she wore back in January when she snuck up on Monica who was listening to Lulu/Dillon/Spinelli from the mansion hallway.

      Anyhoo, here it goes:

      Scott and Logan are pressured by Tracy to get DNA tests.

      I wish I had more. :(

    12. I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say.......

      Welcome back Ms.Q!!!!

      I cannot believe that you were actually gone for, what was it, six weeks? It seems like just yesterday you were saying goodbye to all of us. :) I'm glad you trip went well and I'm happy that you now can have ice in your drinks! haha :) You have been back one day and already made a new banner, which I LOVE by the way!

      Good to have you back!

    13. Ok, it seems like its been weeks but Tracy was on!!! I loved her new hair cut and I loved the new clothes. She looked awesome and the color of the jacket looked great on her. She really needs to be wearing more tailored jackets that tie around the waist because it really is her most flattering look. Anyhoo, here are today's clips.



      Credit goes to Isabelle at S-M.net edited by me!

      ps. Lainey I don't think today was Stuarts last day but I think it might be foreshadowing of his real departure. :(

      hooked, have a great time in Hawaii. I am so jealous.

    14. Hola! Ms.Q, hope everything is going good in Mexico, I'm sure you are counting down the days till your back in your own bed and in front of your own computer! 9 days right??? haha :D

      The actors who played Jimmie Lee Holt and Susan Moore, Rick Webber, Stuart Damon, John Ingle, Wally Kurth, Denise Alexander, John Riley, Rachel Ames, NLG, Bergen Williams, Natalia Livingston, Scott Clifton--no Jane Elliot or Robin Christopher.

      I cannot believe all those actors went to the Quartermaine brunch.....even all those non-Quartermaines showed up and Jane didn't? Whats up with that? ;) I should have gone, even if I had to go by myself, and asked where she was.

      As for today, while I was looking forward to seeing Jane on my tv, I think remos is right, they are a day behind because of Dillons Monday goodbye. At least they set up the reason she is getting out instead of just cutting to her out of Shadybrook.

      Hooked, I'd join you in the breakroon but I have to get back to work. :(

      **waves to Kenna, knh, remos, hooked and hotbdd34**

    15. Hooked, I just finished reading your ficlet and I thought it rocked!!!

      Remos, a plot bunny is an idea for a story or a concept!

      Tracy is on today, Tracy is on today, Tracy is on today!!!!! Thank goodness because I was going through some major withdrawal. :D

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