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Posts posted by nex4evr

  1. Sorry I had to make such an abrupt exit from the break room last night, but I forgot I had an errand to run before going to bed. (I forgot to pick up a cake for my co-workers birthday this afternoon)

    Here is the clips from yesterday's show:


    Credit goes to Lori Jo at Hella Good, edited by me.

    You guys are right, they did do a lot of editing because out of a 35+ min episode Luke, Tracy and the Q's were only on for exaclty 3min 8 sec. That is ridiculious!!! :blink: One stupid three stooges scene lasted longer than their whole story. :angry:

    Oh and here is the link for Soaps in Depth's readers poll again:


    I just thought they could use a little help.

  2. Thanks Nex...where did you get those cds? Did you have the original clips? I wonder if someone sells them like they do the GH edits. Thanks in advance for whenever you get a chance. No hurry!

    The cd's are mine. I am trying to clean up my computer because it is full of Tracy clips and vids! So I had to save them to cd's to make a bit more space. They are not my original clips, they were uploaded from someone here on this board. I just have a habit of saving everything to my computer, hence the clean up!

    ETA: Page 304!!!

  3. Nex...thanks for the URL (and thanks TL cause I know you would have posted it too.) Nex do you know anyplace that has old City clips from when Tracy was on that show? Someone thought you might have had some old clips. Or do you know anyone who has dvd edits of that show to purchase? Just curious.

    I will see what I have when I get home. I do remember that the clips I do have are in Real Player format and the screen is teeney tiny, but at least you can hear it. :) I'll check my cd's as soon as I get home, which might be pretty late. If I don't get home in time I will bring the cd's into work and post them tomorrow.

  4. Happy Monday!! I hope everybody had a great holiday and a great weekend. :)

    Hooked, here is the link for Jen B's GH edits:



    :D :D HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!! :D :D

    Ms.Q, thanks for posting the L&L wedding pics from Hella Good! I am so jealous of that girl. BTW: I love that pic and she looks great, the purse just adds color to the outfit! hehe!

    I have one question for anybody who can answer this.......according to SoapZone Luke and Tracy's hanky-panky is suppose to happen this week. Does anybody know what day? Because I thought that that was going to happen next week. For anybody who knows for sure, thank you in advance.


    Ms.Q, I am in awe........both of your vids were great and I just finished reading your fan fic, they were all awesome!!!

    Hooked, your fic was GRRRRRREAT!

    Lainey, high speed internet. YAY!!!! Isn't it great?!?! I'm so happy you finally got it!

    Well I am off to visit my family and eat tons of food, hope everybody has a great holiday!!

    I can't believe I forgot to post a happy birthday last night. I was on my computer cleaning up my Tracy clips when I noticed that it was her birthday.

    Lainey, one more day till high speed! I'm so excited for you, your going to LOVE it!

    MinervaFan, I think I like #1 and #4 the best in your vintage Jane pics.

    Hooked, um Hooters....nice, wholesome, and good wings! I'm sure your boys will have a ball!
  7. Whoa, two ficlets to read this morning put me in a good mood. Pinkpopsicle and MinervaFan I loved both of them.

    I think I have been to every message board this morning and it sounds to me like everybody enjoyed the Quartermaine's yesterday. Infact, it seemed like they were the only enjoyable thing about yesterdays show. Lord knows that I ffwd through everything else.

    I will say this, while it was good to see Tracy out of a recycled jacket, the one she had on yesterday left nothing to be desired. It looked like a robe and lets not forget the "heart of the ocean" necklace she had on with it, it was hideous! ;) But I have a theory to the over sized baggy clothes, I think when she and Luke are hanky panky-ing (is that a word) in two weeks we are all going to see just what she has been hiding under her robes. haha! Makes sense to me! :D

  8. I found a spoiler from Anon, not too sure if I like it:








    Luke cares for Tracy, but still is commited to laura! ME: seriously I think its time for Laura to die!

    The other spoilers sound like they could be pretty interesting. The thought of Tracy making a deal with Scotty "the devil himself" *rolls eyes* could be for Lulu's sake. (I think it might have something to do with her finding out about the rape) and she is trying to protect her......it could happen, right?

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that the drunk 'couple' that the spoilers are talking about is Lacy, they are the only 'couple' on the show, Robin and Nik are just pretending to be a couple, Jax and Carly are not a couple, and with Jason distressed about Liz and their baby *gag me* I can't see Jasam getting drink together. So it has to be Lacy!!! Either way it means that Tony has yet to go on vacation and thats good news because we all know that with Tony in town, Jane is going to be on. (I now its not fair, but just a reality)

    I just found another spoiler:







    Tracy remains on Lukes side in his battles with Scott. Me: sounds promising!

    Luke and Tracy are in the middle of some hanky panky when Scott interrupts. Me: Me likey!

    Tracy claims she is scamming Scott, when she and Scott strike a deal. Me: I don't know!

  9. Lainey, don't worry Tracy was not on today, so you have nothing to worry about.

    Ms.Q, thanks for posting the You Tube links of Tracy, I actually remember the one of Tracy leaving Marco at the airport, so sad :( I hope your mouth is feeling better, it was this time last year that I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out and it did not go smoothly, I spent time at urgent care and my face must have ballooned 3x its normal size, I looked like a cartoon character.

    Tracyluv, I hope the MRI finds out what the problem is! I'm the complete opposite I can't stand needles, I would much rather sit in a headlock for 30 min. Oh, and congrats on your 200th post! yay!

    I feel like I am never here anymore, I spend my weekends out and about so when I come into work on Mondays I have a ton of catching up to do. I don't know who or what I am forgetting but I do know that we are getting to the 300th page of this thread........that has to be some kind of record! We need to have a HUGH cyber party!!! :D

  10. Hooked, I loved your story...really, the writers should take a page from your story and go with it. I can totally see Lacy doing that!! :D

    Spoilers for next week via SON:






    The Quartermaines halt contesting Alan's will.

    Alan haunting Tracy intensifies.

    Hopefully this also means that Tracy's secnes intensify. *keeps fingers crossed*

  11. nex, thanks for the feedback. And yeah...totally not like Tracy at all, but I had clips for lyrics, LOL. You wouldn't happen to have any videos for us to watch in the near future, would you?

    What? Who me? *hangs head in shame* I have been working on a vid for a few months now but I haven't finished it. It funny that you brought it up because last night I was watching what I have so far and was thinking how I need to get off my butt and work on it. I actually was waiting for the whole Alan dying storyline to end before I went any further. I guess since his funeral has come and gone its time to get cracking on it. :)

    MinervaFan, I'm glad Fey is alright!

    Ms.Q, thanks for posting that clip of Nic and Em's wedding, Tracy was so funny and I can't believe she was needlepointing (is that a word?) before the ceremony, I mean who does that? Crack up funny! :D

  12. So last night I tried my best to catch up and read, watch, and listen to as mucha s possible.

    Ms.Q, I loved your new vid, Emotional isn't what I would call Tracy but that song totally worked. Also, thanks for posting April's spoilers, vague as they may be.

    MinervaFan, I liked your songs you can totally sing!

    Hooked, I read your ficlet of what should have happened after the L&L2 wedding and I just wish the writers would have done the same. I started to read Chance Encounters but I realized that I was a few chapters behind and I need to go back and read what I missed.

    LadyAshton, OMG the clips you posted are GREAT!!!!

    Even though I hate Paul I'm loving all the kissing! hehe

  13. Thanks for pointing me to that longer version. What did you search to find that? I never seem to find these unless they are fairly recently posted.

    Yes, you have lots of catching up to do...you will have time this week as according to Ms.Q, Tracy will not be on....Here's to hoping she is wrong! :)

    Basically to find as much as possible on You Tube you need to be specific as possible, if you try "General Hospital Tracy" you will get like 108 results. that is usually how I find anything "Tracy" related on that site.

    Yes, I have lots of catching up to do and soon as I go home tonight I will be up to par. :D

    Also, check this out!


    Dillons christening!

  14. WOW! It seems like I have a bunch of catching up to do. There are lots of clips to download, fics to read, music to listen to, and a vid or two to watch. :) I swear I will comment on all as soon as I get a chance.

    Ms.Q and smirks, I love the new banners and I love all the green. Thanks for posting the clip of Tracy and baby Dillion leaving town from You Tube but did anybody check out the full 10 minute clip of Tracy saying goodbye to Ned, Lila, and AJ?.......well here it is!


    ETA: page 293!!!

  15. OMG!!!!! After watching, downloading, editing and rewatching todays show I cannot believe that nobody mentioned the fact that you can see Tracys bra!!! Go back and watch, just as Tracy asks Luke to get her purse, I swear you can see the top of her bra. I think her shirt is not a shirt but a scarf that was tucked into her jacket. Check it out! :)


    Credit goes to Shazzer edited by me!


    Ms.Q, I think you were right as Tracy entered to Spencer home she was smiling, I think she was smiling at Lucky and she kinda half waved at him. He was the only person in that general direction so I am going with Lucky. :D

  16. It seems like I have a ton of catching up to do, hmmmm where to begin:

    Lainey I FLOVED "Dry" I read it last night when I should have been in bed. :)

    MinervaFan I LOVED your story too! :D

    Regency I hope everything still works on your computer, damn power surges!

    Ms.Q, I am so happy that you posted your vids on You Tube, I have tried to comment on as many as possible.

    Hooked, so glad you had a good vacation in San Francisco and Tahoe. I also have to finish reading the rest of your awesome story.

    I think I covered everything. Heres hoping Tracy is on today!!!!

    **waves to HEmfan4ever who is lurking**

  17. Ms.Q, you just keep poppin' out those vids! You put the rest of us to shame. *hangs head* Anyhoo, I really liked it, even if Ashley Tisdale (sp?) chopped up the song. I loved your use of the graphics, very cartoon like, it totally made it fun! :)

    To answer your question as to weather or not Tracy is going to be on again this week, I say YES! She has to be, we can't go back to her being on just one day a week! I do know that she was not on today, but thats all I know. :(

  18. Woohoo, tomorrow I get the internet! I'm so excited!

    Anyone ready to go AWWWWW? :wub:Click Here for a photo of Jane Elliot and one of the babies that play Molly. Baby looks a little like, "OMG, who is this crazy lady that is holding me?" (LOL!), but it's still cute. Photo came from the Dever Girls Official Site, that someone on SOC linked to.

    Awwwww, what a adorable pic, that baby is so cute. I noticed that that pic has to have been when they were filming the Christmas episode, because that was the last time Jane wore that jacket and Molly is wearing a Christmas-y dress.

    As for that spoiler, I really doubt its anything to get upset about, that is if it even plays out! You know how tptb like to edit!

    Oh and congrats on your 1300 post Ms.Q!

  19. LOOK!!!! She is wearing the same green suit she wore back in....June? Remember the "you robbed robbers to rob yourself" tongue twister? It looks to me like she lost a LOT of weight because that suit fits her completely different now. I think Lainey was right, she is losing weight getting ready for her Lacy hot monkey sex scenes! :D

    Thanks for posting the pics Ms.Q!!!

  20. *crickets chirp*

    Where is everybody?!?!? I went to post yesterday but by the time I hit the Add Reply button the site had gone under construction. ;) Sorry, I haven't been around but I spent my entire weekend moving to my new apartment. I have so much crap in boxes and I am just dredding going through them. As of now I currently have no internet, cable, or phone and let me just say its like living in the stone ages. The cable people are coming on Thursday so hopefullly I will be around again to join in the breakroom in the evenings.

    Shhhhhhhh, I am so going to get fired for this but I have been downloading clips and vids to my work computer so I can later put them on my computer! :) I have tried my best to hide them by putting them within a folder in a folder. hehe! I hope nobody finds them!

    Ms.Q, I LOVED your new vid!!!

  21. THANK GOD!!! this site is back up, I was going crazy yesterday. :blink:

    WOW! How scrumptious was that HUG!!!??? Can't we get ANYTHING hot without it being interrupted? arrgghh! I thought the way their heads were positioned as Luke pulled her up, that they were going to kiss, then I see Tracy's head shift, and I am like NOOOOOO don't move your head!!!!! LOL

    I was thinking the exact same thing when he helped her up off the couch, I thought they were going to kiss.....and then nothing. :( Oh well, there is always today! Right? :D

    Ms.Q thanks for posting the past two days episodes, I was editing them last night and was going to post them but the site was still not up.

    Can I just say how much I am loving the LuNacy love on other boards!

  22. I did LOVE the way SHE pulled Luke into her today, and then put her cheek to his, and inhaled. As if his mere closeness gives her the sustenance needed to get through the day.... LOVED IT! Thing is.. that is all JE, not Guza.

    I agree with Lainey! Lacy ROCKED today!!!!! See, if they just give them a chance I believe they can actually become a loving couple. I can't help but wonder if with Scotty back in town and constantly snarking at Luke about how evil Tracy is and him constantly coming to her defense, that it might finally click in that thick skull that he is in love with his wife.

    Today's episode could have been better and should have lasted longer but overall the focus was.......Tracy! hehe! :lol: I think the only part of the show that made me cry was the short conversation between Edward and Tracy. The montage was pretty good but they used the same scene of Alan and Lila that they used for her funeral <_< they could have used something new, you know be a little creative.

    Is it wrong for me to say that I am so sick and tired of Jason and Sonny that I kinda want something bad (not serious, well maybe a little serious) to happen to them in real life, that would keep them off the show for a few weeks errrrr.......months? Does that make me a bad person? Becasue really I can't take it, I spend the whole show giving them the finger. I want Sonny to die and I want Jason to choke on his "grief" if you can call it that. Sorry, its late and I'm cranky!

    Before anybody asked I decided that I would just post today's episode. I edited out as much as possible (Sonny/Carly, Jason/Liz, and the Spencer's) so enjoy! :)


  23. Where is everybody!!!!! I've just been to 4 message boards and they all say that aside from St. Jason, that today's episode focused on Tracy, even more than Monica! I can't wait to go home and watch!!!!

    I did read however, that the memorial was too short and very disrespectful of Stuart Damon. :(

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